
Stories by Lestat2k02

by Lestat2k02
265.1k 33 8 47

Jon and the rest of his foursome play though an extra hole.

4.29 84.1k 12 18

Jon finds his daughter irresistibly illuminated.

4.22 76.3k 6 2 11

Guy gives his daughter's friend a ride.

by Lestat2k02
Mature 10/07/2002
H 4.56 272.2k 22 4 34
by Lestat2k02
28.6k 3 3 4
249.7k 24 1 33

Schoolgirl's crush becomes coed's first lover.

by Lestat2k02
Romance 06/07/2002
H 4.65 25.9k 4 2 4