Your Family is Mine!


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"Aren needs me right now, I think. I'll join you later, Tyla." Paige cooed, softly caressing Aren's tear-stained cheek.

"Fine by me." Tyla turned back to the buffet of women before her and scanned between them as she slowly approached. "Eenie.. meenie... miney..." She grabbed Angela's childbearing hips and plunged herself into her snug cunt. ""

"Aren, honey. Are you okay?" Paige lifted his head and rested it in her lap. Aren had to focus on her voice to hear her properly, the screaming of his mother threatening to drown out her words. "You did such a good job, baby." Paige ran her hands through his long hair and moved his head to look up at her. Aren stared into her bespectacled eyes, the delicate brown irises shining with their familiar warmth that attracted him in the first place. Even though her hair was a mess and there were stray drops of cum on her face, it was still the Paige he loved. He said nothing, just burying his head in Paige's thighs and softly weeping. "I know, baby. I know." She held him close and let him cry, understanding how much pain he was likely in. "I know it hurts right now, but we all love you so much, and that's never, ever going to change."

And so the night continued. Tyla proceeded to have the orgy of a lifetime with Aren's family, using every woman nearby a multitude of times. Mouths, pussies, asses, every hole was forfeit to her sexual fury and stuffed with untold quantities of cum. No act of debauchery was off limits. Tyla would cum in Sam's ass, and wrench her cock free mid-orgasm to jam it down Tori's throat to finish herself off. It became regular for the futa to swap between holes without even cumming, seemingly unable to get enough of each orifice. At another point, Tyla sat on Angela's face to fuck the MILF's tits as she ate the futa's ass out. Tori was held aloft in her arms, Tyla's long tongue wriggling around in her cum-stuffed cunt. Sam even took the opportunity to lick layers of dick juice off of her conqueror's washboard abs. Tyla quickly grew bored of Angela's tits, and tossed the orgasming Tori to the side to brutalize the older woman's throat instead as Sam decided to start fisting her own mother's birth canal. When it was Paige's turn, one of Aren's sisters or his mother would take her place in comforting him, reassuring him that everything would work out in the end. Tyla fucked Paige doggystyle, as Paige herself tongue-fucked Sam's asshole, as Sam devoured Tyla's loads from Angela's twitching pussy. He watched as the women who once served as pillars of support crumbled before the unstoppable onslaught that was Tyla.

As the hours of debauchery ticked away, it became more and more clear to Aren what this meant. His old life was dead and gone. The barriers of incest and shame had long since disintegrated along with any hope he once held. The comfort his family provided him was oddly helpful. It felt like they were guiding him with a gentle hand into his new role in life, and he truly saw no purpose in continuing to fight against Tyla and her influence.

By the end, all four of them lay splayed across the couch (which was now broken), twitching and moaning as their stomachs sloshed with seed which also leaked from their gaped orifices.

"Whew!" Tyla wiped her brow and stood up on shaky legs. "I haven't fucked like that in well... ever!" She sighed, looking down at the emotionally void femboy beneath her. "Hey, I gotta piss like a fuckin' race horse! Mind opening up for me, bitch boy?" She held out her flaccid cock, red, vascular and covered in layers upon layers of cum. For once, it actually looked spent. Shakily and robotically, Aren sat up, supporting himself on weakened arms and opened his mouth. What use was it to resist her anymore?

"Good boy!" Tyla grabbed his hair with one hand to steady his head, then with the other she shoved the first several inches of her cock into his throat. The futa sighed as her bladder released, the acrid stream of piss flowing down Aren's throat in a steady stream. He sat there, gulping it down obediently like the good hole he had become, feeling her urine joining the slurry of cum in his belly. This was his future. This was all that was left of him...

6 Months Later

Aren shuffled through the front door, kicking his shoes off before closing it behind him. He placed the shopping bags on the table, full of various post-natal care items. Immediately his ears were treated to a very familiar cacophony. The sound of Paige screaming her lungs out in ecstasy rang throughout the house, various framed pictures from happier times in his life rattling against the wall from the sheer force of the breeding happening upstairs.

