Alana Sexual Journey


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Chapter 12

Good morning, the time is 5:05 and its time for the news. A voice rang out waking her abruptly sitting up wondering where she was. Groggy from her slumber on the couch as she moved the aches came with the stiffness of her muscles a creak in the neck shooting pain down her spine getting to her feet and moving helped the aches subside in her body.

She went in to the bathroom turned on her shower. Thoughts from last night flooded her head thoughts about him. She saw him every time she closed her eyes now she was seeing him with her eyes open. The warm water of the shower soothed her stiff neck rubbing the kinks out. Her whole body invited the warmth of the shower. Washing her body and her hair all she thought about was him. Alana was obsessing over him realizing all she had been doing was because of him. She wanted more of him needed more not wanting to believe she was in love with a man she didn't even know his name. Alana was at least infatuated with the stranger in the bedroom that night if she wasn't in love with him.

Who was he, where was he, from how can I find him? Alana asked her self.

She did not know who he was he had not even told her his name. Where should I start? What should I do? He is a stranger that I want to find. Alana asked herself. Her first thought was the police and after she told them the story, they would laugh her out of the station snickering at the thought of her absurdness. Alana rinsed off and turned the water off. I need to find him I need to at least know who he is.

The day was warm and bright the mid day sun shining on her face as she sat down at the table in the cafe' the waiter asked if she wanted something from the bar and he ordered her usual drink as the waiter left looking past him. Alana noticed Sarah walking up to the table and sat across from her. Sarah was wearing her business attire not as flattering as the night she had last seen her.

"Sarah how are you?"

"I am good how about yourself?"

"I am good, Thanks."

The waiter returned and asked Sarah if she wanted anything from the bar. Sarah ordered.

"I noticed you spent most of the evening talking to tall dark and rich." Exclaimed Sarah, "You two looked like you hit it off well." States Sarah lighting up a cigarette and taking a quick drag after putting the match in the ashtray.

"We did" said Alana with a slight grin on her face.

"So how was he?"

"He was a total gentleman fascinating and very interesting."

"He must have been you to talked there in the one spot for over an hour and then I saw him lead you to the other room where did you two go?"

"We talked for a while longer in the other room it was quieter there."

Sneering at her a little Sarah asked "all you did was talk?"

"Pretty much that's all we did was talk" not wanting to give Sarah any more information than she needed "We talked about everything that night."

"Well if I had him I would have made sure I did more than just talk with him"

Alana asks Sarah if she knew his name.

"You mean you spent all that time talking to him and you didn't find out his name. Really, Alana you are a true spinster aren't you."

"No! I am sure he told me but I don't remember."

Laughing louder "is this why you asked me to lunch? "

Not replying to the question Sarah tells her that she did not know his name only that he was rich and owned several companies. Alana asks Sarah if she knew any one that knew him .

Sarah replies to her and tells her a name of the man that might do business with him in this town it sounded familiar but she could not place the name.

During lunch Sarah talk frequently about herself and her love life Alana nodded at the sounds Sarah made and tried to be interested in the conversation it was hard with Sarah's. She made condescending remakes at times and was always brash.

After they ate, their meal Sarah thanks her for lunch.

Chapter 13

Alana could not stop thinking about him day dreaming often loosing herself in her thoughts as she worked. The rest of the day was long and tedious. Alana was trying to loose herself in her work as Alana had done many times before when matters confronted her.

She had made some progress in finding him but very little all she had was a name of a man that he might do business with it was more than she had yesterday. She looked to see if the man was listed in her computer at her desk. When the file came up on the screen Alana noticed the name on the screen was the same account she and the team celebrated getting last week.

Reaching the 19th floor of the building, Alana was greeted by a secretary.

"I am here to see Mr. Reynolds." He was the name Sarah had mentioned to her during lunch. Before the secretary could answer the door to her right opened she saw Mr. Reynolds standing there in the doorway exchanging pleasantries with another businessman. Mr. Reynolds is an older man balding and over weight typical businessman that eats out and gets to little exercise, a fat cat of the professional business world. Alana noticed that that Mr. Reynolds at the party the night she met the stranger.

"Ah! Come in please" Said the man at the door as the other gentle man was leaving.

Alana walked in to the office. The office was plush gray and silver with hints of black threw out the room with every day office furniture.

Mr. Reynolds was polite and asked if everything was all right, with the business he had sent her way. She replied that everything was more than fine and that her staff was ahead of schedule for him.

"Well then what brings you here? Surly it was not to tell me that everything was going alright I usually just get a phone call on things of that nature its when people have rally messed up that I get personal visits."

"You are right Mr. Reynolds I actually came here on a personal matter I hope you don't mind."

" No not at all its the least I can do for such a pretty thing like you and one that works as hard as you."

Blushing Alana explains she is in search of a man that does business with him and she did not know his name and was only able to describe him. Alana also told him he was talking to him at the party she had attended.

He replies to her request telling her that he might know who she was looking for recalling the conversation he had with the stranger not remembering whom Alana was talking about.

"Give me a few days and I will have the name for you and maybe more than that." He replied to Alana.

