A Fertile Opportunity


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Alexa felt it: "at your limit, dear?" She said sweetly, caressing his cheek as they both felt their hot sex come to a sweaty end. Her chest rose and fell with each heavy breath she took; the tips of her nipples gently kissing his sculpted pecs with each movement. She loved this post-fuck feeling. Like she had run a marathon! (But sex was far more interesting, and, if the personal trainers in the city gym could be believed, much better at burning calories.)

"Yeah..." Mark said, feeling satisfied with himself. Hours of intense, pounding sex? That was more than most of his male friends could manage (baring a few, who will be mentioned later in this sordid story); how he enjoyed regaling them all with stories of Alexa and he fucking like rabbits every chance they got, and he loved their envious looks as he told them these sordid stories; envious that he, Mark, was having great sex with a woman who looked like Alexa Matthews-Kent, and envious that he, Mark again, could last for three, maybe even four (on one occasion, at least) rounds in a row! It wasn't enough that he, Mark Kent, had been born with movie-star good looks, and worked hard to maintain a body that was like a Greek statue come to life; no, he, Mark once again, had been blessed with great sexual stamina that had seen him seduce many a stunningly hot woman. Alexa was the last in a long, long line, and of all of the women he had had sex with Mark was glad it was Alexa who he had married.

Now if only he could fucking get her pregnant... that would be a story he would love to tell all of the guys, especially his best friend of some ten-plus years: Theodore Miller.

Hopefully it would be soon: unknown to him, Mark shared Alex's feeling about their efforts to conceive today. He had pumped so much cum into her! Surely one of those billions of sperm he must have emptied into her would find a waiting egg?

Jesus... How hard was it to knock a girl up in Eroshire?

"Are you going to be late tonight?" Alexa asked as she unsteadily climbed to her feet. It would take a few minutes for the feeling to get back to her legs, and her muscles ached with how hard she'd been riding her husband (and for how long!).

"No," Mark said, leaning back onto the bed. He was also waiting for the feeling to return to his limbs before he attempted to leave the bed. "I'll have just one drink."

"At least have two," Alexa said with a bemused smile. "You don't have to shorten your night out with your friends on my behalf."

"Yeah, but..." Mark waved at the calendar she had hung on the wardrobe door months ago; on each month her menstrual cycle was marked in red pen. Her most fertile days given big red 'X's for them both to arrange plentiful time for some great unprotected sex. Today was peak fertility.

Alexa laid a gentle hand on his shoulder. God, she loved this man. "Relax, stud," she said. "You already filled me with your cum three times. Let what you've pumped into me get through before you fill me up again." She gave his shoulder a squeeze. "You can have a few drinks with your friends."

"Cheers, babe," Mark said. How he loved this woman! "So what are you up to today?"

"Meeting up with Kyle for brunch," she said as she pulled a silky set of underwear up the great length of her legs; one of Mark's many presents for her, if she recalled correctly. Valentines... or maybe her birthday. The guy loved to buy her underwear so much she had genuinely forgotten what sets of bras and panties he had bought for her when. At least she could spend her money on other clothes, instead. More practical clothes, like a fucking shirt, jeans, coat.

Seriously: it was adorable how men loved to buy women underwear, but surely they knew that a girl had to wear something when she visited her brother for morning coffee?

"How is your brother?" Mark asked, mostly out of politeness. He didn't think much of Alexa's little brother, Kyle, who would soon be starting his second year at the University of Eroshire, if Mark's memory served him correctly (it did; he would be a shit lawyer if he couldn't recall basic facts). Though what Kyle was studying had completely escaped him... psychology, was it? Some course with a horribly skewed ratio favouring female students, no doubt. (Again, Mark was right, but his dislike for Kyle tended to make him second-guess how much information he retained of his brother-in-law's life.)

Alexa gave her husband a cool look; she had long ago noticed Mark didn't like Kyle, and Alexa had a good idea why, and it was one reason why she generally kept quiet about her sex life in the days before meeting Mark (and of course her sex life while dating Mark), as well as the small fact that she had been knocked up twice before by previous lovers (one of which she had fucked just after her first date with Mark, which in hindsight was depressingly annoying.) Knowing that her plumbing was all right and working only made Mark's inability to land a shot frustrating. He did not need to know any of that, of course.