"Oh fuck! Your cock is so big it's gonna fucking kill me!" Paige's voice rang out, singing the familiar praises of the homewrecking futanari that was Tyla. Aren hung up his coat and trudged up the stairs to his room, where he sheepishly disrobed to reveal a steel chastity cage clamped around his pathetic package. By this point, he heard Tyla roar in orgasm, followed by various moans and slurps from his family. Once he was nubile, the femboy made his way down the hall to what used to be his mother's room. The door was wide open, the concept of privacy a trivial thing of the past. Entering the room, his bare feet squished into the semen-soaked carpet, and his blank eyes fell upon the bed. Five people laid across what were two beds pushed together, concealed by a massive blanket. Cum was splattered and dried all over the walls, floor, and even the ceiling. Behind the bed frame the wall was cracked and dented. Aren locked eyes with Tyla.

"Welcome home, slut! Care to join us?" The four women, two on either side of her, giggled and beckoned to him.

"Come on, Pup."

"Hop in!"

"Join us, sweetheart."

"We'd love to have you, baby."

"Come here." Tyla commanded. "I've been itching to have a taste of that ass." She lifted the blanket, peeling it off of an ocean of semen coating the mattress. Hundreds of strings of cum connected the blanket to the bed, hanging down and draping over the bodies beneath it. What Aren also saw were the swollen, pregnant bellies of his sisters, mother, and girlfriend. Each one was round, smooth, and significantly larger for the point they were at in pregnancy, indicating that each were definitely carrying more than one. Tyla smiled again, proud of cementing herself within this fucked up family. Aren sighed and began to approach the bed, now used to his new life as Tyla's favorite slut.


A heavy silence fell over the room. Not a soul spoke a word, eye contact being the only form of exchange until it was suddenly broken by Sam letting out an anguished sob. She buried her face in her hands as tears started to uncontrollably pour from her eyes. Tori swiftly followed as she started to hiccup and snivel, her face turning red. Angela covered her mouth as her shoulders began to hitch. Paige seemed to understand, however. Her eyes were misty like the rest of the women, but she'd be lying if she said she was surprised at her boyfriend's reaction. The four of them looked over to Tyla, who just sat there, almost catatonic.

"Aren, I..."

"What? Don't tell me you're sorry now!" The femboy spat, venom sizzling in his words. "You think an apology will fix any of this? That's more of an insult than any of the names you have ever called me."

"Aren, please-"

"Shut the fuck up! I don't care what you have to say! You and everyone else have made your feelings very apparent. I'm nothing to you. I'm just an obstacle that was keeping you from having some fucked up harem. Well you won't have to worry about me anymore."

"Aren, don't say that-"

"WHY NOT?!" He was shouting again at this point, veins popping out of his forehead and neck as he pointed at the futa who ruined his life. "Why the fuck would you care what happens to me?!"


As Tyla's outburst echoed off the walls, the same oppressive silence fell over the room. Aren just stared blankly, his brain short-circuiting as he tried to process her words.


"I said I love you, Aren..." Tyla stood up off the couch, her cock now limp and meek as it swung between her thighs as she approached him. She stopped about six feet away and gazed into his eyes. "Ever since I met you I've loved you. When I first saw you when we were kids I... I had such a huge crush on you that I didn't know how to handle it. So I started picking on you. After a while I didn't know how else to act around you, so I couldn't stop. When my hormones came into the picture, it made things so frustrating for me! So I guess I took it out on you..." Tyla looked down before seeming to realize something. "Th-That's not an excuse, though! I was stupid for not working it out myself! Because I didn't get proper help, I started coming up with ways I could win you over. I even went to the same college to stay close to you. I got so jealous when I learned how loving and supportive your family is. I wanted to be your pillar of support instead of them! When Sam came over that day to confront me, we got into a big fight, and I ended up fucking her just to blow off some steam, but then she got hooked on me. That's when I realized I could do the same to the rest of your family."

Aren felt Sam place her hands on his shoulders from behind, though he didn't flinch. In fact, her touch was comforting and warm; like it used to be.

"I was gonna corrupt them all and make them forget you so that I could swoop in and become your support instead, or that you'd join them in my bed. But now... Now I love them too. I love all of them so much, because the love they have is so amazing. You have such an amazing family, Aren, and I wanted to be part of it. When you and Paige got together, I was so angry. It wasn't about winning you over anymore, it was about punishing you."

Tyla dropped to her knees before the man whom she had so thoroughly hurt, Aren finally looking down on her for once.

