A Chef Nurse Patient and Pâtissier


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She glanced around the kitchen, flappy ears were listening. She might have worked here longer, but she knew damned well. They loved and admired Dillon. If sides were ever picked, she'd be standing alone.

"Let's talk about this later."

The three of them ate dinner together that night. The mood was a little tense, but comfortably so. They were all thinking about the same thing. The scenario's Lyla had suggested.

It was later, as they all walked to their rooms. If the tension had been thick earlier, now it lay over them like a heavy blanket. They stopped at what had become Jade's room. As usual, Jade began to say goodnight, but Lyla reached her fingers up and placed them on Jade's lips. "I am not feeling so well tonight. I'm sorry Jade, but I need my room back."

Confused, Dillon spoke quickly. "What the hells going on, Lyla? You know Jade, will never be able to get a room at this hour."

"Yes she will Dillon. All we are doing is swapping beds. She is giving me hers, so in return, she can have mine."

"No." Jade, said hesitantly. "That's not right."

"Jade, it's why you came down here, so don't tell me it's not happening. It has to happen. We all felt it tonight. The time has come, Dillon."

Dillon chewed nervously on his lower lip, so many thoughts floating around his head. He had pictured this, not in this particular way, but being with Jade.

"Yeah, all right, Lyla. You have your wish." He glanced at Jade his eyes asking.

Jade though couldn't take her eyes off Lyla. "Are you sure this is what you want?"

To answer the question, Lyla stepped into Jade's arms and kissed her. Like the earlier kisses, this was full of emotion, passion. A totally libidinous outpouring of lust. "Yes." Was all she said, as they parted.

This time, it was Lyla watching Dillon and Jade walk into his bedroom. She smiled, as Jade peered at her, Dillon, pulling her into his room. A faint smile crossing her lips.

Inside the room, Dillon felt the pressure, the overwhelming weight. Outside, he thought he knew what he wanted. Now, inside, with the world shut away and Lyla's guiding heart unavailable. He was lost.

"I'm gonna grab a shower." He said unsure of what to do. The extra time would give him a moment.

Jade felt it as well. Unlike Dillon she had almost prayed for this moment, but now that it was there, she felt an unbelievable guilt. "What about Lyla?" She said to herself, as she stared out the window at the city lights, the snow capped mountains, the moonlight shimmering of the water. A magical vista, romance oozed from every angle.

She removed her dress, folding it neatly, and draping it over the end of the bed. Next, she slipped off her bra, and panties, standing completely naked, her arms across her breasts. "Jesus, this is worse than my first time, I feel so nervous."

The bathroom door opened, and Dillon walked out, in nothing more than a towel wrapped around his waist. The moment he saw Jade, he sucked in a huge breath. "Wow, you look amazing." He mumbled.

"Thanks, you look pretty good as well. I can't believe it. You have a six pack."

He chuckled. "Lyla's, a bit of a slave driver. She called me a fatty."

Jade, laughed. "Yeah, she's pretty formidable."

"You haven't seen anything yet. She knows what she wants, and she has a way of making it happen.

He stared at her, as her arms tightened, squashing her breasts even more. "Jade, I want you to know. I didn't plan this. In fact, I wasn't sure I could ever forgive you."

She nodded. "I know, Dillon. The question is, have you?"

"No, not yet. I'm trying, I do still have feelings for you, but shit, the hurt... it's still there."

"Perhaps I can make it easier for you." She ripped off his towel, and Walked into his arms. The kiss was sudden, a collision of passion. The raw emotions erupting.

Their tongues battled, and played. Dancing in the moonlight. Their body's crushed together. there was no escaping the fervour. They made love with a passion born of hunger. The slap of their flesh crashing together. The animalistic cries of ecstasy.

As much as they both wanted it to go on, it was impossible. It was over in minutes. They cuddled, and kissed enjoying the afterglow. "Fuck, Jade. Where did that come from?"

"I don't know, but I want more."

Her hand stroked his still semi erect dick. Squeezing and massaging it back to a full erection. Dillon, needed no second invitation. With the emotions vented, the second coming was slower, languid and lingering. This time, it was full of gentle caresses, kisses and love.

"Jesus, I've missed you." Dillon, murmured as they lay tangled together.

"Hah, not bloody likely." Jade said teasingly. Dillon winced a little at her riposte.

With Dillon's reply stuck in his throat. Jade, added. "Dillon, lets be honest with each other from now on. You may have missed me, but I saw how you were with Lyla, when I arrived. Your relationship is sound. You love her. Strangely, I'm okay with that."

