Absolute Torture


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I can hear what she's saying, and I understand it, but I'm having a hard time concentrating because I'm bouncing up and down every 1 1/2 seconds. However, I understand enough to know that I'm in fucking trouble! And I feel equally terrified and fucking horny as hell at the same time, and the fact that I'm powerless to stop them makes me feel even more fucking horny! But what really scares me the most I think, is the complete confidence I hear in her voice that they have the ability to turn me into a zombie! AND THAT THEY'RE GOING TO!

So every 1 1/2 seconds, the lower half of my body is being pulsed with this signal: Brrrrrup....... Brrrrrup....... Brrrrrup.

And every 1 1/2 seconds,my thighs jump, my pelvis jerks, my ass cheeks twitch, my asshole clenches, and my cock throbs. All the same time!

By now I can tell which of Lexi's knobs do what. And as I watch her turn the pulse length up, I can feel the vibrating increase in length. Brrrrrrrrrrrup............ Brrrrrrrrrrrup............ Brrrrrrrrrrrup. I can feel myself getting wound up more and more. This e-stim is really erotic shit! Now I see her turn the speed up a little bit more, and the pulses are coming faster now, about once a second. I can see that there is more pre-cum leaking out of my cock now. And then she turns the power up more! OH MY GOD! goddamn! I'm bouncing harder now! I can't believe what this feels like! I can feel myself getting closer! This is so fucking arousing. Un-fucking believable! I'm breathing real fast and my heart is starting to pound even harder than it is already. And I'm bouncing, bouncing, bouncing! And then Lexi increases the pulse length some more. And the vibrations are lasting a lot longer each time now. Each one is about a second long now.

Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrup...... Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrup,...... Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrup. I can't help myself. I start to groan and moan with every pulse! UHH!,UHH!,UHH!. I can't help it. I can feel myself getting closer and closer! I'm really fucking aroused, and pre-cum is literally pouring out of my cock as it bounces and pulsates with each shock I'm receiving! And I'm still bouncing. And I'm getting closer and closer to cumming. And this goes on for a while.

Then I see Lexi reach down and I feel her grab the handle of the Samurai. "Okay Matt now brace yourself. I'm going to turn the Samurai 90° so that one of the contacts is up against your prostate now instead of on the sides of your asshole. As soon as I do that, everything is going to get way more intense! The shocks are going to be a lot more powerful! And you're probably going to scream and go through the roof! So here we go!"

And as she slowly turns the handle, I can feel the power ramp up. HOLY GODDAMN MOTHER FUCKING SHIT!

I start to cry out with every pulse! "AAHHHH! AAHHHH! AAHHHH! AAHHHH! AAHHHH!" Jesus fucking Christ! What a fucking shock to my prostate! My asshole is not clenching and spasming anymore because the contacts are not touching the side muscles of my sphincter, they're touching my prostate and the rear of my rectum! So as a result, I feel the shock on my prostate! The power is incredible! It's almost pain! It is so fucking intense it's unbelievable!

And the throb I feel inside my cock is way more intense now too! Because the Samurai is shocking my prostate now from inside my asshole, and the conductive rubber rod down inside my cock is shocking my prostate from there. And the rest of my body is still bouncing like usual. Oh my fucking God! This is something else! This is really fucking intense! I don't know how long I'm going to be able to take it like this. And after a while, Lexi turns the Samurai 90° back to where it was.

"We don't want to shock your prostate too much. It'll just go numb and defeat the whole purpose of what we're doing!"

"ANK OOU ESSI! ANK OOU!" I tell her as I continue to bounce and bounce.

"You're welcome. But don't thank me too much, because now we're going to get a little crazy! So get ready Matt!"

"Mia, Naomi, lift him up a couple of inches please. Kira, do me a favor and get rid of this table." So they grabbed their winch controllers and after they lifted me up a couple of inches, Kira pushed the table completely out of the way.

Then Lexi walks over with this 3" wide strap. She connects it to the frame on each side and runs it underneath my head and pulls it tight so my head is resting on it and is supported. "We don't want you to strain your neck muscles Matt."

Wow! She thinks of everything! I even have a headrest. So now I'm hanging in the frame, faceup, horizontally, in midair.

And then, believe it or not, Lexi fucking turns the power up even more!

HOLY SHIT! Since she had turned the Samurai back to where it was originally, my asshole is really clenching again! And since she had just turned the power up even more now, I think I must've finally crossed some sort of electrical threshold or something. Because now I'm feeling the shocks in my ENTIRE fucking body! Not only that, but now my fingers and toes are starting to curl and uncurl with the shocks! And not only THAT, but with every shock, my arms and legs spasm and contract and pull on my chains too!

