Young Widow's Dilemma


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She felt her heart pounding as she did as he asked, slowly turning through three hundred and sixty degrees, trying desperately to hold her belly in when she was sideways on to the camera.

She cringed with embarrassment again as Adam said, "you look great Helen, nice arse and I love those huge tits of yours."

As she finished her rotation and faced the camera again Adam said, "Helen, so far you have done very well but to be certain of my colleagues and I agreeing to the financial proposal I made to you it is important that you complete the final parts of this interview without hesitation or refusal. Understood?"

"Yes, I think so," she replied nervously.

"Good," said Adam, "now take off your bra and panties."

Helen looked at the faces of the six men on her laptop screen knowing that they were all looking at her and waiting to see her completely naked.

She knew she still had a choice. She could just refuse, close her laptop and forget about the deal that Adam had proposed. However, she knew that by following Adam's demands she had the chance of clearing her debt with the bank and keeping her house.

She looked at her own image on the screen; her pretty bra struggling to contain her breasts, her rounded belly and the pretty panties that dug into the flesh a little on her hips accentuating the thin layer of fat that she hated but the men would not even notice.

Despite spending most of her life as a pillar of the church and local community she felt a growing feeing of bravado that she had not experienced since the early days of her marriage when on holiday in Spain. The fashion at that time was for women to go topless on the beach.

She remembered that first day on the beach wearing a bikini and seeing naked breasts all around her. Her husband insisted that she should keep hers covered up and not follow the immoral crowd and look like a slut.

The following day her husband had been confined to bed with a stomach bug and in the afternoon, Helen ventured onto the beach alone. Now, as she nervously reached up behind to unfasten her bra she remembered how daring and liberating it had felt all those years ago when, with no prudish husband around to stop her she had found the courage to take off her bikini top. She remembered the glorious feeling of the sea breeze caressing her pale breasts and the occasional admiring glances from passing men strolling past on the water's edge.

She accepted that her body had changed since those days but, despite feeling shy and embarrassed, the excitement she had felt back then returned as she unfastened her bra. She felt it go slack and with one bold movement, she pulled the straps from her shoulders and tossed the bra to one side.

She felt her breasts settle against her ribcage as Adam remarked, "Very nice Helen."

His comment both flattered and embarrassed her and then he added, "now take off your panties."

She felt resigned to her fate now as she hooked her thumbs under the waistband of her pretty panties and started peeling them down over her thighs. As she leaned down to push them past her knees Adam commented again saying, "I love the way your big tits are now hanging down Helen."

She continued removing her panties, finally lifting each foot in turn before kicking them off to one side. Now totally naked and feeling very self-conscious, she stood up straight awaiting Adam's next instruction.

She listened as he said, "what do you think guys?" and watched them all nodding their heads in approval.

Still standing self-consciously she listened to Adam's friends as they commented on what they could see.

"Nice big tits," said one, "I'd love to see how they swing beneath her when she's being fucked 'doggy style.'

Another said, "look at the size of her nipples; fantastic!"

Whilst another said, "Adam, tell her to slowly turn around again so we can get a good view of her backside."

Much to her amazement she felt encouraged by their lewd comments. She had been expecting them to be disparaging, to perhaps tell Adam that they did not like what they saw but they didn't.

Her thoughts were interrupted as Adam said, "Now turn and face away from us so we can see your back side."

She did as he asked and turned around, very self-conscious of the fact that all six men were now gazing at the part of her body he hated the most.

"Nice arse," she heard one of them say before Adam said, "you look very sexy Helen".

She could not remember anyone ever calling her sexy before and with his complimentary words still repeating in her head she followed his next instruction blindly; with little or no thought until she realised how crudely she was displaying herself which, by that time, was too late.

She was vaguely aware of them commenting on their view of her. Comments like, "I love large cunt lips."

And, "I like the way her cunt lips dangle between her legs."

And another, "what a perfect looking arsehole."

