A Wife's Confidence


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"Sure can. I'm happy to help," I said as nonchalantly as possible. Madilyn turned around, and I got up and undid the hook. As I sat back down, she continued to stay with her back to us. She held the front of the bikini top in place with her hands. She didn't move, nor did she say anything.

"Should we...," Todd started to say, but I rapidly put my hand up, telling him to stop. This was a moment to stay silent and enjoy. The back straps that I had just disconnected curled off to the side. The water was shallow enough where she stood that the entirety of her back was out of the water. It was just a woman's back, but it was entirely bare and belonged to my wife. The sight of her bare skin there felt more intimate than times in the past when I've seen her fully naked.

She pulled her hands away along with the entire bikini top, dropping it on the water to float freely. My fully topless wife was now standing before my friends. A simple turn of her body would reveal her bare breasts to them. Even facing away from us, we could see more of her tits than we had before. From my angle, and the others would be no different, I could see a healthy amount of side boobs. Even a small turn would probably make a nipple visible to us. Todd, Landon, and Porter were no longer trying to pretend not to look. They finally seemed to understand that the whole idea was for them to look as much as they liked.

Madilyn didn't turn around. Instead, she lowered herself into the water, walked backward into the wall nearest us again, and turned around. Her nakedness was fully concealed by the wall. "I heard the Anderson's got a new grill. Have any of you guys gotten a chance to see it," she asked us as if the previous conversation hadn't been interrupted by her mini-strip tease act.

My face went from astonishment to showing the biggest smile. She knew exactly how I wanted to play this. "I haven't, but I know Landon did. Isn't that right," I said, trying to pull them back out of their daze.

"...What? Grill? Oh right. Ummm. Yes I did. Bill had me over last Tuesday to come help finish up the installation. It's a real beauty," he said. You could almost hear this mind sputter as he tried to get his mind off of my wife's tits.

It took a bit of time, but eventually, the conversation between the five of us picked up steam just as it had been earlier. The only difference was that Madilyn was now topless. The nudity was out of sight, but just a few steps away from where me and the guys sat, my wife's nipples were free from the constraints of clothing.

It also made for a funny sight. Despite the water being less than three feet deep where she stood, only her head was visible as it rested on the pool edge. Her hands also gripped the sides of the pool, almost as if she was bracing herself down to keep from accidentally showing off the good. "You look so funny down there, honey. It's like you're hiding from us," I said with a devious smile.

Her eyes met with mine, and she understood what I was communicating. "You think it's rude of me to hide down here away from our guest? Maybe I should be more accessible?" She asked, returning my smile.

Porter, not understanding what was going on, interjected. "I don't think you are being rude, Madilyn." Todd and Landon nodded in agreement.

"You misunderstand Porter. Gary is saying I shouldn't hide my body from you guys. He thinks I should do this." Without any further warning, Madilyn lifted herself out of the pool. Water flowed off her body as she did so. Her fully topless body. Todd, Landon, and Porter were now face to face with my wife's fully naked tits. Madilyn made no attempt to cover herself. Just as I hoped, she was making her nudity fully accessible to be seen by my three friends. Once out of the pool, she walked about two steps towards us and stood there briefly. Her hands rested on her hips, and I think she was sticking her chest out a bit. My wife was loving having four men utterly entranced by her body. As was I.

"Todd, can you hand me that towel," she asked. I was disappointed to hear that. I guess this was going to just be a quick show before she covered up. That fear, though, melted away as she laid the towel out on the ground and not around her body. She then laid on her back, keeping her topless body in clear view of all of us. She was making her tits available for viewing for as long as these guys wished.

"How would you describe Madilyn now," I asked Porter, teasing him further.

"I... she... she's really hot. Thank you for this," he said, still staring at her wet boobs. Madilyn and I shared a quick look at each other, highly entertained by the effect this was having on the men.

We sat and lay for the next five minutes in relative silence. The only thing of interest to everyone was my wife's exposed breasts enjoying the sun. Madilyn sat up and made a request. "Todd, could you grab that sunscreen and apply it to my back?"

Todd's eyes darted between the bottle, my wife, and me. "Shouldn't you ask Gary to do this, your husband," he said, concerned.