Back on the subject of her brother: the reason Alexa suspected Mark did not like her dear Kyle was something she called the 'Stud Singularity'.

You see Kyle was (as most normal people would consider) a massive slut. (Though, to be fair, Alexa too was also a massive slut. What could she say? She loved sex. She loved sex with guys with big dicks who could work her pussy and make her cum; it was that simple. Alexa liked sex, and she like cuming while having sex (as opposed to, you know, some self-induced shit while watching porn). She especially loved cuming while having sex with someone who wasn't the man who thought he had a monogamous claim to having sex with her.)

Now, guys loved women who loved sex, at least in Alexa's experience; it meant a bigger chance of the girl being up for some decent shit, like oral, anal, and (the holy grail) condom-free fucking with a side order of creampie. A Stud was a guy who increased the odds of the before-mentioned spicier fucking in his favour, either with great looks, great charisma, or having a third leg (or, in some lucky cases, like her brother's two friends, Brad and Ali, all three. Kyle himself just lacked the 'great charisma' part, being, objectively-speaking, a massive figurative cunt.)

Now this is where the theory of the Stud Singularity came in: Studs don't like the presence of, or being aware of, other Studs. All sexually promiscuous men loved to live in a bubble where they were the kings of their sex-filled worlds. No one else came close (pun intended?). Except there has to be other Studs; it's a big world, and the chances of other men being good-looking enough, or charismatic enough or even (heaven forbid!) having bigger dicks grew increasingly likely to the point of certainty in the crazy world of genetic variability. Other Studs exist, but no Stud likes to be reminded of it.

This was all a very pseudo-scientific way of Alexa's to explain why her husband didn't get on with her little brother: Kyle was a bigger Stud (which was, Alexa admitted, a very strange thing to think of her little brother, but this was the boy who had once slept with all five of her friends one evening when Kyle had crashed round hers for a week and Alexa had foolishly not cancelled a planned 'girl's night in' with her besties. They were still her besties - hoes before bros, and all that - but Alexa had a hard time not being reminded that her brother was still sleeping with all of them, even though they had all since, like Alexa, gotten married.) Alexa knew that her husband and brother had never spoken to each other about their sex lives, but somehow Mark knew - just KNEW - that Kyle had had much more sex than Mark ever had, or ever will, with a far greater number of women, despite being a good seven years younger. It rankled him, in a way that Alexa found so very amusing.

This was also why she had never spoken to Mark about HER past lovers, even though Mark had been so very forthcoming about his own sexual conquests before he met her (the number was fifteen.) Some of the those guys Alexa had slept with had had bigger dicks, which (in her experience) was a subject one just did not bring up with one's current sexual partner. She had learnt to let each man she slept with enjoy the illusion that they were the biggest she had ever had. That they filled her more than any other man. Each Stud was the only Stud.

The Stud Singularity.

Though to every law of physics there were peculiar exceptions, and as Alexa finished clothing herself, and Mark finally made it out of bed, a knock on the door downstairs heralded the arrival of one challenge to Alexa's unifying law of male sexual dominance, and the greatest reminder of a year lost to fruitless monogamous married sex, as well as one of the few of Mark's friends that, whenever Mark boasted of his sexual prowess, would smile and nod, politely encouraging him...

...all the while secretly smiling because they were the better men.

Theodore Miller gave her a slightly different smile when she opened the door to him. It was a smile that Alexa thoroughly disliked for how much she enjoyed seeing it, for it was a smile that promised a girl two things: one, that Theo would give her a great time - a REALLY good time - and two, that he knew it with such certainty it bordered on the prophetic. It was the type of smile that Alexa would have loved to see across the nightclub floor in the days before Mark (or at least in the days before their current situation of fruitless unprotected sex.) It was that kind of smile, and Theo always wore it for her, which made Alexa's pussy flutter in a way that annoyed her with its reminder of how long it had been since she had last cheated on Mark.

Speaking of which: at the sound of footsteps behind her Theo's smile altered - just a little. So subtle you had to have been there to see its first form to know what was missing from the smile Theo gave his best friend as Mark hurried down the stairs of their (Mark and Alexa, that is) house, his footsteps heavy on the plush carpet. "Hey Mark," Theo said, his smile safe and warm. No trace of that naughty promise to be seen by the keen eye.

