A Wife's Confidence


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Her eyes closed tightly, and she opened her mouth as if she were yelling at the top of her lungs, but she made no sound. Without even breathing, she leaned forward and had a death grip on the chair. She was riding an orgasm and a hard one at that. I thought she might pass out and was prepared to catch her, but she finally sat back up while finally taking in a new breath. While she caught her breath, she directed Rob's hands to massage her breasts again.

A minute later, after sufficiently recovering, she got up off of our neighbor's lap. "I am so sorry, I've been a terrible host! I'll go get us some fresh snacks from the kitchen," she announced. She slowly made her way towards the kitchen. Her legs were shaky and once she even had to grab someone's shoulders to keep herself up, but eventually made it out of sight to the kitchen.

Watching my wife's ass wiggle away, Tina, one of the two wives that were in attendance, stood next to me. Tina and her husband had a reputation for being open to experiences and letting each other explore their sexuality. She leaned down and whispered in my ear. "Your wife had her fun. How about you and I go somewhere and see if we can't have even more?"

I pulled away from her and then stood up. I guided her to a corner of the room. "I think you misunderstand what is happening here. It's not about cheating, and it's not about me. Don't dirty what we just witnessed by thinking that means I will betray my wife with another woman," I whispered sternly to her. I walked away, fuming. I took a minute to calm myself down, thinking about how awesome Madilyn had been just a minute ago.

I walked over and patted a dazed Rob on the shoulder. "Fucking-tastic, good buddy. You still got it. I'm going to get you a fresh beer. You've earned it and more," I said to the man that had just made my wife cum. That also prompted others in the room to finally break out of their own shock at what they had seen. I could hear them start to converse with each other to confirm if they really saw all that happen or not.

In the kitchen, I found Madilyn with her hands on the counter, leaning over and still breathing heavily. Her face showed that she was still feeling the after-effects of her very public pleasure. I haven't seen her be this affected by an orgasm in a long time. But I was so happy for her and even more so that I and so many others got to witness it. "Just grabbing Rob a new beer. You want one," I asked, announcing my presence.

Madilyn shot up and immediately regained her composure. "No I still have a drink back in the living room that I'm nursing. How much longer do you think the game will go on," she asked as she wiped sweat and other fluids off herself. I honestly had no idea what was going on with the game.

I walked back into the living room. "How much time is left in the game? Anyone know the score?"

Zachary turned to it and listened for a minute. "Apparently, it ended ten minutes ago," he deduced from the broadcast. Time flies when you're watching my hot wife get finger fucked. "I think we won?" That was news to the whole group, and they were pleased to hear it. They had come to the house so pumped up about the game and the possibility of a hometown win, but the party's entertainment had completely overshadowed that.

With the game over and it being obvious that my wife would only let one guest explore her body with their hands, the group started working their way to the door. I gave Madilyn a heads up and we both lined up at the door to say our goodbyes and thank yous for attending. I was furthest from the door and shook everyone's hand. While I only said "Thank you for coming," in my head, I was saying 'Thank you for witnessing my wife's nude body and seeing her have the biggest orgasm she's had in the past year.' But I like to think they knew that's what I meant to say.

A still, fully nude, and flushed Madilyn stood nearest the door. She hugged everyone goodbye, pulling them in close and tight each time. They all seemed to give her full body one last look over as they left. Rob was the last to leave, and after getting an extra long hug for Madilyn, he paused. "Madilyn, about what happened...," he started to say before she spoke over him.

"I was so happy when Gary told me you accepted our invite for today. I hope today made you feel wanted and loved. You are an amazing man."

"Well said, Madilyn," I added. That put a big smile on Rob's face, and he left without feeling the need to further discuss the orgasm his own hands gave the naked woman in front of him.

As soon as the door closed, Madilyn jumped up, and I caught her, holding her up by her bare ass with my hands. Her tongue found its way into my mouth, and I carried her to the living room couch. The same couch that just twenty minutes ago, a group of our neighbors watched Madilyn's nude body spasm as she came on Rob's finger. I dumped her onto it and climbed on top of her. She reached down and took hold of my cock, and directed it to enter her very willing pussy.

