A Tempting Vacation Ch. 09


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As Ron went to the kitchen area to dampen the paper towel, he kept trying to "will" his erection away, but was having no luck whatsoever. His mind was spinning, as much from his confusion about how he should behave, as from the way Beth was befuddling his brain. She had gone from clutching his cock in the nightclub, to at one point severely chastising him for drunkenly allowing his hand linger on her ass when he thought no one was looking. Even though she had screwed him earlier that very day, she seemed pretty convincing when she pledged restraint after groping him at the bar. Now, here she was in a thin, short nightie on, haphazardly sitting at the edge of Pam's bed. Pam waking up at least made his behavior decision for him. His worst nightmare would be for her to get pissed that her daughter's boyfriend would actually make a move on her mother or her friend. Even through Amy had obviously once again placed him in a tempting situation, he was certain she did not intend nor desire for him to try and have sex with Beth, and for sure not her own mom, no matter how perverted her little stunt had been when undressing a passed out Pam for bed earlier in the evening.

"What are you doing?" Pam whispered to Beth. "I don't need a wet cloth."

"Shhh, just play along. All we have to do is act as normal as possible, don't acknowledge his bulging towel, and we can have some fun, okay?" Beth leaned down to whisper in Pam's ear.

Beth's warm damp breath caressed Pam's ear and neck as she spoke. At that moment, Beth leaned back and called for Ron to bring the wet towel. As he approached the foot of the bed, Beth mouthed to Pam, "okay?"

Pam's nipples stiffened in response to the opportunity before her, and recalling her earlier admittance and, at least for now, acceptance, of her own perverted desires, she agreed to go along with this impromptu chance to tease Ron.

As Ron grew nearer, Beth stood and said to him, "She doesn't feel very good. Put that cloth on her forehead, and then do one more thing. Take Pam's pulse while I get her something to drink. I want to make sure she doesn't have an elevated heart rate that could cause her to pass out." Beth cringed inwardly at the ridiculousness of her excuse to have Ron take Pam's pulse, but he didn't appear to question the reason for the request.

Ron would have been reluctant to stand there no matter the reason, his primary goal being to keep from offending Pam with his noticeable erection. His plan to simply hand the towel to Beth and keep his back to them while he set up the beds was crumbling beneath him.

Ron paused, and even as he opened his mouth to offer up a suggestion that he get the drink, Beth spoke, "I would do it, but you don't know how to make the coffee, which is just what Pam needs right now to clear her fog. Now please get over her before she starts feeling even worse." Beth reached out and took his arm to guide him directly to the head of Pam's bed as she spoke.

Unable to escape, Ron stood there dumbly holding the towel as he glanced at his girlfriend's mother. Beth's tumble onto the bed had pulled the sheets down to just above her nipples. Pam knew the neckline of the gown she wore, while far from trampy, was cut in such a way that given Ron's angle of vision, he was almost certainly being offered an inviting view of her cleavage. He stood there, his hands clasping the towel in front of his cock, in a vain attempt to conceal his package as he tried to look anywhere but at Pam's luscious tits.

"Is that for me?" Pam asked, directing her gaze at the now dripping paper towel in front of Ron's crotch. She amazed even herself for having the balls to really say it. Seeing his lust riddled confusion, she quickly added, "Thanks, I think a cool towel might do my head wonders right now." She could see the relief wash over his face when he realized the way he had misread her statement.

That was exactly the type of thing he kept telling himself he mustn't acknowledge as being something sexual, when, of course, it wasn't. Ron handed her the towel, and paid particular attention to Pam's eyes as she reached for the towel. He wasn't sure, she might have glanced for the briefest second to the thick bulge he couldn't conceal, but thanks to Amy's teasing, he seemed to have a propensity to see sex everywhere he looked, so he also knew he could have seen what he wanted to see.

Beth had yet to leave to make coffee, standing right next to Ron, she leaned in closer to Pam. Her neckline fell away, giving him an unobstructed view of her right breast and much of her left. She took Pam's right wrist and pulled her arm across her body. The result was as she had coped, Pam was forced to half roll onto her side, now facing almost directly at Ron's waist.

"Here, hold her wrist here...you do know how to take a pulse don't you?" Beth asked, looking to his face as she remained slightly bent at the waist, still exhibiting substantial cleavage. She placed Pam's wrist in Ron's left hand. "Oh wait, you need a watch with a second hand, hold on while I find mine." Beth turned to survey the room, noticing in the mirror the creases in her gown as the silky material hung from her erect nipples. She was looking quite sexy, if she did say so herself. She didn't linger, knowing they didn't have much more time before Amy would be through with her shower.

