A Game of Size

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The Conclusion to both Choose! and Arguments and Alterations.
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"Don't you think it's time we brought them in for a little fun?"

"We're hardly out of the woods from the last time we did this and you want to do it again?"

"Asmodeus and Leviathan would you two keep it down over there. It's bad enough you woke me from my nap for this."

The purple haired figured whirled around setting her enormous breasts jiggling, causing much tinkling of metal as the bells atop her nipples chimed out in time with the meaty slap of her cock against her thigh. "As if you aren't always sleeping Belphegor." She said gesturing to the lounging grey skinned man seemingly reclining his body against thin air. "Levi and I were just trying to think of ideas to spice it up down here is all."

"No," spoke up the third member of the group the blue skinned woman whose body was lithe and agile, but shimmered slightly when the light caught her skin as though she had scales along her body. "If I recall, it was you, Asmodeus, who summoned us here. If I had known what you wanted I would have stayed back in my circle."

"Come now Levi, don't- "

"And stop calling me Levi!" Leviathan said pushing forward and poking a finger heavily into the breast of Asmodeus. "How many times do I have to tell you that over the centuries?"

Asmodeus had a grin on her face as she gently removed Leviathan's hand from her breast, "Only until I stop getting you all hot and bothered dear sister."

"Stop playing around you two." Said a fourth voice from around the corner. The newcomer's voice was accompanied by the jingling of gold and gemstone jewelry affixed to every open patch of skin on his chiseled frame. Torcs and bracelets adorned his arms and neck while a fine golden vest lay over the top. The tinkling of a gold coin danced across his fingers as it connected with the numerous rings yet still remained atop the back of his hand. "Belphegor is right if we want to do this we should do it soon."

"Finally, some sense from Mammon." Asmodeus chuckled. "Now all we need is to convince either our brother or another of our sisters to join us."

Belphegor yawned as he reclined backwards in the air to a nearly horizontal position. "Well Satan was off planning something back in his circle so I doubt he's join us." The grey skinned man yawned again, "I don't know how he does it, all that planning all the time must be exhausting."

"Well when you're as angry as he is all the time, I guess it just comes naturally."

The four heads turned as a fifth walked into the small clearing. One blackened wing adorned her left shoulder and a white adorned her right. She wore nothing across her chest upon which her breasts sat prominently above her tightened abs. Her flaring hips held up a belt which kept a blackened sword scabbard which contrasted starkly with the white of her robes and the paleness of her skin.

"Sister Lucy what a surprise!" Asmodeus shouted with glee. "I would have thought our little games below you."

"Why would you think that?" Lucifer cocked her head sideways, "It's a matter of pride isn't it to always finish first?"

"Oh, those sound like fighting words," Leviathan said.

"Care to put a wager on that?" Mammon asked his eyes twinkling.

"Well, if Lucifer is playing I'm going to take a nap." Belphegor said fully reclining into the air. "I'll be in my circle if you need anything." He said sleepily as his body began to drift away only to be caught by the ankle by Lucifer.

"Sorry Belphegor," Lucifer said smiling, "You have to stay because we need five of us, one for each winner."

"Well, get Beelzebub to do it."

"She said she would join us when she finished dinner," Lucifer said her eyes twinkling, "And you KNOW how long that will take."

"I'm guessing our little champions will be dead by then, huh?"

"Precisely, so we should start now!" Asmodeus said slapping her hand on the ground causing her breasts to bounce and wobble anew. From the spot on the ground a small game box, complete with pictures of five humans appeared. "Everyone, pick your human...Oh, this one looks deliciously sexy I'll take her." No sooner had Asmodeus's hand touched the card the name, "Jill" appeared below it and the picture went up in smoke.

"I want this one," Leviathan said touching another picture as the name, "Kate" appeared below it before disappearing.

"To make it fair, I'll let you two choose first Mammon and Belphegor," Lucifer said gesturing to the three remaining pictures.

"Just give me whoever's left." Belphegor sighed.

"In that case," Mammon reached forward and grabbed the lone picture of a man amongst the cards. The name "Ryan" appeared before the card was incinerated.

"Then I'll take this one," Lucifer said grabbing the first card that had appeared. "Jamie" appeared below the picture before it vanished.

