
Stories by Loving522

by Loving522
33.3k 2 3

You know how to spice up a wedding reception.

4.31 38.3k 3 8

She decides to make you hers.

by Loving522
BDSM 01/14/2007
4.29 20k 2 1 3

A party, boredom - do the math.

4.11 31.4k 3 1 5

Shopping was never this much fun.

4.11 53.6k 8 11

What would happen if we caught each other reading?

4 18.1k 3 1 3

Your visit to the professor's office goes wrong.

by Loving522
Mature 12/24/2006
4.09 49.8k 5 9

She's missing you, but you have a surprise for she.

by Loving522
Romance 12/18/2006
4.29 9.2k 1 1

You fulfill your desires whenever the need strikes.

4.18 30.1k 1 1