Victoria's Secrets


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As he had played the virgin Joker card, Alex ignored his lustful desires to leap onto her and have his wicked way with her. He wanted to honour her trust in him. She lay down propped up on a few cushions, only her head peeking over the duvet, with a little tent halfway down.

"I can either join you and we can sleep ... or ... you can shout if you want me to stop."

Vicky looked puzzled, not sure where this was going, but she didn't confirm either way. After her table fantasy, Alex knew what compromise would return the pleasure and satisfy his playing of the joker before he left in the morning.

Alex rolled the duvet off her small, dainty, soft feet and started massaging each foot. Her toenails were an erotic blood-red colour rather than the neutral varnish on her fingernails. He kissed her toes, sucking on them, taking his time and kissing each foot.

"Mmmm, no tickling," she giggled.

Alex worked his way under the duvet, kissing slowly up her calves, spreading her thighs to let her know his target. Whilst kissing her legs, he also massaged his hands up and down the backs of each one. She surprised him by flicking the duvet clear off her. This gave him a full view along her length, with little Mike standing to attention between him and her huge grin. Her legs twitched with each kiss and the tip of her shaft acted like an excite-meter reacting to every twitch or squirm of her pleasure.

Alex had to ignore his own excite-meter as he's had his turn. As he worked his way up her, she gave little moans of pleasure, which he interpreted as acceptance and continued. He reached his goal and teased her by licking the creases inside her thighs, then her balls. Before he knew it, he'd sucked her soft balls into his mouth, trying not to squash the precious cargo inside.


Alex looked up at her, looking down at him. She nodded, pleading with her eyes. He popped her balls out of his mouth, licking his tongue from the base of her balls up to teasing her naked tip.

"Oooo please Alex, please." Her voice reflected the pleading of her eyes.

Alex wrapped his lips around her naked tip and crown, causing her to shiver. He looked up through her boobs to see her face lit up with her eyelids fluttered and her hips twist. Her hands stroked his head. Knowing now what Vicky was experiencing as he held her in his mouth, he wanted to repay her in spades.

"MMmmm, don't stop," She whispered.

It wasn't as easy as it looked on porn videos for Alex to take her entire length in his mouth. Despite her not looking that big. He soon found enough saliva to bob up and down on her. Sucking her in as deep as he dared to avoid his sick trigger. He guessed how to notch this up further. Reaching up to her soft mounds, he caressed them, teasing her button hard nipples.


Sliding his right hand down, he squeezed it under her cheek to find her rear entrance. He gently teased around her winking muscle with a finger.

"Oooooh, yeeeees, I would never have expected this in a million years ... Mmmm"

Alex got a little over-enthusiastic and pushed a little too hard with his finger.

"Ooh, stop! Lube will help if you are going that far. Over on the dressing table, there is a bottle."

Alex glanced over to her dresser, "You are joking, right? It's like a chemical plant over there."

Vicky laughed and pushed passed him, jumping off the bed and grabbed a mug sized hand pump bottle. She then ran to the door and turned the dimmed lights up a little brighter.

"If you are going to do this, I want to see you blow me." She grinned, anticipating the pleasure to come.

Her little wet soldier bobbed with her boobs as she skipped back to the bed with feminine grace. Handing him the bottle, she settled back into her original position. Propping a cushion under the small of her back gave him clear access to her back door. With a big blob of lube on his middle finger, he reached for her winking eye.

"MMmmm. Nice and slow or I won't last long," Vicky warned.

Alex's finger teased the lube around her entrance as he settled back down between her legs. He started licking her naked shaft tip that now tasted a little salty. A pop welcomed little Mike back into his mouth. Once again engulfing his head and started sucking. He applied a little pressure to her rear and his finger slipped inside her.

"Oooo MMmmm nice ... Mmmm."

Alex eased his finger further as he dropped his mouth as deep as he could onto her. He kept his finger and mouth cycling in unison. With practice, he found he could go deeper with his mouth and engulf her whole. After a few cycles, Vicky was arching her back and raising her hips in reaction to his endeavours.

"Mmmm, faster." Vicky pleaded.

He upped his tempo, glancing up at her to see her mouth open and her eyes looking down at him.

"I'm going to cum, I'm ... oh ... oh... yes ..."

Alex thought Vicky meant it as a warning. However, he wouldn't leave her short-changed and wanting, so he continued to finish her pleasure.

He felt a slightly salty taste, so he plunged once more. Her eyes grew to the size of dinner plates. She arched her back and omitting a wild scream. A huge geyser of salty fluid pulsed into his mouth. It surprised him to enjoy being forced to swallow her seed as he gagged. Further bursts followed for him to swallow again and again as she seemed to cum in pints. He kept her in his mouth to make sure she was finished and deflating.

"Oh Alex, that was fucking marvellous, but don't swallow it all come and kiss me," Vicky gasped.