"I guess I get this last chick," Belphegor said touching the last one with his foot as he couldn't be bothered to get up. A final name, "Liz" appeared on the card before it disappeared like the others.

"Well the little pocket dimension is all set up and ready to go." Asmodeus said with a grin as she looked down into the relatively small hole in the ground that had been created by the game board. While it looked small to them, she was confident it was mighty big enough for puny humans to enjoy this new game she'd worked with the Master to make. As the game box descended into the hole she stood and reached out her hand until it was over the middle of the pit, "May the best demon win."

"May the best demon win," was the resulting chorus of voices as each placed a hand atop hers above the hole. Suddenly a bright light shot through the sky and broke into five individual beams before the five demons of hell watched each beam come streaking back toward them. Only this time, the beams each contained a small figure, a human, and not just any humans, the five previous winners of their little games.


When Ryan awoke, it was to the feeling of someone poking him mercilessly in the ribs. Grumbling he rolled over and tried to pull the blankets up further over his head in the universal just-five-more-minutes pose. Unfortunately, two things occurred to him as he did so: first, he was definitely on the ground, and not in his bed, and secondly, he was most likely naked judging from the very cool response of the morning dew on his member. The latter jolted him awake and he sat up with a start, even more shocked to see who it was poking him.

"Bout time you got up Ryan."

"Jesus, Jamie, wha-what are you doing here? Where's Bri?" Ryan stammered.

"Hell, if I know," said a third voice causing Ryan's head to spin. Sure enough, he recognized not only the voice, but the body of Liz standing up next to him. "Now get up we've got to figure out what is going on."

Ryan shook his head and got his feet underneath him and stood up. It took him a moment confirm that he was in fact naked, but also that Jamie and Liz were too. Both girls' nipples were tented noticeably in the coolness of the morning. "No idea how we suddenly appeared on Naked and Afraid?"

"Not a clue," Jamie said gesturing to two more girls standing a little way away, "Looks like we've got two more nudists to join us though."

"Might as well see if they know anything," Ryan said before turning to the other pair, "Hey ladies, you know anything about what's going on?"

The first one turned, and shocked Ryan with how curvy she was. He had always though Jamie wore her curves well, but this girl had them in spades. The other one looked like she was a little younger, maybe still college age, but definitely had the thin muscle girl look going. He watched as they both shrugged and walked over to join Ryan's trio. "My name's Jill," the curvy one said as she approached, then pointing to her partner, "this is Kate and I'm hoping you know something we don't."

"So, you two know each other?" Liz asked.

"I'm assuming you three know each other, too." Kate said turning to Jamie. "Jill is a friend of my friend's older sister. I've seen her around a bit, but- "

"But I, err, looked different from how I look now, right?" Jill said suspiciously.

"Yep," Liz said with a sigh, "not that you would remember me like this either..."

Ryan listened as her voice trailed off. He was pretty sure what she meant, but he had to be polite, "Well I'm Ryan, and this is Jamie," he said pointing the raven-haired beauty at his side. Then gesturing to the blonde on his other side, "and this is Liz."

"We're all friends of friends," Jamie said before turning to Ryan. "I think I know what's going on here."

"So, do I." Liz said before turning to Kate and Jill, "Ever heard of Arguments and Alterations?"

Both girls had a blank stare on their face, "Uh, should we have?" Jill asked.

"You know, magical board game, kicks your sex drive into high gear and changes your body." Ryan said trying to trigger any memories.

A light seemed to go on inside Kate's head, "Oh, you mean Choose."

"Uh...no..." Jamie looked confused.

"Oh my god," Jill said turning to Kate, "You played Choose? When?"

"I'm guessing after you did. Lily, Jess and I played it one week during a Spring Break and I won- "

"Wait, I won too." Jill said.

"Well, we didn't play your game, but I'm guessing we each won our game of A&A, right?" Jamie said to both Ryan and Liz.



"So, did you all get cool abilities?" Jamie asked excitedly. Everyone around her suddenly blushed, even Ryan felt the heat rise through his face. Jamie grinned, "Guess that settles it. But I haven't been able to use mine since we got here."

"Yah, I'm missing my cards too," Jill said as Kate nodded in agreement.

"So...what then, we're just naked in a field for no reason?" Ryan asked.