"I'm so sorry, Aren. This isn't what I wanted..." She reached for his face, but he quickly flinched away in fear and disgust. Tyla suddenly wailed and threw her head in her hands. It hurt. It hurt so fucking bad to see the despair in Aren's eyes. If this was how she felt, she couldn't even imagine the kind of pain she had put him through.

Aren meanwhile had no idea what to think, nor how to feel. Was Tyla lying to him? Joking? After everything she had done, trusting her was virtually impossible. His brain simply blue screened at the sudden turn of events.

"Aren..." Paige spoke up, shuffling over to her boyfriend. He didn't flinch away from her as she hugged him from the side, nuzzling her cheek to his and softly cooing. He felt Sam press against his back, resting her chin on his head and softly rubbing his chest.

"I'm so sorry, Pup. I didn't mean to hurt you like this." Tori, still sniveling, hobbled up to her big brother and hugged his other side, burying her face in his chest.

"I'm sorry, Aren! I-I love you so much, and-and-and I just want you back!" Angela embraced her son from the front, her soft body warming him by proximity.

"I never had, and never will stop loving you, my darling boy. I'm so sorry that I let my selfishness get the better of me. I promise that won't happen again." She ended with a soft, delicate kiss on his forehead. The rest of the girls joined in, peppering their lips all over his upper half. It was like his glitching mind began to hard-reset. He felt the warmth and love flooding him from all directions, radiating in brilliant emotion as a smile started to form on his lips for the first time in what felt like an eternity of misery. He could feel his heart starting to heal. Even after everything Tyla had done to them, these four women's love for him never faltered, never diminished; if anything it was stronger than ever.

Aren grabbed onto his mother and held her tight, burying his face in her ample bosom. Everyone just hugged him tighter, forming a protective barrier of love that nothing could penetrate; not even Tyla. They never left. He realized that pushing them away only made his pain worse. Accepting them, new debaucherous aspects and all, alleviated his suffering like he never could have imagined.

"We didn't want to push you away, Aren. We wanted you to join us. Tyla told us about her crush on you at the bar, and we all thought you'd be a perfect addition to our little harem." She giggled a bit. "She wants you. We all want you." Aren looked over his mom's shoulder at Tyla who was still sobbing into her hands. He softly pushed himself out of the group and approached her. The futa lifted her head as she heard his bare footsteps. Aren looked down at her with an expression she couldn't read, staring into her puffy green eyes that had lost all the confidence and bravado he was used to seeing from her.

"What?" she sniveled. "Say something... Scream, cuss me out, hit me! I deserve it..." Aren raised a small fist and "punched" her in the chest. To Tyla, it felt more akin to being hit with a pillow. He hit her again, and again, his fists meekly bumping against her strong body with no force behind them.

"Why couldn't you just tell me, you dumbass?" he sighed. "Why make it hurt so bad?" His strikes grew weaker and weaker until he gave up, just staring at her once again until he placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her backwards. She didn't resist him, letting herself sprawl out on her back as he supported himself atop her goddess-like body. Tyla couldn't bear to look him in the eyes.

"I'm sorry, Aren. This isn't how it was supposed to-HHMPH?!" Her words were cut off with a surprised yelp as Aren suddenly kissed her! It was Tyla's turn for her brain to short-circuit. Shock, confusion, elation, a cyclone of emotions cascaded through her mind as a powerful connection formed between the lips of the femboy and the futa. It was all she had ever wanted for years, and it was finally happening to her! Tyla sighed softly against Aren's lips, wrapping her strong arms around him as if he could fade away at any moment. She squeezed his shoulders and played with his soft hair to assure herself that he was indeed real. Aren himself couldn't believe it either. He wasn't exactly sure why he was kissing her, but it felt right; like his instincts had taken over. His nude body on top of hers was tingling all over. His nipples were stiff like two small diamonds, rubbing all over Tyla's own nubs atop her soft-yet-firm breasts. His cock as well was ragingly hard. It pressed against Tyla's mammoth she-cock like David vs Goliath, somehow pinning it down with sheer determination as beads of precum began to form at their slits. The kiss suddenly broke as they both gasped.

"Aren..." Tyla moaned again, squirming underneath him to stimulate various areas of her body with the delicious friction of movement. The femboy felt his instincts taking over as he grabbed his pulsing manhood. He gave it long, slow strokes as he tucked it underneath Tyla's swollen balls. He felt his tip pressing against the burning hot, soaking surface of her feminine parts, the untouched pussy lips almost seeming to kiss his glans affectionately. "Give it to me, baby. Take it all out on my pussy." Tyla moaned, digging her nails into Aren's biceps.

