You Love Me To Hate You Ch. 01


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"Please don't. He's not worth it. You going to jail isn't going to make it never have happened."

"Yeah, whatever," he said. He was biding his time to allow Bryson to be less on-guard and not be watching out for him. He fully intended on making Bryson pay for sleeping with Mia, and he'd just been given extra motivation for breaking up his best friend's family.

"Craig, can we talk please?"

He looked at her sadly and shook his head no.

"I don't think so, Izzy."

She walked towards him and then screamed.

"Damn it, Izzy. There's broken figurines all over the floor."

He rushed to her and lifted her up. The expensive collection was crunching under his shoes. He held her with one arm and she wrapped her arms around his neck as he shook off and flipped the the couch cushions.

Satisfied there was no more glass, he set her down. She was amazed at his strength, and was turned on by the feel of his hand that was inadvertently placed on her butt. He lifted her foot and pulled the shard of figurine out. It was bleeding but wasn't a deep cut so he ran to the bathroom, where he knew they had the first aid kit.

He poured some hydrogen peroxide on her foot, dried it off and put a large gauze pad on her heel. A band-aid would never stay on where she was cut. After taping the pad down, he wrapped it and looked over his work.

"Not professional, but it'll hold."

"Thank you, Craig."

"Just stay off it for a bit. I'm gonna grab the broom."

He was thankful that they had hardwood floors in that room. Sweeping it up would be easier than picking up hundreds of pieces that are too large for the vacuum.

He took a couple of pictures of the room from different angles, he knew Todd would want to see the destruction, then swept everything into a large pile in the middle of the room.

Izzy didn't say anything. She was thankful that he came to help her and wasn't yelling at her. She wanted desperately for him to understand that she was always on his slide, but didn't want to upset him. Her reverie was broken by Craig sitting next to her.

"What a mess. I don't understand why people cheat, but I can relate to your dad's reaction."

"Mom's gonna lose her mind. A lot of those were worth over a thousand dollars."

"I was always afraid to be in this room. I didn't want to trip and fall or something."

"Craig, thank you for coming and helping me. I was afraid of him tonight."

"You're welcome. I may be mad at you but I would hate for you to be hurt."

"Craig, let me talk for five minutes and I'll never bother you again. I've left you alone so you can deal with your emotions, but I have to explain some things."

He picked up the bottle of scotch and asked, "This stuff is expensive isn't it?"

"That's his Johnny Walker Blue. It's very expensive."

"Good. Wait here and I'll give you five minutes. We were friends once and I guess I owe you that much."

"We're still friends," she said quietly as he walked away.

Returning with a glass of ice and a bottle of water, he sat down. As he filed his glass with the golden liquid, he said, "Okay. I'm all ears."

"Craig, I want you to know that if I had proof that she did anything on that spring break, I would've told you immediately. I think I've shown you that I don't approve of what she did when I showed you the videos. I took those videos for you. You didn't deserve what she did to you. I could've pulled her out of that house, slapped her straight and never told you. You would never have known, but I couldn't do that to you. Do you understand?"

He nodded yes and took a drink.

"Craig, telling you that I couldn't go out with you was the biggest mistake of my life. I regret it every day. I've fallen in love with you and it hurts me to see you upset like this. I destroyed my relationship with my best friend for you. I did it because I love you and you deserve better."

"Oh, so I deserve you right? You're better? The one who treated me like shit for years. The one who...who... Never mind. You're five minutes is up. I have to go."

She watched him walk out of the house and broke down into tears.


Craig was awoken by a call from Todd.

"Craig, my dad wants to see you at the house. He said that he needs your help with something. He didn't tell me what though. I'm still in Lake Geneva."

"Okay. I just hope he didn't break anything else."

"Yeah, I talked to izzy. Mom's gonna lose her mind when she sees what he did."

"No doubt. I'll send you pictures of the carnage."

"Sweet, I could use a laugh, thanks. I always hated those damn things."


Craig rang the bell and when the door opened Izzy was standing there.

"Good morning, Craig."

"Todd said your dad needs me for something."

"Yeah. He's out back."

She watched him walk through the house without another word.

He opened the sliding door and saw Izzy's father smoking a cigar.

"You needed me, sir?"

"Craig, yes. Thanks for coming, please sit. From now on, please call me Rick. Izzy tells me we have a lot in common."

