Was I Becoming a Slut? Pt. 01

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A first part of an ordinary woman’s journey into being used.
3.5k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 01/24/2024
Created 09/21/2023
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My first attempt at writing something on here. It's planned to be a series of episodes about a woman finding her way after her divorce. Unfortunately it's a downward spiral into some pretty dark places, largely hidden from her family and friends. Anyway we'll see how it goes. I'd appreciate any positive feedback, but don't make it anonymous.

The genre may vary between episodes.


The immediate years after my divorce were pretty tough. I kept the marital house for a few years, but it eventually became too expensive to run. I managed to keep my business going working from home and Jon and I got to the stage where we finally agreed to sell the house in order to afford a smaller one which would be cheaper to keep going, and he moved into a smaller flat with his new woman.

My house was big enough for me and Jake, my teenage son, and I was really lucky with the neighbours. On one side, there were the Richardsons, a couple in their late sixties, and on the other were Debbie and Tom, a couple around my age in their late forties, early fifties.

I got on well immediately with Debbie. Physically she was very different to me. Tall, slim, auburn hair, a few freckles, and generally a figure that men noticed.

I was average height, average figure, average most things, but blonde, with a pair of rather nice breasts, although I say so myself.

Tom was Debbie's second husband so she knew all about the trauma of divorce and balancing a budget. He was over six feet, salty grey hair, quite muscular and fit, as his regular trips to the gym would testify.

Within weeks we were having coffee together most days. She was a hairdresser, sometimes working out of her house and sometimes visiting clients in their own homes.

I was an accountant, having set up my small business a few years before my split.

"When does Jake go to university?" Debbie asked one morning as we shared a coffee.

"If he gets his grades then at the end of September." I replied rather wistfully.

"You'll miss him," Debbie was watching the expression on my face.

"Yes, but it's best for both of us, he can spread his wings, and not be 'mothered,' and I can have my freedom."

I smiled and added, "Not that freedom generally means much to me."

Debbie chuckled, "You can finally get yourself a man!"

I looked up and grimaced, "You think so? All that emotion, fretting, dating the unknown, I haven't had a man since... well I'm not going to admit it to you!"

Debbie burst out into giggles, "You're serious aren't you, how can you live without sex?"

"Very easily, just a regular supply of batteries!"

We both erupted in laughter with Debbie adding, "Tell you what, I'm going to make it my mission to get you laid."

My immediate reaction was "NOOOO! If that's your plan you'd better think again."

Debbie finished her giggling and decided not to push it anymore, however it was the very next day that she came round to defiantly say, "Me and you are going out on the town on Saturday."

"What do you mean, out on the town?" The idea filled me with trepidation.

Tom's away on a footballing weekend, so me and you are having a meal together at the 'Belmont,' get a nice dress ready and we can have a night out together. You do really need to get out more, and I expect Jake will be okay at home won't he?"

Debbie was bouncing up and down with energy and in a weak moment I sort of gave in and said 'yes okay.'

"But we're not going out on the pick up," I insisted, "I know what you said, besides you're a married woman, I hope you've told Tom what's happening?"

"He suggested it!"

I was shocked, "Jesus Debbie, have you two been discussing my sex life?"

"Maybe," she giggled again, "he said you're a real life 'Milf!"

"Oh my god!" I was imagining their conversation as I sat down on a kitchen stool.

Debbie was grinning. "That doesn't mean he wants to fuck you, although I wouldn't put it past him." She coughed! "But he said you need to get a man and someone with your looks should have them queuing up."

"Hmmm, that's very nice of him to say so, but last time I looked out the front door there was no queue!"

The excitement settled down and it was agreed that we'd book a table for eight 'o clock and a taxi for seven, giving us enough time for a drink before our meal.

My feelings were mixed, excited to be going out for a change, but the usual anxieties about what to wear. I finally settled on a light cotton dress that showed off both my legs and a bit of cleavage, not that I was encouraging any lecherous looks.

Jake was being as supportive as possible, urging me to 'go for it,' was how he put it, so I had both my hair and nails done first thing on Saturday morning.

"Fuck, I've got competition," Debbie said quietly as I arrived back and she met my car in the drive.