"You are?"

"Yeah, weird huh... I can't explain it, but seeing you with her makes me happy. It hurts, but in a good way."

"Well, the way you guys have been swapping spit. I'm not surprised. I'll be honest. You surprised the shit outa me Jade. I didn't know you were like that."

She sniggered. "Neither did I. It's, Lyla. Theirs something about her."

"You can say that again. Has she talked to you about us, about the future?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure if it's possible, or even if I understand it fully, but yeah. We have talked."

"Uh huh, we have as well. I don't think it's possible, but I'm starting to get my head around it. I love her, but I still love you. It's tied my guts in a knot, but she's right. I do love you. God help me, but she's fucking right."

Jade giggled. "Yeah, she's like that."

"Christ Jade, how do you feel about all this?"

"It's been an eye opener, that's for sure. I wasn't expecting to fall in love with your girlfriend."

"Love..." Dillon gasped.

"Shit." Jade spluttered, now rendered speechless.

"You love her?"

"Give me a second to process that, Dillon. That is the first time I have said that."

Jade tried to grasp the words. "Love." Why did she say that?

"Jade, don't fuck with me. My nerves are frayed enough as it is."

"I'm not playing games. It came as a bit of a shock to hear myself say it. I guess, yeah I do."

"Jesus, really?"

"Yeah, I know, don't worry it's come as just as much of a shock to me."

"So what happens now?"

"I don't know, can we just cuddle? I've dreamed about this. I don't want to spoil it with a fight."

Dillon roused from the depths of sleep to their wondrous feel of a hot wet mouth sliding up and down, his morning erection. He'd forgotten how much Jade loved to wake him like this.

He let his hands ruffle her hair as her mouth slid up and down. Her tongue swirling around the swollen head. Her hands gently caressing his balls.

He would have loved to let her finish, but he wanted more. He rolled her onto her back and quickly climbed between her legs, her slippery sex inviting his rampant cock to the party. Like the evening before, it was fierce, and full of pent up emotions.

Jade's fingers clawing at his back. Her mouth biting his sweaty flesh as he pounded her down into the mattress.

When Dillon walked into the kitchen. He found Lyla had everything under control. The team working closely as always.

She saw him walk in looking sheepish. She considered teasing him, but she also recognised his anxiety. She opened her arms, and welcomed him into a hug. "Sleep well did you babe?"

"Yeah, eventually." He replied ashamedly. He wanted to return her tease, but it all felt to weird.

"Was it fun?"

He nodded ruefully. "Yeah, it was amazingly so. You were right. I do have feelings for her. I'm not sure I've forgiven her completely, but some of those ghosts have been assuaged."

"Good, I'm glad."

"Jesus, Lyla. How can you say that. I just spent the night fucking my ex?"

"Because I love you, and I have feelings for her as well. I want you to be happy."

"She said she loves you. Did you know that?"

"Wow... No way, I mean, really?"

He nodded. "Yeah, she seemed shocked, but yeah that's what she said."

Lyla couldn't wipe the ecstatic smile of her face. "I'm a bit overwhelmed. I think I feel the same way. Perhaps tonight, you might have to sleep alone."

He glared at her, confusion etched into his drawn features. "Don't be like that babe. How will we know, if we don't experience it?"

They walked out into the dining room, and met Jade who looked completely lost. Lyla didn't give her a chance to speak. She drew, her into a luscious kiss. Their mouths mashed together. Their tongues slithering wetly together. Their body's crushed together.

The room sunk into silence, as the growing crowd watched on. As they parted, Lyla asked. "Did you sleep well my love?"

Jade blushed remorsefully. Words impossible.

"I bet you didn't you dirty little girl. You better do the laundry, I'm not cleaning up after you."

Jade, struggled to understand if she was joking. "I'm sorry Lyla."

"What, no... I was joking. Don't cry. I was just teasing you. I'm happy."

"You are?"

"Of course. If I wasn't do you think I would have sent you off with him?"

Dillon walked off, and returned with their breakfasts. They ate in silence, although this time, it was not awkward, just a comfortable embracing joy.

Their usual Tai Chi session was a little different... Lyla stood behind Jade, her hands on her hips, guiding their actions. "Are you going to tell me or do I have to beg?" She asked.

Jade knew what she was after, but wasn't sure that she could reveal. "Beg." She responded with a giggle.

"Oh, that's mean." She whispered, her mouth close to Jade's ear. She felt her move closer. Her body pressed tightly against her back. Her hands sliding up her sides until they cupped her breasts.

