The Proper Rules For Strip Poker Ch. 04


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"Why not," she replied.

We were soon in a deep discussion about the events of the previous evening. After about half an hour, I had pleaded my case well enough to get a grudging admission that it was hardly a routine case of cheating, and that Debbie was at least partly to blame. She also conceded that there wasn't a whole lot of difference between me feeling up Debbie's pussy, and putting my fingers inside her, which she had virtually told me to do as part of the game, and going the rest of the way. I tried a closing argument; that she knew that Debbie and I would be engaging in sexual activities, just not how much.

"Why don't you quit while you're ahead," she laughed, "and stop with any further justifications. You're off the hook; but don't ever, ever have sex with anyone else, as long as we are together, unless I say it's OK. And the same goes for me!"

I got up and went over to her chair.

"Forgiven?" I asked.

"Yes," she replied, "now kiss me; and do a good job!"

I leaned over and kissed her, keeping it up until she stopped me, gently pushing me away.

"Would you be a sweetheart and get me some more juice?" she said.

I nodded and took her glass and headed to the main door into the cottage. When I got to it, and looked through the glass, I saw Steve, Debbie and Kathy standing together. It looked like the girls were doing all of the talking, because Steve was standing there, with his head hung, looking sheepish. You didn't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out what was being discussed! Unless I had totally misread the situation, Steve was getting a major tongue lashing regarding his sexual technique, or lack thereof, during the previous evening! I was certainly glad it wasn't me on the receiving end of what ever incoming salvos the girls, and especially Kathy, were delivering. But, I rationalized, he probably deserved it, the way he had disappointed my lovely Jayne. I opened the door, noisily, so they would hear me coming, and entered the cottage.

"Morning," I called out, "Where are Erin and Peter, still asleep?"

"No," Kathy answered, "they went back to their cottage a while ago."

"And?" I asked, full of curiosity.

"They both looked pretty happy, but they didn't say much," Kathy laughed, "so I think things went fairly well, at least from what I saw!"

"Steve," Debbie said, "can I talk to you upstairs?"

The two of them went on up the stairs, leaving Kathy and I in the kitchen. I got Jayne a juice refill, and poured one for myself. As I went back outside with them, Kathy followed me. Pretty soon she, Jayne and I were engrossed in talk. Naturally, the subject of the previous night came up.

"Kathy," Jayne said, pausing over her words, "I have a big favor to ask. Could you ... I mean would you ... ask Scott to sleep with me tonight?"

Kathy looked surprised.

"I thought we agreed that last night was a one time affair," she said, "You want to start swapping again?"

"No, but after the disaster with Steve," Jayne confessed, "I just want one more chance to be with another guy. And one who knows what he's doing. Won't you ask him?"

Kathy was hesitating, considering her request.

"What about Peter?" I suggested, trying to keep things light.

That worked! Both girls broke into laughter. But Kathy had a considering look on her face as her laughter died down.

"OK, slut sister," she pronounced, "here's the deal. I get Scott to have sex with you tonight, and do a really first class job, like I know he can; and you give me three IOU's, one for September, October and November, and when I cash them, he does me, as long as I want, no questions asked!"

Jayne and I both gasped.

"But that's three for one," Jayne protested, "that's not fair!"

"Well that's the deal, take it or leave it," Kathy said hotly.

The girls continued to argue over Kathy's proposal. The fact that Scott and I had almost no say in the matter didn't seem to occur to them. Obviously we were just pieces of meat!

Finally Jayne glanced in my direction, and suddenly a worried look came over her face.

"What do you think?" she asked me, a little embarrassed, "I sort of forgot you're the one who actually has to deliver on the IOU's"

"Well," I said, glad to have a chance to get in on the conversation, "I know you really wanted to have a proper experience with another guy, and Scott is a good choice, he likes and respects you. And I had Debbie, without your permission, so this would sort of make up for it."

"What! When?" Kathy exclaimed, looked a little stunned at this admission. You could see the questions all over her face!

"I'll explain it later, Kathy," Jayne said, noticing her expression, "Let him finish."

