WWT: The Tentacle Invasion


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"Oh god, Debbie I'm sorry, I love you, oh god, oh fuck it feels..."

The orgasm caused her eyes to roll back into her head, preventing her from finishing even the thought.

"Oh fuck! Thank you! Thank you!" Deborah screamed before trying to control herself. "I want it, Mom. It's sick but I want you to see me like this."

"Go ahead, baby! Suck it. It's okay to want it. Please, I need it. I need to see..."

The two of them were fully taken, tentacles protruding from their cheeks, finding their way down to deep-throat both women while the twin snakes took them from behind. The spindles of the creature curled out from the elaborate wooden octopuses, coupling with the flesh until he could no longer see his daughter's breasts through the secreting mass of tentacles.

"You're... you're monsters..." Brian spat.

"Extraterrestrials," De Goth said casually. "Technically, thousands of distinct ethereal consciousnesses forged into one telepathic - nevermind it's far too complicated for you to understand. Stick to something simple - like government."

"What are you going to do, use me to destroy the world?"

And De Goth laughed. An ugly cackle but so genuine she almost cried.

"Only humans think like that. Destroy, kill, war, why? You create these systems, these ideas you think will save you."

She smiled, then bared her teeth almost like an animal.

"We can just slither in. What's a president? An election? Why destroy what is so easy to simply control. Go ahead! Live, build, love, create more for me to take!"

The cock-shaped tentacles drove in and out with a renewed vigor, dozens of the things competing for every cunt in his family. They pounded inside, faster and faster. Two were inside his wife's pussy, twirling and twisting. A much larger thing swelled and shook his daughter against its impossible girth. Inside each hole the monstrous things took turns ejaculating, spraying until its cream leaked out from the edges of each demented dick.

But the thing kept going, fucking them long after every hole had been pumped full of alien seed. Cum gushed out from each orifice long after ejaculation, leaving a gaping, dripping ass or pussy still quaking and quivering for more. The white alien fluid poured down each face and breast, blotting out those beautiful blonde features until nothing was left unpainted.

Frozen, the husband and father stood watching, trying to ignore the swelling against his pants.

"Let me take one last thing..." De Goth said, sweetly, moving towards him.

She unbuttoned her shirt, showing her red bra, her boobs busting against the fabric. With one hand, De Goth touched his cock through his pants while he watched the tentacles sliding in and out of his family.

"You're so hard," De Goth said. "You're going to cum like this. No, not with me touching this pitiful little thing. You are going to cum begging me for the privilege. I'll have you on your knees, your sad little prick sliding against my boot until it shoots its little piddle all over the leather."

She smiled, pulling her hand away.

"Then I'm going to make you lick it up"

He gulped, unable to stop watching.

"You are going to thank me, Mr. President. You are going to beg me to fuck your wife, to fuck your daughter. Then you'll beg to worship at my feet."

Brian's eyes were transfixed, watching the cocks slithering into Sarah and Deborah. He sank to his knees, unbuttoning his pants, ready to obey her every word.

"It's okay, Daddy," his daughter said between a mouthful of alien cock. "We all belong to Dagoth now."

"If it's any consolation," De Goth said as he sank to his knees. "At least now you're actually representing your constituents..."

She laughed.

"As another one of my countless cucks."

Heather De Goth pointed to her boot, her fingers now just slithering tentacles.

Chapter Twenty: Zenith

"Oh Rachel, how do we tell you?"

The dark-haired girl glided into the dungeon, suspended aloft by the swelling pink and purple tentacles that spread in and out from her body like wings. The fleshy and phallic appendages had ripped open the door easily enough. Ruby saw with her own eyes the petite blonde chained naked to the floor, her hybrid mind now controlling the cocks fucking every hole.

Pale, with milky skin and wide, newborn eyes, the dark-hair woman descended, holding Rachel. Ruby's larger breasts pushed against her delirious friend, clutching her close as the monstrous arms gently pushed into both of their bodies. Each opening bulged with extended tentacles, cum dripping down and mixing in rivers as Ruby reached out her hand, clasping it just above Rachel's limp and drooping neck.

She let their lips touch, eyes meeting until the blonde lost focus, her neck thrashing as the pain began again in her desperate pussy. Rachel remained the way she'd been kept, perched continually on the edge, kept in a suspended state of pre-orgasmic torture.