Beth had been toying with trying something that would definitely test all their abilities to keep to the path Beth had put them on. But if she could get Pam to fall in line with her, and she was confident she could, this would go a long way toward pushing Ron's boundaries, while at the same time helping to keep him off balance.

"Excuse me hon, but I think my watch is in the nightstand." Beth said, thankful for the fortuitous placement of her watch, as she squeezed between Ron and the sofa bed, forcing him to press closer to Pam's bed. The sudden move forward took both Pam and Ron by surprise, and before either could react, his towel covered cock pressed ever so briefly against Pam's hand as he continued to grasp her by the wrist.

Beth pressed against Ron much more than necessary, and as she had hoped, loosened the tuck of the towel over Ron's right hip, confirmed by the way he attempted to discreetly re-tuck it with his free hand. Now standing on Ron's right, squeezed between him and the nightstand, she held out the watch for Ron to take. With no choice but to remove his right hand from his towel, he took the watch, his towel apparently once again adequately secure.

Leaning across Ron to place her hand over his, making sure he was holding Pam's wrist properly, Beth's allowed her left breast to lightly swings to and fro against his bicep and elbow. Pam's nipples, to her surprise, felt even harder now than when she had admired them in the mirror. Satisfied that he could feel Pam's blood racing through her body, Beth next focused Ron's attention on her watch.

As Beth discussed with Ron how long to take Pam's pulse, she occasionally innocently rubbed her thigh against his. Ron's attention diverted by Beth, Pam took the opportunity to take a nice long look at the way Ron's cock created such a tempting sight, trapped against his stomach, having been straining for relief now for hours. After several seconds, Beth announced Ron capable, and said she was going to make the coffee.

Beth knew now was the time to either go for it, or back off. She looked down at the way Pam seemed entranced by the sight before her, and she made her decision. Passing again behind Ron, his hands now each occupied with Beth's self-proclaimed important medical procedure, Pam kept her right hand down against her thigh, and pressed into Ron much as before, and as she sensed his towel begin to loosen once again, she gently pinched some of it in her fingers and tugged. It was risky, but she hoped that her jostling of Ron as she passed would conceal the slight, but potentially discernable tug.

Ron had been trying to count pulse beats and watch the second hand, all while still rather intoxicated, and completely self-conscious about the display he was unable to avoid. For the first time in what seemed like hours, the fear of offending Pam and the simple diversion of forcing his brain away from sex to count her pulse rate, allowed some of the steel to fade from his erection. He could feel the softening, and hoped he would soon be able to slip away and reposition a more pliable dick down between his legs to be a little less obvious.

It happened so fast, he was unable to react in time. He dropped the watch and made a jab for it, but the towel had unhinged itself so quickly that it opened, fell down away from his right hip, then down to the floor at his feet, all in a split second.

No longer fully erect, Ron's cock, likewise, fell forward to hand down in over 6, thick, semi-flaccid inches. When Ron failed to keep the towel from falling, his first instinct was to try and cover his nudity with his right hand. For some reason, through all of this, he had never relinquished his hold on Pam's wrist.

"Oh my God! Ron!" Pam gasped as he dropped her wrist to reposition his left hand as cover for his meaty prick. He seemed to quickly realize the inadequacy of his reaction, and kept his right hand in place while he reached his left hand to retrieve the towel.

As soon as the towel hit the floor, Beth casually placed her right foot on the corner, and knowing she must set the tone, stated emphatically, "Ron, what the hell are you doing?" She tore her eyes from his inviting cock to take in the way Pam had leaned forward for a closer look, before looking back to Ron.

He tugged on the towel, unable to free it from beneath Beth's bare foot. After two tugs, she pretended to notice, and allowed him to pull it free. Before he could get it back in position, she continued, "Cover yourself up young man...I can't believe you'd expose yourself to us like that." Beth laid it on thick, looking briefly to Pam to confirm she was on board.

"But I didn..." Ron tried to defend himself as his frantically tried to get the towel around his waist. His hands shaking nervously, the towel continued to slip from his hand.

Before he could complete his sentence Pam joined in to cut him off. "Ron, please, just cover yourself before you start making excuses."

On the third try, he succeeded in securing the towel. His cock, while not regaining an erection, was remaining engorged and fat. Even if unintentional, the undeniable thrill of letting Pam see his dick up close causing his body to course with sexual excitement, even though he felt incredibly guilty and fearful of their reaction.

Beth chimed in, "Really Ron, I can't believe you didn't have you trunks on under there. Were you doing that on purpose, wanting to display yourself to us. I mean, just because you have a big penis, doesn't mean every female wants it paraded in front of them, right Pam."