"I know this is very important to you, Jayne, and it's not a terrible hardship to have to have sex with a girl as cute as your sister, and we did have a lot of fun together last night; so, if Scott agrees, I'll agree. But Kathy, just sex, nothing more; the last thing the three of need, is to end up in a love triangle, and then I might lose Jayne, and I would be totally devastated."

"Don't worry," Kathy teased, "I'll make a special effort not to fall in love with you. Of course, it's going to be so hard!" she added, with a twinkle in her eye, "Well, sister dear, what's your decision?"

Jayne looked at Kathy, and then at me. I gave her a look that clearly said that she had to decide. You could see the struggle on her face.

"Alright, Kathy," she said, coming to a decision, "It's a deal; but make sure he knows that I'm expecting one of hottest nights of my life, and I've had a few of them with him to compare to," she smiled, looking at me.

"Maybe he better rest till tonight," she added with a tiny giggle, "He's going to need his strength."

"Where is Scott?" Kathy asked, with a wicked grin, "He can't still be in bed, can he?"

Kathy left us to look for him.

"I hope this isn't a big mistake," Jayne said, no doubt having some second thoughts.

"After dinner," I said, to encourage her, "have a couple of drinks, but not too much, and just go with it. I bet it will work out OK, and then we can both move on."

"You're serious about this," Jayne said quietly, "aren't you?"

"Deadly," I answered, "I already figured out for myself that you needed to do this, and if you don't, it's going to bother you for a long time. And I love you, and I want you to be happy."

"But what about the IOU's," she said, "Kathy's going to use them, you can be sure of that!"

"If she does, she does," I said in a matter of fact way, "and then we'll have some pretty good sex, just like last night, and that will be the end of it; as long as emotions stay out of it. I was very serious about what I said to her concerning a love triangle."

"I could tell," Jayne said, almost respectfully, "That's one of the reasons I agreed to the deal."

"But what will you do tonight?" she asked.

"I'll read a book, and keep my ears plugged," I joked.

She had to laugh at this, which probably helped. I got up and pulled her off her chair and gave her a hug. While she was holding me, I slipped a hand into the front of her bikini bottom. She gave a little start, and then relaxed as I did a quick exploration of her pussy.

"I think you better rest this, as well," I said with a laugh, "It might be a long night."

I removed my hand, and broke off our embrace.

"C'mon," I said, "I'll make you some of my world famous pancakes."

About the only thing I could make at all!

"OK," she said, looking at me with soft eyes, "and bye the way; I love you."

We went up the steps and into the cottage to eat. As I worked on the pancakes, the others joined us, drawn by the smells coming from the kitchen, as Jayne was preparing some sausages to go with them. After breakfast the girls went into town to get dinner supplies, so we three guys went for a swim and sat in the beach chairs. Steve fell asleep, probably tired out from almost raping my girlfriend!

"You OK with what Kathy asked me to do with Jayne?" Scott said, keeping his voice down.

"Yes," I said quietly, "I was almost prepared to approach you myself. Steve didn't exactly distinguish himself last night, and it's created a problem that I think you can solve. Part of what Jayne planned was for each of us to experience another person, but in a safe environment with people we trust. Now she feels cheated, because everyone else had a good experience, and she didn't. So, please, do me a favor, and take your time and make sure she has a night to remember."

"You're absolutely sure about this," Scott asked, "because this is different than the situation last night?"

"I am," I said in reply, "just don't let me down, that's all."

"OK," Scott said, "I'm not sure what her expectations are, but I'll do my best. I mean ... it's not gong to be hard to make love to a girl as smart and beautiful as Jayne. And, by the way, just to put your mind at rest, I know about the IOU's!"

We shared a quiet laugh while Steve was sawing logs. We decided to wake him before terminal sunburn set in, and then went up to the cottage to have lunch and a few beers. We sat on the deck, eating and drinking and waiting for the girls to come back. Scott got up and went inside to use the washroom.

"Can I tell you something?" Steve said, very agitated.

"Sure," I responded.

"Debbie is making me sleep with Kathy tonight, and I have to do everything she tells me to, because the girls think I'm a lousy lover because of what happened between Jayne and I. Do you know about that?"

"A little," I answered, telling a white lie, "I know that Jayne was disappointed."