"Breathe, Jade." She whispered breathlessly. Her hands massaging softly. "Breathe, and tell me. How was your night?"

Leaning back against her, she looked around, there weren't many tourists and nobody seemed to care what we were doing. "It was wonderful. We made love, cuddled, talked. More than I deserve, but it was what I hoped for."

Her hands massaged softly, pinching and squeezing her nipples. her eyes closed, enjoying the moment. Jade leaned back, letting Lyla take her weight.

"Sounds like fun, he is a bit of a snuggle bunny, right?"

"Yeah, he wasn't always like that. It took a long time for the real Dillon, to emerge. He had such a hard time as a child."

"You know he never really talked to me about his childhood." Lyla replied, her hands full off luscious taut boobs. "God, I love your breasts, in fact I love your body."

"I don't have a body. I hate it, no shape, no curves. I always wanted a body like yours." Jade replied.

"No babe, you're perfect." Her mouth suctioned onto the side of Jade's neck. She nibbled, and tugged on her ear lobe. Her tongue slid over her naked skin, leaving glistening trails of her saliva.

"I have to say, I felt strange last night. Watching you and Dillon walk into what had been our room. I was more than a little jealous of him. I wanted it to be me."

"Lyla, I'm sorry. I wanted Dillon, back so much, but after getting to know you. I felt horrid getting between you. I don't know what to do." Jade whispered, every syllable laden with guilt. The tears flowed unstoppably.

"Jade, I was jealous of him, not you. I loved the idea of both of you reconnecting. I thought it was the only way we could ever move forward."

Jade slipped out of Lyla's grasp. As much as she had been enjoying it. She needed to look Lyla, in the face. "What do you mean by that? I'm so confused."

"I have real feelings for you, Jade. I know it seems twisted. I wanted to dislike you, but from the first moment we met. I felt something. I am so attracted to you, and you're impossible to hate. I love Dillon, and I never want to hurt him. I knew the only way you and I could be together, was if we could all function together."

"Feelings..." Jade replied hesitantly.

"Love, Jade. I love you. At the moment, it's a sort of infatuation, but I refuse to hide from the way I feel. I think it's going to blossom quickly into love."

Jade slipped her hands into Lyla's, and moved forward. "Last night, Dillon asked me how I felt about you. His question caught me unawares, and when I answered, I said I loved you. I didn't plan to say that, it just happened. Later, while we cuddled, I thought about it, and I think what I'm feeling for you is love."

Lyla, stepped forward as well, their body's touched, their lips toughed delicately. "You love me?"

"Yes, I think so. I've never been with a woman, never kissed girls when I was younger. I was never even curious. My fear is that I've built up this obsession. A desire, and hunger to be with you. I'm afraid that it could never live up to my expectations."

Lyla leaned forward, their mouths grazing softly, their breath mingling. It wasn't lustful, it was tender, and inviting. "Jade, it is two people in love. I want to be with you, taste you, arouse you. It will be what it will be."

People began to gather in the park, and they returned to their routine. This time, they were joined by a small group of Asian tourists, who watched Jade and Lyla. They approached, and asked if they could join in.

They were quickly surrounded by a small group. Lyla, led, and the others followed her as she swished and swooped gracefully through the phrases.

It was lunch time, when they finished. An afternoon ride, and the day vanished. Dinner was nice, Dillon sat with them, and they talked about their days.

The subject of their relationship seemed taboo, nobody appeared to know how or where to start. They simply enjoyed the wonderful food.

It wasn't until they were having their post clean up drinks. The three of them sat by themselves. The rest of the staff, all laughing and discussing the weekend.

"I think I'm going to have an early night tonight girls." Dillon sort of announced.

Jade felt the nerves tightening, the tension quickly enveloping her. "Are you feeling all right?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm a bit worn out. This week has been stressful."

"We can call it a night." Lyla replied. "We can come up and tuck you into bed."

"Nah, no need. You girls don't have to finish early just because I'm whacked."

Lyla smiled knowingly. She saw through his facade. "You want to sleep alone, is that what you're saying?"

He nodded bashfully. "Yeah, I'm not going to be much fun tonight. I need sleep."

Jade wondered whether he was trying to say he didn't want to sleep with her. "Dillon, if you want to just be with Lyla, I am okay with that. I'm not offended."

"Don't be daft." He replied. "Jade, last night was amazing okay. And I hope it's not our last. I'm merely saying. Not tonight okay. I'm sure you girls can entertain yourselves."

Lyla jumped in. "Oh, don't you worry about us. We can take care of ourselves all right."

