A White Tiger and The Wolf Ch. 13


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"Oh Jane, did Nathan get you out bed", asked Kay.

"No Princess, you didn't see me earlier, but I was around the campfire, so I felt I had better come here and help", Jane replied.

"Princess?" enquired Peter, "are you really a Princess?"

Kay chuckled because Peter seemed a bit gob smacked. "Yes Peter, I really am a Princess."

"How is he, Jane, has he got any broken bones?" asked Bradley as he came in from the other room.

"No, he is fine, apart from a few cuts and bruises", replied Jane.

"We will leave you to clean him up and we will back in a little while", said Bradley. Bradley and Kay walked outside and were met by Jason, who was ready with a report.

"The children's parents are in a bad way and have lost an enormous amount of blood," said Jason.

"Where are they?" asked Bradley.

"That's just it, I think it would be better for Princess Kay to teleport them here. I think if we tried to carry them we would do more harm than good," said Jason sighing.

"Fine but your guards go with you", replied Bradley, looking at Kay with concern. Kay and her four guards followed Jason, in their wolf and cat forms to get there quicker.

"We have managed to get them on the ground", said one of Jason's team who'd waited at the crash site.

Kay was quick to reply, orderly in crisis. "Thanks, make the car safe and push it off the road. We will get the tow truck to pick up later and then go back to the compound." She turned to the captain of her guards, "Zippy, you and the others position yourselves around these two lying here, make sure you are holding hands with each other and the injured."

Everyone held hands and some of them held the breath because of they knew what was coming, having previously been teleported and the accompanying feeling like one was being squashed into a very tight place.

Kay transported everyone straight to the medical centre.

Nathan and Mason were waiting for them. Kay floated the bodies of Katie's and Peter's parents onto stretchers so that they could be examined. Kay left Nathan and Mason to work and went in search of the children. Jane had already put little Katie in a side ward and her brother Peter was fast asleep in a bed right next to her.

"I've given them something to help them sleep", said Jane, "Nathan thought it would be for the best".

"Thanks", replied Kay.

Kay didn't know what it was but, she felt drawn to these little children and she tucked them in and kissed them on their foreheads and then left the room. Bradley was in the hallway talking to Mason.

"I don't think we can do much for them. They are both in critical condition, not only from the blood loss, but also the internal injuries. The mother has a shattered pelvis and two broken legs. Her seat belt was on and crushed her chest and she has extensive bruising to her chest and back. The father is just a mess; nearly everything is broken both his legs are smashed to bits and Nathan reckons even if he does live through this he will never walk again", said Mason seriously.

Kay couldn't help it she just started to cry just thinking that these poor parents may die. Tears were streaming down her face. Bradley went to Kay and took her in his arms trying to give her some comfort. Kay was thinking that she could have helped them if she hadn't healed Phillips leg earlier. Kay knew to heal them from these injuries would take an enormous amount of energy and there was no way she could help them alone. She was feeling helpless and getting more and more upset.

Back at the Mansion, Connie woke up and could feel her daughter's heartache. She woke John and they got dressed quickly and teleported straight to their distressed daughter. Kay jumped when her parents suddenly appeared in front of her and she was enveloped in a hug with Bradley and her parents. Kay was still crying and Connie was worrying a bit, needful to find out what had Kay so upset.

"Kay honey, what is the matter?" asked Connie.

"Oh god mom, we had a family of black Jaguars come to us for help not so long ago," said Kay still crying.

"What is the matter with them?" asked Connie.

"Their car was forced off the road just outside the main gates and it crashed into a tree, which then fell straight over the car, crushing it", replied Bradley still trying to calm down his mate, who seemed unable to answer through her tears.

"How is the family?" asked John.

"The children are not too bad. They have been seen to and are settled down for the night," replied Nathan. "It's the parents that are the main concern because they both have terrible internal injuries."

"The mother has a shattered pelvis and two broken legs and a crushed chest and extensive bruising from her seatbelt. The father broke nearly everything, and I reckon even if he does live through this he will never walk again," said Mason sadly, reiterating his earlier report.

"Mom, I'm not strong enough to heal them they are too far gone", said Kay sadly.

"Can I see them?" asked Connie.

"Yes you can, but I don't think there is anything we can do for them, other than give them pain killers and watch over them until they leave us for the last time," said Nathan.