"Could be," Liz said tapping her chin, "or maybe it's some sort of winner's bracket- "


The booming voice caused the five naked humans to jump out of their skin. Frantically spinning around Ryan couldn't see where the voice was coming from until he looked up. There above their heads was a gorgeous purple face, except it practically eclipsed the sky. Ryan fell over as he saw it smile down at him and then disappear back into the darkness above before he heard a poof sound next to him.

"I couldn't resist doing that to you poor humans. You all frighten so easily." Five heads turned to see a purple skinned woman, breasts as big as watermelons and a cock dangling down to her knees, walk a few steps towards them. The bell like piercings on her nipples jingled as she walked, but other than that she made no sound as she sashayed the final few steps towards them. Ryan could hardly contain himself at the sheer sexuality oozing from this woman as she cocked her hips to the side and pulled something out from between her cavernous breasts.

"We demons thought it would be fun to gather up all you winners for little, well, fun on our behalf." Ryan and the rest of the group saw that it was a small puzzle box that she had extracted from her cleavage and was placing on the ground. "My name is Asmodeus, some call me the- "

"Lady of Lust, one of the seven deadly sins." Jill said, sounding just as shocked the words had come from her mouth. "I, I, saw you in my dreams last night."

"Did you like what you saw?" Asmodeus winked and Ryan could feel his heart pounding heavier in his chest. But before Jill could answer the purple demon continued, "Well, we seven sins get bored easily, Belphegor most of all, for obvious reasons. But anyway, we thought about summoning you here for a little game. And since the Game Master has decided that this version of the game can't be let into the mortal world yet, we thought we would bring you here where you can play to your heart's content." She smiled and gestured to the game board, "We give you The Game of Size."

"How original." Liz muttered.

"Hey, watch your lip before I put it to better use." Asmodeus turned causing her breasts to jiggle and chime again. "Now I'm sure you know the basics about what this game does to you- "

"Just tell us how it's different so one of us can win and we can get out of here." Jamie said crossing her arms. If Ryan didn't know any better, he could have sworn she was just a little pissed that she wasn't the hottest...thing here.

"Right to the point. I knew Lucy would like you," Asmodeus smiled and continued, "Easy enough, roll a dice move that many spaces, draw a card, do what the card says. Same old formula, only this time the extra rules are related to laps." With that she pushed on the lid cover and the box sprang open like all the others, to reveal a pentagram in the middle of a circle of spaces. Each tip of the pentagram had a name carved into it that corresponded to each of the players. No sooner had the board been revealed a deck of cards and a single six-sided dice appeared in the middle followed by a game piece that looked remarkably similar to each of them appearing on the circular board in front of their names.

"Now, the game ends after three laps around the track. Shouldn't be too hard, right? And the highest points at the end of three laps wins the game. Here's where it gets fun though, each time anyone completes a lap back to their starting point they can create a rule."

"Any rule?"

"Any rule," Asmodeus turned to Kate and smiled, "and all players have to follow it now. Oh, also each time someone completes a lap we count up points, each transformation you get is worth two point, and each lap is worth five points. So, most likely the person who finishes the three laps first will win, but there's still a way to win for you slow pokes. But the person in last place when the points are counted must draw three cards that don't count towards their points, fourth and third place draw two cards, and second place draws one card."

"So, more changes the further behind you are." Liz shrugged, "Sounds like fun to me."

"Well, that's it then," Asmodeus said rising up to her feet and then blowing them all a kiss. "Good luck to everyone, but especially you my little champion. I'll be rooting for you." She giggled and spun around before vanishing into a puff of purple smoke.


Taking a second to gather his voice, Ryan grinned outwards to the group, "Who's ready to be playthings for the devil?"

"Like we have a choice," Kate said as she sat down on the chairs that had suddenly appeared around the board.

"Well, I'm excited, how do we decide who goes first?" Liz asked.

"Why don't we go in order of seniority?" Jill said turning to the to the others as she took her seat, "Who won the first game?"

"That would be me," Jamie said as she reached for the dice. "And if it wasn't I'm assuming these dice aren't going to roll for me." She easily plucked the dice from the table and shrugged. "Well I guess I'm first, that makes you second Ryan?"

"Yep, because I gave the game to Liz afterwards."

"And after I had it, the Game Master took it back."

"So, then I have to go next," Jill smiled. "Since I played it before I gave it to your friend's sister."