"Mr. Reynolds I was unsure of the kid of reception I was going to get with the request I have just made to you it is unprofessional but this man I have to find him I need to speak with him once again."

" I could tell from when you walked into my office something else was on your mind and after telling me what you need and seeing the despair in your eyes I know it is important to you so I will try to help you."

" Thank you MR. Reynolds" Extending her hand as she rose from her seat.

He grasps her hand gently telling her the pleasure was all his and not to worry. Smiling back at him she turns and leaves thanking him for his time once again.

Chapter 14

A week few weeks went by with out hearing from Mr. Reynolds. The account was almost finished that the teams had been working on Alana was delighted with the teams work the boss was pleased with her and her teams performance also. They were so impressed when she arrived at work she found airline tickets six tickets to various places around the world and a note attached to them have a good vacation you have earned it.

Alana was delighted she called a meeting with her team to divvy up the bonus that they have received. All of the team members arrived they were a happy and jovial bunch they knew there work would be done soon it was an end of a long promotion on the new account. The team knew what the meeting was about it was a meeting that they hoped for at the completion of each job.

As they sat and waited talk of how big there bonus was going to be buzzed the room. They knew that the job had been done well they waited anxiously for the head of there team.

Alana walked in to the room it was still buzzing with anticipation.

"You all have done well shouting to the crowed and this is one of the bonuses." Just as Alana was about to pass, the tickets out to the team Tom walked threw the door.

"Excuse me I need to talk to all of you first before Alana proceeds." Silence feel over the once blissful crowd.

"Alana those are your tickets I have the rest of the teams right here." Alana surprised as Tom starts to hand out the envelopes to each team member. Telling them that they will receive bonus checks next week when all the work was complete. The owner of the company wanted to give them an extra bonus for the work that was done and that the company had never expected a response to the ads that they had gotten. Their profits were climbing because of the ads the team had produced and the tickets were good when ever they wanted to use them. The room erupted in sounds of euphoria. The excitement dwindled as they got back to work

Alana was depressed at the thought of traveling alone but exited at the same time Alana had been a few places at the expense of the company the years that she had worked for them. The company was good about rewarding their employees for good work but had never before had this lavish of a bonus. Next week the work would be done and Alana needed a vacation needed to get out away and just have fun. She had enough in her savings account to pay for ten times as many tickets. A bonus check that would come before she departed. Therefore, Alana picked up the phone and made reservations. A flight left next Saturday morning and then called her boss and requested the time off. He reluctantly granted it to her. Alana was the first to call for the time off he knew there would be others and would have to try to space out the vacations. After all, he still had a department to run and needed some one to be there to run it.

The week went by Alana had her bags backed and had been to the mall a few times after work picking up clothes and things Alana thought she would need. She was going to be gone for a few weeks she had made hotel reservations at the places she was going to travel. The days went by Alana became more exited about her trip, it's an adventure she thought. Alana was looking forward to the time away from work and from the city. Alana had made plans to stay at a bed and breakfast the second night she was on her trip and it was near the ocean on an island a place she had noticed the last time she had traveled there on business. Alana promised herself that she would come back and spend a few days there.

Alana's bags packed she was ready to go. The cab driver assisted her with her bags and put them in the trunk of his vehicle and she carried a couple of bags with her inside of the cab.

On the plane after making sure, her luggage was checked she settled in for a long trip. The stewardess came by a few times checking to see if she needed anything before the plane was air born. Alana pulled a book from her bag a novel she had been trying to finish and started to read waiting for the plane to depart. Before she knew it, the plane had taxied and was lifting off. Alana's stomach feeling queasy as she looked up from reading and not realizing she was in motion. Once the plane was air born the stewardess came around and offered her a complementary glass of champagne. She drank the alcohol and after the glass was picked up, she settled in for a nap it was late. Alana was now tired but exited about her trip to the island she had dreamed of staying at for pleasure not for business. She had been there her job required her to travel to most places people only dream of going on vacation too she had been to many but never had time to explore or experience them to there fullest.

Her sleep was light she had tried for a deeper sleep but the excitement kept her restless. Eyes opening when the bell sounded and the captain of the plane spoke in the usual almost prerecorded statements he made while the plane prepared for its landing. It was daylight now the flight seemed short realizing she slept longer than she thought.

The sun was brilliant with clouds in the sky turning it from a somber dark blue to an almost reddish orange in the distance while she peered out the planes window toward the horizon.

Melting in her seat at the beauty of the morning and the anticipation of what the new day might bring wanting to enjoy every minute not being in the office no responsibilities no phones ringing needlessly no clients no one chiming at her to make today's deadline. Relaxing look out a window nothing to worry about wondering if the sunset would be as lushes as the sunrise.

Picking up her bags Alana went to the front of the airport to the waiting limo the driver loaded her bags in the back after opening the door for her. The drive to the hotel was short but it was everything she had expected and more the tropical air filled her lungs it was warm and moist with a smell of a light musk of fresh moistened vegetation mixed with the sea air. Different from the smell of a city the land was green with trees, shrubs with flowers and plants native to the area. Alana always liked coming here on business but today, she was on vacation.

