Genesis: Electro-Pyro


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April's eyes lit up as if she couldn't believe what she was hearing. "What did you say?"

"June, you know the girl that keeps asking for a rain check everytime you ask her if she wants to hang out?" Jennifer explained.

"Oh yeah, she's cool."

Jennifer chuckled. "Yeah right. Everytime you try to get her out of her shell, she turns you down at every turn."

"I don't think she doesn't like me or a loner," April explained kindly, "I just think she is shy that's all. Someone new in the neighborhood, knowing nobody, and you expect her to be the friendliest person in the world."

"Well, yeah," Jennifer said. "I mean she comes into this town and into church looking friendly as well as normal, but scared to make friends? In a small town like this, people can get easily suspicious."

"Those people need to mind their own business." April said not making it sound so cruel.

Jennifer wondered if there was more to April and June's relationship besides names on a calendar. "April, do you like June?"

April gave Jennifer an appalled look. "No, I mean she is cute and all but me and her in a relationship. I doubt she is that interested and I doubt she is like that."

Jennifer shrugged and reached over her side to shut off the light. "If you say so, if you do I won't hold anything against you." Jennifer pulled the covers over her body and closed her eyes to go to sleep.

April turned to the other side of the bed but did not shut her eyes. Not yet anyway. She couldn't help but wonder if she did feel something for the new girl in town? She pondered the question over and over in her head until she went to sleep.

Chapter 5:

That Night

After escaping the fiasco called a, massacre, Erica and June spent the rest of the night answering questions to the sheriff. They told him they were hiding in the kitchen when the lights mysteriously shut off. Erica and June thought it was a sign to get the hell out of there as quickly as possible.

One of the deputies asked the mother and daughter what happened. The mother told them that they were hiding the whole time that Ackerman was shooting up the place. When he found the both of them, the mother was sure that he was going to pull the trigger. But then the lights went out and then they saw something strange. The deputy asked the little girl what did she see and the girl answered, "She saw two angels, one red and the other blue".

Erica and June walked into their apartment exhausted. June sat and plopped down on the couch not caring that it has not been cleaned since Erica and the mystery man had used it.

"I am pooped," June said leaning her head back on the pillow.

Erica went to the refrigerator and took out a Bud Weiser. She unscrewed the top and took a strong sip. "That felt like a sugar rush gone bad."

June was relieved that the night of fear was over, but still couldn't get her mind off why Old Man Ackerman would go off like that. "I wonder why Ackerman went berserk."

Erica took another sip of her beer. "Who the fuck cares, we're still alive aren't we?"

June rose up and sat on the edge of the couch. "Yeah, but it is still weird. His wife died of cancer a year ago. Why would he just snap all of a sudden?"

"I don't know, maybe he got tired of the bullshit?" Erica suggested.

"Yeah but what bullshit? After a year of getting over your grief you just don't say fuck it and off anybody you see."

"He did," Erica retorted sarcastically.

June gave her the look that showed she was not laughing. "Very funny Erica." June laid back on the couch sighing heavily. Then she sat back up and stared hard at Erica. "Do you think they found us?"

Erica gave June a queerly look. "Who?"

"You know, them?"

"You mean The Coalition? Hell no!"

"How do you know?" June asked.

"First of all The Coalition maybe a fraud, but they have everybody believing that they are on our side. And this place doesn't believe in what they supposedly stand for. Second I think they would come up with something a little more creative than brainwashing some old, homicidal, geezer just to start their first move." Erica explained.

"Maybe your right, maybe you're wrong," June said unsure of the truth, "but I think we need to be a little more cautious of our surroundings. Remember we are new here so two mysterious strangers happen to walk up in their town and then all hell breaks loose. Not good."

Erica went over to the couch sitting next to June sipping on her beer. "Well, in that case I'll be more careful. Scout's honor."

June rolled her eyes. She knew that was fib told by a rebellious teenager who just wanted to have fun before she dies.

"In the mean time," Erica continued, "Bob's Burgers is now smothered in a blood bath, so I guess we are off for the rest of the month. We need to find another job or we are up shit's creek."