"It's not a competition," I replied, "it's a meal out with a friend!"

"Yes, but we both need to look like 'Milfs!"

I scoffed and tut-tutted and went indoors while Debbie made her way out to the shops.

I think even Jake was a bit gobsmacked when I presented myself ready for the taxi at 7pm. Although I'd stopped short of anything like false eyelashes I'd not got myself up like this for several years, even going as far as shaving certain intimate regions. I found that funny, as the last time I'd been seen stark naked was one of my 'angry revenge' nights around the time of my divorce.

"Bloody hell, you look gorgeous," Debbie said as I arrived next door to await the taxi.

"You look pretty good yourself," I replied as I found her in a subtle green dress, which fitted quite tightly around her body.

Both of us wore highish heels making her close to six feet tall. I wasn't exactly the poison dwarf, but my boobs were certainly bigger than hers.

When we walked into the bar at the Belmont several heads turned and it made us both feel pretty good.

"What are we drinking?" Debbie asked.

"Let's get a bottle of white and we can take it into the restaurant with our meal," I suggested.

As we were standing at the bar, waiting to order, there was a voice behind us.

"You two ladies on your own tonight?"

We both turned and standing there were two guys, perhaps thirty years old, but anyway several years younger than us. The one who spoke had a cocky look on his face and the other guy stood next to him, with a slightly arrogant smile.

"Yes we are as it happens," replied Debbie, "but we're talking business."

"Ah, big business," he said sarcastically, as though it was impossible for two women to even contemplate the idea.

"Yes, now go away and bother someone else!"

I was astounded by the aggressive way Debbie replied, but it had the right effect because with a murmuring, dismissive remark, they turned and left.

"Jesus Debbie, and you haven't even had a drink yet!" I stifled a chuckle.

"They can fuck off," she whispered as the barman brought us two glasses of Sauvignon and told us that he'd send the bottle through to the restaurant.

We sat at a table in the window and looked at the menu before we made our way to our table. Several guys with their partners couldn't help giving us surreptitious glances as we passed by. It made me feel like a new person and I positively glowed.

"I think we've made an impression, there are several guys in here lusting after us. That old boy over there, I bet he's worth a few bob," I observed.

Outrageously I watched Debbie cross and recross her legs, each time showing a large expanse of thigh. The 'old boy,' as I called him, nearly fell off his chair and I'm sure his wife asked 'what the matter was.'

"Stop it Debbie, I didn't know you were quite like this!"

We both chuckled and got on with our meal. By the time we'd had our starters we were ordering another bottle of wine, and when we'd got to our coffees two bottles had disappeared and we'd ordered a liqueur.

"Let's have these out in the lounge," she suggested and so we made our way to a comfy sofa near to the large conservatory.

"That was superb, and I've eaten too much," I said.

"Yes, and drunk too much," Debbie was in a giggly mood now.

Both of us were talking quietly, close up together, for fear of others around us hearing our sarcastic remarks about almost everyone else in the hotel.

"Look at her, talk about a big ass in that dress!" Debbie whispered.

"Stop it, she'll hear!" I giggled, speaking into her shoulder beside me.

"Hello you two, still discussing business?"

It was the 'pain in the ass' guy who'd been in the bar before our meal.

"No, actually," Debbie replied, this time in a calm tone of voice. As she spoke her hand lowered down and rested on my thigh, which I thought a bit odd. I didn't react and waited for the guy to respond.

"Might we join you?" he gestured probably thinking his luck might be in.

"I don't think there's any point," Debbie said and turned towards me.

With her hand she reached up and placed it carefully under my hair and behind the nape of my neck, drawing my head towards her before kissing me gently full on the lips, holding me there for what seemed like so many seconds.

As she pulled away, the guy's expression said everything. He just nodded knowingly and turned and left with his friend.

"Surprising how you can make guys think they stand no chance," Debbie said. She was chuckling while I was still shell shocked with the taste of her lipstick on my tongue.

"Ohhhhh Louise, you looked surprised, that's an old trick I used to use when I was single."

I was blushing bright red and conscious of people around us watching what had just taken place.

