Who Watches The Watchers Ch. 04


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"Yes Daddy." Carole said, and I had to give her credit for not lying. "But it does concern me."

"I don't think so, at least not right now." I said. "And Carole... your mother was a spy for 30 years, but you do not need to be trying to get a jump on her by spying on us when you're just seven years old."

"Yes, Daddy." Carole said.

"And leave Bowser's collar alone." I said. "Don't ever try to take his rabies tag off. That's very important. Now go wash up for lunch."

"Yes Daddy." Carole said. As she got up, I heard her say "See, Bowser? Nothing gets past Daddy..."

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

10:00pm, Saturday, March 6th. The fire pot was going strong, and Laura and I were sitting on the metal mesh loveseat, snuggling together under the warm blanket wrapped around us.

"You made Ian very happy today." said Laura. "I really didn't realize until today just how badly that raid scarred him." (Author's note: 'No Way Out', particularly Ch. 03 and the Epilogue.)

I said "Yes. He will never forgive, he will never forget, and he will hold a grudge... for the rest of his life."

Laura said "Even so, I just hope you made the right decision about giving up your FBI Consultant badge. You had computer access to their files, and you had jurisdiction even when you crossed State lines. Now, you don't."

"I don't need the computer access." I said. "Between you, Melina, Joanne Warner, and extracurricular means, I'm not losing anything there. And the jurisdictional issue isn't all that great, what with the Swamp Frogs using OPRs to get at Federal Agents like Karina, and they can do the same thing to me."

Laura nodded. "I also seem to recall that you accepted the FBI situation in lieu of being forced to join the CIA." (Author's note: 'Trilogy: Twilight's Last Gleaming', Epilogue.) Now that you've given that up, what are you going to do when they come for you?"

I said "Geez, I've signed enough NDAs by now, I won the lawsuit over the Casey B. Walker torture, I have a Top Secret clearance, I was handcuffed to a nuclear weapon..." (Author's note: 'The Nuclear Option', Ch. 02-03.) "I think by now there should be no problems. And with you retired from the CIA proper, though you seem to have fun doing things for them from time to time, I don't want any part of it."

Laura smiled. "No worries, darling. It's taken care of."

Maybe it was because I was agitated, or maybe because I was tired, but the import of Laura's words went clean over my head.

But one thing that I was very clear in my head about... for the first time in a good long while, I felt free...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sunday, March 7th. Tanya had invited Cindy and Teresa to lunch at Laura's favorite Soup & Salad place. They were given the best table, that overlooked the little man-made lake and the open, roofed hut on the little island.

"So, ladies," asked Tanya with a twinkle in her eye, "before Bettina gets a hold of it, tell me what to think about Don dropping the bomb on the FBI like he did."

Cindy said "It took me by surprise, and I never got a reading off Don about it. But I can tell you that my nephew Ian is absolutely beside himself with happiness over it. Molly had to give him a child dose of melatonin to get him to calm down and go to sleep last night."

Tanya said "Yeah, I saw how his face lit up when his dad turned in those FBI IDs. So now maybe Ian will stop being a jerk towards Pete." Cindy's eyes slid sideways to glance at Tanya, but she said nothing.

Teresa said "I'll just tell you these two things, and you can decide what it all means from there. First, like in that letter I wrote to the Governor recommending Don for the State Citation of Valor, I have never seen Don so on top of things as he was on this case. No, he couldn't anticipate what happened to Pitts, but he figured it out almost immediately. And he put that helicopter rescue together, including the life flight and anticipating we'd need a Cobra escort."

Teresa: "He was one step ahead of the Swamp Frogs at every turn. He didn't stop Lieutenant Walker's murder, but then Walker turned out to be corrupt. Then Don prevented the Swamp Frogs from taking Masters into custody. And no one is saying it, but I can't help but think he somehow got Federal Judge Herbert to have that unusual preliminary hearing. He made Robin Isley look silly every step of the way."

Teresa: "And the second thing is this: I was with Don almost the whole time during this case, acting as his bodyguard but also as a second pair of eyes and ears. And I don't have the Power of the Vibe, but I could tell that Don was starting to get weary of the crap. When he offered me his crowbar after the Life Flight, I knew something was wrong."

"Uh oh. Press the panic button. Trouble in Crowbar Paradise." Cindy said. "Seriously, though, what do you think pushed him over the edge?"