Before Pam could answer, Ron blurted, "Really, I, ah, I had slipped my trunks off from under my towel to leave them on the patio to dry, cause I thought I'd go straight to the bathroom...but then Amy went in, and well...then my towel just slipped, honest, I swear I didn't mean to." He hoped they didn't go to look for his trunks on the patio, but it was the best lie he could come up with under the gun like that.

"Right, you just happen to take off your trunks and then prance around in front of us with a gigantic bulge under your towel, and then when we try and ignore it, to avoid a scene, you go and drop your towel. I can't believe you, and I can't believe Amy is going to be very happy about this." Beth pounded away.

"But, I am telling the truth, I didn't want to be like that, you know, under my towel, but sometimes lately I just can't help it. And I promise I didn't drop my towel on purpose. Please don't tell Amy you think I did it on purpose." Ron pleaded. He didn't even think Amy would care about them seeing his cock. Given the events of the day, he knew she would have probably been thrilled to pull the towel off him herself. But, if she thought he was purposely exposing himself to her mom to try and get her to have sex with him, he was pretty sure she'd be pissed about that.

Hearing the shower water cut off, Pam said, "Okay Ron, maybe you didn't do it on purpose, I mean, we do have to give him some benefit of the doubt, don't you think Beth?"

"Maybe about the towel dropping," Beth answered, "but I don't buy his explanation for flaunting his big penis, naked under his towel."

Ron could hear Amy in the bathroom, now obviously out of the shower. He looked to Pam for her response.

"I admit, I don't really appreciate your lewdness. The audacity to stand there, not two feet from me, and blatantly subject me to a display of your penis straining to burst from your towel is something that is surprising form a nice boy like you, and I hope this won't be something I need to bring up with your parents, Ron." Pam whispered, aware that Amy could join them at any moment. "As far as telling Amy, I don't see any reason to upset her before she leaves to be with her dad. This will stay between us, and as long as nothing like this happens again, I don't see the need to tell anyone, parents or Amy, about it."

"Thank you...and I promise this was an accident and you don't have to worry about me doing something like this ever again, I promise." He responded to Pam's offer of secrecy.

Ron was relieved. He didn't want to upset Amy. He was pretty certain Beth was getting a thrill out of doing this to him, and even though he knew Pam had agreed to tease him, he certainly didn't think her idea of teasing was him slinging his dick around in front of her face. The option of her being pissed enough to tell Amy or his parents seemed like a very real possibility, one that he seemed to have avoided.

He had flashed her though, and even though he had been scared, now that he thought about it, his dick began to harden once again. The thrill of exposing himself to her was coursing through his body. He turned to open and position the roll-a-way cot in an effort to keep Pam from noticing once again an erection tenting his towel. Seeking the shelter of his bed as quickly as possible, Ron crawled beneath the sheet, removed the damp towel and tossed it to the foot of his bed. He didn't consider how he'd manage things in the morning, the need to avoid letting Pam know he was once again getting a hard-on from flashing her was his only goal at the moment.

Pam watched Ron toss away the towel, obviously naked beneath the thin sheet. She allowed her right hand to glide across her slippery thigh as she snuggled beneath the obscurity of her blanket. The sight of Ron's lovely cock, bobbing before her, still etched in her brain. The thought of her and Beth tormenting him for the next couple of days putting a slight smirk on her face as Pam's fingers nestled into her sex.

Beth was thrilled at Pam's ability to so perfectly fulfill her roll with Ron, even better than Beth herself would have handled it. She would never have thought to threaten to tell Ron's parents. Pure brilliance. With that deterrent and their total chastisement of young, befuddled Ron, their ability to orchestrate some monumental cock teasing scenarios in the coming days became not only possible, but very, very likely. Like Pam, Beth noticed that fact that Ron was nude beneath the white sheet. She slipped into her bed, beginning to once again replay and refine her developing ideas for a fun few days ahead.

Amy finally came from the bathroom, surprised to find everyone already in bed and asleep. She glanced at Ron, feeling frustrated that she had not granted Ron the gift of her virginity, as she had been planning to do in the Jacuzzi. Even more concerning was that she had no choice but to leave her boyfriend, his granite hard cock denied relief from the day's near tortuous cock teasing, behind on an island filled with horny college girls. She had decided to go all the way with Ron, mostly because she loved him, or at least was pretty sure she loved him, but part of her decision was being influenced by nothing other than pure lust. While the teasing she had inflicted upon Ron had been devilish, her own body's response to these sexy games was definitely urging her forward. She also knew that leaving him behind after what would have been their first time together, would almost certainly insure that he'd withstand the temptation of his surroundings. But now, leaving him after the night they'd just experienced, with a massively hard dick and so many willing girls all around, Amy wasn't 100% convinced he had the maturity not to succumb to a seductive college slut.