My wife was continuing to get brave and wanted to push the envelope. "She asked you to do it, Todd. Besides, I'm really comfortable right now," I said, putting my hands behind my head and clearly signaling back to Madilyn to 'go for it.'

"Please, Todd, I don't want to get burnt," she said.

Todd slowly got up and grabbed the bottle. He sat beside her and put a healthy amount of lotion on his hands. Pausing before giving her exposed back one more look, he then pressed his hands into her back and started rubbing the lotion in. "Mmm, that feels good, Todd. I burn easily so spend some time making sure you get me good and covered," she said. The light moan was a good addition. Obviously, all he was touching was her back, which was not something that should have been a big deal. But when her tits were out, the situation was entirely different. I could tell Todd was breathing hard, and his heart was racing. I was from just watching this. I'm sure Madilyn was experiencing something as well.

Two minutes later, after instructing him to get her shoulders and sides, she thanked Todd for helping. Applying lotion to the sides of her torso was interesting to watch. My heart would skip a beat watching his hands head towards the direction of her breasts, only for them to stop just short of actually touching them.

Madilyn's sense of daring wasn't satisfied, it seems. "Landon? Could you apply lotion to my stomach?"

Just as Todd had, Landon was hesitant. "Sorry if I sound rude, but can't you just apply it yourself," he asked while not hiding where his eyes continued to be directed.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but I have rather large breasts. You probably don't appreciate it, but they can block my view of my stomach, making it easier to miss spots," she countered. A totally bull shit excuse, but Landon didn't argue.

"Well then, I really think this is something you should have your husband do," he said, looking more panicked.

"Landon, it's not a big deal. Just do her this favor," I said. In other words, feel up my hot wife's tight stomach.

Madilyn laid down on her back, awaiting the hands of my friend to feel up her body. She held out the lotion and smiled. Without saying anything else, his shaky hands took the bottle, and he knelt down on the ground with her. He started rubbing around her belly button, which would be the 'safest' area for his hands to be, he probably figured. However, it became apparent he was spending too much time there and not getting to the other regions. "I need you to put lotion on my stomach all the way down to my bikini bottoms, Landon. That's an easy area to miss and get burned," she said, pushing him to expand on where he was touching her.

He replied with a meager "Sorry" and slowly started rubbing lotion farther down her body. Soon, as instructed, he was rubbing just above at the very top of her bottoms. He was inches away from rubbing her pussy, a fact that Madilyn seemed aware of. I could see her getting flustered by it but doing her best to hide it. It's not like my friends were watching her face anyway. "I... I think I got it," Landon said, pulling his hands away fast. Poor guy was probably going mad rubbing so close to the 'promised land' of the woman he's been lusting over for a while now.

Madilyn agreed and let him take his leave. He darted to his chair, trying to keep his boner from becoming too obvious. Madilyn didn't call for more volunteers right away, but she wasn't settled either. Had she reached her limit, or was there one more step she could take? Maybe she just needed a nudge. "Do you need any more help with the lotion, honey? Porter isn't doing anything if you do," I said with a bit of caution. It was clear to my wife what I was suggesting. It was a large step, but I was ready for it if she was.

She took a noticeable breath before doing anything, but then she fully embraced what I was hinting at. "How bout it, Porter? Can you apply lotion to my chest?"

A train locomotive crashing through the backyard fence, careening towards him, would have been less surprising to Porter than the words my wife just spoke were. "What? No, I can't do that. That's going too far," he said, grabbing the arms of his chair. Normally, seeing someone react like this, I would back off. But I knew he would hate himself later if he didn't do this.

"It's no big deal, Porter. She just doesn't want to get burnt. That's a sensitive area you want to keep protected," I said, giving him my permission.

Madilyn chimed in herself before he could argue back. "You've been watching my chest all afternoon. I figured you wouldn't mind touching it. Am I wrong? Do you not want to touch me?"

Porter was completely taken aback. "No. I mean, I do want to touch you, but I shouldn't. You're married to my good friend," was all he could think to say back to us.

