Will You Say Sarsaparilla?


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"Let's have some fun tonight!"

Abby grabbed a couple of drinks while the other cups were balanced in Lauren's grasp.

"We're leaving, Laur. Don't wait up for us!" Reggie waved as he and Jacob left.

"Get a ride if you drink!" Lauren's father was killed by a drunk driver when Lauren was in fifth grade.

"I always do, but Hank's coming, so we have a DD already."

"Good, have fun, but remember your future wife is here already."

Reggie blushed. The unflappable man actually blushed. Abby couldn't blame him; she was doing the same. He and Jacob quickly exited the premises before Lauren could embarrass them anymore.

When the girls returned to the pool, Stephanie proposed they play a game, then started with a tried and true round of 'Never Have I Ever.'

"Never have I ever been engaged." Stephanie went first.

Abby was surprised that she wasn't the only one taking a sip. Lauren and Zara also took a drink. Interesting. She would have to ask Lauren all about that later. She had never mentioned that Greg had proposed to her in all the talking they had done over the internet. Greg had been her only long-term relationship, and she only made it about three months into college.

"Never have I ever been in a threesome." Victoria smiled. Lauren and Zara both blushed as they took a drink.

"Never have I ever been a white girl!" Zara went next.

"Boo! Too easy. You're just trying to get me drunk," Lauren said with a laugh.

"I may be, Lauren, I may be." Zara had a devious smile.

Stephanie and Zara were the only ones not drinking this time.

"Never have I ever had sex with more than one guy," Abby announced. Kevin was still the only guy she had slept with. She had loads of experience; It was just one guy, though. All the other girls took a drink.

Lauren went next. "Hmm... I've had to drink each time for this game. Are you girls ganging up on me?"

"You've just had lots of experience, love," Zara said, then blushed and looked away.

What's going on with those two? Abigail felt suddenly suspicious.

"Ah, never have I ever had sex with a white girl." Stephanie, Victoria, and Zara all three took a drink.

"I feel like I've had a sheltered life."

"You gotta hang out with us a little more often. Though, maybe Lauren and Zara will start slowing down now." Stephanie blurted out.

Abby couldn't help noticing that Zara and Lauren shared a look and then glared at Stephanie.

"Not very damn likely with those two," Victoria said with a cackle.

There was definitely something odd going on between Zara and Lauren. Abby knew they had grown closer since they went to the same university. She was often in the background during the video calls through quarantine as they had been roommates at the time. The game lasted for several more rounds until Lauren ran out of anything to drink. She had evidently had quite the adventurous life in college.

"Okay, I'm switching us all to hard seltzers. I don't need to make a trip back and forth every twenty minutes. I'm going to get the cards for another game anyway. I'm getting my ass kicked in this one."

"Do you think they've been gone long enough?" Stephanie asked. "I need to even out my tan."

"Let me make sure the backyard camera is 'Broken.'" Lauren was the first person she had seen use quote fingers in some time. "Not that you're going to tan much. The sun will set in a couple hours."

"Okay, maybe I just want to get comfier."

"Zara, I need a hand with the cooler."

"No problem, d... Lauren."

The two scampered off together, discussing something quietly.

"What's up with those two?" Abby questioned as soon as the pair were in the house.

"What do you mean?" Victoria was obviously playing dumb.

"I'm sure they'll tell you when they're ready. Are you really going to be a lawyer?" Stephanie's attempt at a smooth transition left something to be desired.

"Yeah, I'm not sure what I want to specialize in, but I love research and debate, so it seemed like a natural career path."

"Plus, you're fucking smart," Victoria said with a laugh. "It's that or doctor for someone that scores a thirty-six on the ACT."

"I guess; what about you two? What are you majoring in?"

"I'm in nursing. She's going to be an elementary school teacher," Stephanie replied before taking a big swig.

"The coast is clear, ladies. Get as comfortable as you want." Zara and Lauren returned with the cooler and set it down before Laur went back inside for something.

"Alright!" Stephanie immediately set down her drink and whipped off her top. "I was working hard on getting rid of the tan lines." She had no visible pale lines. Her little dark-colored nipples were on tiny areolae. The tattoo extended up the entirety of her rib cage, and now Abby could see some Japanese script at the top.

Stephanie didn't stop at the top; she untied the bow on either hip, and her bottoms fell away. She was either very attentive with a razor, or she waxed. Her labia were slightly darker in color, somewhere between her skin tone and the color of her nipples.