Connie went into the main side room where the parents had been placed and they were connected to all types of machines and blood and fluid bags were in of their arms. Connie closed her eyes and placed her hands over the mother's heart and then repeated the same process with the father. Nathan and Mason were watching and wondering what Connie was doing.

Connie opened her eyes and turned round to her daughter.

"Don't give up hope just yet, honey. They are in a bad way, but I think between us we can help them," Connie said softly to Kay.

"Nathan I'm going to try something, if it works they should be more or less healed but, if it doesn't then the outcome will be as you suggested," said Connie.

"Your Majesty, what do you have in mind?" asked Nathan.

Connie went out into the entrance hall followed by Kay and both Nathan and Mason. "Bradley, there is a strong possibility that we can help them, but it will have to be done tonight in the casting room in the main mansion," said Connie.

Bradley had no idea what Connie had in mind, but knew if something wasn't done then Peter and Katie would lose their parents and that was for sure. "Alright, I will let you help them within the confines of the Mansion", he said.

Isobel was already in the magical room mixing up some more of her special tea for all the injured people who had come from Lazlo's when Connie thought at her: Isobel, can you set up the green crystals and get Jessica and Charlotte to join you there?

What on earth do you want the green crystals for? asked Isobel, telepathically.

We have to perform a healing prayer tonight on two werejaguars or we will lose them replied Connie. Connie was a little agitated and wanted to get this done quickly. The longer left in this state, the weaker the Jaguars were getting.

Look, just get everything ready, I don't have time for this right now these two are in critical condition

said Connie getting slightly snappish.

Connie broke the telepathic link and came back to herself, and together with the two healers, Kay, Bradley and her husband, Connie removed the unconscious Jaguars from the side room and teleported them, still on their trolleys, to the casting room. They were met by Isobel, and the twin witches, Jessica and Charlotte. Charlotte looked a little funny wearing pink pyjamas with teddy bears all over them. Charlotte was wearing bears, but Jessica was acting like one: dressed in her usual attire of jeans and a T-shirt, she was grumpy as if she had been woken up out of a deep sleep.

"John, we are going to need Paul and Maximilian as well as we will need them to help ground us", said Connie. John disappeared and knocked on Maximilian's door. He got no answer so he knocked a little louder.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming", said rather bad tempered Max, "What on earth do you want at this ghastly hour?"

"Sorry Max, but Connie, needs your help in the casting room urgently, we have a healing prayer to perform on to very badly injured werejaguars".

"Fine, let me get dressed and I will join you in a minute," replied Max.

While John was waiting on the landing for Max to get dressed he thought to Paul, Paul, wake up and get to the casting room, Connie needs your help urgently. Paul took a while to answer and John was getting slightly miffed about it. Paul do you hear me? Get you lazy arse out of bed and go to the casting room now! said John, getting angrier the longer Paul didn't reply.

What John didn't know was that Paul wasn't in the mansion; he was in Martyn's room in his bed, as Paul had found his mate in Martyn, the security chief. At the moment they were locked in each others' arms, cuddling. John, I will be right with you. said Paul. "Mart, I've got to go to the casting room; Connie needs me urgently."

Martyn didn't want Paul to go. He had been waiting for his mate for ever and ever, and Martyn's wolf wanted to claim him tonight, right now. Reluctantly he let Paul get out of bed. Paul rushed to the bathroom had a quick shower and got dressed. He kissed Martyn long and hard and rushed out of the door. Martyn turned over and tried to go back to sleep but, found it impossible without Paul there, and his sense of responsibility as security chief making him get up to investigate what had Connie clamouring for Martyn's newly-found mate. He too had a quick shower, and got dressed, hurrying over to the mansion to see what all the fuss was about.

When Paul got to the casting room he found that there was a hell of lot going on. In the middle of the floor, lying down on a thin mattress, were two people dressed in hospital gowns. Eight large green crystals similar to the ones used in Kay and Bradley's mating fire ceremony were arrayed around their bodies. He walked into the room a little further and spotted Kay. "Kay sweetness, what is happening here?" he asked.

Kay smiled, Paul always called her sweetness when they were little. "We had a family of Jaguars appear at the main gates just after midnight. The family's car had been run off the road. The children are fine and are sleeping but the parents are in critical condition, and my mom wants to try to perform the old healing ritual on them," said Kay giving her adoptive brother a hug.