"She's married, not a prisoner. You're overthinking this, buddy. Trust me," I said, trying to calm him down. But he made no move to approach Madilyn where she lay. I thought this was a lost cause and was about to try Todd or Landon. But Madilyn wasn't giving up. She got up, grabbed the lotion bottle, and walked towards Porter, where he sat. Her naked breasts swayed as she walked determinedly towards him. When she reached him, she straddled him in his chair, putting her naked tits right in front of his view, less than a foot away from his face.

"Can I have your hands, please," she asked. Madilyn wasn't one to take charge of a situation often. But when she does, her presence is powerful. But seeing her take command while being nearly naked was incredible. I haven't been more turned on by her than before this moment. Porter didn't fully comprehend what she was asking, but he did as instructed and held his hand out. My wife squirted lotion onto both of them and then discarded the bottle to the side. Grabbing his hands, she pulled them towards her, and I was now staring at my friend, groping the naked breasts of my wife.

Madilyn's domineering attitude melted away the instance she felt Porter's hand on her nipples. She wasn't fully prepared for the feeling of a man's touch on her breasts. A man who wasn't her husband. I can't say I was any more prepared for the sight, but I felt to regrets. Nobody said or did anything as we all just watched Porter's static hand rest on two large breasts. Finally, he got some amount of control back and looked Madilyn in the eyes. "I'm... sorry... I guess," he said as if he was responsible at all for this situation.

"Are you going to sit there unmoving, or are you going to apply lotion, Porter? Start rubbing and be thorough," I said, encouraging my friend to get up in my wife's tits. Looking at him, Madilyn smiled and nodded, and finally, he started moving his hands around her ample chest.

They both had a small gasp with the start of his hands moving. Porter moved his hands around her tits robotically at first, repeating the same motion over and over. "You have nice hands, Porter. This feels really good. Don't stop," Madilyn said. Hearing that seemed to encourage the man to relax and enjoy the experience. His hands got more and more explorative with my wife's breasts. He squeezed them, pressed his hands deeply into them, took her nipples between his fingers, and whatever else he desired. The ruse that this was about applying sunscreen was entirely dropped. This was now about pleasure for both of them. Madilyn was bright red and breathing heavily. Porter and her eyes were locked, staring into each other. Porter would occasionally pinch her nipples or squeeze her in just the right way, causing Madilyn to audibly moan. They looked like they could be seconds away from making love, giving me some complex feelings.

After her loudest moan yet, Madilyn got off him and took a few steps away from the group. With her back facing us, she took a moment to compose herself. She turned back to us, again showing off her gorgeous tits to my friends. "Thank you, Porter. That should keep my chest from getting burnt. If you'll excuse me, I need to go attend to something. Thank you for the lovely time." She then turned around and headed swiftly to the bedroom door she initially came out of. She took herself to her limit and probably even beyond.

The four of us were left in a state of shock at all the events that had happened. Porter started to look guilty, probably worried he had gone too far. I got up and grabbed a fresh drink from the cooler. "Thanks for your help with that, Porter. I really appreciate it. I know Madilyn did as well," I said holding the bottle out to him.

He looked up at me, and his worried look turned into a smile. "Oh, thanks, Gary. Everything is okay then?"

I put my hand on his shoulder. "More than okay," I assured him. "I'm going to check on Madilyn and make sure she doesn't need me for anything. You guys hang out and help yourselves to anything you want in the kitchen." I turned and walked towards the same door my wife had just entered a few minutes ago.

I slipped into the dark bedroom, and it took my eyes a bit to adjust. Eventually, I saw the sight I had been expecting. My wife was on the bed, now entirely naked and pleasuring herself. She sat up and spread her legs, inviting me to join her. My shirts and shorts exploded off me, and I dove into the embrace of my wife's naked body. Neither of us needed any more buildup, and I plunged my cock into her soaked pussy. Madilyn wailed when I did so, receiving exactly what she had been yearning for.

As I pumped her pussy with my cock, I got my hands on her tits. I had been watching my friend get his fill of these, and now it was my turn. Bringing my face into them, I gave her nipple a heavy lick. I tasted the lotion that Porter had so thoroughly rubbed into them. The events of the afternoon caught up with me, and I exploded cum into her. I barely lasted a minute, but we both knew this was going to be a short session, given how horny we both were.