"What time is your boyfriend going to pick us up?" Stephanie looked over at Victoria.

"We got a couple hours until he gets off work. He'll call us when he gets out of the shower so we can get dressed and be ready to meet him."

"Good, I can free the girls."

"What's going on?" Abby looked confused yet again.

"Did my... did Lauren not warn you?"

"Warn me about what?" Abby ignored a second slip of the tongue that Zara had made.

"We don't want any tan lines. It drives my boyfriend crazy." Victoria pushed off her bottoms, revealing a thick wedge of close-trimmed black pubes and a lack of tan lines.

"I think Zara just likes to be naked. It's not like she's tanning."

"I get a little darker, but you may be right. Do you mind, Abby?"

"No... Not at all, just surprised."

"Then join in the fun, Abby. You said that you hadn't had any since Kevin." Lauren prodded her gently. Her best friend had also lost her bikini on the way back out and was now only carrying a deck of cards. Lauren's enhanced chest was on the subtle side and not gigantic. Her light pink nipples were perfectly placed, and Abby could see no scars from the procedure. Her pussy was bare, but Abigail knew that was accomplished via laser treatment. Lauren tried to convince her to go along with her when they were college freshmen.

"It's fine if you don't," Zara said as she removed her bra. Abby had expected a slight sag on her large breasts, but there wasn't any. Her areolae were larger, probably slightly bigger than half dollars, and were almost black in color. She removed her golden-colored bottoms to reveal that she, too, had a waxed quim.

"When in Rome, right?" Abby downed half of what was left in her cup before she took off her top. She was naturally well endowed, not as large as Zara, but her breasts had a perky quality that outshined any of the others. Her nipples were pink little sensitive pencil erasers with quarter-sized pink areolae. Like the others, she lacked tan lines, but that was because she did not have any tan. She pulled off her bottoms to reveal that, although she waxed, it was not complete. A thin line of red hair was closely cut but showed that she was a true redhead.

"Okay, ladies, we have beer or hard seltzers."

They lounged next to the pool and spent more time swapping stories as they nursed drinks. All the girls seemed to have had some exciting adventures. Abby noted that Zara and Lauren were always next to each other.

"Let's play truth or dare poker," Lauren said as the conversation died momentarily. "I would have suggested the strip variety, but we're already naked."

Maybe it was the rum or the mystery of what was going on between Lauren and Zara, but Abby nodded and joined the other ladies.

"Shit, I should have remembered the poker chips. Would you run get them from the bedroom, Zara?"

The bedroom, not my bedroom? Abigail thought perhaps she was looking a bit too hard for intrigue. Not everything was a political thriller or murder mystery like she spent time reading about.

"Not a problem," Zara patted Lauren's shoulder and started to skip away. She had quite the ample and toned ass.

"And Z?" Lauren called out. "Get the whiteboard, too, so we can keep track of the dares and truths." Zara nodded and continued to skip away.

"Let's go over the rules for the new girl. Zara knows them already," Victoria called out.

"Do you play this often?" Abby questioned.

"Not that much, but we played earlier this week," Victoria explained. "With my boyfriend, Mike, Reggie, and Jacob. I swear the Brit must have been cheating."

Abby's mind instantly wondered if the boys had been similarly dressed. It had been so long since Kevin fucked off to Seattle; she needed to get laid.

"Okay, it's Texas Hold'em, but we take turns dealing. We each will have two colors of chips, one for truths and one for dares. Dares must be declared when they are thrown in the pot. Anyone that stays in must perform the dare if they lose the hand. If you fold, you just have to complete the dares from the last time you put something in the pot. When the deal gets back to me, we have to complete the accumulated dares, then we'll have an interrogation for the truths." Stephanie explained nearly breathlessly.

"Are you still in, Abby?" Lauren grasped her hand.

"I need a few stories to tell about when I was wild." Abby was undoubtedly feeling the rum now.

"Alright! I knew you would be Abs!"

The first few rounds of the game consisted of mainly silly dares, skinny dipping, running a lap around the property, or sending a pic to a significant other or random guy if not in a relationship. Abby bowed out of that latter hand. She didn't mind doing wild things but didn't have a current beau, and there was no way she would be sending a rando a picture of her boobs.