"Oh, good Paul, you're here", said Connie.

"Right, everyone not involved in this please step to the side and keep out of the way, no matter what happens", said Isobel. Connie sat at the head and shoulders of the man and Kay sat at the head and shoulders of the woman. Paul sat at the man's feet and Max sat at the woman's feet. Charlotte sat crossed-legged inside a circle of small green stones and Jessica and John sat in the middle of the two adults. John was there to anchor the energy to the Jaguars bodies and keep the power just inside the circle. Jessica had her eyes closed and called upon the help of the spirit that protects all big cats in the panthera genus.

"Right, Isobel place the last two crystals directly on their foreheads and six mint leaves over their hearts," asked Connie.

Isobel placed the crystals and mint leaves on each of the injured couple lying on the floor and then stepped out of the large circle of crystals. No one watching knew what was going to happen. No one had seen this performed before other than Connie and Isobel.

"Everyone hold on to either their head or their feet and remember what ever happens, don't let go," instructed Connie, "Close your eyes and concentrate on healing." Shortly thereafter, the spectators could see the large green crystals starting to glow, and then Connie and Kay were starting to glow as well. Usually, the women glowed red when they were performing magic, but at the moment they were both glowing green. The glow seemed to be spreading down through their bodies to their hands and then into the human forms of the injured big cats.

Connie and Kay chanted and Jessica spoke in an ancient language that sounded really odd to the others' ears. Suddenly the glow spread along the Jaguars bodies, the glow spreading to encompass Max and Paul and then Charlotte and John in an undulating green wave. Connie, Kay, Jessica, and Charlotte were all chanting the same very unusual words now, and as the chanting got louder, the pulsating glow got greener and greener and stronger in intensity. A faint humming sound seemed to be coming from the crystals surrounding everyone and even the spectators could feel the power emanating from the people inside the green crystal circle.

As Bradley watched, he felt Kay relaxing more and more in her mind and letting her power enter the motionless bodies on the floor. Bradley saw that the leaves over the Jaguars' hearts seemed to shrivel up and go limp and there was a strong smell of mint in the air.

The pulsating light leapt back and forth between everyone in the circle and gradually built up till there was a green glow over the entire centre of the room. After a time, the pulsating slowed down and then stopped altogether, as the crystals stopped glowing and were going back to normal. Paul and Max gradually opened their eyes, but still kept hold of the Jaguars feet as Connie and Kay continued to revert back to their bodies. Kay and Connie opened their eyes just as their bodies stopped glowing.

"Paul, you and Nathan take them back to the medical centre now as they must rest and we shall see them in the morning", said Connie.

Paul and the doctors and Jane all linked hands and made sure they were touching the Jaguars' bodies somewhere and Paul teleported everyone back to the medical centre, with a look of intimate, silent farewell to his mate Martyn, who he now could see had arrived in the casting room.

Almost immediately upon his arrival at the Medical Centre, Paul had a strange feeling something was wrong with Kay. He always knew when she was not feeling well or she was sad as they had formed a link when they were younger and even now it was still there. Paul left the Jaguars in the doctors' and nurses' hands and teleported himself back to the casting room in the Mansion, just in time to witness Kay passing out.

Kay knew she felt really tired and drained. Performing the healing prayer ritual and healing her uncle's leg earlier had taken a lot out of her. Bradley rushed to Kay's side as she passed out. He picked her up in his arms and carried her into the sitting room next door. Connie and John came in and rushed to her side.

"She shouldn't have passed out like this", said John, with concern in his voice.

"The healing prayer takes a lot of energy though", said Connie.

"She was already tired after healing Phillip's leg earlier on this evening", said Bradley worriedly.

"She did what!" asked Connie rather sharply.

"She healed Phillip's leg for him earlier on just after he was brought in", said Bradley.

"Oh my god, no wonder she has passed out, she's used up all her energy!" exclaimed Connie. Connie went back into the magical room, grabbed two of the smaller crystals and raced back to the sitting room.

"Connie, what's happened to Kay?" asked Paul.

"She has used up all her energy and we must restore it a bit, otherwise it could be dangerous", replied Connie.

"Want some help?" Paul asked.

"Yes, you can be my anchor if you don't mind", replied Connie.