Madilyn was already sensitive from her previous orgasm and was reacting with increasing pleasure to me thrusting my cock into her. There was no need for me to ease into things, and I went in hard and deep. I stared at her tits bounce up and down, and I remembered how many eyes had been watching this same gorgeous sight. Rob had even gotten his hands all over them. They all knew now what my wife had been gifting me all my life. They may have gotten the opportunity to partake in her body, but she was committed to me. And these adventures with our friends and neighbors had only made me more appreciative of how lucky I was.

Madilyn was writhing in pleasure underneath me on the couch. Despite publicly cumming, she needed this sexual release as much as me, if not more. I held nothing back and was slamming her with everything I had. She opened her legs as wide as possible, allowing me to get in deep. Madilyn's hands grasped around her wildly as she tried to find something that could help her bear the building pleasure she was feeling. She found nothing, and as the orgasm finally hit her, she was wailing loudly while I simultaneously filled her pussy with my seed.

I collapsed on top of her as my mind swirled with so many complex feelings. But I was glad that regret and jealousy were not among them. Madilyn's orgasm had been intense, but I knew it didn't compare with what she had undergone with Rob. But that had the added benefit of an audience and the feeling of extreme naughtiness. Maybe she could get even naughtier, I speculated.

But that was for another day. Getting up, I got dressed and started cleaning up. Madilyn did the same but didn't get dressed until after everything was cleaned up and the furniture was moved back to its usual spots. We paid no attention to the fact that the windows to the front yard were wide open. We enjoyed a simple dinner of leftovers and retired to the bedroom as per our usual routine.

"Successful party overall, I'd say," broaching the topic as we lay together in bed reading.

"We had just enough chips, it seems. But yes, I agree. Everyone seemed to enjoy it," she replied. The burning question in my mind was what would be next. I speculated multiple possibilities in my head. Maybe a larger party with more people? Perhaps someplace more public? But I didn't know where that could be. Incorporating strangers? But that almost seemed a step back from entertaining people we knew.

"You, Todd, Landon, and Porter have your poker game this weekend, right? What if you suggested they have the game at the house this time? I would be willing to participate," Madilyn said. That was interesting to hear. Going back to the original group of guys could be seen as winding things back. But knowing her, she probably had something in mind that would more than make up for having the same audience.

"I'll talk with them about it, but I'm sure they will be onboard. They enjoyed the last time you hung out with us." I didn't wait long and sent out a group text to them proposing this. With the mention of Madilyn, all three gave an excited approval within minutes of sending the message out.

Throughout the next week, it became apparent that how our neighbors viewed us had changed. Walking along the sidewalk, people who attended our party greeted us more enthusiastically than ever and frequently asked when our next party would be. I could tell they looked at Madilyn through a different lens now. The men no longer had a look of curious lust, but now it was unfiltered lust. No longer having to imagine what her pussy looked like, they could just remember the events of last weekend. After having a fifty-year-old guy jump over his backyard fence to run up and greet her, Madilyn struggled to hide the big smile she had on her face.

The night before the poker game with my three friends, Madilyn informed me of a slight change in the plans. "I ran into Todd at the store. His 18-year-old nephew is living with him while attending college in the area. I extended an invitation to him for the game. Is that okay with you," she asked me. The major downside to inviting my three friends over for more entertainment was losing a lot of the shock factor that made the pool and neighborhood party so fun. But inviting over the nephew was making up for that. I was also excited to have a young and inexperienced guy present with my wife.

"Todd did mention that. Blake is his name, I think. It was really considerate of you to invite him, and I'm all for it. He just moved, and I'm sure he hasn't gotten out much yet."

The following day, I greeted my three friends as they entered our home. Todd introduced Blake to Madilyn, who responded by hugging the boy. We headed to the living room, the same room Madilyn was fingered just a week ago. We had a table set up with five chairs around it. "We need a sixth chair, don't we," Porter asked.

"Oh, I'm not playing. I'm no good at poker, and the last thing we need is to give you guys double the chance to take money from us," Madilyn joked.

