A Wife's Confidence


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Madilyn was actually often not even around. She greeted guests and interacted with them but seemed to be hiding often. Were her nerves getting to her? Was she hyping herself up? Whatever the case, I knew the best thing was to leave her be. After a five-minute period of seeing no sign of her, she reappeared, offering a tray of snacks to the guys. What I noticed was not the food, but two buttons of her shirt were now undone that weren't previously. Had she started off like this, I wouldn't have thought anything of it, but she had started something. Nobody paid any heed to this change except me. The shirt was still well within the bounds of normalcy.

"Can I get anybody a drink,"she asked the room after giving everyone a chance with the snacks.

"I'll take a Corona if you don't mind," our neighbor Jake said. Madilyn headed to the kitchen to grab a cold one from the fridge. Taking just a bit longer than it should have, she came back with the beer and something else. Two more buttons were now undone, and you could just see a bit of her bright red bra showing, along with an eye full of cleavage.

"Here you go Jake, let me know if you need another one later okay?" She said, bending over more than was needed to hand it to him. This gave Jake a great view down her shirt. This small change in her outfit was noticed by many of the guests, who quickly brought it to the attention of others through muted whispers. The amount of cleavage she was showing was eye-catching. But the fact that she purposefully unbuttoned the shirt while grabbing Jake's beer really got the guest curious.

"You always treat our guests so well, Madilyn. Thank you," I commented. That comment of mine only increased the whispering between our guests. Was I oblivious to what Madilyn had done? Was I endorsing it? Was I being passive-aggressive? I smiled as I loved teasing them like this, but soon enough, they would understand my attitude. Shortly, they would learn a lot of things about Madilyn and me.

This time, she didn't disappear again. Instead, electing to sit down and watch the game or have a conversation with a nearby guest. I, myself, was not paying attention to the game as my eyes surveyed what everyone else was watching. Focusing on our next-door neighbor Frank, I could see every twenty seconds his eyes would dart from the TV to Madilyn's cleavage, then go right back to the TV. I caught several others doing the same. In their defense, though, they might have done this even if she hadn't unbuttoned anything.

Another neighbor asked if we had more of a particular beer left, and Madilyn jumped in to say she would grab him a bottle. Everyone waited in anticipation of her return, expecting more buttons undone or some other change to her outfit. But she came back in the same state as she left, and you could feel the disappointment in people. Madilyn handed the bottle, drawing the attention of several men positioned to see down her shirt. But after handing it off, she didn't retake her seat but stood and watched the game. She was towards the back of the room, blocking no one's view.

"What does that symbol on the top right of the screen mean," she asked the room.

Zachary, an older gentleman sitting close to the TV, started to answer as he turned around to face Madilyn. "That tells you how many time-outs each team..." He stopped as soon as he got her in his view. Madilyn had completely unbuttoned her shirt and was slipping it off her shoulders. She tossed it onto a nearby empty chair. She was now standing in a room full of fifteen men with only her floral red bra covering her top side. She continued to watch the TV and gave no indication as to why she had just taken her top off or acknowledged that Gary had noticed her in this state. Zachary's sudden interruption of his explanation got the attention of others who looked to see what he was looking at. Soon, the entire room was watching my wife stand there in her bra.

"Madilyn, what..." one of the guys started to ask.

"Madilyn!" I said sternly. Several guys jumped hearing me say that, and the room filled with dread that they were about to witness a husband and wife fight about her exposing herself like this to the neighbors. "Don't put your shirt on the chair there. It's a very nice shirt and is just asking for something to get spilled on it," I said, significantly tempering my tone to an almost gentle quality.

"You're right. Thanks, honey," she said to me and moved the shirt to an out-of-the-way location.

"Nice bra, by the way. You look fantastic in it," I said before putting my attention back on the TV. I could see our neighbors eyeing each other in disbelief at what had happened. My wife was only wearing a bra, and I was totally on board. She took a seat towards the front of the room, which allowed most of our guests to glance over at her much easier, which they all did. I was getting a lot of glances myself, although I think it was for very different reasons.