They both entered the sitting room where Kay was still out cold. Connie had Paul and Bradley place her daughter on the floor. She placed one crystal at Kay's head and one at her feet. Paul and Connie each held a small red crystal in their hands and linked them over Kay's tired body. Connie and both the crystals on the floor and in their hands were also starting to glow.

Connie let the energy in their hands build up a little bit and then they both leaned down towards Kay and placed their hands on her body, Connie at the top and Paul at the bottom. Kay's body glowed a slight red colour and then they released her. Kay opened her eyes and wondered why she was on the floor and every one was looking at her worriedly.

"What happened to me?" asked Kay.

"You just used up a bit too much energy and we had to replace a bit for you," answered Connie.

Kay slowly sat up and Bradley bent down, picked her up, and held her on his lap. Kay rested her head on Bradley's shoulder and closed her eyes. Soon she was asleep naturally.

"Will she be alright now?" asked Bradley. He was still a bit concerned about his mate.

"Yes she will be fine now, I wish she'd told me that she had already used her energy to heal Phillip before we started the healing prayer," said Connie sighing.

"You better take her to bed, we better all get to bed as it is nearly 4 am, and I, for one, want a cuddle off my wife," said John chuckling.

"Are you feeling neglected dear?" asked Connie turning round to him and putting her arms around him.

"My pinkylegs I want you," John said while cuddling Connie close.

Connie was thinking about the time they had been apart; she still found it strange at times. John and she had missed twenty years of their life together, but she still could feel the strong mating pull and it was like courting all over again to her. Lately, she just couldn't get enough of him.

Bradley started to chuckle at that, and then Connie and John disappeared for the much-needed cuddle. Kay was still fast asleep in his arms and he gently lifted her and carried her to their bedroom, stripped her and lay down to sleep. He was thinking that his little plan would have to wait for in the morning now as his mate was fast asleep and he wanted her fully awake when he made love to her.

Elsewhere Paul met up with Martyn in the security room where Martyn was just signing out and they walked hand in hand back to Martyn's house on the grounds beside the mansion. They stripped down and got into bed and fell asleep in each other's arms, alone again at last and ready to dream of the ways they would explore their new mating.


To be continued.

This is the second time I have re-submitted this story now.

Hopefully by using the HTML code and hopefully I have done it correctly Lit will accept it and submit my story. Please vote and let me know what you think.

As always your comments and support of my work is what keeps me going.

If there is anything you would like me to explain about the character or events in my story then please let me know.

Thanks again for your continued support. From Kay (bearmad)

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago


tomnorristomnorrisover 1 year ago

GREAT Story, can't wait to read what happens next. This story would make a GREAT miny series, movies or anime.

sligolasssligolassover 6 years ago

Please keep writing this wonderful story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Please Come Back

I love this story. I hope you'll come back to it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
Wonderful story

I do hope you continue writing, I would love to know what happens next!

bearmad1963bearmad1963over 8 years agoAuthor
New wattpad member name

I changed my membership name for wattpad it is now. bearmad50kayclarke

Please come and check my story out on wattpad. Thanks from Kay.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I checked your link that you posted in a previous comment, Wattpad says that user does not exist. I'll keep checking in case it needs time to update.

bearmad1963bearmad1963over 8 years agoAuthor
My Book will not continue on here SORRY

I have been told by a few of my readers that my work is been copied and used in other stories.

I have now transferred all of my story to wattpad. I'm sick of people copying my story and using it.

My watt pad name is bearmad50 this is the link for you.


I have posted chapters 1 - 14 on that sight. Please come and check it out. I will no longer be posing this story here. Bye thanks for all your support over the years. From Kay.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Hi Kay, hope you are doing better. I saw you had posted chapter 14 in January in the comments yet it isn't showing can you please update us on the story and your health


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Oops there it is

I love this, I have read many an artist/writer. The tales woven here really are awesome. I have even purchased from amazon, goodreads the stories that writers have put in print, hint, hint.

PS: My health got rocked by Colon Cancer and I. I started reading lit to allow my mind to be freed while my body healed. However cancer never goes away. My husband just became so obsessive, due to my death scare. I finally told him to choose, Dead me or recovering me, He went for the recovery me. Why any man could be jealous of a computer kills me. My husband is also obsessed with my Mustang Cobra, which will forever remain in my name. LOL

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