"That's too bad. I was looking forward to hanging out with you tonight," Landon said. The cheerfulness was draining out of my three friends as they saw their chances for a repeat of the pool fun slipping away.

"Who says I'm not hanging out? Or are you saying you only want to hang out with me provided you have the opportunity to take my money," she responded, lifting the spirits right back up. "I'll be playing hostess. If you need drinks, snacks, or anything like that, let me know. Otherwise, I'll be here with you guys criticizing how much money my husband is losing to you card sharks."That prompted a round of laughs and reminders of how bad I had played the last time we got together.

Cards were dealt, and the game began. Through the first few hands, only small bets were made. Madilyn and I took the opportunity to learn more about Blake. He moved here from his mom's house, Todd's sister, about five hours away. He is studying journalism, and the local college is one of the best, apparently. He was a sweet kid. One who I would not mind showing off my wife to...

As usual, Madilyn and I had not traded one word about any plans for tonight. How far we were willing to see things go or how it would happen. Any planning or communication would ruin the game. Usually I had been relying on Madilyn to take the initiative. But I thought I might change that up today, and the perfect opportunity had just been given to me. It was the final round of betting, and I had crap hands. Blake was the only one still in, and I suspected he had a good hand. "Check," I said, indicating I was still in the game, for I didn't want to bet any additional money. I knew that Blake would immediately respond with a large bet, forcing me to fold and lose the money I had bet earlier in the hand.

"Before you say anything, Blake. I'll offer a trade. You fold, and my wife takes her top off and keeps it off for the rest of the night," I added.

Blake was looking at his cards and laughed at what he perceived as a joke I had just told. Not hearing anyone else laugh, he looked around at us, confused. "Wait, what," he asked. Madilyn didn't wait for confirmation and pulled the tank top over her head, revealing her bra. As a bonus, this wasn't a normal bra but was slightly sheer. This meant my wife's nipples were partly visible. Blake's eyes locked onto Madilyn's partially exposed tits, and his cards dropped out of his hands. "I fold..." he said quietly.

"Normally, honey, you wait until after someone agrees to the deal before showing them the goods. But good work," I joked. I grabbed the pile of chips but pulled out what Blake had bet this hand and pushed it back to him. "I'm giving back what you bet as you were totally unprepared for the deal you just accepted. But I'm totally keeping the rest of you crooks' money."

Madilyn went and grabbed ice to freshen up everyone's drinks. Individually, she went around the table and dropped a few pieces of ice into their drink. As she did this, she positioned her bust as close to their faces as possible. Her kindness was returned with a lot of men studdering out the words' thank you.' I won that hand easily.

I repeated the same strategy, trading my wife's shorts in exchange for Landon agreeing to fold, which was happily expected. I pulled in my latest winning and watched Madilyn spin to show off her newest thong. The front of the thong was also slightly sheer if you looked close enough, which we all did. I was off to my best start at poker ever, and my wife wasn't even nude yet.

With less covering her, the four guys played even worse. I was left with a full house that destroyed the single pairs each of them held and won another large pot. "Gary, I think you are treating our guest poorly by winning so many hands," Madilyn commented as she noticed my chip pile dwarfing the others.

"I wish you would have been there to point that out to Porter when we played at his place last time," I said in rebuttal.

Standing behind me, she was quiet for a moment and didn't argue with me further. "There. I hope this makes up for it," she then said. Not knowing what she was talking about, I turned around and saw her giant tits on full display with the bra that partially covered them long gone. I smiled big and laughed at the enormous eyes of Blake as he enjoyed the sight of my topless wife for the first time.

"Just so you know, Porter. When you end up taking all my money at the next game at your house, you don't need to expose yourself to me to make up for it," I joked to the unmarried man.

Now only wearing her thong, Madilyn stood next to Landon with her naked tits eye level with him and only inches away. All eyes were on her, and it was increasingly difficult for everyone to focus on the card game. I didn't mind winning, but I had an idea that could bring attention back to the game. "If I keep winning like this, the game will be over in less than half an hour, and you will all head home broke. Let's change this up. The winner of the next hand gets to enjoy feeling up my wife's chest," I declared. Madilyn didn't react in the slightest and stood silent next to Landon.