And here the Stud Singularity is presented with its first contradiction: Theodore Miller was the foil to Alexa's grand unifying law. Having fucked around enough she could tell he was bad news - in all the best ways a girl could ask for. Mark Kent, her dear other half, was a Hollywood movie star in looks and charisma; like Tom Cruise but not a manlet (though at 5' 11" Mark was slightly shorter than her), with a strong jawline that was always clean-shaven, and hair meticulously styled in a good-old-fashioned comb-over. Theo (6' 3", looking down at her from the great height those two extra inches gave him) was, in a strange contrast, like a rugged hunk with seemingly permanent five o'clock stubble and a mop of hair that always seemed like he had just stumbled out of bed, gave himself a cursory glance in the mirror, messed it up a bit, and then called it a day. Which is probably exactly what he did. Mark promised a good night; Theo...

Well Theo promised a fucking epic night... of fucking... which, as much as Alexa wanted - like REALLY FUCKING WANTED - to rip his clothes off and find out what all the girls who spoke of Theo kept harping on about, as much as she had wanted to fuck Theo the first time she saw him on the day of her and Mark's wedding, with Theo as the Best Man, as much as Alexa had wanted to fuck Theo at the ceremony (somehow!), at the reception, and at the hotel afterwards when all of her friends and family had drunk themselves stupid (and her friends were already cheating on their respective other halves (and yes, Kyle had been involved with a few of them)), as much as Alexa wanted, desperately, to fuck her husband's best friend...

...she had made a foolish promise to Mark to have his child. A stupid promise made on the day he had proposed to her, when she had been all caught up with the romance; Alexa had removed her IUD the next day with the naïve impression (understandable considering the two times she had been knocked up before) that it would be no time at all before Mark would impregnate her, and she would get back to some hot side-dishes with her Greek god of a husband unaware of the hot cheating slut his wife actually was.

A year later and now it seemed it was simply patented Matthews Pride that kept Alexa going to see if her dear husband would finally get her pregnant. All the while refusing the call of dozens of hot guys she could have fucked on the side just out of fear that they might land their shots as Mark kept missing his.

Theo though really did test her patience, and her resistance.

Alexa knew full well what Theo was up to, as Mark reached the bottom of the steps and greeted his best friend with a dude-bro-hand-clasp-and-back-slap-combo. "Shouldn't you be at the office Theo?" She asked. Politely, of course.

"Funny story," Theo said, giving her a perfectly polite smile. The kind a good friend would give his friend's lovely wife, who had just asked a perfectly innocent question. "So I met this great girl last night at the bar. Great smile. Great legs. Great tits. The works."

"Well that narrows it down," Alexa said sarcastically. It sure didn't; there was a strangely large number of attractive people in Coytoss and the surrounding towns; all her friends were sexy as fuck, her family were all attractive and her colleagues at the bar she owned were also incredibly hot. What were the odds? "What was her name?"

"You know I never found out," Theo said, pretending to seem disappointed. Neither Mark nor Alexa were fooled. "Anyway, so she invites me back to her place, and we hop on the bus - I'm too distracted by this girl's fantastic tits to notice which one - and we get busy. I've got my hand in her tight panties giving her a great time and I look up and - hey! I recognise this street! I know that house! What are the chances?"

Alexa sighed. "Did she have short blonde hair and a Thor tattoo on her right arm?"

"Jesus Theo, did you just spend the night fucking Sophie?" Mark said, grinning like a kid who had just heard his friend tell a great story of misadventure.

Alexa rolled her eyes as Theo grinned an affirmative, and she wondered if it had genuinely been accidental that he had scored with their neighbour last night. Sophie Lennon was a sweet girl who enjoyed catching the abnormally good weather (abnormal for the UK, that was) in Eroshire in the privacy of her back garden, and being a perfectionist regarding her tan usually caught rays with nothing on. Alexa had spied on her many times from the bedroom window, and she was sure Mark had noticed their neighbours' nude sunbathing habits as well, but so far her husband had had the good grace not to let Alexa know that he knew.

"So seeing I was in the area I thought 'why not bum a lift off Mark?'" Theo said.

