A Reluctant Sex Instructor Ch. 03-04


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She turned around and looked at my erection. A little grin and she kneeled down in front of me.

I groaned as she put me into her mouth.

She looked at me as she blew me. It was so... erotic. It wasn't just the fact that I was receiving a blowjob from Lisa in the shower. It was more of the fact she was kneeling down and taking me in her mouth. Maybe it was just semantics, but there was a difference in my mind.

And after having so much sex for the past few weeks, not having sex for two days made my body yearn for it now.

I was an addict.

"I... I'm going to come," I croaked.

She sped up until I came, swallowing everything down without missing a drop. She continued to suck my cock even after the last spurt had ended.

Denise was right. She was great at blowjobs. Lisa was good as well, but Denise was the queen. Though I really liked coming into Lisa's mouth. It felt very intimate.

I was still hard.

"Want another one?"

I took her hand and got her to stand. Then I kissed her fiercely. Our tongues flirted with each other. I forgot all about the techniques Denise had taught and just enjoyed my kiss with Lisa.

I reached down and slid my hand between her legs. She opened her legs, giving me greater access.

Her naked body was my drug.

I rubbed between her legs until she started moaning. The sight of Lisa's curvy body with my hands between her legs in the shower was too arousing.

I broke the kiss and looked into her beautiful green eyes.

"Here or bed?" She asked, looking at me back full of desire. I never felt I wanted her more than in that instance.


She dragged me out of the bathroom and walked into the living room while we were dripping wet. But I didn't care. I wanted to fuck.

We entered my room and she pushed me down to the bed. She straddled my hips and rode me.

After she came, I pushed her onto her back and got on top of her. I kissed her as we fucked.

Then I came.


I lay on top of her, panting. We looked at each other as we caught our breath.

"Wow... this is..."

"The best yet," Lisa said.

"No arguments there," I said.

Lisa grinned. "If I knew this is what it takes to get you talking to me again, I would have given you a blowjob earlier."

I winced a little. Then Lisa winced as well and looked apologetic. "Too soon?"

I stared into her eyes.

"I love you, Lisa."


"I know you don't love me. I don't care. I love you."

"This is probably just the sex talking."

"I don't care. I love you."

She stared back at me. I could almost see the gear in her mind cranking. Then she gave me a soft smile.

"Shall we dry ourselves? My skin is getting wrinkled."

I gave a chuckle. I rolled myself off her. She got up and went to fetch the towels. As I looked at her back, I suddenly regretted confessing to her.

What if she suddenly leaves me again? What if she didn't come back?

But she did. We dried ourselves in silence. The silence was unbearable.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that," I blurted out when I couldn't take it anymore.

She looked at me curiously but remained silent.

I tried again. "It was probably the sex talking... like you said. Please don't be mad."

"Mad? Why would I be mad?"

"Um... I don't want to ruin our... our friendship."

"Oh Ken, don't worry, it's fine. Nothing going to change between us."

"So... we're going to still..."

Lisa grinned. "Are you already thinking of sex again?"

"No! Um, well... I mean..."

"Relax Ken. I don't plan to stop having sex with you."


"You haven't even fucked my ass yet."


"That's if you still want to?"

"I want to."

She grinned again. "Come here."

We cuddled.


"Are you... feeling better?"

I nodded.

"Do you want to talk about what happened? Before you had the panic attack?"


"You don't have to tell me what's going on with you and Denise if you really don't want to. I'm just worried about you, you know. You know I care a lot about you, right?"

I thought for a moment then I decided to confess everything.

I told Lisa about my conversation with Denise, including the part about getting her to be attracted to me.

Lisa remained quiet after I was done. Then she exclaimed, "That slut!"

I winced. "Um... she was just... probably just trying to get me to have sex with her."

"That was definitely what she was doing. That slut!"

"Uh, please don't be mad at her... I don't want anything to happen between you two."

"Oh, don't worry. She's still my best friend, and I love her a lot. But I'm going to punish her."

"Punish her?"

"You'll see."


"Don't worry, it's nothing bad," Lisa said. "But it might involve handcuffing her to bed and maybe a lot of spanking."


"Ken, you know you can tell me anything, right?"