June buried her head in her hands. She realized Erica was right. Bob's Burgers was probably going to close down for good. Who in the hell would want to sit and eat at a place where the seats used to be smothered in blood? They needed to find new jobs. And the most depressing thing is the rent was due in two weeks.

Chapter 6:

An Unexpected Meeting

Erica and June walked into Jane's Shake Diner. After what happened last night the two women needed a break and a big one.

The two women sat on the counter while a woman dressed in white with a white cap and a name tag that said, "Beth", appeared taking out her notepad and pen. "What can I get you two?"

"I would like a large strawberry milkshake thank you." Erica started

"And you hun?" Beth asked.

"I would like a small vanilla milkshake thank you."

Beth put the pen on the inside of her ear. "One large strawberry and one small vanilla milkshake coming right up." And she walked off to tell one of her employees their order.

Erica and June turned around leaning backwards on the counter waiting when June spotted April and Jennifer sitting at a booth sipping from their milkshakes with straws.

"Oh shit!" June cried quietly and quickly turning around hoping she was not spotted.

"What?" Erica asked confused.

"It's April," June answered.

Erica turned to the booth with the two ladies sipping their shakes. "You mean the blonde hotty sitting across from the brunette hotty in the booth?"

"Yes. Turn away don't look."

Erica smirked and began to walk away from June.

"Where are you going?" June asked hoping Erica was not doing what she thought she was going to do.

"I'm going over there to introduce myself," Erica answered, "since you too chicken shit to do it yourself."

June quietly tried to beg Erica not to embarrass her but it was too late. Erica was on her way to the two women sitting in the booth.

"What's up ladies? My name is Erica." Erica introduced.

"Hi, I'm April," April spoke first, "this is Jennifer."

"Do you ladies mind if my friend and I join you two?"

Jennifer looked up at Erica. She had long beautiful, slick, black hair. Crystal like blue eyes. She had perfect olive skin, but Jennifer knew she was Caucasian. Her perky red lips made Jennifer lick hers thinking what would it feel like to taste if they kissed.

Both women glanced at Erica's attire. It was May and spring was just beginning, but Erica wore this lean, pitch black, jacket with a white shirt under it. She wore long blue, denim, pants covering tan leather cowboy boots. April and Jennifer thought the woman was passing through because she looked like a biker.

"It depends," April spoke, "who's your friend?"

Erica formed a mischievous smile and turned towards the counter. "Yo June?"

April's eyes lit up as she turned towards the counter where June had no other choice but to turn around and face the three.

"You coming over or what?" Erica asked hoping June would not chicken out this time.

June slowly, but nervously stepped off the red stool and headed over to the booth with her head slightly down as if she was ashamed.

Erica put her arm around June's shoulders and closed her in tight in a strong sideways embrace smiling down at the two women. "June this is April and Jennifer," Erica introduced, "April and Jennifer this is June."

"I know, we've met in church," April said.

Erica looked at June playfully raising her eyebrows pretending to be surprised. "Oh really? I had know idea," June glanced at her knowing the scheme she was up too, "June why didn't you tell me you two met you quiet dog you?"

June rolled her eyes. She couldn't believe Erica was putting her through this. But she also had to give her credit though. For the first time she was getting over her fear of social anxiety.

"May we join you?" Erica asked again this time she knew it was certain.

Both the women said, "Of course", in unison sliding over and allowing the two women to sit on both sides of the booth. June sat with Jennifer and Erica sat across with April.

"June never told me that she had a friend here in Mulberry?" April spoke.

"Yeah, she has a bad habit of keeping secrets," Erica said.

"So you two live around here?" Jennifer asked.

"At the Rizal Apartments," Erica answered.

"That place?" April said glancing at Jennifer, "isn't that place owned by that Russian dude?"

"Yeah, he's a total prick," Erica said, "but he does have a pretty good living arrangement."

"I heard it was crap," Jennifer said. Everyone looked at her as if she said something offensive, "I said I heard."

Beth came by with both Erica and June's shakes. "Here you go hun."

Both Erica and June said thank you and started sipping on their shakes. The cool refreshing flavored taste was soothing inside their warm bodies.