Teresa said "I'm not sure. He was tired of Dwight Stevens's crap, he was really pissed off at EAD Owen Lange for treating him like a mushroom, and I think he was just tired of dealing with corrupt Federal Agents that were and are supposed to be on the side of the Constitution, and Justice. He needs a break."

Cindy said "We should talk to Laura about taking him to Lake Watchacoochie for an extended weekend. Once he gets his batteries recharged, maybe he'll feel better and will reconsider things."

Tanya asked hopefully: "So you think he might become an FBI Consultant again?"

"No." said Cindy. "That would tear Ian up, and Don would never do that to his son. Ever."

"I agree." said Teresa. "But it's not like he was going to stop looking for Pitts during this case, and he's not going sit idly by if he can help Jack or Dwight save lives. They can consult with him, and he may help them from time to time. But not as an FBI Consultant in any official capacity."

Tanya nodded thoughtfully. Cindy noticed, and asked her: "How's Jack taking it? And how do you feel about it, for that matter?"

Tanya said "Jack was stunned at first, then became... melancholy, I guess is the word... as he started realizing what he'd just lost. I didn't realize he liked bourbon, but he had quite a bit last night."

Tanya: "And it could not have come at a worse time for Jack. The Swamp Frogs have been tearing his teams apart. First Team Lazarus, and now Martin Nash has clearly gone over to the Swamp Frog side."

"God damn Martin Nash." Teresa growled. "I should have killed that bastard when I had the chance." Neither Cindy nor Tanya asked what Teresa meant by that.

Tanya continued: "And the party is not stopping. Now they've forced Karina White to retire, and just when she was putting together a good new team. Julius Jefferson and Tracy Stone, and she was about to bring two other aboard, but now I'm not sure that'll happen. Julius is going to be made an SSA, and so is Ted Crenshaw in Southport. It all was going good... and then the Swamp Frogs came in. And they have ripped it all to shreds."

Teresa said "Sounds like Jack is getting (air quotes) 'weary', as well."

Tanya said "He could use a break. And here's something between the three of us, and don't say anything to anyone else. I don't even know if I'm going to tell Don."

Cindy and Teresa nodded, and Tanya said: "Jack and I have had a few long, long talks about things. And I told him that while I love him and support him, and while I've all but taken his side against Don and the TCPD in the past... I've come to realize that I was wrong to do that, and that my commitment to the Force, to Don, and to you, my fellow Angels, has to be absolute."

Tanya: "Jack said he understood, and was at a place where he could and would support me in that, even if it meant putting in his own retirement papers. If the Swamp Frogs try to transfer him, he's retiring. If they try to promote him, like FBI Deputy Director Lance wants to do, he's going to retire."

Teresa said "I think you should tell Don at least the part about your commitment to the TCPD. He needs to hear that. And maybe tell him and the Chief at the same time." Cindy nodded most very vigorously in agreement...

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

10:30am, Monday, March 8th. Chief Deputy Sheriff Cindy Ross came to my office.

"I just got the word." she said. "DFACS reported to me, the SBI, and the Governor that there was no impropriety from the kids telling dad jokes at the Whiskey Convention. They've closed the case. I talked to Janelle, who was once one of my father's acolytes at 'The Vision', and now works for DFACS, and she said she informed the Press. But I didn't hear Bettina mention it, nor the KFXU ladies on the sofa with their legs crossed.

I smiled at Cindy's implied complaint about the sexism of the Fox show, then said "It's no longer a story with any traction, nor cause for distraction. So the 'Drive-Bys', as the great Rush Limbaugh so accurately described them, just continue along, not cleaning up the damage they've caused. So! What is Priya telling you about the feud at KFXU?"

Cindy replied. "The network actually told Catrina and Meredith that some adversity creates drama and increases the ratings, so they could argue as long as they didn't get personal and go too far. On KXTC, they'd fire anyone not in jackbooted lockstep with the Leftwing point of view, so they have no drama nor arguing."

"Sheesh." I muttered. "Well, we'll see how long that lasts..."

Part 21 - Epilogue - Someone to Watch Over Me

Monday, March 8th, 4:00pm. Susie Haskins came into the Cancer Center at University Hospital with her mother. Davie Marsden's mother had brought them there for Susie's mom to get her next round of chemotherapy.

"I'll stay in the waiting room, Mom." Susie said brightly. "And remember that the chemo is worth it, so you can see your grandchildren."