He moved upwards, letting her now deflating shaft slip and flop out of his lips. They kissed, allowing her cum to pass between their tongues. She was still tense from her orgasm, running her hands up and down his body and his down hers. Her nipples dug into him, so he slipped down to suck and nibble on each one, causing Vicky to emit little squeals of delight.

Vicky rolled Alex over onto his back and lay on top of him. Her hips lay on his with their swords next to each other. He enjoyed having Vicky's tripod of limp sword and boobs on him. She curled up with her head on his chest, stroking his body and arms with her fingertips. He cupped her bum cheek in his one hand and massaged her shoulders and back with the other.

As Alex felt her back chill, he pulled the duvet over them both. Vicky wriggled and snuggled on him in the warmth. Before they knew it, they both plummeted into deep drink induced slumbers.

All too soon a soft alarm rang from Vicky's phone playing music.


"Mmmm hi gorgeous."

Vicky rotated under the duvet to face Alex, their limbs intertwining. Having never slept naked with anyone before, her soft skin sent ripples of delight around him. He felt comfortable with the now-familiar tripod of her body against Him. He tried to find any excuse to cause her skin to brush against his, squirming and snuggling as they pecked kisses on each other.

"I was more tired or drunk last night than I realised. It felt that all I did was blink, then the alarm was going off. Thanks for understanding last night. You don't mind, do you?" Vicky asked, although her voice quivered with nerves.

"No, there is no rush. We can always shag like rabbits next weekend to make up for it." Alex laughed, bringing up an old joke.

"You can shag rabbits if you like, but it will get you arrested," Vicky laughed back. "I would like us to leave the apartment at least once or go see some sights though."

"No worries, whatever you decide. It can be a post Valentine's weekend for you to take advantage of me and ravage me in the evenings," He laughed.

"You are just a wonderful friend ... boyfriend ... or lover?" Vicky fished.

"I would love to be both your friend and lover," Alex responded.

Vicky squealed and cuddled in close, pecking him with kisses. He avoided the temptation to initiate a sexual advance with them both growing unintentionally. But later she will be off for a day's work, whereas all he had to do was sit on a train.

"I want to enjoy you being in my bed a little longer, so I'll shower soon" Vicky said snuggling deeper into Alex.

"I'm enjoying being in your bed."

"I never thought I would ever hear you say that."

"You shower when you are ready."

"I'm glad I didn't dream yesterday. Now I have your number. I will pester you until next Friday."

"You pester away and we can always talk online in the evenings." Alex thought it is far better than gaming.

"Next week will drag until I see you again," Vicky responded sadly.

"Yeah, I'm already looking forward to next weekend." He wasn't lying, wondering how empty next week will be without her.

"Me too."

Soon Vicky got up, "Sorry we need to get moving, or we will have to rush."

He peeled away to let Vicky slide out of the bed and enjoyed watching her rear profile pad across the room heading for the shower. Seeing her half limp member waggling as she walked was as exciting as seeing her boobs.

Once he heard the door close on the bathroom, he lay there remembering her body, smelling her scent, still lingering on the duvet and pillow. Enjoying stroking himself, then getting up before he got too excited. He pottered around, making cups of tea in his boxers.

"The showers' free." Vicky's voice came as she dived into her bedroom. Alex grabbed a pair of clean boxers from his backpack and dashed in. Emerging later, he found Vicky in the kitchen in a white bathrobe and a towel wrapped around her head.

"Haha. Very sexy boxers. What do you fancy for breakfast?" She asked.

"Haha, thanks. The cook?"

"Haha, very droll."

"I'll eat whatever you having."

"I was going to just do scrambled egg on toast with some bacon, as it will be a long day for me."

"Perfect," Alex answered. He pulled on a clean T-shirt out of his backpack and his jeans, as his stomach rumbled.

He sorted out a second round of tea, darting around Vicky whilst she cooked and then laid the table. Soon they were both sat eating. He watched her tongue search out her lips again and pondered on how she seemed so much more at ease this morning.

"No tomato sauce?" Vicky teased.

"I wasn't expecting there to be any here in the metropolis." Although he was too hungry to care.

"No text from your mum about your Valentine?"


"I can't believe you aren't bothered." She said in disbelief, not teasing but frustrated.

Alex shrugged, "It's been six years, it can't be life or death or they would have got in touch, they obviously have my address."

"Some mystery lover could be distraught waiting for your call and come to her rescue?"

"Nah, it's Virgil stringing a joke out."

"Oh! You're impossible." Her voice had gone up an octave, throwing her hands up in the air in disbelief.

Alex's mind span in confusion for the reason for her display, then he remembered her interest yesterday. Whether he still lived at home and whether he had received this years ... Reality hit him like a sledgehammer. In shock, he pointed at her.