Jade finally caught up. He was trying to be polite, and letting her, and Lyla know he was okay, that he was ready.

He stood and kissed them both, before wandering out through the doors. "All right, you lot. Who's up for some dancing?" Lyla yelled.

Kathy and Lisa both replied in the affirmative, and they were soon jammed into the middle of the dance floor.

Their body's writhed, and bounced as they danced their collective arses off. Lyla in the middle leading them all on. She brought a constant supply of drinks to their table. It was an evening of great joy. Behind it, unnoticed by the other girls. Lyla's eyes fixated on Jade and the furtive steamy glances told a story of burning desire. The dancing was the prelude, the courting, the tease if you like.

Jade felt it as well, Lyla's sexy body mashed against hers was building a sexual tension that couldn't last. When Kathy, and Lisa, slipped away with a couple of young guys. It left Jade and Lyla together to try and sustain the flames of passion.

Guys tried to butt in, and they let a couple, but in reality, all they saw was each other. The other dancers were little more than a distraction.

They walked out at one AM, feeling aroused and excited. Hand in hand they walked to the elevator, and as they waited. They kissed. All of the sexual energy released in that explosive contact. Their lips mashed together, their mouths feeding urgently on the other. They nibbled, and bit. Their tongues continuing the dance.

They fell, rather than walked into the elevator. Lyla's hands moving sensuously over, Jade's body. Her breasts swelled, under her massaging mauling hands. Her fingers, curling in Lyla's beautiful tresses. It was less than a minute, when the doors opened on their floor. They stumbled arm in arm, stopping a hundred times to reignite the kiss. Even though, the door was only metres up the corridor.

The apartment door closed behind them. Lyla leaning back against it. Jade's, hands in hers as she leaned against her. "Here we are then." Lyla whispered hoarsely.

"Yes indeed." Jade replied leaning in for another searing kiss.

"You know, if you carry on like that. I'm going to fuck your brains out, don't you." Lyla growled.

"Promises, promises." Jade giggled. "Just how do you think you're gonna manage that?"

"Babe, you have no idea."

Jade felt the uncertainty wash over her. Nervousness overtaking her. "You're right, I don't. I'm anxious Lyla, I don't know what to do."

Lyla pressed forward, crushing their bodies together. "Relax, I won't bite. Just let it happen." She started to unbutton Jade's dress, exposing her cleavage to her marauding mouth.

Her mouth slid lower and she kissed and sucked the willing flesh. The tiny bra unclipped at the front, and was gone in a flash. Jade's breasts exposed. Lyla, slowed, allowing her mouth to suckle deliciously on the proud nipples as they pushed against her tongue. Her teeth, brought little whimpering sighs from Jade, who leaned back against the door.

Her emotions soared, her body flushed and responsive. Not knowing what to do, she ran her fingers through Lyla's hair. Ruffling and massaging.

Then their mouths collided, and the passion grew exponentially. The room instantly warmer.

When, Lyla's hand cupped Jade's mound, pressing the cotton fabric into her moist crevice. Jade jumped, not with shock, but excitement. She could smell her arousal. Her sex slippery and inviting.

Lyla needed no invitation. Her fingers worked up under the fabric, pressing into her. The fabric now covered in Jade's sticky goo.

Her advances, met no resistance, Jade was hers. Her fingers pressed deeper, her thumb rubbing the excited worm.

Jade's arms circled, Lyla's neck. Her knees were wobbly and weak. She was falling into a deep pit of lubriciousness. Their kiss, god it was more a feast as they fed on each other. Lyla's leg pressed between Jade's, her thigh crushing her hand into Jade's sodden slit. Her own pussy now crushed against Jade's thigh. She gyrated and mashed her own sodden slushy pussy against Jade.

It was an explosion of built up lust the seduction taking far to long. Now unleashed the two women, gorged themselves on the love.

Jade thrust her hips back on Lyla's, hand, and thigh. She felt the wetness of Lyla's assault. How could she miss her flesh suctioning on her leg. Lyla fucked her, like a ravenous feeding vampire. Their mouths locked together, they breathed together, and the orgasms erupted in vesuvial grandeur.

It was more than sex, it was a culmination of days of arousal, teasing, flirting and emotions aflame.

They collapsed together on the floor, satiated, exhausted.

"Oh shit." Jade sighed happily.

Lyla stood, held out her hand, and said. "Come on, lets get to bed."

In bed, naked and snuggled together, Jade began to experiment. Her hands roaming Lyla's, body. "You're so beautiful."