"I didn't mean to go so fast," he said in downcast tone, "I thought she was ready, and I ... I ... was so worked up ... I... just had to have her. I just don't know what to do ... and Debbie and Kathy are really angry with me."

"I think there's a simple solution," I offered, "and it's right in front of your nose. Go ahead and sleep with Kathy, and go real slow unless you she tells you not to. And keep control, no matter how hard it is, and make sure she has at least one decent orgasm, two would be better ... "

"But I've never given a girl a real orgasm," he protested, interrupting me, "unless you count the tiny one Debbie had once. And I didn't give Jayne one; she made herself come on top of me."

"So," I said, "don't worry; Kathy will show you what to do, that's for certain! And if she has a good experience she'll tell the other girls; depend on it! And better still, you'll see what works with a girl, so you can do the same things to Debbie."

"You're right," he said in a humble tone, "Thanks."

We heard the sound of the girls returning through the open windows. We got up to help with the groceries. We enjoyed a fun afternoon, as Erin and Peter joined us for beach volleyball. Apparently Rick ended up at the hospital that morning having his nose reset, and Joan was now nursing him, while Ron and Linda had driven home. During the game, I enjoyed the view as Erin, whose bikini wasn't nearly as small as the other girl's, nevertheless filled it out in a very satisfactory fashion. And of course our girlfriends, with their miniscule swimwear, weren't too hard on the eyes. Peter was more than enjoying taking them in, as Erin kept reminding him.

Since Joan and Rick were hardly in a party frame of mind, according to Erin, we invited she and Peter to stay for dinner. The girls left the beach early, to prepare homemade lasagna, and a salad; and a very enjoyable and delicious dinner followed. After dinner, we played some cards and taught the newcomers Blackout. They left around eleven, with another activity clearly on their minds!

Since there was a nice strong westerly still blowing, and the waves were roaring in to the shore in the dark, you could sit outside without worrying about any bugs. So I poured myself an extra drink, and waited on the deck until the various couples could get their extracurricular recreation going. As I listened to the waves and enjoyed the feel of the warm breeze, I fell partly asleep.

Suddenly I felt a hand shaking me, bringing me back to wakefulness. I looked up and saw Debbie.

"You planning to sleep out here?" she giggled.

"No, of course not, what time is it?"

"About midnight; I was in the den watching TV. Now I'm trying to figure out where to sleep."

"You can sleep with me," I volunteered, "downstairs, but we can't do anything, because I don't have Jayne's permission, and I promised."

"OK," she said, taking my hand and leading me into the cottage.

"Go ahead," I said," I'll lock up."

I secured the doors, and closed a couple of windows that would let water in if it rained, and then went back to the bedroom. Debbie was already in bed, covered by the sheet. I went into the bathroom, and prepared for bed. I left my underwear on, given the circumstances!

I got under the sheet, and rolled onto my side to go to sleep. Then I felt Debbie's hand pulling me onto my back.

"Hey, what gives?" I challenged.

"You'll see," she answered.

The she took my right hand and placed it on one of her wonderful naked breasts.

"I can't do this," I protested, "I promised Jayne, I don't have permission!"

"Oh, but I do," she said in a soothing tone, moving my hand from her breast to her pussy.

It felt very hot, and, I was sure, if I just could let myself feel around a little, wet.

"Oh, God, no, I can't let this happen!!" I thought to myself.

"But ..." I protested to her.

"I have permission from," she said, driving my fingers into her warm soft silky wetness, which made her draw in her breath, " ... your girlfriend."

"And she told me ... to take good care of you," she panted, "and I'm going to ... starting with this!"

She had taken my erect penis in her other hand, and was stroking it. It was time to give up! Then, she dove under the sheet and took my erection into her mouth. It felt so very good!

Finally, she came up for air. Good thing, because I was already in trouble! I could easily do a Steve, right now!

"My turn," she said, in a whisper, "Kiss it everywhere; make me come!"

As I moved my mouth down her luscious body, which was quivering with every little touch, I heard her say, almost purring, "I wonder if ... there's anything interesting ... we can do with these the pillows!"