"Did you enjoy it?" she teased, placing her hand back on my thigh and squeezing ever closer to me on the sofa.

"Fuck!" I gasped quietly, "I wasn't expecting it at all."

"But did you enjoy it!" Debbie repeated, this time giggling uncontrollably, and it was clear that the alcohol was taking effect.

"It was different," was all I could think to say, although my heart was still racing.

Debbie was fidgety and had finished her liqueur, "Come on Louise, let's get a taxi home, unless you wanna go to a club?"

I was drunk, and so was she, we both knew that we wouldn't make it to a club. Both of us settled the bar tab and meal, paying half each of what was quite a large bill. The concierge ordered us a taxi and clinging to each other we made what was probably a less than elegant departure from the hotel.

As we arrived back outside Debbie's house she suggested, "Come in for coffee, it's still only 11.30 and Jake will probably be in bed."

I'd sobered up a little and replied, "Okay just a coffee, but no more alcohol!"

Once inside I kicked off my heels and slouched onto the sofa while Debbie went into the kitchen to percolate the coffee. I heard the coffee grinding and was aware that she'd gone upstairs, I thought maybe she'd gone to the loo.

When she did return via the kitchen, and with two mugs of coffee, she was wearing a dressing gown.

"I had to get out of that dress, it was cutting me in two."

"Too much to eat," I laughed.

Debbie put the mugs down, one at either end of the sofa on small side tables. She almost fell down beside me saying, "Oh fuck, that's better, I'm knackered."

"We've eaten and drunk too much," I remarked and added, "I wonder how the football weekend's going?"

"I bet they're more drunk than we are!"

"All those men!" I giggled, 'is Tom ever tempted?"

"You mean, other women? I don't think so, otherwise I'd chop his balls off!"

I pretended a horrified look, and then laughed, however Debbie continued.

"We've been really open with each other, it's a second marriage for both of us and we promised we'd tell each other everything."

"I wish Jon and I had been like that," I said wistfully, "you mean absolutely everything?"

"Can you keep a secret?"she whispered.

Debbie's voice sounded conspiratorial.

"Yes?" I said, wondering what was coming.

"We went to a swingers club a few weeks back."

"What? You mean a proper one ... where you swap partners?"

I was flabbergasted, I'd never known anyone do that.

"Yes, we went just to look, some friends of ours told us that they'd been, just to look, and it really spiced up their sex life."

I sat there open mouthed, waiting for Debbie to say something more.

"And did it? What was it like, what did you see?" I was now inquisitive to know a lot more.

"We came home and had the best sex for ages!"

"Yes but what did you see?"

Debbie was chuckling and seemingly cuddled up to me, "You really want to know?" she teased.

"Yes I do, were there people having sex, tell me?"

"Ha ha, yes of course, but not in the bar where we were. We went to a couple of different rooms and watched, it felt really weird."

"What sort of people were they?"

"All sorts, all ages...," she paused, raising her eyebrows before asking, "Louise is it turning you on, me telling you this?"

"Nooooo, I'm just curious," I lied.

Debbie was giggling again.

"I think it is, like that kiss did."

My heart skipped a beat, and I knew exactly what she meant. It seemed a very confusing moment.

"Come here," she said it quite quietly, and did exactly what she'd done earlier. Her hand went behind my neck and pulled me closer. When her lips touched mine it was very soft and I found myself unable to resist what was happening. One moment both our lips were pressed against each other, then her lips were sucking at my bottom lip and then her tongue was slowly sliding over mine.

It was many, many seconds before our mouths parted.

"Now say you didn't enjoy that."

I was breathless and struggled to say anything, but croaked, "This is wrong."

"No it's not," she whispered, "it's just a little bit of fun, nice fun."

Our mouths closed over each other once again, and I felt Debbie's tongue darting over mine.

I felt weak, I felt inebriated, I felt helpless to all that was happening. I was conscious of Debbie's dressing gown falling open and her only wearing a bra and panties underneath.

"We mustn't," I repeated, only to be smothered in kisses again.

Why I didn't push her away I'm not sure, but when I felt her hand under my dress and on the bare skin of my thigh I pulled my mouth away from hers.

"No, Debbie, please."