"I... I was afraid you might leave me."

"Why would I leave you?"

"Um... because I... like you?"

"So what? Are you going to insist that I be your girlfriend?"

"Um, no."

"Are you going to start acting differently with me from now on?"

"I won't."

"Are you going to think I'm leading you on? Or start getting bitter because I didn't reciprocate?"

"No, I promise I won't."

"Then nothing has changed between us."

"You mean that?"

"Of course I do. We're still friends. We're still going to cuddle and kiss and have sex. Unless you start demanding something that I can give you, nothing's going to change, Ken."


"But just for the record, Ken," Lisa said. "There's something you should know."

"What's that?"

"Even before I got together with Tony, I've always been attracted to you. I still am."

Say what?


"What?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Just to set the right expectation, Ken, Tony's my boyfriend. I love him. I'm not going to leave him. But..."


"I'm open to exploring more between us."

"Meaning what exactly?"

"Meaning we can be... romantically involved if you like."

"You... you mean that?"

"I do. But you need to first accept that Tony's my primary boyfriend. I'm always going to prioritize him over anyone else."

"So I'm your second boyfriend?"

"Hold on, Ken. Before we get into that, I need to know you're going to be comfortable that Tony's always going to be my primary."


"Primary partner. That's how we define our polyamorous relationship."

"And if I can accept that?"

"I prefer for us to take it slow. I don't want to rush into it, and then eventually fall out because it didn't work between us. I want you in my life forever, Ken. I would rather we remain friends instead of trying to be together and fall out after that."

"I want you in my life too, no matter what happens."

She smiled. "How about we just take it slow and see where it leads us?"

"How's that going to work?"

"We just continue to have amazing sex, get closer together, and take the next step if and when the time comes."

"Is Tony aware of all these?"

"Not about me being your girlfriend, if and when that happens. We decided at the start of our relationship that we were going to be polyamorous. I've not talked with him about you yet. But I suspect he always knew and indirectly encouraged it."

"What about all the stuff you said earlier about not wanting me to... to want you to be my girlfriend?"

"I want to make it very clear that we're not definitely going to end up together, romantically. It's not an absolute guarantee. As long as there's no expectation, and we remain friends like usual, then we can explore what happens after."

Too confusing. I didn't understand a single thing. But as long as Lisa was not going to leave me, it was good enough for me.

"Friends with... with benefits right?"

She giggled. "Friends with benefits," she agreed. "I'm never going to stop having sex with you, Ken."


"Can I ask... why are you telling me all these now?" I said. "If you've been attracted to me for so long... why only tell me about it now?"

Lisa hesitated. "Back in high school, I... I didn't want to be in a relationship with you."

"Why?" I asked. "Because of my... issues?"


"What's the other part?"

Lisa bit her lips. "You know I'm bisexual and polyamorous right?"

"I think the whole school knows."

She giggled. "I wasn't sure if... if you can handle that."

"Because of my family?"

She nodded. "I decided very early on that I didn't want a normal monogamous relationship."

"So I don't fit what you were looking for back then?"


"What about now? Why did you decide to tell me now?"

"Because... well, if you can handle Tony as my boyfriend and still want to be with me, then there's no reason why we can't be together, right?"


"But... and this is a big 'but'... I'm not saying we're going to get together immediately. But I'm willing to explore that if you want."

"I want."

Lisa smiled. "Then we can see explore that together."


"What about Denise? Are you comfortable with Denise and me?"

"You can continue whatever arrangement you have with her," Lisa said. "But there's something you should know about Denise."

"What's that?"

"She has always been attracted to you since high school."

Say what?



"Do you remember how Denise used to be short with big boobs, and how she always got teased?"

It seemed hard to remember Denise like that. "Vaguely."

"Do you remember her getting bullied by Karen and her clique?"

"Uh, I think so."

"And do you remember standing up for Denise when she was bullied?"

"I... don't. When did that happen?"

"It was just a small thing, actually. But she had a crush on you after that. It was one of the reasons why she became my friend, so that she can get closer to you."

Two of the most beautiful girls I know had liked me since high school? When did that happen? Unbelievable.

"Uh, then why... why didn't she tell me?"

"Because... you were close to me. She thought... there was something between us."