Through multiple rounds, the dares got bolder. There were no rules for how far someone would go. It was only curtailed by the ability of the girls to bow out when the dare was made. "I dare you to masturbate on the diving board for one minute," Victoria said as she threw in a chip.

"Okay, but I'm getting hungry. I dare you to order pizza for the party." Lauren tossed a chip in. The bill could be split if multiple girls stayed in for the match.

"Put in a truth for me." Zara went next.

Abby looked at her cards one more time and examined the five face-up cards. She had a full house. What's the odds someone has something better? There was a pair showing face up. She had another of the pair in hand and another matching card from the river. I got this. "I dare you to answer the door to get the pizza naked."

"Too rich for me. I don't think I win with a pair and an Ace high." Stephanie folded.

"Abs has got to be bluffing. I'm in." Victoria gave her best angry look.

"Never bet what you can't afford to lose." Lauren leaned back, trying to look perfectly comfortable, but Abby knew her well enough that it was a bluff. "I'll raise you a truth."

"I'm in. I'm not sure if there is much you don't know about me." Zara declared with a wink.

"I call. Let's see what you four have." Abigail felt confident.

"Two pair. With a king high." Victoria went first.

"Is that better than three of a kind?" Lauren seemed damn sure of herself.

It accounted for where the other Jack was hiding. Abby breathed a little easier.

"I got an Ace High flush." Zara had a smirk.

"Well, damn." Abigail affected her best-scared look.

"You don't have to if it's too much." Lauren fell for it.

"No, I agreed to the rules. Too bad for you three; it won't have to come to that. Full house!" Abby laid her cards down.

"Sneaky, Abs, sneaky. You have gotten better at the poker face." Lauren shook her head.

"I'll order the pizza. You two want to pay me back?" Zara got her phone out.

"Make sure you order from Vito's. We know it's Darren delivering tonight." Victoria winked at Steph. "Maybe this will convince him to finally ask you out, Steph."

"How will seeing you three naked get him to ask me out?" Stephanie questioned.

"'Cause he'll be so turned on, he'll need a sure thing," Victoria said with a laugh.

"You may have a point." Stephanie smiled. "God, I want to jump him."

"I might have a dare for you if we get another round before the pizza gets here."

"You got some truths to cash in there. The pizza's gonna take a minute." Lauren motioned to Abby.

"I think you three have to do a little masturbating first," Abby said with a satisfied smile.

"You can ask your truths while we do that." Zara insisted.

"I'll go first." Victoria strode over to the diving board. "Start the clock?" Stephanie counted off the minute as Victoria did tight little circles around her clitty. Abby let her go for a few seconds without asking her anything. "What are my questions?"

"When was the last time you masturbated before this?"

"This morning."

"Weirdest place you've had sex?"

"The middle of my col-de-sac with my ex, Brian, at three am. He was an asshole, but damn could he fuck me." Victoria rolled her eyes like that was too easy of a question. She finished her shift and then dove into the pool.

"Lauren, I believe you're up. Z's ordering." Stephanie was acting as the traffic control agent.

Lauren nodded and then took her place on the diving board. She spread her legs wide and employed two hands to masturbate. Her right played with her clitoris while her left sank a pair of fingers into her hairless womanhood.

"What are my questions?" Lauren had her vision pinned on Abby's eyes.

"When was the last time you masturbated before this?"

"This afternoon, in the shower. The massaging showerhead and I are close."

Abby considered for a moment, but her friend was always good for a wild story or two. "What's the craziest thing you've done this summer that wasn't in this backyard?"

"I got engaged," Lauren said without a second to think.

"To who?" Abby was certainly intrigued.

"You only had two questions. You better win a few more hands." Lauren winked at her.


"You're up, Z!" Lauren chose to roll off the end of the board into the water.

"Pizza's ordered. It's going to be a while, though, busy Friday night." Zara stood and headed to the diving board.

Zara kept her legs together and drove a finger between her labia. "Question time?"

"Okay, who is Lauren engaged to?" Abby asked.

"The question must be about the person being asked, Ms. Prelaw!" Lauren protested as she bobbed in the water below the board.

"You heard the woman. Ask another." Zara glared at her.

"Same question as the others; when was the last time you masturbated?"

"This morning, in the shower. Lauren's right about massaging showerheads."

Abby considered; she had a question, but it didn't seem to fit with the jovial nature of this contest. She couldn't think of anything else, though. "Why me? Why was I your target back in high school?"

