Was it an Affair?


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She looked at me as though I had horns on. I could see her fear. "Kiss him. I'm sure it will be like lightning. You'll lose nothing."

I saw her resolve and she approached Alan. He didn't know what to do. She took his head in her hands and kissed him lightly. Slowly, it seemed to ignite them both and it turned into one which could have set the fire alarms off.

I left them for my office. The day was busy but I had lunch with Harriet. Alan and Christine took the afternoon off. In fact, they took three days off and looked very tired and happy when they came back. She had a ring on her finger.

Harriet and I are very happy. Sharon has helped our sex life. I had to learn new moves to enhance Harriet's experience as she did for me. We discussed our fantasies. No surprise none included others but a little exhibitionism or voyeurism came up. Some roleplay and teasing games. Somehow I never win at strip poker.

We've moved from the flat to a detached house with a large garden. We were planning for our children.

We had one disagreement. Harriet wanted me to spank her as she'd told Jonathan and me. I didn't think she needed that but she did. We discussed it with Sharon who gave several reasons for and against. The reason Harriet wanted it was rooted in her expectation of me being so angry at her, I would be verbally abusive. She felt she needed punished. My empathy had thrown her so much but there was a piece of guilt which she couldn't get away from. She needed this to release the last of her guilt. I fought it.

One night, Harriet came, naked into the living room and put a dining chair in the centre. She looked at me, "Tom, I need this. I know you don't want to, don't feel any need to. I can't let go of this feeling. Once only, I promise you."

She was nervous. I saw tears fill her eyes. I asked softly, "How will I know enough is enough? How hard to hit you? I don't want to hurt or injure you."

Harriet said quietly, "I'll tell you harder until that is the right amount. When I feel mentally clear of my guilt, I'll say St Johnstone. Don't stop if I say stop. Don't let my tears fool you into stopping. I don't want this anymore than you but I feel within myself I need this. I've tried to do what Jonathan has said, what Sharon has said as well but I can't rid myself of this need. It has to be the whole way. If you stop before then, I'll still have this feeling and we'd have to do it again. I need to be free of it. I love you and I know this is against all you wish but do it please. We can make love afterwards."

I reluctantly sat on the chair. Harriet kissed me and said softly, "Thank you. I'll make this up to you."

She lay down over my thighs. She had put our restraints on the legs. I secured her arms. How had I missed that? I stared at her beautiful bum for minutes. She didn't move or speak, just let me become as comfortable with this as I could. I raised my hand and smacked her hard. The sound reverberated around the room. The pink mark appeared quickly on her bum. I heard, "Harder!" I spanked her again, harder. The other cheek was marked. "Harder!" I did it again, harder. No more sound from her. I struck her again and again until her bum was red all over. I was sweating. I heard her sob, her cries, she told me to stop repeatedly but I kept on hitting her. My arm was knackered, my hand tingled with the constant explosion on her bum cheeks.

I stopped, untied her and moved her around, restraining her again, so my left hand could spank her. As I did I almost stopped. Her face was red from her tears, she looked beaten, cowled. I remembered what she said, I didn't want to have to do this again. I continued for about another ten minutes before I heard, "St Johnstone!"

I was thankful to release her. I picked her up and we lay against each other on the settee. She was sobbing her heart out. I was crying. How could I have been so cruel? After half an hour, I laid her down as I ran a bath for her. I carried her through, placed her in it. I washed her thoroughly, supporting her, kissing her, telling her "I love her." Was that true after what I did?

She slowly relaxed and the warm water helped her pain. When the water started to chill, I lifted her and towelled her dry. We lay in bed together but we didn't make love. Harriet was quiet. I gave her the space for her thoughts as my mind went everywhere with mine. I hoped this would never be repeated. Could I ever do this again?

We fell asleep not having spoken about this. I woke first and was surprised it was 8 am. My hands were still tingling from what they had done. It was a good job it was Saturday. I made us some tea and returned to the bedroom. Harriet was stirring. She tried to pull herself up but her bum was very tender so she had to raise herself totally from the bed before she could move.

She hugged me and said, "Thank you. I don't feel that need within me anymore. I know you aren't happy but I'll make it up to you. The one thing I'll always be sure off, you'll do what you have to do to keep me safe and happy.

"I think we can strike another sexual act off our list. I don't think either of us are up for serious S&M. I'll happily have a play spanking when we roleplay but never that again. I promised you we'd make love. Even today I think that's optimistic. I'll give you a blowjob as an interim thank you if you wish."