"Oh. But once you started being with Tony, it was clear that... we were not together right?"

"By that time, she had already gotten prettier, taller, more popular. She started getting hit on by all the seniors. She was dating the most popular guys in school."

"Then she stopped liking me?"

"I think she just didn't bother with you anymore. But I think she always has a soft spot for you. You're one of the few guys who didn't look at her tits when talking to her. I think if you were... more confident and asked her out, she would have said yes."

"Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"Because you were... dealing with stuff. And I didn't want you to be with her back then."

"Why not?"

"You know she had a reputation right?"

Denise was the kind of girl that loved sex. She didn't care if people called her a slut. She loved being a slut.

But it wasn't being a slut that concerned Lisa. Lisa was a self-confessed slut as well. It was the fact that Denise went through boys like changing panties. Sometimes a few times a day.

Denise was the kind of girl boys could fuck, but not date. She was a relationship-tease. She lured you in with her pussy and then pushed you away when you wanted a relationship with her. Boys who wanted to have sex without commitment loved that about her. But many of them fell in love with her, for some reason. Then got jealous when she had sex with someone else. She was that addictive.

I wasn't sure if I was in love with Denise. Maybe I could be if I wasn't already in love with Lisa. Denise was the perfect girlfriend. Sweet, affectionate, and loving, while playful, sexy, and seductive at the same time. When she wanted to be.

I nodded. "So you didn't want me to be with her?"

"I didn't want her to be with you."

"What's the difference?"

"I thought she wasn't good for you."


"Is that why you were... concerned when I started having sex with her?"

"Partly. I don't like it when you keep things from me, Ken. It felt like we were not as close anymore. Like there's something between us. I don't like that. I may not love you the way you want me to love you, at least not yet, but I love you a lot, Ken."

I still didn't know why Lisa loved me so much, even as a friend. It was more than her just being attracted to me since high school, which I still couldn't believe that. There was something more. Something deeper than that.

I wasn't complaining, but I always felt I didn't deserve it. Even until now.

"What about now?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"After I've told you everything between us... are you still concerned?"

"I'm disappointed with her, obviously. But you can have sex with her if you want. I don't mind. I think it's good for you."

I didn't know what she meant by 'obviously.' "What do you mean by good for me?"

"Before your recent episode, you were starting to become more confident. You are more cheerful. You didn't shy away from physical contact. I was happy and proud of you, Ken."

"Was? Past tense?"

"I still am, of course."

"Um, I still don't know what I should do now. Just treat it like nothing has happened?"

"Yes. You can continue to be with Denise like before, before the panic attack. Continue to go on dates with her. I also hope you'll continue to go for runs and work out with Tony. All these have been helping you. I'm really happy for you, Ken."

"And nothing's going to change between us right?" I asked again just to be sure.

"Yes, like I said, nothing's going to change, Ken."

"I'm glad to hear that."

Lisa smiled. "Me too. Oh, actually there's one thing that will change."

"You know if you keep talking like that, I'm going to have another panic attack right?"

Lisa giggled. "It's nothing bad, I promise."

"You're doing it again," I complained.

She chuckled. "Isn't this what makes life exciting?"

"It makes my heart rate goes up by ten times."

"Maybe you just need something to help you relax," she teased.

"Uh, are you going to tell me what's the one thing that will change?"

"Well, I want you to have sex with more girls."


"Why not?"

"Um, I'm already tired all the time with you and Denise."

"Are you saying you want to have less sex with us?"

"Uh, no," I said quickly. Definitely not that. "But I don't need more."

"I think sex is very good for you, especially your mental health. And you can get to know more people. It's always good to have more friends."

"I can have more friends without having sex with them."

"True, but you can also find more friends that want to have sex with you. Hot female friends."

"Uh, honestly, why are you doing this? Are you... pushing me away?"

"What? No! That's your anxiety talking."

"Then why? Don't tell me it's to have more friends."

"I want you to try getting to know more girls first before you decide you want to be with me. And I want you to enjoy having sex with more girls because it's enjoyable. Don't tell me you don't like having sex now."

"And if I still decide I want to be with you after that?"