She looked me directly in the eyes from a few jnches away and muttered, "You want to, I know you do."

The next kiss made me feel powerless, it was the combination of alcohol, Debbie's Chanel perfume and the way she smoothed her finger tips up and down my inner thigh.

I guess I succumbed completely and somehow my legs spread apart, and inevitably I felt her fingers smooth over my mound through the fabric of my panties. She ran her fingers nails along the line of my pussy lips and I knew how moist I was becoming.

My body moved forwards wanting even more contact as her tongue played with mine. The kisses were sometimes soft, sometimes demanding, and between them our breathing was uneven and a little desperate before the next one.

"Ohhhhhhhh... noooooo!" I pulled away from her kisses again as a couple of fingers lifted the edge of my panties and slid into the wetness of my pussy. It was a cry of definite pleasure and Debbie could have no final doubt about my capitulation.

As if to state her success and her confidence in her ability to persuade me about my journey she shifted herself off the sofa and knelt beside it between my legs.

"Don't say anything!" she said with an air of compulsion.

Reaching under my dress she took both sides of my panties and tugged them downwards. I found myself lifting my body to allow it, and sighed in resignation as she slipped them over my ankles and off.

I had just enough time to utter another stifled, "Oh no!" before she plunged her face between my thighs.

It had been an age since any man had 'eaten me.' This wasn't like any man.

The soft lapping of Debbie's tongue, slowly at first, moving up and back, easily slipping into my juices, was sublime, causing me to groan even louder. Looking down at her auburn hair moving in combination to the sensations I was feeling, seemed as crazy as it had been sudden.

"Oh Debbie... oh my god Debbie."

It seemed like someone else saying it, and I just lay back with my eyes closed.

When Debbie's tongue slid upwards over my clit my whole body shook like an electric charge had been delivered. Then when her lips closed over it and she sucked it gently, with little flicks of her tongue in between, I really cried out.

"Christ... ohhhh fuck!" The expletives kept coming as I clenched a cushion in one hand and the back of the sofa with the other. My thighs were stretched wider as Debbie used her expertise to bring me off. She knew exactly how to do it and when her fingers slid inside me and curled, and her simulated fucking was in exactly the right place, I couldn't stop it happening.

My body shook, my hips pressed upwards and the feeling that began deep inside me, swallowed me up.

"OHHHHH... FUCKKKK... Debbie, Debbie, Debbie!" I cried out.

The repeated rise and fall of my body almost shook her off me. Her mouth was covering my pussy like a clam until it subsided and then she softly kissed firstly my labia, then gave little kisses around the inside of my thighs.

Finally she raised herself up on her knees and looked down at me with a smile of thankful triumph.

I could see the lower half of her face glistening with my juices. I was a physical and emotional mess.

"Don't say anything yet," she said it in a slow deliberate voice, "it's all been very sudden, just relax there."

She pulled my dress back down and stood up, reaching for a box of tissues to dry her face.

Ignoring her instruction about saying nothing I sat up and held my arms out to her.

"Come here, hug me please Debbie." She could see how emotional I was as she sat back down beside me.

I managed to hold her tousled head of hair and kiss her, the taste of me still distinct.

"Thank you, I'm not sure about anything, but I felt so much pleasure, so much togetherness, oh Debbie, I don't know what to say!"

We kissed again, with tenderness, and totally outside of all emotion she said, "I'll make another coffee shall I, that one's cold."

I giggled a little and tried to stand up, but a combination of alcohol and cramped muscles made me fall back onto the sofa.

"Stay there, I guess we ought to talk," she insisted.

I sat quietly, taking in what had happened. I picked up my panties from the floor and put them in my small bag, and by the time Debbie returned with the coffees I'd regathered my composure.

"That was a first?" she asked.

"Yes," I replied, almost ashamed.

Debbie chuckled, I remember my first time with a woman, it had quite an effect.

"I didn't realise, I had no idea."

She chuckled again, "You mean about me being bi? That's what bi is, me liking women as well as men."

I remained quiet, then suddenly asked, "Does Tom know?"

"Oh yes, like I said we tell each other everything."

"Will you tell him about tonight?" I seemed to show a distinct nervousness about that.