"No sweat, we'll just save the best for last." Kate said as the group rearranged themselves in order around the board.

"Let's start this party with a bang." Jamie said as she tossed the dice. She watched as they came up with a two. "Or a whimper. No markings on the board or the cards, guess I'll just take one then." She reached for the sole pile of cards and read aloud, "It says, 'Swap any attribute with another player and grow both by 1.5x.' Hmm," she looked around briefly and smiled, "I'll trade breasts with Jill."

"What, you can't take my boobs," Jill said trying to hold hers back.

"Don't think of it as taking," Jamie said with a grin as she felt her breasts begin to swell against her chest. "Think of it as I gave you a little boost, and myself a much needed one." Within seconds she could feel her breasts hanging heavier on her chest as she hefted her new F-cup breasts with glee. True to her word, Jill also looked like her breasts had swelled, albeit only slightly since they were only DD-cups now instead of her old D-cups thanks to the full cup size difference that previously existed between her and Jamie.

"This means war."

"Oh, I intend to win this one with style."

"Really you two, turn one?" Ryan said as he dropped the dice on the table. "A three, well it's average."

"Just like the rest of you," Liz chuckled and nudged him in the side.

"Easy there, Liz." Ryan said as he drew his card. "Well this is new, 'You may add a new rule to the game.'"

"You're joking," Kate said sitting up straight. Ryan turned the card around so everyone could see it. "Great, guess he wins."

"Not necessarily, I'm not going to cheat if that's what you're thinking." Ryan looked up and thought he saw some large faces in the darkened sky above before he looked back down at the card in his hand. "I doubt our demon friends would find that 'fun.' So instead, how about this: Since we all probably have someone back home, until the end of the game we're all bisexual lovers without inhibitions."

Instantly the card rose out of Ryan's hand and burned to a crisp as the smoke curled to form the words he had said. Those words flashed red briefly before being blown away on the wind. With that same bit of wind, it seemed, went all of Ryan's inhibitions. All his thoughts of Brianna at home vanished, and in their place were visions of the five of them, making love in every way shape and form sharing one another as easily as a pen.

"Wow...I, uh, wow."

"Yeah, I feel the same way, Jill." Jamie said with a grin. "Care to give these new puppies a spin?"

"Maybe let's see how far we can go before we have to give up on the game and keep fucking each other, alright?" Jill said with a mischievous grin.

"While you two love birds are snogging, I'll just move my one space and draw a card." Liz huffed as she gestured to the lone pip on the dice in front of her. "And my card says, 'Height Growth 2x.'" Her eyes went wide as she barely had time to stand up before her body surged in size. Where before she was the smallest person by a few inches, within seconds she was towering over Ryan who could only look up and up at the swelling form of Liz. It only took moments, but within those Liz had grown to a towering ten feet tall. Although since her body was still proportionate, it looked like most of the growth had gone towards her torso leaving her shaven pussy just below eye level for Jamie, while Jill and Kate would have been staring at her belly button.

"This is a great start," Liz's voice boomed out, "Too bad I can't sit in that comfy chair any-Hey check this out!" She gestured to where her chair was an in its place was one that looked like it was made for her now statuesque body. With a grin she collapsed into it, smiling as she looked down on each of her fellow players.

"So far everyone's gotten something good, now it's my turn." Jill said tossing the dice. "Yes, first six of the game." She chuckled as she moved her piece forward and then reached for a card. "And my card says, 'Shrink the Player's penis on your left by 1.5x,' well that doesn't do any good, you don't have one Kate."

"And if I did I'd be pissed at you." Kate said grabbing the dice. "good to know that there are cards that affect more than just the person who drew them." With a toss she looked at her result, "Score another one for the Choose girls!" She shouted as she moved five spaces. "And my card says, 'Butt growth 2x'. Finally, it's about time I got some jiggle back here. Compared to you girls I'm flat as a board, when I should have a shelf." Sure enough, seconds later Kate's body rose a little in the chair as more padding filled in behind her, but she was still no where near as curvy as her fellow players.

"One turn down, here's to the second one." Jamie said still enjoying the jiggle of her stolen breasts. "And a three is still better than nothing. Now what does this card say...'Shrink the Player's height on your left by 1.5x.'" She turned and grinned at Ryan. "Guess who's going to be the shortest one here!"