"I suppose we do," Craig answered.

"Craig, today that piece of shit is going to get his comeuppance. He's about to learn that you don't mess with another man's wife, or girlfriend."

"What do you have in mind, sir."

"Rick please. We are going to beat the hell out of him."

"When and where?"

"Atta boy. I knew you were a good man. You've proven it time and again looking out for Izzy."

Craig looked at him inquisitively.

"Oh yeah. Izzy told me all about what you did for her at school. That's why I'm giving you this gift today."

"What's that, Rick?"

"Payback and revenge. Let's go for a walk, leave your phone."

Craig noticed that he picked up the baseball bat that he got so much use of the night before and brought it with them.

"Craig, one of the selling points of this house for me was the forest of trees behind my house. I'm sure you know that the whole subdivision is a big circle."

Craig nodded.

"This forest is small, but it's dense. Did you know that it also backs up to that asshole's house?"

"No, sir."

"Yep. He's gonna wish he never moved into the neighborhood."

They walked through the woods and stopped at a clearing.

"You see this here? This is his backyard. I've got almost 100 feet of yard before the trees, he's only got about 50 feet. We came here for his housewarming party a little while back and he told me that he swims 50 laps every morning. You'll also notice that there's no view into his yard from his neighbors on either side."

Craig smiled and said, "Yes. Nice and private isn't it."

"Here," Rick said pulling a couple of large handkerchiefs out of his pocket. "I'm glad you wore a hat this morning. That makes it easier."

Craig tied the handkerchief around his head and turned his hat around, backwards.

Out of his other pocket, Rick pulled out two pairs of mirrored Oakley wrap around ski goggles. They put them on and looked at each other.

"Perfect," Craig said.

"I'd hoped so. Now we wait."

It was only fifteen minutes before Bryson came out of his back door. He stretched, threw his towel on a lounge chair and dove into the water.

"Let's sneak to the side here and get along behind his shed. We'll wait until he's tired out from swimming and I'll jump him as he's drying off. Don't say a word and remember that we aren't here to kill him. I'll do some body shots with the bat and hit his nuts. When he goes down, we kick him good. Got it?"

"Yep. Let's do it."

Everything went according to plan. Bryson had the towel over his face and never saw them coming. Once he went down, they were relentless. They didn't miss an inch of his back, stomach and groin.

Once the deed was done, they sprinted into the woods and made their way back to Rick's house. There was a garbage bag on the table that wasn't there before and Rick filled it with their hats, masks and goggles.

"Put your shirt in here too," Rick said.

Rick led Craig into his garage and told him to get in the car. As Craig did, he saw Rick throw the bag and bat into the trunk and then two bags of golf clubs followed.

Rick sat behind the wheel and started the car.

"Have you ever golfed before, Craig?"

"Yes. I'm not good though."

"Don't worry about it. Right about 20 minutes from now we will be meeting two of my golf buddies on the 10th hole. They used my credit card and paid for our tee time about two hours ago. That's our alibi. They know what that guy did to me and will swear to the cops if needed that we've been with them all morning."

"Sounds good," Craig said, although he was as nervous as he'd ever been in his life. The adrenaline was wearing off and he was worried.

"Izzy will swear that that we left for the course at 6:30. She made us a couple of egg sandwiches for the road and kissed us goodbye."

"Got it. I figured she knew. That garbage bag wasn't there before."

"Right. That girl would do anything for you, son. Treat her right. Oh, grab the shirts off of the backseat please."

They put on the golf shirts and didn't say another word about what happened the rest of the morning.


After golfing and then disposing of the bag and bat in a dumpster on the way back, they pulled into Rick's garage.

"Shit, my wife is back," Rick said.

"Are you going to divorce her?" Craig asked.

"I don't know yet. It's a lot more complicated loving someone for decades than it is dumping a girlfriend."

Craig nodded in understanding and said, "Good luck."

"Yeah, I'm going to need it after last nights activity."

They walked into the house and Izzy met them at the door. She grabbed Craig into a hug and cried into his chest.

Craig softened, remembering what Izzy was going to do for them. He hugged her tightly and whispered, "I love you too."

She sobbed harder and he felt her body shake. He pulled back and lifted her chin with his hand. Leaning down, he kissed her softly.