"Tyla..." He slowly pushed himself forward, feeling his bully's swollen lips swallow the tip of his cock effortlessly thanks to how unbelievably wet she was.

"Holy shit... this is what a cock feels like?" She hissed, her body starting to tremble. "More, baby. Give me all of you."

"I've never done this before, Tyla." Aren gave a push of his hips and he felt himself buried to the hilt within her tight love canal, warmth and wetness clinging to him from all directions. "I'm not as big as you..."

"I don't give a fuck." She growled. "Just fuck me, baby." And who was Aren to deny her? He clutched her muscular body as tightly as he could and started weakly humping into her. It was a new feeling for both of them, Aren fucking, and Tyla being fucked.

"He's so cute." Angela whispered to Sam as the four women watched.

"His technique sucks though..." Sam responded. "I'm gonna help." She knelt down next to her younger brother. "Here, angle your hips like this, and give her a nice, steady rhythm." Sam adjusted Aren's body a bit and backed off, and immediately Tyla went from panting to moaning as Aren's cock struck her deeper.

"You can go faster, too. She's a big girl! She can take it!" Tori said as she bit her lip and dipped her hand between her thighs.

"Wait wait, Aren I need time to-UNGH!" Tyla's eyes crossed as he suddenly threw his entire body weight into his next thrust, causing her tits to bounce in a perfect set of circles.

"Did you give my sisters time?" He slammed into her again. "How about my mom?" Again. "You fucked my girlfriend, so I'm fucking you, dammit!" A puddle was already growing underneath Tyla's ass, her cunt gushing out fluids almost as much as her cock!

"Oh fuck! I'msorryI'msorryI'msorryIloveyouIloveyouIloveyoufuckmefuckmefuckme!!! Tyla's speech started to devolve into whorish babbling as her pussy experienced what it had been starved of for so long. She looked deeply into Aren's eyes and held his cheeks with her hands. "Don't stop until you cum, baby! Hate-fuck me until you fill my pussy up!"

"Tyla..." Aren locked lips with her again, his hips speeding up into a blur as his own orgasm began creeping up on him. "I'm getting close."

"Give it to me."

"Fuck..!" Aren slammed his hips as hard as he could into Tyla, burying his cock in her snug pussy as cum started shooting from his swollen tip and painting the futa's insides. Tyla let out a squeal more akin to Tori or Sam as she orgasmed herself, her walls spasming to milk him of every drop of precious cum.

"My little boy is a man now." Angela giggled.

"I think that was some extreme catharsis." Paige added. Aren slumped down onto Tyla's abs, completely winded and mind fuzzy from the afterglow as Tyla softly stroked his hair.

"You did it, Pup! She may have conquered us, but you conquered her!" Aren looked to Sam, then back to Tyla's glazed over eyes staring at the ceiling, even as she played with his hair.

"I guess that means you have two girlfriends now." Paige said. "And I wouldn't have it any other way."

I did that to her? He thought, staring at her admittedly goofy O-face. It was faint, but he felt the flame of confidence reignite somewhere deep within his soul. Tyla's eyes suddenly snapped back into focus.

"Alright, you little fuck-bunny. You've had your fun, now it's my turn." She suddenly grabbed his lithe body and lifted him up, causing him to squeal in surprise before she pinned him to the couch with her entire body. Aren could feel her massive cockmeat pressing down on his stomach, the tip actually reaching his chest as it throbbed and drooled viscous precum onto his soft skin. He was admittedly terrified. He had seen firsthand what that cock could do. He watched it turn the strongest women in his life into blubbering breeding cows in a matter of seconds. The femboy started to tremble beneath Tyla, and she noticed.

"Are you okay?" She asked, sitting up.

"I'm just... I'm nervous..."

"Aw, Pup." Sam cooed, making her way over to her brother and stroking his hair. "It's okay, I'm here for you."

"So are we." Paige said, accompanied by Tori and Angela. The four women situated themselves around Tyla and Aren, placing their hands in various spots to comfort and support the man they loved most in his most vulnerable moment.

"It's gonna hurt at first, but then it'll feel so amazing." Tori took his right hand, and Paige his left. Aren's eyes grew misty as he squeezed them both, melting into the affection and warmth they were showering him with. Angela giggled.