After a minute of catching our breaths, I got off of her. "I don't think I can manage any more entertainment of our guests. Can you give them my apology and see to them until they leave," Madilyn asked of me. I understood, and after getting dressed, I headed back to them. Whether they figured out what I had left for was a mystery to me. I was more curious about what the three of them discussed after they were left alone. Or did they stay silent and try to burn the visuals into their brains.

When I got to them, they were discussing lawn care. I figured this topic must have started as soon as they saw me approaching, but I was happy to let them pretend what they wanted. Outside of asking what Madilyn was up to, the events of the afternoon were not discussed between us. Ten minutes later, Porter declared it was time for him to leave and the other two used that as their out as well.

Madilyn and I didn't reconnect until that evening, near bedtime. I couldn't help myself and broached the topic. "Thanks for hanging out with the guys and me today. I know they are my friends, but it's important to me that you also get along with them. So thank you," I said.

Madilyn was fiddling in front of her mirror in the bathroom. "I enjoyed it. Also, I like your friends. It's not a chore for me to hang out with you guys," she replied. That's all we said about the afternoon's fun. We clearly communicated we both had fun and had no regrets.

A minute later, Madilyn brought up another idea. "Next Sunday, there's a big game on TV, isn't there?"

"There is. It's the conference championships. It's the best chance our team has had to make the championship in over a decade," I informed her. Madilyn has, at best, a passing interest in sports, so I didn't know why she asked about it.

"What if we invite some of the neighbors over to watch? We haven't hosted them in a while," she suggested.

"Yeah, that's a good idea. How many people do you think?"

"Maybe ten or fifteen. Nothing too crazy, but let's try and not leave anyone out." We had an agreement then. We would be hosting a party to watch the game. Still, Madilyn was holding something back, but she was building up the nerve to ask. It took an additional five minutes, but she finally said what she wanted to. "I could act as the hostess and make sure you guys are well looked after. Make sure you are all entertained?" There it was. She had gotten a taste of something today and now wanted more. My own appetite was also yearning for more as well.

Reaching out by phone and in person, we secured sixteen confirmations for attendance to the party, consisting of fourteen men and two women. They all accepted without any clue what Madilyn might be doing to 'entertain' them. Todd, Landon, and Porter were not included in the invite list by design. It took some strategic maneuvering to get the right crowd without offending the ones we didn't invite. Several of our neighbors are more closed-minded about things, and I felt they wouldn't appreciate what the party had to offer. Of the fourteen men, the majority were either single or married to people we know wouldn't mind what would happen Sunday. The two women in attendance were the wives of two of these men. Overall, I was pleased with the types of people we expected to attend.

Meanwhile, Madilyn and I didn't share a word about what she may or may not end up doing or showing on Sunday, which made all of this even hotter for me. I just imagined her struggling about whether she would go as far as she did with my three friends last weekend or if she would hold back, considering this was a much larger group of people we see almost daily. It was even possible she was excited by the idea of pushing the envelope even further. What I was willing for her to do was just as much a mystery. Surely, there was some boundary I would not be comfortable with her passing. I just didn't know what it was.

Saturday night before the party, I had the worst sleep of my life. It was confounded by the fact that Madilyn turned me down for sex. I knew it wasn't because she wasn't in the mood, but she wanted to keep the tension maximum for Sunday. I never felt so angry and loving of her at the same time. But she made the right call. The next morning, I rushed around to get everything ready. It was weird being so concerned if we had enough potato chips for the party when, in reality, I couldn't care less about the food, and soon, our guests would have the same attitude.

Finally, the party time arrived, and guests started to show up. Every guy I would greet, my mind immediately went to the thought of 'you are going to see my wife's tits tonight. Maybe, if you are lucky, even touch them.' Soon, everyone we expected had arrived, and we all gathered around the living room as the game started. Madilyn was wearing a buttoned-up shirt with a knee-length skirt. Overall a very standard, non-scandalous outfit. She, of course, looked amazing in it, given her curves made her look great in about anything. But the outfit gave no clues to the guest that anything was up or would happen.