I didn't like that so many were still concerned about my feelings. A commercial break started on the TV, so I decided to alleviate their fears about how I felt. "That's the bra with the matching thong, right? You're wearing those, too?"

Madilyn looked at me, and her face brightened up just a bit more. I think she really liked where I was taking this. "I am. Why break up the set," she said back to me.

"If you guys liked seeing the bra, you will love the thong. Honey, how about you show the guys what the set looks like on you and take that skirt off?" She shot up, excited to do just that.

"That's a great idea. But before I take it off, I want to say I like this skirt too. It flows so nicely and is comfortable. It also hugs my backside nicely, according to Gary," she said with a giggle while showing off her backside to the group. "The only downside is the zipper is positioned where it's hard for me to undo. Oh. Zachary? Could you unzip my skirt for me?" She approached the older man and stuck her hip out to him where the zipper was. Zachary looked at it and back to me.

Before he could ask me what I knew he was thinking, I got out ahead of it. "What's the problem, Zachary? You forget how to use a zipper? Your coat you wore here had a zipper you were able to undo. This is no different," I teased, encouraging my neighbor to help my wife strip.

He relented and grabbed the zipper, pulling it down. "Thank you, Zachary," she said to him. Taking a single step away from him, she proceeded to wiggle her hips back and forth, and she worked the skirt down her legs. Her tits, only held in by her bra, giggled nicely from the motion of her hips. As the skirt reached the floor, she was fully bent over with her ass facing Zachary. With only a tiny thong covering her backside, he got a glorious view of her butt bent over. The thinnest of material was hiding her most intimate areas from his gaze. It wasn't until she stood back up with her skirt in hand that Zachary realized he had been staring very intently at his neighbor's increasingly stripped body.

My wife casually walked over to where she placed her shirt and added her skirt to the pile. Her ass cheeks swayed nicely as she walked to and from, matching the equally erotic motions of her tits. The thong she had chosen to wear was as bare bones as women's underwear can get. Only a small string ran along her backside and didn't hide a single square centimeter of her ass. The front was barely any different, and it looked like her pussy was constantly in danger of poking out of either side of the thong. But for now, her vagina stayed unexposed.

Despite men she has known and lived near for years now seeing so much of her body exposed, Madilyn remained confident and unwavering as a host. She walked right up to our neighbor across the street, sitting right next to his wife. "Can I get you two anything," she asked as they both were staring at her crotch. Shaking their heads and coming back to reality, they declined, which prompted Madilyn to turn around and give them a clear view of her ass.

It was incredible to watch. Madilyn was going into overdrive as a host, approaching every single person and asking if they needed everything. All the time, giving the entire party continuous close up views of her body with different and interesting angles. She would find reasons to bend over or have a sudden need to stretch her arms over the head. My favorite part was when Zachary looked back at the TV and said, "Wait, when did we score?" Nobody had an answer, as the real show was now my hot wife prancing around the room in her tiny underwear.

The game reached half-time, and with only commercials and commentary being shown on the screen, not a single eye was on the TV. Madilyn was well aware that she now had the undivided attention of our sixteen neighbors. The question is what she would do with it. She could hold things here and let everyone settle for seeing only 95% of her body. Or she could push it further like she did with my friends, if not further. If she was going to do that, it felt like now was the time.

She was discussing something with two guys, but I couldn't hear what it was about. I could see their eyes constantly looking down at her skimpy bra, though, and I'm sure she was noticing that as well. With a final laugh between the three, she wandered to a spot a couple of feet to the left of the television. Being alone, but actively watched by all, I could tell she was debating something as her eyes looked downwards, focused on nothing in particular. Her eyes then shot up right at me as if she knew I would be watching her. Although that was true for almost everyone in the room. I smiled at her, and she looked away at the larger group.

"Would anyone mind if I took my bra off," she said loud enough to rise above the sound of the TV and side conversations. All other talk stopped, and only the music from the car commercial playing could be heard. "Sorry, maybe you didn't hear me. I'm thinking about taking my bra off. Any objections?"

Again, she was met with silence until one of our neighbors responded. "Madilyn, you don't need to take off your bra for us. Really."