"Thank, you, honey." Mrs. Haskins said as she hugged her daughter. "I'll be back soon."

As Susie went into the waiting room, Mrs. Haskins said "Susie has such a great attitude about all this. She is always so upbeat, and she won't let me get down, either. She's always smiling, being happy, and she keeps my spirits up."

"Yes, she's a wonderful child." Mrs. Marsden said as they went into the treatment area.

I'd caught the last of that conversation without meaning to, as Laura and I walked down the hallway. Laura was wearing her white doctor's coat over her dress. I was wearing my trenchcoat over my uniform, with the red crowbar tucked into the inner pocket on the left side.

A problem had come up, and I'd been called in to fix it. As Laura and I got to the big room, where the large portraits of Teresa and Carole, and me and Bowser, hung on the wall, we saw that there were some nurses and parents, and Lt. Cmdr. Teresa Croyle, who was also in uniform.

And there was one very unhappy little girl, who was fiercely sulking. It appeared that little Joy was not being my Guardian of Peace and Love today.

I pulled up a chair next to Joy and sat down. "Hello, Joy. What's wrong?"

"They want to make me leave today!" Joy pouted, her voice sounding miserable.

'Why, that's wonderful!" I said. "It means you're cured, and you can ring that bell and go home. Why don't you want to go home?"

"Because Bowser is coming Saturday!" Joy wailed. "And they said I can't come back and visit him!"

I wanted to break out laughing, but I managed to hold back as I looked up. The head nurse said "I'm sorry, sir, but those are the rules. Only patients and parents can be here for things like that."

I said "Ohhh... the roooools. Well, Joy, let me tell you a secret. There's an old saying that 'he who has the gold, makes the rules'. Isn't that right, Commander Croyle."

"Yes sir." said Teresa. Only she knew what I really meant by that: the Consultant's gold. (Author's note: 'Cat's In The Cradle'.) And also her $100 million donation to the Hospital.

I said "And another secret: it's all about who you know. Do you know who Teresa is?"

"She sings in the Christmas concerts." Joy said.

"Yes she does." I said. "And she also is a Hospital Board member. And one of our fellow Police Officers is married to the Hospital Administrator."

"Really?" Joy said, a glimmer of hope dawning in her voice.

"Yep." I said. "And you see this lovely doctor, here? Do you know who she is?"

Joy said "She's Dr. Fredrik... Fredrk... Dr. Laura. But she doesn't like being called that."

I said "That's true, but did you know she's my wife?"

That got Joy's attention. As her eyes widened, she said "Really?"

"Yes she is. And I'm very lucky she agreed to marry me." I said.

"I think she was the lucky one." Joy said. That got a few murmurs going. Laura nodded vigorously in agreement.

"Thank you for that." I said. "And the important thing is that with all of these connections I have, I am pretty sure I can get you here to visit on Saturday... as Bowser's special guest."

"Really?" Joy said, the excitement in her voice rising. A lot.

I said "Yep, even if I have to carry you in myself, that's what I'll do------ erk!" I had suddenly been subjected to a huge bear hug from Joy.

"Thank you, Mr. Crowbar!" Joy exclaimed.

"You're welcome." I said. "So let's go ring that bell, and you can go home and begin the rest of your life, okay?"

"Okay!" Joy said happily. My Guardian of Peace and Love was back.

Some kids came into the hallway and Joy fist-bumped them as she started down the hall. Nurses were also making a gauntlet for her to walk through as her parents, Teresa, and I followed. When she got to the bell, she reached up and grabbed the rope, and rang it three times as everyone applauded. Photos were taken, and Teresa's iPhone photo showed Joy ringing the bell as I stood by, clapping.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

As Joy and her parents left and the nurses went back to work, I realized that I'd seen something as we'd walked down the hall. I went back to the waiting room and looked in through the narrow glass pane.

Susie Haskins was sitting in a chair, weeping. She had been being strong and putting on a happy face to keep her mother's spirits up, but now that she was alone the pain had broken through, and she had broken down crying.

I went inside, and as I came up to her, I spread my trenchcoat like a cape and enveloped her in it as I sat down in the chair to her left. Susie leaned sideways into me, still crying bitterly. We sat there for long minutes as I let her cry it out. No words were spoken; none were needed.