"Not if you don't want me to?"

"I'm not sure," I replied.

"I won't then, it may come out eventually, but that will be your choice."

The way she said it seemed to imply that this might not be a 'one off.' I reacted straightaway.

"You want to do this again?"

Debbie put her mug down and took mine from me, placing it beside hers on the table. She shifted herself closer, and took my hand.

"Louise don't dwell on this, it's something I'll share with you if you want to, no conditions, no regrets, but only if you really want to."

The kiss that followed seemed to confirm what might be to come.

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InkentInkentabout 1 month ago

Having sat as a voyeur and watch a scene reminiscent to this unfold, to then have it described to me by one of the participants later, is eerily so similar. Well done, nailed it, looking forward to reading onwards

sexmaniac44sexmaniac443 months ago

Really enjoyed the first part...

LastStandingDameLastStandingDame4 months ago

The description of that first kiss and how Louise’s defenses crumble in the apartment…..divine.

CatlongtomCatlongtom4 months ago

Beautifully written.


ooh rah for Debbie , getting right into her lust for you,

honeybee86honeybee864 months ago

This is so raw and yummy. I ached by the end of the story. Powerful writing. Breathless thanks x

Aoife_from_UlsterAoife_from_Ulster6 months ago

Tremendous way to start a series. I cannot wait to continue it. I am thrilled to have found it.

I love how Debbie is working Louise. The first kiss in the restaurant, near perfection. The little addition of how she could taste her lipstick on her lips, Devine. You put me right there with them. Sexy!

Love the close of the chapter, Debbie putting her at ease, leaving the door open for more. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

CupidCupidCupidCupid6 months ago

If this is your first submission then well done and look forward to the forthcoming chapters!!

LadiesAreFirstLadiesAreFirst6 months ago

Amazed, I am guessing you have some writing experience somewhere in your background. The details, THAT is what separates a story from a great story. This is a great first story.

I, do not enjoy the wham, bam, thank you mam story nearly as much as the slow build-up. Building the arousal, the anticipation, the believability.

Nothing ruins a story faster than reading a story and the event is physically impossible.

P L E A S E keep up the great work. You just acquired a new follower.

Wiz1002Wiz10027 months ago

The great start to what could be a fabulous series - it’s certainly got me hooked for more.

Whether this is fiction or based on real-life events is irrelevant, your description of this woman who has not had any sex for what seems like some time (other than self-pleasure) was arousing, descriptive and well told. The fact it was with her female neighbour just raised the level of thrill and excitement to another level.

I’ll be reading the rest of the instalments but can see much potential about where this may go - the title gives that much away!! Continued lesbian sex with Debbie, joining Debbie and hubby in a wild threesome , attending the swingers club where single females will be made most welcome, I’m sure, or just going to the bars in town to get picked up by the young guys “out on the pull”! Lots of sexy opportunities

Mariners_UKMariners_UK7 months ago

Thank you for a well written story. Very good and enjoyed reading it. Looking forward to reading the following stories. :-)

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Thank you for the wonderful story. Neighbors should be there for each other. I am about to read the rest of the series now, who knows what will become of me if I can reach the end? Thank you once more.

kennyboy82kennyboy828 months ago

Only discovered your work today (29 Oct) and was highly impressed by it. It's definitely got me keen to continue reading to see exactly where this takes us. Well written, believable too. It earned 5 Stars from me.

JeremySplashJeremySplash8 months ago

Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful story. Very beautifully written. Amazing for a first time. Can't wait to read more.

Petedesire1966Petedesire19668 months ago

This is a great story and the writing is terrific. I felt carried along by the story and the sexual build up is very erotic. The story is written in such a way as to bring out really well the emotional journey Louise is on. Can't wait to read more.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Awesome story. Love where it is going.

RangeExpanderRangeExpander9 months ago

Juicy, sexy, real

LordsmytheLordsmythe9 months ago

Wonderful story - nice to see a new writer. Wondering what will be next? L

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Very good story well written

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

A wonderful fist submission, well written and leaving me wanting more...

lexdw32lexdw329 months ago

I once had a friend like Debbie. 🙂 A well written story that brought back fond memories… thanks!

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