I interjected. "That's not what my wife was asking. She wants to bare her breasts in her home. But she's being polite and wanting to make sure everyone is okay with that." The group looked to me and then back to Madilyn. Still, no one said anything. "I would take the silence as an all-clear, honey. Bra away," I declared, giving my wife the go-ahead to increase the number of men who have seen her topless significantly.

"Oh, thank gosh. I've been wanting to do this all night," Madilyn said, reaching behind her back. Seeing her move start to unhook her bra, everyone in the house held their breath. I could just imagine what thoughts they were thinking. Telling themselves surely this was a joke, and she would stop any second now. They've known Madilyn for years and been with her at all kinds of functions. Never had she done anything like this before. I was sure a lot of the men on the street had fantasies about her but never thought they were achievable. This was probably dream-like for them.

The dream became a reality as Madilyn pulled the bra off her chest. There was no teasing or hiding as she did with my friends initially. In one instance, she was fully exposing her chest to sixteen of our friends. Every curve, every freckle, the size of her aerolas, how pokey her nipples were. All of this was now fully known to all of them. They have seen her tits, and that could never be taken away, no matter how much Madilyn would regret doing this later. Not that I was expecting her to.

She walked over, added the bra to her clothing pile, and returned to where she stood before. After taking her place again, she looked around at the crowd, staring at her chest, and got a bit playful with the situation. "I trust everyone is enjoying themselves," she asked.

"We are, except for that game on the TV keeps distracting us from the entertainment," I shouted, prompting laughter and easing things up.

I requested a cocktail from Madilyn, and she walked into the kitchen to prepare it. She returned shortly after, as topless as ever.

Handing me the drink, one of our more inquisitive friends walked up to us. "So, if you don't mind me asking. What is this about? Is it an exhibitionist thing? No judgment, just curious."

"My wife is beautiful. That's what this is," I said, and Madilyn didn't object. The friend didn't question it, which I was thankful for. The less we defined this with words, the better. At this point, it didn't need a label or end state. The fun was learning with Madilyn what this would end up being and how far each of us was willing to go with it.

The night progressed with men finding excuses to talk one on one with Madilyn with their real motivations to see her tits up close. Madilyn was far from clueless this was happening and would puff her chest out while looking off to the side, giving them the perfect opportunity to see her tits only inches away from their faces. She often found reasons to hug the men, which I got a kick out of. Feeling her bare nipples press into their t-shirts was probably a sexy experience for both parties involved.

One of our neighbors in attendance was Rob. He had just gotten divorced last year after he caught his wife sending photos to another man. Rob looked at my mostly naked wife as much as any man tonight, but he hadn't made a play to get up and interact with her as almost everyone else had. Madilyn knew this and had always had a soft spot for the man. Having a respite from men interacting with her, she approached him in the padded armchair he was sitting in. I happened to be seated right next to him and got to watch what happened next closely.

"Mind if I sit there," she asked, pointing to his lap.

"Oh, sure. I can move," Rob said, starting to get up. But Madilyn stopped him and lightly pushed him back down into the chair. Without asking again, she climbed over the armrest nearest her and sat crosswise on his lap.

"Thank Rob, it looked really comfortable," she said. Her practically bare ass was pressed into his crotch, which I'm sure was now sporting a solid erection that Madilyn could feel through his shorts. Meanwhile, her exposed tits were six inches downwards from his face. Madilyn looked away towards the TV, allowing him to look as much as he liked without getting 'caught' by her. Although everyone had realized at this point that looking at my wife was highly encouraged.

Rob had lifted his arms up when Madilyn sat on him, and they continued to awkwardly stay floating in the air as he wasn't sure where we could put them as she laid across on him. Still watching the TV, Madilyn reached up, grabbed his right hand, and placed it on her back. Then, she did the same with his left hand, placing it on her thigh. Rob sat frozen, unwilling to move his hands away, while my wife looked quite comfortable on him with her tits out. As the minutes went by, Rob relaxed a bit, and he looked less tense and acted like how you would expect a man to act with a woman wearing only a thong on top of you.