"How'd you know I was still here?" Mark asked.

"Mate, your car's still in the driveway," Theo said, jerking his thumb over his shoulder out the still open door (Alexa hadn't yet closed it, perhaps in hope) to the red Porsche on the pristine red paving.

"I might have walked to the station."

Theo gave his friend a look. "You NEVER walk to the station. You're the laziest fit person that I know."

Mark shrugged, offering no objection to that comment. "Give me a moment to grab my shit-"

"Mind if we grab a coffee on the way?" Theo asked. "I've only had three hour's sleep."

"Poor you," Alexa said, unable to help herself.

"Thank you for your sympathy," Theo said, and she was sure his sarcasm was only an excuse to lay a hand on her arm, supporting this joke of mock concern from her to him. That suspicion was reinforced as she felt his fingers, so warm against her bare arm, give her a gentle squeeze.

Her smile curled slightly as she regarded him. This was an old dance of theirs; since they had first met at her and Mark's wedding, and their mutual lust for each other had been evident back then, and still burned brightly now. Theo knew the score: no cheating until she was carrying her dear husband's child, and Alexa was certain this all was as torturous to Theo as it was to her. So they took every small opportunity presented regarding physical contact between each other.

Which only served to make it all more painful; her pussy was practically doing backflips at the close proximity of Theo to her, with Mark right next to them! Her husband totally oblivious to all the lusty tension between his wife and his best friend.

"Any time," she said. Her voice was almost a sultry purr. "Where was Sophie's husband during all of this?"

"On a business trip in the UAE," Theo said, smirking.

"How sweet of you to keep her company."

"Happy wife, happy life. Eh, Mark?"

Mark rolled his eyes. He was used to these stories of adulterous sex from his friend. Yet he was never concerned about leaving Theo alone with his wife; his best friend would never think to lay a hand on a woman Mark was in a relationship with, and there had been many!

Meanwhile Alexa was again bemused by her husband's peculiar blind spot regarding his best friend's flirtatious behaviour with her. It seemed Mark really was that trusting with Theo, which only made the whole affair that more an affront to her grand Stud Singularity theory. While she would love to quiz her husband on that behaviour, it would ruin any chance for her to fuck Theo and Alexa was determined to hop on that boner as soon as Mark planted his seed in her belly.

Whenever that would be.

"Right, give me a moment to grab my shit and we better head off," Mark said, turning around and heading into his downstairs office, which he often used when working from home, and when working late into the evening on a case and he didn't want to disturb Alexa. "You two entertain yourselves for a moment."

The very second that Mark had disappeared into his office Theo leaned close to her, and, with an alarming glint in his eye, whispered "quick: lock the door and we can bang one out on top of that new kitchen table of yours!"

Alexa's eyes widened significantly, even as an erotic pulse shot through her at the thought of it. "Theo! Hush! Besides, there's no lock on the door!"

"Anything heavy we can drop in front of it?" Theo continued, and as he whispered his hand, previously resting on her shoulder, began to move down to cup her tit. Giving it a little squeeze that brought out a soft moan from Alexa. Good God how she wanted to take Theo right there and then at the foot of the stairs! Her husband be damned!

No. She shouldn't. Here she was with her IUD removed a year ago, not on birth control (obviously), and fucking her man without protection. For fuck's sake her vagina was packed full of Mark's spunk! She was trying to get pregnant, the very last thing - the VERY LAST thing - was to risk having another man's seed in her. "Theo... we shouldn't..."

"Then why's your hand down there?"

Glancing down Alexa was disappointed in herself: her hand had found his trousers, and her fingers were lightly squeezing that wonderful bulge in the fabric where beneath lay something no woman could apparently stop gushing about at the nightclub whenever the name 'Theo' came up in conversation. It felt huge and hard beneath her touch. Good Lord... this man was packing!

She really shouldn't be doing this. Not with Mark in his work-from-home-office next door. She shouldn't be leading Theo on like this when she was adamant not to take another man's cum in her until she was pregnant with Mark's baby. She shouldn't-

"So how's the baby-making going?" Theo suddenly said, out loud. A tilt to his head told her he was talking to Mark, next door. His hand moved down even further, past her toned stomach to where he slipped two fingers between the belt of her jeans and her smooth, tanned skin.