On the side of the room, the redhead Heather De Goth lay in a crumpled ruin, having collapsed seemingly at nothing. Her plated arms, completely skin-like, had smashed against the ground. The tentacles the defiler once commanded stayed inserted inside her last victim but were now controlled completely by something else.

Someone new.

"We can make this all stop," Ruby said softly. "But you will not be the same. You will be part of us. The same and yet distinct. Only... how can the creator know if it is good?"

She looked at Rachel, sadness in that pristine and perfect face.

"You must be our mirror, deciding the fate of two races, even if it means letting you suffer another second."

Their lips met again.

And Rachel could see the month before, when she had been taken by Dagoth, remembering for the first time in weeks a moment when her cunt hadn't clamored for a climax.

Tattoo almost disappeared as his alien body fell from her pussy, nearly shattered when his consciousness merged into Ruby. Just barely alive, fragments of Tattoo attached to neurons and nerves, his raw energy reconstituting itself into any available organic material. Spreading through her mind, the alien consciousness connected, sending signals to each other, trying to reform.

Beneath her dress, Ruby's almost ruined mind brought her hand reflectively to her pussy, masturbating compulsively on the ground. Alien energy surged through the slender girl's nearly naked body, nurtured into new life by Ruby's last orgasm, the climatic energy fusing the two into one.

"We were new for so long..."

In the recesses of her mind, against the thudding grind of her cunt pleading for release, Rachel heard the new voice. Slower, wooden, her sounds succinct and soft. But still the same friend she had rented a beach house with one summer.

That seemed so long ago. Back when Tattoo was only their secret and not the embodiment of the sinister spread of alien tentacles ravishing the world.

"We cannot really explain it. It is like describing the movements the tongue uses to make words. There is a connection, intimate and communal. There is still the one, the individual. But in one lies the strength of so many, shared and focused, overwhelming... "

Ruby looked at the ruined remains of the robot redhead.

"Dagoth was one being of pure hate. Always just one stacked on top of many. Interchanging, cycling, competitive, each pitted against the other. Easy to topple together."

And Rachel saw.

Ruby had stepped slowly from the bus, walking as though a baby deer getting used to how her shapely legs moved. She stared at her toes, the other girls in the line staring slack jawed. They marched almost hypnotized towards the behemoth. Spiraling out into the distance wriggled several miles of tentacles. Twisting and turning, they swapped thousands and thousands of naked women back and forth throughout the slimy and slippery sea of flesh and foaming cum.

It reminded Rachel of playing with Barbies in a bathtub, only each of the countless unnamed beauties had been a person, their brains completely lost to the creature. Each unkept and unclothed woman gaped with the same vacant expression, writhing and shaking, cumming into nothingness as the tentacles drove into anus, pussy, and mouth indefinitely.

Several of the still sentient girls were pushed together into large piles, taking turns with their mouths and fingers, slurping and touching anything available. Their faces shared and swapped cum and cock. Each cunt and nipple was sucked, touched, and played with at every possible angle, combining until the two species reached every conceivable interaction.

The orgy poured out into an eerie cacophony of cries and moans, stifled only by the slippery tentacles pushed and wrapped around their bodies, holding and fucking all in a writhing mess of cum.

Identical Heather De Goths led the women individually, attaching a leash to their leather collar. The other offerings looked at the sea of flesh and cocks with a blank stare, barely able to do more than put one foot in front of the other as the busty redheads led them to the maw of the monster.

It was Ruby's turn.

The dark-haired beauty looked down at her toes, ignoring the bulbous heads as they grappled around her ankles, spreading apart her thighs. Heather gave one last look, her head cocked to the size in puzzlement at Ruby's reaction. Her face stayed serene and calm, even as the tentacles coiled around her legs, lifting her up.

"Not that one!"

Heather's voice came too late.

Ruby's thighs were pried apart, the tentacles pressing around her ample bosom, squeezing and biting on her nipples. The pink cocks sprawled out inside, holding her immobile as the first ones entered her pussy.

She didn't react except to spread her bottom open a little when the next one played with her rosebud. The tentacle tickled deftly before driving up in a smaller series of glass-like beads, swelling to fuck deeper inside of her.

