
Stories by ObviousLibrary

Surely a society that had a biweekly orgy wasn't allowed?

4.46 2.2k 4 13

Mid-40s Becky discovers sex, orgasms and dating apps.

4.44 2.8k 12 2 22

Surrey Girls - A Pub Trip to Remember.

4.41 1.5k 3 5

To look at me you wouldn't know that I am a cheating slut...

4.2 6.9k 12 2 23

Mars is way more sexy than you thought.

4.36 1.4k 1 1 5
Stories about a group of girls from Surrey, UK
8.8k 12 2 24

Donna and Jason set up an escort agency in 1990s England.

H 4.63 2k 7 1 15
Human Sexuality Class
8.8k 22 6 35