It was the last comment that awoke her from her dream like state as she realised how demeaning her position was with her feet wide apart, bending forward from the waist and with her hands behind her holding her buttocks apart.

As she cringed with the shame as Adam said, "Helen, thank you for that lovely display. Now relax, turn around and sit down in the chair."

As she sat Adam continued, "There's just one last test Helen before we all decide."

She felt relieved and started to relax thinking to herself that the most embarrassing elements must surely be over when Adam said, "I want you to show us how you masturbate. Move down lower in the chair until your beautiful sexy bottom is perched on the front edge of the seat."

One more thing, she thought, trying desperately to blank out the reality of Adam's instruction as she moved her backside forward until her buttocks were perched on the front edge of the seat as he had asked.

"That's good Helen, now spread your legs so that we have a clear view of your pussy."

This is the last test she kept repeating to herself as she self-consciously shifted her feet apart and opened her thighs.

"Wider please Helen, we want a good view of you fucking yourself with that dildo."

"Do I have to?" she pleaded, "surely you have all seen enough."

"Just do it Helen," said Adam, "we want to see every detail of what we might be paying for."

Her mind had numbed the feelings of shame, disgust and shyness as she closed her eyes, opened her thighs wide and then started as she always did in the privacy of her bedroom by toying with her breasts.

She ran her hands over her nipples, circling each one with her fingers. Despite, or maybe because she knew they were all watching, she realised she was quickly getting aroused. She remembered the interview in Adams office; the way in which he had gazed at her chest; but this time instead of feeling indignant she imagined it was him running his hands over her breasts.

She dug her fingers into the soft flesh around her nipples as she imagined that during that encounter Adam had ripped open her dress and then exposed her breasts by forcefully lifting each one from the restraining cups of her bra.

The effect of these fanciful thoughts on her arousal were greater than she had ever experienced. With her nipples tingling and no longer caring who was watching, she ran one hand down over the swell of her belly, briefly stroking her pubic hair before running her finger tips down between her large protruding labia.

Sometimes she used a lubricating gel on her dildo to help make it feel more comfortable. Today, as her fingers delved into the oozing wetness of her vagina she knew she wouldn't need any help.

Now almost oblivious to her audience she just meekly obeyed when Adam said, "Use both hands and pull your pussy open Helen."

With both hands now down between her thighs she eased a couple of fingers from each in between her labia on either side and then pulled them apart.

She could vaguely hear the others encouraging her and then Adam saying, "fuck yourself with the dildo Helen."

Never in her wildest dreams did she imagine doing anything like this as she used one hand to pick up the dildo and then guided the life like head to her gaping and drooling pussy. With more encouragement from Adam she rubbed the life-like head between her generous labia, coating it with her own lubrication. With her free hand she started to toy with her clitoris which was protruding very obviously from its hood.

Feelings of pleasure were already coursing through her body as she started to thrust her hips. With two fingers pressed either side of her clit she let out a soft moan as she eased the large dildo between her labia and up into her vagina.

In her mind she was still in Adam's office. Her clothes were strewn across the floor and he had forced her across his desk and, with his trousers around his ankles was about to forcibly take her.

She pushed the dildo all the way up until the scrotum touched her perineum. Then, gripping the silicon scrotum, she started to thrust it in and out of herself whilst stimulating her clit with her free hand.

Her large breasts wobbled in sympathy with each thrust of her hips as she bought herself to a shuddering climax. She could hear her own gasps and shouts of pleasure as she plunged the large silicon cock back and forth inside her.

Finally, she stopped. She felt exhausted as she just lay in the chair with her legs still spread wide and the dildo buried up to the hilt inside her.

Just for the moment she forgot Adam and his friends as she wallowed in her post orgasmic bliss.

Then, as Adam spoke, the reality and her natural shyness returned. "Very well-done Helen. That was great," he said as she self consciously eased the dildo out from between her legs and closed them. She then sat back up in the chair, very aware of her wobbling breasts and the watching audience as she repositioned herself.