To be continued...

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The character Craig is portrayed as a bit of a dip shit. Blaming the girl who brought him the news of the longtime girlfriend's infidelities at the expense of losing her longtime friend was just too stupid, even for an immature boy. And only being swayed because she helped him perpetrate a beating on the errant rich-boy? Immature indeed. One would hope this character matured before becoming more involved with a sweet, solid young woman. But then again, I was an immature ass when meeting my future wife while we were in grad school too. But I matured a lot after becoming involved due to her solid anchor, and much because I wanted to, for her. This author's story seems to be a romance in that vein.

WetheNorthWetheNorth8 months ago


Too much standard hollywood style BS

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

A dumb story filled with frustratingly dumb people, I bet Rick forgives his wife too, just AAAGGGHHH,

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

That Mia slut will never be faithful to anyone in her life! He's good to be rid of her!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Was good to see the change in Izzie's behavior over time. I like how she refused to go to Ft Lauderdale. I expect if Mia had stopped with Mason on Spring Break, they might have made it but she falls for Bryson (Mr big ego and smaller dick). Really? She can't masturbate for a couple of months and/or visit Craig at school? Well they wouldn't have made it his senior year anyways. Odd that Bryson nabged Izzie's mom. With? But a good soap opera. Craig deserves better than Mia. It is odd because while she has a sexual awakening in Ft Lauderdale (wouldn't be the first) with some communication she is getting rocked soon thereafter by Craig. If she really loved him why would she risk that even if the sexual part of their relationship is disproportionately too important from hernside ofnthe relationship. There is no way an arrogant asshole like Bryson would ever give her the satisfaction Mia would need. Mia is an immature self-centered brat.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I am just in page 2 and hating the story so far. You just showed me a guy who has showed talent to become a mistress' doormat. Since he's obviously not attracted by her personality, he is a very shallow man who only is drawn by her exterior beauty. Then, to prove my point, when she starts being nice, he walks away. She has an attiude toward men. Again, I wonder why, maybe you'll give some background later, but so far she is miss my-shit-dont-stink andyou havent explained why. Then the attitude change? She went from bitch to nice person in a heartbeat again without a real explanation. I hope the story gets better, but so far I the plot makes no sense.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great start for a story.

For those who don't understand or like Izzie's nastiness at the start consider this.

Most teenagers see things as black or white. There is no middle ground. No grey area.

Something spoken is either truth or a lie. To them there is no such thing as a white lie, or a little fib. Its all out there. Its the whole truth or its a lie.

You are either good or bad. They do not understand the concept that a good person is capable of doing something bad. Or that a bad person can be good.

She believed she had caught Craig perving on her at a time when she would have been most insecure about her ever changing body. of course she "hated the pervy creep".

Her behaviour is perfectly consistent with being a shy adolescent young lady whose best defense method is to distance herself from the perve and to publicly shame him.

Well written. A great exposure of teenage behaviour.


The_OutlanderThe_Outlanderover 3 years ago

Good stuff and nice plot. Sure, it's over the top, but entertaining. Well, actually it may not be that far over the top, thinking back to some of the people, both young and old, that I have met over the years. Now for part two.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Over the top

I thought Izzy's antics early in the story were over the top and made her character inconsistent with the decent person she was later in the story to an extent greater than is explainable by circumstances.

Otherwise I liked it.

G5902G5902over 3 years ago
Great Story!

Thank goodness I did not see this story until you had the next chapter ready. Jumping quickly to number two!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Great job

Very good story awesome job.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I'm not going to be agreeing with the others. The hatred between the teens at the beginning of the story was over the top. And the story itself was at least twice as long as it had to be. I can't figure out why there has to be a Part 2. Not trying to be snotty, just giving my honest opinion.

oldsage_1oldsage_1over 3 years ago

Hell of a story my man! I have read a couple of your shorts and they are good but this one is big league. Glad I joined the party a little late and don't have to wait for the next chapter!

5 stars and then some



P.S: Keep writing your fans need you!

silentsoundsilentsoundover 3 years ago

This was simply amazing!

Full marks of course I only wish I could go higher.

Incredible work and I can't wait for more. I hope you find this "zone" you reached while writing this often. I am actually intrigued by all of your characters. This is very rare.

My thank you is very heartfelt.

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