"I heard what happened at Triple Bs, were you guys there," April asked changing the subject.

"Yeah, were you guys there?" Jennifer chimed in.

Erica and June glanced at each other and back at the women.

"No," June answered.

"Yes," Erica answered

Erica and June glanced at each other again and back at the women.

"Yes," June answered again.

"No," Erica answered again.

Now it was April and Jennifer's turn to glance at each other and back at the women.

"Which is it," April spoke not understanding the connection between them and Bob's Big Burgers, "were you guys there or weren't you?"

June decided to let Erica answer this one since she already was in control.

"Yes we were there," Erica answered their question finally.

This was when April moved in close to Erica and Jennifer leaned in a little to make sure she heard what Erica had to say.

"Really," April asked now getting Erica's full attention, "what happened, really?"

Erica took a small breath and began telling the true horror story. "Well, June and I were working in the kitchen when we heard a very loud bang," April and Jennifer's eyes widened as they sat and listened to Erica's story, "after that both of us hid behind the grill."

"Were you both scared?" Jennifer asked.

"Hell yeah we were both scared," Erica reacted.

April wanted to correct Erica on her language but was too interested in the story to care. "So what happened next?"

"After we hid we kept hearing screaming and shooting followed by more screaming and shooting. Then everything went black." Erica continued.

"You fainted?" Jennifer asked.

"No, the lights went out for some strange reason."

"So you two were in the dark the whole time?" April asked.

"Yeah, it was just June and I hiding behind the grill in the dark." Erica explained.

"So how did the both of you get out?" Jennifer asked.

Erica continued to tell her story. "It wasn't hard. It took a lot of courage but it wasn't hard at all. It wasn't like the dude could see in the dark. June and I just snuck right out the door."

April and Jennifer glanced at each other again but this time in confusion. Something was not right about their story.

"June is that true?" April asked.

June gave April this sorrowful look and nodded in agreement.

"But I'm confused," Jennifer spoke, "you guys didn't see what happened afterwards with Old Man Ackerman?"

"What do you mean?" Erica asked.

"I mean the part where Ackerman was shot so hard in the chest that whatever hit him flew him out the window?"

"Actually he was struck," April corrected.


"Struck. That's what they said on the news. They said something or some force struck Ackerman so hard it burned a hole in his chest and scorched his heart."

"Whatever, anyway someone killed him unexpectedly and saved a lot of lives." Jennifer turned to June. "And you two didn't see a thing on your way out, no flashes, no lights, anything?"

Erica and June stared at each other as if asking what they should tell them. Then June finally spoke. "Like she said, it was dark."

April decided not to interrogate them any further. So she changed the subject onto June. "June, you've been coming to bible study every Wednesday, coming to church every Sunday. And yet this is the first time I've ever gotten this close to you. You didn't even tell me you had a friend?"

"Yeah June," Erica joined in, "what's up with that?"

"I didn't think it was important," June answered knowing that was a poor excuse, "Erica is not the type to commit like others."

"That's not true," Erica fired back, "I can commit."

"Oh really? Well in that case why don't you come to bible study with me or church on Sunday?"

Erica bit her lower lip hard and gave June a cruel look like she wanted to jump over the table and electrocute her by strangulation.

"Yeah, that's a really good idea?" April said. "You should come to our church sometime, I'm sure a lot of people would be glad to meet you."

"Yeah, you should come," Jennifer agreed, "if not for them at least for us."

Erica didn't show her disappointment but was aware of Jennifer's looks upon her. Erica has seen that look before, mostly among the guys. That was a look of attraction. Erica smiled happy that June picked them blowing off a little steam by drinking some milkshakes instead of rummaging their brains about finding a job. Coincidently Erica may have just found a new playmate. "Sure, what the hell. Maybe I get some good advice from the word or something?"

"And probably fix your mouth?" June suggested cruelly.

Erica wanted to give her the finger but decided that if she was going into Christian territory she had to act appropriately for now.

The four women finished their drinks. April had another question about June. She has never been this close and seen her active before. She figured since she was with her bestfriend that June was able to finally step one foot out of her shell for once.