"Now all we need is for my friends to decide if they think that you will be suitable.

What do you think guys?"

Helen gasped with shock as she watched the screen of her laptop and saw all the guys stand up to reveal their fully erect penises.

Adam then chuckled loudly as he said, "Well done Helen, you can take that as a definite yes."

One by one she watched the other five disappear from her screen leaving just Adam.

"What happens now?" asked Helen.

"That depends on you," he replied, all six of us have good jobs with a generous monthly entertainment expenses budget. We have already discussed what we would be willing to do provided you passed tonight's interview, which you have. We would each pay £500 per month into your account in return for your total cooperation. That is £3000 per month, which means we would pay off your overdraft and credit cards in just under a year.

Helen was momentarily speechless before asking, "so what do you mean by my total cooperation?"

"I'm sure that after tonight you must have a pretty good idea of what to expect. Just in case you have any doubts I will clarify it for you.

We will expect you to be available to any of us, either singly or in groups at any time.

We will use you for our sexual pleasure and expect you to comply with what ever we wish to do with you.

If you refuse at any time the whole month's payment will be cancelled.

Provided you agree in principal now I'll send you an unofficial contract to sign tomorrow together with some other items.

Helen was silent for a moment, realising that to clear her debts and keep her house she had little or no options.

"OK," she said, "I'll do it."

"That's great news and a good decision," said Adam, "We're all looking forward to getting our hands on your sexy body."

Despite the fact she was still sitting naked in front of Adam she blushed at hearing him say she was sexy again.

"OK, said Adam, I'll bid you good night now and you'll be receiving a package and our contract in the next few days.

Helen wished him goodnight and then shut down her laptop.

She gathered up her discarded clothes and went to bed.

She tossed and turned all night, troubled by what she was letting her self in for and the disgraceful way in which she had behaved earlier.

Eventually she fell asleep dreaming once more of Adam. This time she dreamed that she had arrived a little early for her appointment with him at the bank. The assistant had told her to wait in the main public area until Adam was free. She became aware of the bank staff staring at her and giggling and then, to her horror discovered that she was totally naked. This theme repeated throughout the night causing her to wake up panicking each time.

The following day she had a Women's Institute meeting in the morning. When she returned after lunch there was a package secreted in the entrance porch of her house.

She picked it up and then hurried in doors. She opened the package and found Adam's contract and another small box with the word, 'Bluetooth' and 'vibrator' written on it.

In addition to the contract there was another short note which read:


You hereby agree to be available for our sexual pleasure at any time on demand.

You will get a minimum thirty minutes notice each time. Please see my accompanying note.

We will normally use you in your house and to allay any fears you might have about nosy neighbours we will usually appear to be tradesmen arriving or sales representatives.

On other occasions you will be used in other places of our choosing.

There will be times when we expect you to accommodate more than one of us. Use your imagination, you have three holes.

You will always wear either dresses or skirts and blouses, NEVER trousers.

You will always wear holdups or have bare legs, NEVER pantyhose.

We are all looking forward having you.

Sign here:

Helen read the demands and noted the word 'used'. It should have offended her but just reading the word sent an illicit thrill through her which both surprised and disgusted her.

She then read the reminder that she had three holes and felt herself panic. "Surely, they don't intend to penetrate my bottom," she thought. She dismissed it as Adam playing with her mind and then picked up the note from Adam which read:

I have made an appointment for you in my office tomorrow morning at ten. Please bring the signed contract, the Bluetooth vibrator and your smart phone.

Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow,


The following day Helen felt apprehensive about her appointment with Adam. She had already opened the box with the Bluetooth vibrator inside and saw it was a kind of sex toy.

During breakfast she cringed at the memory of what she had done the previous evening. It was so out of character that no one she knew would ever believe that she was capable of such crudity. What made it even worse to bear was that she had reached an orgasm while the men all watched.

