Miisttyyy's Story Lists


A story list curated by Miisttyyy

He can't keep his hand off the help.

4.12 214.8k 164 13 234

He makes sure breaking up is VERY hard to do.

153.5k 296 10 350

Reluctant daughter gets taken by lust filled father.

977.6k 995 2 1.5k

Father and daughter get locked in a closet.

4.2 278.7k 287 26 501

Will the neighbor's daughter give it up? Joe wonders...

4.24 117.2k 87 2 122

Luke buys a slightly-used, drunken girlfriend.

4.06 56.1k 45 3 79

Lord Drake marries Megan, becoming Lord of her body.

4.01 93.2k 69 16 99

Life was hard in the 1850s.

4.03 31.5k 11 13

She'ss forced by her sister's boyfriend.

3.11 190.8k 35 2 50