Madilyn turned her head towards him. "Are you comfortable, Rob?"

"I am. Are you," he asked politely.

"Honestly, no." Hearing that, I wondered where she was going with this.

"Oh. I'm sorry to hear that. Do you need to move? Is there anything I can do to help," Rob asked, looking concerned that he was doing something wrong. Madilyn stood up right next to him. He looked up, getting a great view of her underboob, curious what she had in mind.

"Rob, could you take off my thong for me," my wife asked our neighbor. There it was. She had made the call to push herself further than she had before. She was now willing to expose the entirety of her naked body to the neighborhood, including her vagina.

"I'll take the thong after you take it off her. It's small, and I'd hate to lose it or for it to get walked all over," I added, indicating my approval of the plan. For once, all eyes weren't on my wife. Instead, they all waited for Rob to agree to fully strip her.

 "I... I guess I can take it off if that's what you want," he responded. His shaky hands reached for the thin straps on either side of her hips. He pulled them down, and the sight of my wife's fully shaven and now fully exposed pussy entered his and half the room's view. She was now hiding no secrets from anyone here. She had nothing left to show that they weren't already seeing. Rob let the thong drop to the floor, and Madilyn kicked it over to me. She turned around, giving the other side of the room their own turn, seeing her fully nude body, before retaking her seat on Rob's lap. This time, however, she sat facing the same direction as him, so her back lay on his front. She directed his hands to rest on her bare hips and resumed watching the game without further commentary.

I hadn't a clue what the game's score was, but I pretended to watch it while keeping an eye on what my wife and Rob were doing together in that chair. I didn't want to stare and spook Rob, who would probably end up dictating how far things went between them. Meanwhile, the rest of the party was watching them with equal curiosity and a large amount of lust. I was sure Rob's erection was still going strong, and with Madilyn's thong gone, one less layer of material separated her bare pussy from it.

Rob's hands remained on her hips, but she ran her own hands up and down them. She then stopped them and, after taking a moment, lifted Rob's hands off her hips. Very deliberately and slowly, she brought them up to her chest, and Rob became the second man in as many weeks to know the feeling of my wife's tits. She didn't take her hands away, which kept Rob's hands locked on her chest. Madilyn knew he would remove them if given the opportunity. She directed his hands to rub and squeeze them like she was the puppet master of his hands. Rob was silent but his eyes were opened big and wide. He didn't look anywhere else but forward.

Feeling eyes on me from our other neighbors, I smiled and nodded in approval, but I didn't want to speak up and ruin what they had going on. Just as getting groped by Porter had greatly flustered her, Madilyn was getting red in the face and breathing hard from having Rob's hands feeling her bare tits. She began to squirm a bit in the chair, which was probably grinding her into his hard cock, further turning him and her on. The other guests quickly found excuses to position themselves where they could get a full view of the action. Fifteen people were watching my wife getting off on Rob's hands, feeling her up. Both were getting increasingly hot and I wondered if they would reach a breaking point and launch this encounter to a whole other level.

Madilyn moved his hands off her chest and it seemed like the show might be over, but she didn't get up and didn't stop squirming. My wife did more than just move the hands off her chest. She was moving them to her pussy. She spread her legs, and I witnessed my wife direct this man to finger her. Grabbing hold of three of his fingers, she rubbed them up and down her labia. No other man had ever touched there but me, her husband. Now our neighbor Rob was extensively rubbing my wife's pussy for the purpose of getting her off. All while the neighborhood watched. It turned out to be one of the best parties I had ever thrown.

Madilyn continued to look straight ahead at the TV, but her body made it clear she was only thinking about Rob. She took a risk and let go of Rob's hands, trusting that he would continue to finger her, which he did. She gripped the armrest of the chair tightly, using them to brace herself from the onslaught of pleasure she was feeling. At this point, she made no effort to conceal her moans, which drowned out the television. Every minute, it looked like things were getting more and more intense for her. She squirmed extensively, which turned into her essentially giving Rob and his hard dick a lap dance. Her face contorted as she looked to be in sweet agony. I braced myself as I knew me and the whole party were about to see something beautiful.