Well, at least she'd have her mom and Beth to watch him for her. She was pretty certain Beth would probably do a little cock-teasing in her absence. And while that might keep Ron horny, it'd probably also keep him near them, like a puppy dog in heat. Amy kept telling herself that If he wasn't around girls like Courtney and Shannon, then he sure couldn't be lured into anything by them. Comforting herself with the twisted rationalization that having a sexy woman like Beth cock tease her boyfriend for the next two days was a good thing, Amy eventually drifted off to sleep herself.

More To Come...

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

dude this story is awesome!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
More Please

Please write more. It makes me so horny and my husband is grateful. Please post more of this story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
what's taking so long??? Can't keep reading it over and over for the fourth time.

What a writer even after so many times reading this.......I want more

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Waiting for more, hope it comes soon!

I must say that I started reading this storey 2 days ago and now...... OMG, I cant wait to read more. I have enjoyed your writing very much so. Hope I dont have to wait toooo long to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

The first time I read this was several years ago and I still have not read anything that is more arousing! I hope you write more, but regardless this is an incredible story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Same Feelings as the Rest

I am stoked to read that you have more on the way.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago
Let me encourage you, JackKing

A) THANK YOU for - really - about the best thing I've ever read in Internet sex.

B) I know you're working on the next installment. Consider this friendly encouragement. You go, dude!

C) This is a personal request, and if I were you I'd ignore any such request. But it doesn't hurt to ask.

I'd like to see Ron trying to resist an orgasm. Let's say Shannon and/or Courtney and/or Beth (where do I sign up for his life?) are doing him, and he's almost ready to cum. But then he wonders if it's another level of cheating on Amy - if only he can NOT cum, it won't be so bad, morally. Of course, they MAKE him cum. I'm not into domination, but when he tries not cumming, it increases the tension, I'd say.

Of course, YOU are the creator. And I know I speak for hundreds upon hundreds of fans when I say "You rock, guy!"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

Write more damn it dude , or I will find your house.......

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
I'm still here

Believe it or not, Istarted moving again on the next chapter. It will be posted ......sometime. Thanks for the interest in mt story. Jack

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago

I heard from Jack in Feb '08. He said the well has not run dry and he intends on posting more. He had a lot of the next chapter done. We just have to be patient.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Where is JackKing? Is he alive?

Does anyone know what happened to JackKing? His last post was Aug 3, 2004, which is 4.647 years (or 32.615 weeks or 1,696 days) ago, but, who's counting? If he died, where can we send flowers? Otherwise, please ask him to continue this story. Ron's erection is way beyond the danger stage.


JackKing's previous posts:


08/03/04 Still alive and kicking by JackKing. Thanks for all the compliments. Believe it or not, I am working on the next chapter. I am on page 15, and quite honestly have a lot more writing to do before I get to the climax (pun intended?...Ron's character certainly hopes so, haha) building for this chapter. Realistically, it is going to take some time to get it ready to post. Between job, family, vacations, yard work, etc....you get the picture, the time to sit and write is less than I'd like, but I will continue to crank it out when I can. I really enjoy it, and the positive feedback is a great motivator. Thanks again. Jack


05/08/04 Story Update by JackKing. Thanks for all the encouraging compliments. I'd like to tell you that the next chapter is nearing completion, but that would be a lie. It is underway, but I just haven't had much time lately to put into it. It is written in my mind, and I think it will move the story along in an interesting direction. The last couple of chapters have been mostly all tease and no sex. I obviously wanted it that way, but the need for some "oh my god....I've got to have it" sex will be addressed in the next chapter....I think.... but I won't reveal who (hell, I am never really 100% sure myself until it is down on "paper"). Thanks again for the kind words. The emails and comments below are often the motivation I need to crank out a couple of pages at the keyboard when I otherwise might not. Jack

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago
PLEASE finish the series - we are all waiting

PLEASE PLEASE do finish this intriging series. You said ages ago that you do intend to do so but we are all still waiting. Surely Ron will get at least a decent chance at Pam while Amy is away for the weekend. He did at least get one lay with Beth but Pam is the real prize (as well as Amy of course!!).

grins1000grins1000about 16 years ago
I def. need more of that

Hey Jack, this is so great. When will you finally continue writing? Is there still hope? Maybe some other author will go on with the story?

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Great stuff!

Normally I don't really enjoy reading about teasing, but this is so hot and it's so well written that I'm completely into it!

I agree with the other comments; More more more ...!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago

Write more!! I need the rest of the story!!

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