Alana was shown to her bungalow at the hotel a private house the company used for business trips and the occasional holiday for an employee this time it was her turn. Unpacking she put away her clothes in the drawers and closet. Alana put the complimentary wine and fruit in the refrigerator. The bungalow was decorated simply with white walls and drapes that flowed from the windows, brass ornamental lights and bath fixtures perfectly accenting the rooms. The kitchen to the side and the bedroom door to the other side with the living room area opening to the ocean through French doors. The bedroom also opened to the beach and ocean with a bathroom on the opposite side. The outside had a finished patio and native plants around the open area and to each side the view was breath taking white beach up to the patio looking side to side she could not even tell she was at a hotel or that there was any building next to her.

The wind was blowing sea air into the room cool and moist as she looked out the door. Alana was leaning against the doorframe peering out into the open beach. The beach had little activity a couple walking hand in hand dressed in warm attire near the shoreline enjoying each other's company. Alana sighed briefly noticing the romance in taking a walk along the beach jealous at the couple almost yearning to have someone to share this moment with her.

Yawning she was tired and decided to get some rest before going out. Crawling between the with sheets and white comforter after preparing herself she fell fast asleep to tired for anything else.

She woke feeling refreshed and playful. Exited at having the rest of the day to herself wanting to do everything. Also wanting to do nothing but relax she decided to choose the latter Alana refreshed with a shower and put her swim suit on a colorful bikini scarcely covering her breast and the bottom was thin with small strings attaching the scarce material of the front and back a sarong wrapped her mid section. Strolling to the patio with her book Alana moved the lounge chair into the sun. The day was pleasant the sun warming her body as she read her book stretching her legs out peering over her book from time to time to see the beach and the water. The waters dark blue waves were calm people playing in the surf. Men and women sunbathing on their towels that lay on the white sand in the noon sun noticing a breeze every now and again taking the warmth away for brief periods of time.

Alana put her book to the side reaching for her suntan lotion. Alana squirted a generous amount of lotion into her hand rubbing the lotion into her legs. She started at the ankles working her way up to her thighs. Careful to cover every part of each leg feeling the smoothness of each softly rubbing the lotion between her creamy thighs up to the bikini line of her suite. Squirting more lotion into her hands she rubbed her stomach now even lighter than her legs feeling slightly aroused by her own touch. Alana rubbed the lotion into her skin reaching as far back as she could. She noticed a familiar feeling in her groin and a hint of moistness. Placing more lotion in her hands, Alana covered her arms and shoulders with more on her breasts, the skin that was exposed over her bikini top. She rubbed lightly bring her arousal to a newer height. She wanted to play more but she realized she was outside. Wanting more from herself she thought of the man at the party again and what he had done to her that night the thoughts of the weeks that had followed. All of her new explorations her inhibitions about being outside faded as her thoughts took control of her actions and her body. She basked in the sun a while longer as the tension subsided into a subtle whimper picking her book up and peering out to see in anyone had noticed what she had done. Everyone was doing what they had been doing before she had started. The thought of someone noticing her was inviting she almost wanted to be noticed but no one had noticed.

After reading a while she decided it was time to go in. She had a nice start on a tan her skin slightly red from the sun. She stripped her bathing suit off she had a little more sun than she thought her breasts were white in comparison to the rest of her body. Taking another shower the water felt good on her warm skin cooling her legs and shoulders.

Hearing a knock at her door Alana reached for the towel that hung next to the shower stall. Alana wrapped up in the towel heading towards the door Alana asked who was there a man at the door answered.

"Room service ma'am. I have a delivery for you." She opened the door cautiously she noticed a young man with a cart and a covered tray on top of it. The young man was dressed in the hotel usual attire she had recognized him from a previous visit to the hotel a few month ago. Wait a moment she told him closing the door while undoing the chain on the door she opened it and let him in.

The steward pushed the cart in as Alana closed the door partially behind him. The young man turned to greet her when he noticed that she was in her towel. He had seen woman and men in bathing suits and different states of being undressed on his deliveries to rooms. The past few months he had been working at the hotel but he had not become use to seeing men and woman undressed he started to blush at the site of Alana in just a towel. Stumbling over his word, he told her that her order was here and not to worry about gratuity he was already taken care of by the gentlemen that had placed the order. With a look surprise, she thanked the young man as he left the room. She gave him a smile and closed the door laughing under her breath at the embarrassment she had caused him almost feeling sorry for him.

Curious at who ordered and what was ordered. Taking the silver cover off the plate there was a note on the side that read.

Thank you for your display of beauty this afternoon it was most enjoyable and use the aloe for your skin I think it might have been a little burned

Signed a

Distant Admirer.

Some one noticed her. "Umm" she said to herself.

Alana lifted the glass of strawberries and a jar of aloe pouring wine from the bottle. She replaced the bottle on the portable table. Sitting in the chair in the living room still in her towel, she sat ate strawberries sipping the wine thinking about the gentlemen and what he saw her do out on the patio. Alana wondered if she would meet him wanting to know if he would be worth meeting.

Sitting and enjoying the wine and the fruit she rubbed the aloe on her body hearing a sound at the door she got up to see what it was. An envelope was slid under the door she opened it the letter read.