The End

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Airman76Airman76about 4 years ago
Very pleasant to read without being smutty

A goodly amount of work went into developing this story and the characters. I enjoyed them very much, a big thank you to the author.

WolfDesireWolfDesireover 8 years ago

Another great chapter to this erotic story.

The only problem is a few grammar and/or spelling mistakes, not enough to ruin the story but just enough to catch.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
This story is too good to just stop here

I was captivated by this story from the very beginning. It is sensual and thought provoking. The characters are very real, you almost feel you know them all. This story is one that can go on and on, and it should. It is way too good to just stop here.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

This, here, is true art, you captivate real feelings and creatively flare up emotions with wonderful games and lust-craved daring activities. This is one of a kind. The character development is at the caliber of an winning romance or romantic comedy, just phenomenal, I don't know how else to compliment you on your work, in all honesty, I'm truly awestruck.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Voted 5 but . . .

The story is good (not the first time I've read it), but, oh, man, the story was clearly not one that followed the proper rules for pronouns. Take a look throughout the story to see where "I" should have been replaced with "me" or "myself," for example. Also adding to the story's sticking in my craw were words that sounded correct but whose spelling unintentionally changed a sentence's meaning altogether. I wish I had time to work with you, 'cause the story's too good not to be better.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
One of the two ...

... best series I have read on this site. Great writing, great plot and hot sex. Better than most "professional" novels of any genre. Will definitely have to read part 5.

Dirty_Old_Man3Dirty_Old_Man3about 15 years ago
That was one LONNNNNNNGGGG story!!!

...but damn was it worth it! Nicely done again! I don't know how I missed its debut, but I did, and I see that you have another one completed already! I can hardly wait for that one to find out what happens next. I have a feeling I know, but with no clues to go by, I will have to read it to be sure of my hunch, won't I? Great job again! I hope that the next one is as good as these first four have been! I also hope that the next one is not, by any means, a conclusion...these are too good to stop!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Great work!

Just finished the 4th chapter, and found it as amazing as the first 3! You have done a superb job on these! Please write more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Fantastic, One of the best of all time here

This would definitely rank among my best stories of all time here. Really really well written with believeable characters, situation, and dialogue. Reminds me of The Summer Camp Series by Nick Scipio in the way it follows the development and growing confidence of the responsible kids. Kind of the ultimate role model for sexual development and the one most of us wish we had. Bravo!

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Excellent work!

This piece of work (all four chapters) is Professional Quality.

Please continue to write.

I assume You already have a lot of fans out there, and I must tell You - This is only the second time I have taken time to give feedback to an Author. I don't waste my time asking for more unless I really want more, and You are unrated among my top two Writers. Not only because of the erotic part, but the complete feeling of the Story.

Do the World a favor, and continue Your excellent writing. Should You continue to write non-erotic stories, please put a link in Your Bio to where it can be found. You are worth reading. Simple as that.

VectessianVectessianover 15 years ago
Great Erotica

Rarely on this site can one read sensual yet exciting, gramatically correct, erotica. Paul's stories brought back many pleasant youthful memories. Well done and thank you Paul.

marklionmarklionover 15 years ago
Another Great Chapter!!!!!!!!!!

That was another great chapter that you've written about these characters. I like I you've developed the characters over the four chapters. Starting from the first chapter where they lost their virginity in the poker game to where they have changed partners and had more fun. I would love to see another chapter to explain what happened between Scott and Jayne the last night of their trip. Keep writing

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago


A very good read. I felt at the beginning you were trying to be to literate and your attempt at writing a masterpiece got in the way of telling the story. As you got further into the story it started flowing much better.

The change of pace from strip poker to the next level definitely helped keep it interesting. I've been looking for your next story with anticipation since your second installment, and I'll be anxiously awaiting your next



AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Good job

nice stories man. i've read a lot of the stories on here but you managed to find the right balances between everything, that made the stories pleasurable to read. i'm looking forward to any future stories!

svenskkarlsvenskkarlover 15 years ago
still going strong

Good characters and an interesting plot that is not only the in-and-out. There is enought of details and ambiance to make it into more of a story than a recap; not too much to make it into an exercise.

Good craft and some interesting reflections of characters.

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