She smiled, doll-faced, then opened her mouth, sucking and slurping at the protruding phallus. Ruby drew from it all, her hips grinding back into the ribbed and knotted cocks pushing their cum inside of her. Soon, the warm, giddy tickling started at her clit, causing her to shake as the alien sea of tentacles pushed inside every hole.

But it was her mind driving the climax.

She envisioned herself with Rachel, remembering the feeling of the Tattoo's different shaped cocks inside of her, knowing now so fully the sensation of both as the tentacles fucked her. Just as vivid was the memory of the other's experience, the feeling of the monster's cock driving inside herself combining to know each side of the orgasm at once.

Ruby knew her own pussy as though she were the one fucking it. The warmth and wetness squeezed so pleasurably against each tentacle, her heads spasming and shooting stream after stream of cum while her body quaked in pleasure.

And as Dagoth's tentacle came inside of her, Ruby Tuesday's mind poured out, feeling both the sensation of fucking and being fucked by each tentacle. Her dual consciousness expanded out, the melding pair adding appendages and women effortlessly. One by one, the fractured, feuding and feeble minds joined her, adding to the euphoria as the cocks drove faster into each hole, filling her with cum until she brought the entire field together with her climax.

Pleasure had coursed through her, spreading out into the collective consciousness around her. Their sensations combined until Ruby knew them all, her pussy quaking with the shared experiences of every cock and cunt claimed by the creature. The orgasms ricocheted out, spreading through throbbing tentacles and clenched thighs, shaking the entirety of creation.

Ruby had risen up, riding the cocks, the countless robotic Heathers of Dagoth crumpling in her wake. She moved with a singular purpose, knowing more and more with each submission, growing and yet not quite combining into one.

"We waited..."


Rachel croaked, and then her eyes rolled back again, the tremor from pulsating tentacles rising up her waist in vibrating rivets.

Ruby wished only to make it stop. But she had to say it, knowing the horror that would happen if she stopped fucking her friend.

"Our kind, those from the stars, were shattered by the sight of individuals. We can blend and bind with the humans, connecting them like glue, but will they be humans?"

And then the real question.

"Rachel, am I still human?"

Rachel rocked back and forth, shaking and unable to ask to speak.

Ruby finished the thought.

"You must decide," Ruby said. "This new humanity would prosper. Suffering would end. Joy would abound as all came together, united in purpose and pleasure. We would spread easily, sharing lives of peace and prosperity. But at what cost?"

Again Ruby kissed her, their hips grinding together against the twin cocks inside combined, rubbing gently, bringing them together in one embrace.

"We love you as you are."

The tentacles moved inside, coiled and clutching, gushing out cum inside every opening. Rachel writhed in agony, reaching again the precipice only to stall unsatisfied. She could cum, but still, her mind remained blocked from the finale, conditioned to the stopping and starting of pleasure.

Her pussy and ass ground down against the tentacle, her legs rising off the floor. Just barely, her lips managed to meet her lovers. Ruby wielded the appendages effortlessly, bringing her tiny blonde girl again to the brink, wanting more than anything to push her over the edge, to take her fully into an endless embrace.

"Do you want this?"

Ruby's hand went down above Rachel's sex, her fingers tracing familiar patterns around the sensitive skin, trying to take her there naturally. The cocks pounded and pulsed, moving against the block in her mind and yet not enough. The lingering telekinetic barrier remained, keeping her cunt contained even as Ruby fucked her harder.


Her voice croaked before catching.

"Please Ruby, take me. Let me come with you..."

Rachel let go with a gasp, embracing her growing need to connect with her lovers. It wasn't just desperation. She wanted to join them as they did for so many nights, existing as three bodies coupled together in complete, contented bliss.

Another thrust and her breasts jostled at the force from the ejaculating cocks inside of her.

Again Ruby kissed her, this time completing their coupling with the full blending of their beings.

Her eyes opened.

Only Rachel's did not stop.

It was as though her mind extended out into everyone touched by the creatures, their innate understandings passed along through a thousand thoughts and images. Everything and everyone combined into one sense of being and contentment that brought about a consummate climax, ending and beginning life as it was known on this small and pitiful little planet, charting a new course that would soon spread to the stars.