"V ... V ... for Victoria or Vicky?" Alex gasped in shock, seeing her look at him questioningly, "My mystery Valentine's Day cards, all with a red lipstick kiss and a 'V' as the signature?"

Vicky, smugly pleased at his outburst, slowly nodded, confirming her as the originator of the cards.

"After the ski trip to Austria, I've sent you a Valentine's Day card every year." She looked relieved her secret was finally out.

"That was six years ago. Oh My God, that means you sent the first card whilst you were still Mike?"

She almost whispered, "I told you I had a crush on you. After our first date with the pizza's, I had to send one. I couldn't sign a card as being from Mike, though. I loved the name Victoria, but now prefer Vicky. So came up with the lipstick kiss and 'V' idea. With my mum being a friend of yours, it was easy to find out your address and post it."

This time Alex wasn't trapped in a cafe gondola. Leaping out of his chair, he dashed to her and pulled her up, hugging her tightly. They kissed passionately, both of them relieved for him to have finally found his mystery Valentine. They stood there laughing and teasing each other about this last secret.

Soon they both had to get a move on. Alex cleared the plates and tidied up. Afterwards, he found the bedroom door open and couldn't resist watching. Vicky was sitting at her dressing table in her bathrobe with her arms flying around if she was directing an orchestra. Her hairdryer caused her hair to billow and blow around like a 70s rock video.

Seeing Alex in the mirror, she enjoyed his attention, wearing that elfin smile of hers. Standing up, she dropped her bathrobe on the bed to reveal her wearing a nice matching white plain bra and passion killer pants. She slipped on a delicate silk plain camisole that seemed to flutter down over her shoulders. Even dressing she was erotic.

"Little Mike tucked away?"

"Yes. But this helps also," Vicky reached down and produced what looked like thickly padded white cycle shorts. She struggled to step into them and pulling them up as they were so elasticated. Once up, the padding on the shorts helped sculpt her waist and cheeks.

"Isn't that cheating?"

"No. It's a way of giving me more feminine hips, which helps when wearing pencil and business skirts."

"Wow, your figure is gorgeous with or without them," Alex remembered last night's vision of seeing her naked. She beamed and in replied by giving him an enticing waggle of her hips.

All too soon they were walking down to the tube station together to stand in the concourse.

"This is my platform," Vicky pointed at one set of ticket barriers, "And that is yours," pointed at a separate set of barriers.

The pair enjoyed their last a prolonged hug and Alex whispered in her ear, "Yesterday was just the best Valentine's Day ever. I'm so glad you shouted out to me and I will miss you all next week."

"Ditto my knight and lover. I will pester you and the week will drag. Hopefully, Friday will come soon enough." She glowed and her voice exaggerated the 'L' word.

They chuckled and kissed. Alex watched her disappear down the tunnel.

Once in Paddington, he saw dad sat on a bench waving, so went over and sat with him.

"Hey, so you stayed the night?"


"Good night?"


"You're not going to tell me anything then?"

"Nope. Except I'm returning on Friday."

"Haha, you know your mother will want details?"

"Yeah. But not now."

Once their platform displayed on departures, they trudged off to the train. Vicky

found enough time to send Alex 3 texts during the journey.

Once back at home, Alex saw the 6th red card addressed to him propped up in the hallway window. He grabbed it and ran up to his bedroom. Opening it, he found it was identical to all the others. Deciding he'll keep this one, giving it pride of place on his bedside table.

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MaryFrancis36MaryFrancis3624 days ago

Loved it! It’s a great story, very believable and well written. I’ll be reading the other parts right now!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I didn't want this story to end. Utterly briliant and captivating.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

What a fabulous tale absolutely loved the whole series. I do hope you will be writing more of these two lovers 💖

Iac1886Iac188612 months ago

Loved this, and the series that has followed it.

SatyrDickSatyrDickabout 1 year ago

[Revenge of the 6th 2023]

Muy Romantique!


Sunnydaze361Sunnydaze361over 1 year ago

Such an amazing story! Vicky and Alex meeting by chance, reconnecting and becoming a couple - thanks for giving us an opportunity to see such passion, acceptance and love!! 5⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Bipluglover70Bipluglover70over 1 year ago

What a great story!!

Nasty56Nasty56almost 2 years ago

A modern day romance, outstanding!

Krissy_SKrissy_Sabout 2 years ago

WOW! Excellent story Nell, absolutely loved this opening to Vicky and Alex. sympathetically told and lots of great incidental detail. When it came, the naughty finale to their reacquaintance was told in a tastefully erotic way...certainly had me tingling in all the right places...Looking forward to reading the rest of their adventures now!

Thanks, Krissy 💋

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

WOW! Great story Nell! Loved the incidental detail and the sympathetic telling of the story and the punch, when it came was so very erotic...Certainly had me tingling in all the right places.

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