"Then good. But we're polyamorous. We can still have sex with other girls even if we're together. So why not just enjoy it?"

Why not indeed.

"I... I only want to be with you."

She bit her lips. "That's the thing I'm worried about. I'd prefer if you have a girlfriend of your own. Apart from me."

"You mean like... Denise?"

"No! Don't be with Denise," Lisa said quickly. "You can have sex with her, but don't make her your girlfriend."

"This is... very confusing."

"Your girlfriend should be someone that understands you well, and know how to be with you. Denise's not that person."

I wanted to say Lisa's the best person to be my girlfriend. But I bit my tongue.

"If you and I are already doing all the things that a normal couple does, then what's the difference?"

"In a polyamorous relationship, a primary partner is someone who loves you, cherishes you, takes care of you, and prioritizes your needs. And you do the same to her. You two find ways to satisfy each other's needs. That's how Tony and I are."

"How's that different from a normal relationship?"

"For Tony and I, if we have needs that we can't get from each other, we would find other ways or other people who can help fulfill that need."

"Like... stretching your butt."

"Exactly. Tony wants to have sex with other girls, I help him to do that. I have emotional needs that Tony can't fulfill, I find other people to help me fulfill that."

"What kind of emotional needs?"

"That's... that's beside the point. The point is that's what a primary partner does."

"And you want me to find a... a primary partner like that."


"But... you're still going to be my girlfriend," I said. Then I added quickly, "I meant willing to explore that."

"Your secondary girlfriend, but yes."

"And my primary partner must be willing to accept that you're my secondary girlfriend."

"Ideally, yes. Or at least comfortable with us having sex and being very close."

"How... how am I going to find a girl like that?"

"We'll help you find that girl." Lisa smiled. "Preferably someone bisexual and polyamorous so we all can have sex together."

"Okay... but in the meantime... we're going to continue whatever we've been doing right?"

"That's right."


"What's the difference between being your secondary boyfriend and what we're doing right now?"

"I take my commitment to my boyfriends very seriously. My boyfriends have rights and priorities."

"Rights and priorities?"

"As my boyfriend, you can discuss certain expectations from me."

"Such as?"

"Such as you can ask me to spend every Tuesday and Thursday night with you. Like the date nights I have with Tony every Wednesday. It's a commitment."

"Only your boyfriend can request that?"

"I'd make sure to accommodate my boyfriend as much as possible. Like I said, it's a commitment. I take that very seriously."

"I see... so you would prioritize what your boyfriend wants."

She nodded. "I'm also transparent with my boyfriend."

"Are you... not transparent with me?"

"I... I'm more transparent with my boyfriend. I tell Tony everything."

"Uh, right. How would you decide when I can be your boyfriend? Your second boyfriend?"

"First, I want you to have a girlfriend of your own first."

She used two 'firsts' in a sentence. She must really mean that.

"That's a requirement?" I asked.

"For me, it is."


"That's my requirement."

"So I can't be your second boyfriend until I have a girlfriend of my own?"


"And that girlfriend must be bisexual and polyamorous too."

"Preferably yes."

"But that person can't be Denise."

"Yes. Not Denise."

"But you still want me to have sex with Denise. Do all those things I've been doing."

"Yes. Keep having sex with Denise."

"And you're going to help me find my girlfriend that fits all these requirements."


"When do we start?"

She giggled.


"Are you going to thank me?" Denise asked as she walked into my room.

Lisa and Denise always walked into my room and started talking as though we were in the middle of a conversation. There was no 'Hi, are you free? Can we talk?' Just a dramatic entrance and launched into the conversation immediately.

Lisa had left my room just minutes earlier. Lisa had stayed by my side the entire time I was depressed. Now I was already starting to miss her presence.

"For what?" I asked.

Denise waited until she sat on my bed beside me before replying. Today it was boy-shorts day. Topless, as usual. I always liked how her butt looked in boy-shorts panties.

"Our plan worked," Denise said. "Lisa is now starting to pay more attention to you. You're now boyfriend material," Denise said.

"Am I?"

"You're more confident. You're more proactive. You work out. You're comfortable with sex. It makes Lisa desire you now. Not as a friend. But a boyfriend," Denise said. "Shouldn't you thank me?"