She did twice that day. I gently rubbed some cream which reduces bruising and pain over her bum cheeks every four hours as it said. Her bum was still very red. She didn't dress as anything touching her bum caused pain. She stood for her meals. On the Sunday, we had a small walk. She went commando as her panties caused her pain. She cuddled into me telling me she loved me. It was fortunate the Monday was a bank holiday so we didn't have work. By mid-afternoon, she was able to sit for short periods of time. After dinner, she took me to bed and fucked me. She straddled me and rode me with no sign of hard work, her pussy did much of it, wringing me out to an amazing climax. Whatever Sharon had taught her, her pussy muscles took no prisoners. I came quickly. I tried to give her an orgasm but she said this was about pleasing me. Her pussy kept me hard and set off again. She didn't move much but within ten minutes I was cumming again. She moved down and cleaned me, getting me hard again. She blew me again. She'd never cleaned me before after I had been in her.

It was the following weekend when we fucked like normal. She pulled me in on top of her. "I missed holding you as you fuck me." I was holding on for dear life. When we were cuddling afterwards, she was rummaging in the beside cabinet. She put a pillow under her bum and handed me lube. "We've talked about this, saying we've both been interested but never mentioned it in case it caused offence. I'm prepared. Take my virgin bum. I want to give you all of me."

I was shocked. I took the lube and massaged it into her bum. I played with her pussy and clit until she was moaning in pleasure. I put one, then two, then three fingers into her bum. She had an almighty orgasm. When she came down she said softly, "Now, I want you in me." I took my time and worked my way into her bum. All too soon, I was fully in. I stopped as I looked at her. I saw her pleasure. She smiled, "I knew you'd be gentle. It's good, better than I expected. If you like it, I'm open to doing this again." I nodded my agreement, "I don't care as long as I can make love with you, that's all that matters."

Without me realising, she was speeding me up and I came an almighty amount or at least it felt like that. We cuddled for a long time before we headed to the shower. We cleaned each other thoroughly and I checked I hadn't caused any damage to her anus.

Our sessions with Sharon had been fortnightly so we had a lot to discuss. Harriet told her about the spanking and how it had worked. She was happy despite having a sore bum for a week. She also said we had finally had anal which she'd enjoyed. We discussed our feelings and how we saw things progressing. Sharon had always been open, saying nothing was taboo for discussion. Was there anything we wanted but still didn't say in case our partner felt badly about us? Harriet went red. I felt myself blush.

Sharon had us tell each other what we were concerned about. When we talked, Sharon said they were common fantasies. We agreed we would try them. Most of our discussion was about how to raise such things. If we felt comfortable to do so, we would have a vibrant sex life. It didn't mean we'd do all of them but it gave possibilities to add to what we did do.

We've done and enjoyed many things we never expressed before. Some things haven't been as positive an experience. Overall, our sex life is far better than it had been. It may not be as expansive for a while as in three months, we'll have our first child. Harriet loves me to massage oils into her tummy to help avoid stretch marks she says. I think it's because my fingers tire and find themselves playing with her clit until she has at least two orgasms. I lie with my head on her expanding breasts as she plays with my head. I'm so relaxed. She's still horny so we've adjusted what we do because of her size but her pussy can get me to cum in minutes. I don't know how any child can come of there!

Life is so much better than possible eighteen months ago. With the love and support of family and friends we have made it. Well until the first toxic nappy! But I'm sure we'll cope.

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pummel187pummel1872 months ago

Get the fuck outta here 😮‍💨, HEY TOM!!!!!!!! I have a bridge I would like you to buy, you sucker....... My wife, eh my wife is ...... is .... a. a SUPERMODEL, yeah that's the ticket

deependerdeepender3 months ago

Well done: you got right in there and stayed with it. Too much detail or one of those occasions when sorting out the dregs is warranted? Well managed throughout. Thank you.

0ldfart0ldfart3 months ago

To "anonymous" ..... who knows this story was written based on UK laws. For someone who hated the story, you sure took a hell of a lot of time to say your piece about every minute detail in it! Such a bitter, twisted reader is not worthy of consideration by an author, especially one who does not write for profit.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I know this story is written with UK laws, so I admit I don't have a full understanding of the law. However....

It’s about choices. Harriet made choices. She made HUNDREDS of choices even before the first time she cheated on Tom, with Bright. She had MANY opportunities to make different choices. She had an affair. She had opportunities to stop it. She did not. She continued. Blame it on drugs if you want, but that is a failed logic. She dressed in a manner that she did NOT dress for Tom. That is cognition. She knew what she was doing. She knew she was going to engage in sex. She did nothing to stop herself.

You also need to remember, that when a person is “Controlled” by a drug, they are susceptible to ANY person controlling them. Bright would not be the only on controlling Harriet. This means that TOM would have been able to control her and give her direction, as Bright would have been able to. Would Tom, having the ability to control Harriet, NOT have sex with her if he had control over her for 2 months? No.

The writer has a decent grasp, and a good imagination, with their knowledge of computers. Most everything was close to realistic, with the exception of the all the cameras and listening devices. Those cameras have a WONDERFUL battery system and incredible wifi/Bluetooth/cellular range....

Harriet had MANY opportunities to react to Bright. He did not mind control her from the beginning. She would have realized something was going on and should have sought help immediately. She would have felt the drug building up in her system for 2 months.