"Because I thought you were cute, and I didn't want to be bi-sexual then."


"I was like a boy pushing you on the playground because I didn't know what to do."


Zara stood on the diving board and eschewed a lap in the pool. "I'm not ready to lose the wig yet."

Another round ensued as they waited for dinner's arrival. Abby was struggling to get another truth to continue her questioning of Lauren. They made it around one more time with relative pedestrian dares. They had enough time to start one more round; two hands in, things got interesting. When it was down to just Victoria and Stephanie for one round, they kept bidding up each other.

"I dare you to stay naked when your boyfriend gets here." Was Stephanie's next raise after they traded truths. The three other girls had all bowed out early.

"I dare you to have sex with Darren." Victoria raised the pot.

"What if he says no?" Steph argued.

"He won't." Victoria challenged. "But if the impossible happens, you gotta give us a show with your vibe."

"What if you lose? You're not going to cheat on Mike." Steph highlighted.

"I have to fuck Mike right here as soon as he arrives. Is that a fair trade?" Asymmetrical dares were fair game as long as they were agreed to before the other person bought into the pot.

"With an audience?" Steph looked shocked.

"How else will we know if the dare is fulfilled? The same goes for your side of the bet." Victoria took a confident swig.

"There's no way I'm going to lose." Stephy was absolutely confident.

"What ya got?" Victoria had a crocodilian smile.

"Not raising me again?"


"Full house. Three Jacks and two kings." Stephy put down her cards.

"Oh... So Close! Too bad I have a full house with Jacks and two Aces."

"Oh, God! I lost!" Stephanie blanched.

"We gotta finish the round, but the pizza is five minutes away. A few of the dares require the pizza guy." Zara held up her phone.

"Two more hands after dinner and a show!" Lauren stood and marched the quintet of nude women up to the house.

After a quick game of rock paper scissors, it was decided that Lauren would answer the door, though Zara and Victoria had to stand beside her. Stephanie wouldn't have to do her part until they got him inside. Although she didn't need to, Abby plodded along behind them. This was already shaping up to be the wildest night of her life, and the sun was just barely set.

Zara was holding Lauren's hand when Lauren opened the front door, hiding her body behind the thick oaken surface. "Hi, Darren. Umm... Could you bring the pizza in? We're trying to complete some bets. We're kind of naked!" Lauren said and then gave him a little nervous chuckle.

"Oh, No! I have to see naked women?" Darren sounded hopeful. "I assume Zara's here. Is Stephanie around?"

Victoria looked over her shoulder at Stephanie with a smirk and a wink. Steph turned pink but wasn't running away. Abby hid around a corner; her getting seen was not on her list of required dares.

"She's here, but she won her bet," Zara explained as Darren stepped into the house.

Victoria collected the two pizza boxes and walked them to the edge of the half-wall that divided the living room. "Do you have a few minutes, Darren? Or do you have to make another delivery?"

"I have ten minutes or so before I need to head back. Traffic was quicker than I thought, and this was the final delivery in the group." The man had taken in looks at the three stunning nudes before him, but he was looking around as if he was trying to spy Stephanie.

Abby wasn't sure what she was expecting from just the name Darren. He was a beefy looking African-American with dark skin and a bright, friendly smile. A poof of black hair leaked out from his company-emblazoned ballcap. His work uniform was just a basic red-colored polo, but it was in excellent order considering it was past dark on what had to be a busy day. A pair of well-pressed khakis completed the uniform.

"Stephanie's here, and she has a question for you," Lauren stated, seeming to not want her to welch on her dare.

"Really?" Darren straightened his already impeccable outfit.

"I'm so going to get Vic back later," Stephanie said under her breath before walking out of the kitchen.

"Darren?" Stephanie asked as he turned in her direction. His eyes got huge as he stared at the half-Japanese goddess.

"Oh my God, Steph... You're so beautiful."

"Thanks. You got a girlfriend?" Stephanie asked


"Fuck buddy? A friend with benefits?" Victoria questioned.

"No and No." Darren's eyes didn't leave Stephanie.

"Ten minutes isn't a lot of time, but do you want to get fucked?"

"Am I dreaming?" Darren looked puzzled, but the new tent in his pants made his interest obvious. He nodded, and Stephanie grabbed his hand to lead him to the front room.