Blake looked to her. "I think that should be Madilyn's choice. Are you okay with that," he asked her, being a true gentleman who wanted to make sure she was consenting to her body being an object to win.

"You guys play the game however you like. Don't let me stop you guys," she replied, probably confusing Blake even more. But I loved it. With no other objections, I dealt out the cards. My only hope was that Porter wouldn't win as he previously got his fill of my wife's breasts. Worst case, though, we just repeat the bet. It would also be no fun if I won it, so I was prepared to throw the game.

Any other night I would have been ecstatic with the three-of-a-kind I was dealt right from the start, but I threw them away and ended up with a jack-high hand. Todd won it with his two pairs and, as a result, won my wife's 'pairs.' Madilyn didn't wait for instructions but walked right over to Todd and straddled him between her legs. Todd was more forward than the previous men to grope my wife and immediately took as much of her breasts in his hands as he could, not needing Madilyn to invite him to do so. He molded them in every way he fancied. Lifting them up, squeezing them together. The rest of us watched as Todd experienced the joy of her boobs.

Madilyn was also getting joy out of the experience. Her breasts were sensitive, as always, and she was gasping as Todd manipulated them in different ways. Two minutes in, she was red-faced and rubbing his arms. Todd then decided to get brave and push things further. He planted his face right into her tits and started licking her nipples. Madilyn did nothing to indicate her displeasure with this. Quite the opposite, as this action prompted her to let out a moan and arch her back, sticking her chest out for him to get even better access to it. Just as his hands had, his lips and tongue got to work exploring every inch of her tits. Madilyn looked as if her hips were starting to actively grind on Todd's lap.

I think she realized how far she was taking things and that the night was young. She hopped off of him and stood there exposed, red-faced, and breathing through a near orgasm. "I... Congrats on winning the last hand," she managed to say before excusing herself to go make a drink. We started up a normal game of betting with money, and she eventually returned having somewhat recovered.

After playing a few more normal hands, I decided it was time again. "A couple of you are looking really low on funds. I'll give you guys a break from losing your money and say the winner of this next hand gets a lap dance from my wife."

"I'll go find some music," Madilyn said, turning around and walking away in such a manner that swayed her bare ass back and forth beautifully.

By the time she returned, the winner had been decided. Landon had won with a weak but good enough pair of kings. It helped that I threw away a pair of aces I got on the draw. The CD was popped into the stereo, and with the music starting, Madilyn walked over to Landon's chair and pulled it away from the table with him still on it. She put her back to him and sat on his lap. She wiggled her thong-clad ass on his crotch and brought his hands on her tits. All three of my friends now have felt how awesome her breasts are. She spent a full minute in that position grinding her ass into his erection while getting her boobs stimulated again.

She turned herself around and straddled him, gyrating her hips extensively while he put one of his hands on her ass while the other continued to go to town on her tits, with special attention being paid to the nipples. Across the table, Blake was watching this unfold, and it looked like he had no idea what kind of poker game his uncle had brought him to.

Just as things were reaching a boil, Madilyn stood up. Was she calling this complete already? Pushing her hair out of her face, she turned around, giving Landon yet another close-up view of her ass. Bringing her hand to the sides of her thong, she slowly bent over and pushed down the tiny underwear as she went. The entirety of her ass was exposed, followed by her bare pussy, which had a slight glint of moisture on it. All three of my friends, in addition to young Blake, had now seen my wife's entire nude body. She turned around for no reason other than to give them a view of her body from the front as well.

She climbed on top of Landon, but she was facing away from him again. His hands explored her whole body, and he started kissing her neck. Madilyn grinded her now bare pussy hard into the very noticeable bulge in his pants. Taking hold of his right hand, she maneuvered it to her pussy, sending him a clear message about what she wanted. With that message received, he got to work rubbing his fingers along her labia while keeping his other hand free to stimulate my wife's tits. A winning strategy based on the strained expression her face showed.