Every orgasm, every girl touched and taken, flowed in and out with her exclamations. And Rachel knew the exhilaration not just of her own orgasm, but of the cocks twisting and moving inside of her and Ruby. She could feel it all, letting everything stream into her senses as she shook in ecstasy.

She was Ruby, Tatoo, Rachel...

And so many more.

She was the bulging, bubbled-shaped curves on the pink shaft delving into her, feeling her own pussy squeeze around the tentacle just as vividly as if ejaculating into her own canal.

Yet she stayed herself, moaning and writhing around the cocks pounding into her.

Ruby's mouth moved to her cunt, beckoned exactly at a shared and unspoken desire. Rachel experienced it, tasting her own juices mixed with cum as though they shared tongues. It was effortless, communicating instantly her response to each touch, the other knowing without saying where to squeeze, to move, to kiss, to fuck, and to cum. Together, they shared every sensation, the two intertwined between the endless cocks of the creatures.

They delighted themselves, freed from the stigma and shame, guiding tentacle after tentacle into their tender bodies. Ruby, Rachel, Tattoo, and all those taken by the tentacles combined into the one, a collective desperate to sate their desires and soothe their souls in this first shared experience of simultaneous sex.

Across their Earth, they were joined, spilling out their energy through everyone who saw and experienced this end.

Rachel and Ruby stayed suspended together in the air, tentacles wrapped inside and out, their heads nestled in each other's mounds. They drank greedily from each other, tongues tasting cum, cock, and cunt together as their hands roamed around each other, lost in an orgy of countless desires and climaxes.

Rachel paused to open her mouth, sucking another cock until it came across her face before diving back down. At last, the two were brought together by the growing need inside of them. They were at the edge, the end, the last gasp of exhalation and ecstasy before rest and recuperation

They felt it all...

The taste of alien cock, the feel of their pussy and ass, the final burst of cum in each canal until the flood of semen spread down to drench their thighs in their own sticky seed. They quaked together, pressed against each other's sexes. At long last euphoria spread across their used bodies, finally satisfying each until the rhythm from the pounding tentacle cocks slowed, twitching gently as each finished spraying their load.

The two were coated and covered in dripping, clutching each other.

And as Rachel nuzzled against Ruby's breasts, so did a new half of humanity, huddled together in a thousand places.

Ready to breathe.

Able to soothe.

Each of the all resting contentedly before starting the world anew...

Epilogue: The Eggs

She seemed so empty.

Until her stomach started to swell with the creatures.

She lay naked against the bare rock, left alone, abandoned after being abducted.

The girl struggled to remember even her name. The past few weeks passed in a blur of orgasmic bliss, her mind emptied of all but the barest instinct. The creature had vanished, leaving her a cold, cum covered shell, not even able to move.

At first, only her vagina responded, opening and closing involuntarily, trying to grasp onto the touch of something that should have been there. It had been so long. The alien tentacles had pushed deep inside of her holes, emptying its load until cum dripped down every inch of her thighs.

She forgot about fighting, losing herself in lust. Each time the monster disappeared from the dank cave, the woman writhed absently against the ground. She grinded her sex against anything she could find, barely able to think about anything before or after each fuck.

It left her a husk, barely able to move a muscle. She might have died there, dependent on the alien for food and water, had a rare rainstorm not created a small puddle to drink. The simple act of rolling over had taken the better part of that second day, her limbs unused to any effort. Her face still lay against the stone floor. She slurped absently, each time expecting to again taste alien's sweet nectar.

It was all that had nourished her.

She had lost all sense of time, staying in the fetal position, cold and hungry, unable to summon a single thought. Physical pains and aches came back in gnawing agony, little more than the smallest sliver compared to the absence in her long-abused loins. As feeling came back, her hand moved below her mound of unkempt pubic hair, fingers tapping below a writhing waist that never seemed satisfied with any other sensation.

She wanted the monster back.

She needed to feel the strain between her legs, craving that first opening when the alien split the lips of her pussy before she became completely stuffed. She wished for the sensation of those suction cups pulsating against her inside. She longed to look down and see the impression of the alien form, its feelers keeping her so full that she could see her distended belly, swollen and rippling from every thrust.