But before the women could continue anything, a powerful popping sound came from the counter across from where they were sitting. All four women ducked under the table hoping they were not to be seen if the gunman decided to find more victims.

Erica just sighed and accidently looked up. "Oh my God!"

"What, what is it?" June asked getting scared but tired of all the surprises.

"I thought this was a Christian community?" Erica spat. "There is a hell of a lot of gum under this table!"

June just rolled her eyes knowing that Erica was just being herself but at the wrong time and the wrong place.

Chapter 7:

Meredith Archer

Meredith Archer was the 80 year old woman that lived in a small house in Mulberry. Kind and generous as she was, she never married and people were not sure if she had any friends or if her friends passed away through the years. But her look on life was pure and heavenly. She would go to bible study every Wednesday and church every Sunday. Matter of fact she attended church on many occasions and attended church functions on a regular basis. She was what Reverand Barry McBane would call the ultimate Christian woman.

But she has been feeling a little bit under the weather as of late. At first she thought it was nothing but a head cold. But she started to get sicker and sicker as if she was catching the flu. She thought maybe she just needed to take a cold medicine and get some rest, but everytime she did she would have strange dreams. Morbid and disturbing dreams of people being slaughtered by something terrible. The voices that keep telling her to do bad things didn't help either.

Meredith decided to give in and do what the voices told her. She went to her top drawer and took out her .38 which only had 6 bullets in the chamber. So she took some more just in case. She placed the gun and bullets in her pink purse and headed out the door.

On her way Meredith decided to stop at Jane's Shake Diner. She walked in like usual holding her pink purse. Meredith stopped at the counter where Beth was wiping it clean with a white towel. Meredith stood in front of the counter staring up at Beth.

Beth looked down at Meredith. She looked pale and had purple veins through her cheek bones. Beth thought she was staring into the face of a zombie. She had to lean over the counter to get a good look to see if she was staring at Meredith Archer or someone who was just passing through in town.

"Ms. Archer," Beth finally asked, "is that you?" Meredith didn't respond. She just kept staring up at Beth plainly. "Are you okay Ms. Archer, you look...different?"

Still silence. Suddenly Meredith looked down and reached in her purse. Beth did not know what she was doing until Meredith pull out a handgun smaller than her hand and pointed it right at Beth!

Stepping back and holding her hands up Beth stared down in silence at the gun Meredith was pointing straight at her. "Ms. Archer, please," Beth begged in fear, "please put the gun down. You do not want to do this."

Instead Meredith had other things on her mind. Like the voices that was telling her to pull the trigger! Meredith had no other choice but to listen to the nagging voices that ordered her to take a life or lives.

Wanting to silence the voice hoping they would stop permanently, Meredith pulled the trigger and fired.

Chapter 8:

Stop the Madness

I can't believe this is happening again! June said in her mind after hearing more shots rang out from above them.

"What are we going to do?" Jennifer asked holding onto April for dear life.

"I don't know," April admitted sharing the same fear but not letting it get to her as badly, "maybe if we stay here for a few minutes she will leave or if God is on our side, run out of bullets."

"That's unless we have enough time to high tail it out of here before she reloads." Erica said getting irritated by the déjà vu.

"What if she sees us?!" Jennifer asked again fearful.

"We'll take care of it," Erica said mysteriously confident.

"What the hell are you going to do," June asked also frightened. "Wait till the lights go out again? And if they do, it won't do us any good, its daylight!"

"Relax damnit," Erica shot back, "I have a plan."

Click, click, click! Meredith Archer's gun sounded as she tried to fire at another couple. Two blonde female teens jumped at the sound of the empty gun. Knowing that this was a sign to escape, the two crying teens jumped out of their seats and ran for the exit.

Meredith thought she should have reloaded or at least come after the two girls, but realized she was too old to run. All well," Meredith thought reloading the gun again to find some other place for target practice, "might as well move on to the next one.

The women under the table heard nothing which meant, to Erica, it was their que to either get out from under the table and run for their lives or tackle the old crazy bitch and become heroes. But April and Erica did not want to draw to much attention. So the only way to do this is to get the women out first and then figure out how to handle the crazy bitch later.