And for those few moments, Susie would not have to endure the unendurable alone.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Laura saw Teresa in the hallway, looking through the glass pane of the door. "Where's Don?" Laura asked, then looked inside and saw her husband sitting with Susie, who was still sobbing.

Teresa said "He just gives so much, to all of us. But who's going to be there for him, on the day it becomes too much and he needs a shoulder to cry on?"

"We will be." said Laura. "His family, and his Angels."

Teresa shook her head. "He won't let us see him in pain. He'll endure it before he shows it. Even to you."

Laura said "Alas... that is true. It's one of his few weaknesses. He gives everything he has, but doesn't always realize he needs to receive, as well."

Teresa said "Yes. He watches over us... but who watches over the watcher?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Some moments later, there was a knock on the waiting room door. Teresa stuck her head in and said "Susie, your mom is done."

"Okay, thank you." Susie said. She got her small purse and took out her makeup compact, and looked in the little mirror as she hastily applied some makeup to hide the tears she'd been shedding. As she finished and stood up, she said "Thank you for sitting with me, Mr. Crowbar."

"You're quite welcome." I said. I followed her out of the room, and Teresa and I watched as she came up to her mom.

"Hi, Mom." she said brightly. "Did everything go well?"

"Yes, dear." said her mother. "But it'll hit me tonight and tomorrow."

"Let's go home and you can get some sleep." Susie said cheerfully. "And when you start feeling better, I'll make you some of the Iron Crowbar's mom's medicinal chicken soup. She gave me the recipe."

"That will be nice." said her mother tiredly as they made their way down the hallway.

"Little Joy was discharged, and she got to ring the bell." Susie said. "And you'll be ringing the bell, too, before you know it..."

As they rounded the corner and disappeared out of sight, Teresa said "Susie's a tough kid, but I hate it that she's had to endure so much."

I replied "Yes, she's a good kid. And having been forged by these fires, she's going to do great things, I think... not unlike a certain Iron Wolf I know."

Teresa said "We both have a high bar to look up to... your example."

"The Sheriff would approve of your asskissing skills." I said. "Okay, let's get out of here and go back to work, watching over the good people of our Town & County..."


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chytownchytown6 months ago

*****Thanks for the read.

WhitewaterbumWhitewaterbum8 months ago

Well Cindy did take out one of them!!

GodianMichaelGodianMichaelabout 2 years ago

Oh No!

Came late to the party...

You wrote an epic here WW A true Master piece,loved every bit of it,A tribute to everyone out there who gives of themselves for the greater good of others Thanks for the self sacrifising spirit...

WifeWatchmanWifeWatchmanabout 2 years agoAuthor
Next story submitted

The first chapter of the next story "Send In The Clowns" has been submitted and hopefully will be published soon.

Level 3 and Level 4 Patreon patrons will be getting bonus content in the coming days, and as always Level 4 patrons get the cliffhangers early. Thanks to my patrons for your generous support.

pk2curiouspk2curiousabout 2 years ago

Just so good . One of the best . Epic .

Like the guy below some of the politics make me cringe . But all of that is very little compared to the life of The Iron Crowbar .

Ravey19Ravey19about 2 years ago

Can understand Don feeling down aftef all he's done and people he's saved from the Swamp Frogs they always seem to come back stronger. Another great story. Thanks WW.

GrandPaMGrandPaMabout 2 years ago

Dangit! (reaches for a tissue) I really need to fund me a good eye plumber...get these dang leaks fixed up right.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Climate change IS Real. Not in the way they make us take it up the ass. So I really really hate that term. So Fuck the science. Trust your eyes, and that bad joint that aches in wet and cold weather. thnx WW

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I put Suzzie's mom on my prayer list.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

400 HUNDRED YEARS AGO It is amazing how some of your stories end with so much care and respect for others. Keep up the good writing, looking forward to the return of the black ID for the IC

tranzmanytranzmanyabout 2 years ago

Ah soo good WW! This was a good story. I wonder if this will indeed lessen the heat Don and company have been feeling from the frogs. Didn't Don have to do something similar to this to take down the old criminal consultant. Use the strategies you know I guess. Thanks for this great read. Peace.

Avalanche2015Avalanche2015about 2 years ago

Awesome WW simply awesome! Although it could have been even more so had a few more swamp frogs lost their legs, hopefully something of a positive note will come from the court cases now in the process from all of this good police work. Thanks for bringing this tale to life for us, I look forward with anticipation to your submissions. Be well.../A

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