Now, this morning, she was going to see Adam with a signed copy of the contract effectively selling herself like a whore.

Like the previous evening she justified her actions by telling herself that she had no choice. She had to clear her debts to keep her house and if that meant going against everything she believed in then she would do it.

She finished her breakfast and after tidying up the house set off for the bank.

She was dressed in a midi length floral skirt and white blouse over plain white lace bra and panties. The one thing she did agree with Adam on was his rule about no pantyhose. Although she suspected it was for different reasons. As it was summer she was bare legged and wearing a pair of low heeled shoes.

She arrived a little early at the bank and waited nervously in the public area for Adam's secretary to come and fetch her.

Finally, she was escorted to Adam's office. He greeted her with a warm smile as his secretary left and closed the door behind her.

"You did very well yesterday evening," he said, causing Helen to blush. "Do you have the contract and the vibrator?"

She nervously rummaged in her handbag, fishing out the contract and vibrator. She put the boxed vibrator on his desk and then handed him the signed contract which he swiftly read before saying, "you've made the right decision by agreeing to this."

He then stood up and dragged another chair round behind his desk next to his and said, "Come and sit here Helen".

He had positioned the chair such that when she sat she was facing his side.

"You look very nice today Helen," he said, placing a hand on her knee and causing her to go tense.

"Did you bring your mobile phone?"

"Yes," she replied.

"Excellent, please give it to me so that I can download the app that is needed for your new toy."

Helen retrieved her phone from her bag and passed it to him.

"Now I'm just going to take a few details so that any of the six of us can contact you via SMS."

"OK," she said quietly.

She watched as he took a note of her number.

"Just need to download the Bluetooth app for the vibrator now."

She continued watching as he did the download and then the installation.

"Good!" he exclaimed, all we have to do now is test it."

"Pull the hem of your skirt up Helen."

She glanced around the office nervously wondering what he wanted to do.

"Come on Helen, I haven't got all morning, lift up your skirt so I can see your panties. Don't worry, no one will disturb us."

The reality of what she had agreed to started to hit her as she nervously reached down for the hem of her skirt and slowly lifted it up over her knees.

"Come on, stand up, pull it right up and then sit in the front edge of the chair."

She felt terrified that his secretary might suddenly walk in as she stood up and slowly lifted the hem to reveal her panties.

"Excellent," said Adam, now sit down on the front edge of the chair and open your thighs."

Her eyes were fixed on the office door. Ready to cover herself quickly if it opened.

Adam opened the vibrator box and placed the small vibrator on his desk. It was about the size of a small egg with a long thin curved tail.

Helen gasped with surprise as Adam suddenly thrust his hand between her open thighs grabbing the gusset of her panties.

"What are you doing?" she said in an urgent whisper and instinctively closing her legs.

"Spread your legs and keep them open," he said sternly.

She meekly obeyed feeling his fingers slip under the gusset of her panties and pull it to one side exclaiming, "You really have an incredible looking pussy Helen."

Blushing furiously and before she could object or react, his fingers were delving between her long protruding outer labia. He used his free hand to push her thighs further apart before prising her petal like labia apart.

Much to her total shame she could feel herself getting wet. A fact that Adam commented on immediately, saying, "I just love the way your cunt reacts to my touch."

She cringed at his use of the word 'cunt' as he passed her the vibrator saying, "Put this inside you."

She looked at it with a puzzled expression. It was pink and like an egg-shaped lolly pop on a long flexible stick.

"You might want to lick it first to help with the insertion," said Adam.

Still nervously looking at the door, terrified that that someone would enter and catch her in this vulnerable and exposed state and eager to somehow regain her dignity, she put the egg-shaped part in her mouth, licked it all over and then, briefly glancing at Adam as he gazed between her legs, she eased it between her parted labia and then up into her vagina.

It felt odd but not unpleasant and, following Adam's instructions, she bent the long flexible stick so that it was flush with her pubis before repositioning her panty gusset to cover her self and hold the device in place.