When Tom saw Harriet having sex with Bright, she had been under his influence for 2 months. The videos show 2 months of whatever he was giving her. However, she argued with Tom only HOURS BEFORE, while getting dressed for the party, showing she had cognitive abilites to determine right and wrong even after 2 months of exposure to Bright.

The writer seems to place all the blame on the drugs ON AND ON ad nauseam, trying to spin it, page after page, and none on the people. A date rape drug is only good for a few hours, drugging someone for 2 months and having their family, ESPECIALLY their spouse, not see the effects, is so unrealistic is ludicrous. Tom is a SMART MAN and would have seen LONG before the party.

Any drug that would be used for "Mind Control" of Harriet, especially for long term use, such as a length of 2 months would be HIGHLY noticable, to the point that Harriet would have gotten so ill, that she would have gone to the hospital where they ABSOLUTELY would have taken blood and tested it. Another problem with these drugs, is that they would have to be administered to the “Patient” EVERY DAY, or there would be withdrawal. Any withdrawal would show immediately. Again, Harriet AND Tom would have seen this every weekend. Even after 1 month, let alone after 2 months, they would have done something about it.

I don't know of ANY law enforcement that would deny a victim a list of the drugs used on them. Any hospital would DEMAND and ABSOLUTELY NEED to know what drugs AND dosage, so they can use counter these drugs. You don't give antivenom for a snake bite if they have a spider bite. Any Therapist (Psychiatrist would as ABSOLUTELY NEED TO KNOW what drugs were used, to avoid conflict with any psychotropic drugs. A Therapist (Psychologist) would not commit to therapy unless they had ALL the information. And even in the UK, it is REQUIRED that the Hospital, or any doctor to tell the patient any drugs that have been given to them. Withholding this is beyond stupid, to the point of not at all believable. Jonathan saying that he knew the drugs and dosage but withheld it would mean he would lose all of his licenses.

When Tom says “The drugs and Bright's words controlled her actions. When she found some moment of control, she did. Her decision to invite me caused all the cards to fall.” is pure horse shit. You make him a cuck with pages of your own failed logic and explanation when you do that. She had choices. She had responsibility of what happened to her. She didn’t become lucid at just the last minute, and only for a couple of hours.

Do I mention that Jonathan lets both mothers and fathers into MARRIAGE therapy? WTF? That would NEVER happen in ANY country. Having ANY parents involved in marriage therapy is a recipe for disaster. Any Therapist would know this and it would NEVER be allowed.

Writer talks about HOW the drug affects you. ONLY psychotropic drugs have that much of an effect on you. Those are highly regulated. They also have SERIOUS side effects that are HIGHLY noticeable.

Describing the drugs “They control what your brain records, makes it controllable to others.” Describes NO DRUG ON THE MARKET. No LONG TERM drug can make you controllable to others as described. Any drugs that try, have MASSIVE side effects and are easily seen. Then the patient would feel the drug being given to them daily, and would be alarmed by it. They would report it, not ignore it as it got worse. How did they give the drug to her on the weekends? I also did mention that Tom would have been able to influence her.

Tom stating "… She's taken all the blame but it was Bright. It took something extraordinary to defeat those drugs but she did. She should be proud of herself for what she achieved." This is another example of how Tom, a supposed “Smart person” denies the truth and blames it on the affair partner. Self-cuckolding again. Bad writing.

It started out good. At about page 5 it went from 5 star to -10 stars. I barely could continue reading it as be became so unbelievably surreal that it was hard to comprehend. Then, the recovery of the relationship was labored, full of fake beliefs, and that led to the epilogue failing.

In the end, the writer made this a cuck story, with A LOT more words. I am sorry I actually took the time to read this.

6King6King8 months ago

⭐⭐ Trash bin this one.

Buster2UBuster2U8 months ago

10 Big Blazing Stars! What an Epic tale! Of Love, betrayal, commitment, Evil, and drugs used for illicit seduction. The betrayal so crushing, but when hubby realized it was all her evil Boss's fault and the terrible drugs he kept feeding her, finally forgiveness. HallMark Channel Story for sure. Plus the Happy Ending, I love a happy ending! thanks for all the hard work! Excellent quality. Thanks, Buster2U

RimmerdalRimmerdal9 months ago

The very first time she had sex she should have told her husband. The time with the shrink was a waste.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

It was a good story until the end when you put in that spanking bullshit for titillation purposes. That ruined it. That and too much psycho babble with the shrink.

Elias1Elias1about 1 year ago

I like this writer but every story has the wife getting drugged and becoming a married whore... then he excuses her behavior. No combination of date rape drugs can change a persons personality 180. The wife is still responsible for her actions.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Overall I rated this a 5, but I would be happier with a shorter version.

I wonder where these characters find such great counselors. Looking about I found very few in our area. And it’s not easy inquiring which are good because there’s no way I want to discuss these matters with anyone I know.

Bill S.

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