I'm hanging here in midair and my entire fucking body is bouncing up and down like I'm on a trampoline! And I am getting so fucking close! I can feel myself building up and getting closer and closer! "UHH! UHH! UHH!" I can't help it, I start to groan and moan again. The pulses are just so powerful I can't help myself.

But I can't believe my eyes when I see Lexi grab her knob and turn the power up again! JESUS CHRIST! OH MY GOD!

"O I OD! O I OD! O I OD!" I can't believe or describe how intense these fucking shocks are! THE SHOCKS ARE ACTUALLY PAINFUL NOW! I can't believe how intensely my cock is throbbing! Pre-cum is POURING out of my cock! It's hard as titanium! It's so fucking swollen! It's really fucking pulsating!

My entire fucking body is bouncing up and down in my chains as hard and as far as it can move! My fingers and toes are curling! My arms and legs are tensing up and pulling on my chains! My asshole is spasming and clenching! I might be losing my mind, the shocks are so strong! I'm getting closer and closer! My cock is fucking throbbing and throbbing! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrup, Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrup, Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrup, Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrup!

My mind is being overwhelmed with sensations! I've lost all sense of time. I have no idea how long I've been hanging here like this bouncing around. I'm not even looking around anymore. I'm just staring straight up at the ceiling experiencing shock, after shock, after shock! I couldn't tell you my safe words if my life depended on it. I don't even remember that I HAVE any safe words! I probably couldn't even tell you my name! In fact, I'm not even thinking about anything at all! I'm just hanging here waiting for the next painful shock, groaning! "UHH! UHH! UHH! UHH! UHH!"

I'm really getting close right now! I'm going to cum real soon! I can feel myself building up and building up and I know I'm going to come soon! "UM ONNA UM! UM ONNA UM! UM ONNA UM!"

And then unbelievably, I can feel the power of the shocks increase even more! Lexi has turned the power up even more!

I'm thinking of nothing. I'm hanging in my chains bouncing and bouncing. I am nothing. I am just a shock puppet!

I have no will. My body is simply responding to the shocks on its own. Bouncing and contracting and spasming and jerking and twitching and vibrating and throbbing, all by itself!

Suddenly I'm aware of the fact that the shocks are not painful anymore! They actually feel great now! And I look forward to the next one and the next one! And then all of a sudden everything stops for 3 seconds! I'm breathing like crazy and my heart is pounding like fuck! And then suddenly the shocks start up again and send me through the goddamned fucking roof! My whole entire body jerks upward and spasms and convulses in my chains, and then starts bouncing again! I AM SO FUCKING CLOSE! I AM REALLY, REALLY CLOSE! "UM ONNA UM! UM ONNA UM! UM ONNA UM!"

I wasn't aware of it, but what had happened was Lexi had hit the pause button on her remote switch, and instantly stopped everything. And then 3 seconds later, she released the pause button, and everything started back up again where it left off! So I'm mindlessly bouncing around in my chains again, and after a little while, Lexi pauses it again for 3 seconds. And then she restarts it again! She does this half a dozen more times. And each time she does it, I'm aware of everything, but I am absolutely powerless to do anything about it except enjoy the shocks. Because now I am actually enjoying them and looking forward to them! "UM ONNA UM! UM ONNA UM! UM ONNA UM!"

Lexi calls to me, "Can you hear me Matt? Matt? Hello Matt." But I'm not answering. I'm just bouncing around, groaning. "UHH! UHH! UHH UHH! UHH! UHH! UHH! UHH UHH! UHH! ESS! ESS! UM ONNA UM! UM ONNA UM! UM ONNA UM!"

I guess I'm in subspace now because it doesn't hurt anymore! And I'm just hanging there, bouncing around loving it all!

And I'm getting closer and closer! I'm on the verge of cumming! And I just know that I'm going to cum soon! Real soon!


"OK girls, I think Matt's fucking out of it! He's flying! It's time to make him cum! I'm going to increase his pulse speed."

I feel the pulse speed increase to 8/10 of a second between pulses. Which incidentally happens to be the speed that male contractions occur when a guy orgasms. I wasn't aware of that fact, but I sure was going to become aware of the effects of it!

I'm hanging in my chains, and my whole entire body is jerking and spasming and convulsing and twitching and clenching and curling and un-curling and bouncing up and down as hard and as far as it can move! And I am getting closer and closer and closer to cumming. It won't be long now! It's going to happen real soon! I can feel it! I can feel myself getting closer and closer! "ESS! ESS! UM ONNA UM! UM ONNA UM! ESS! ESS! UM ONNA UM!"

And then suddenly, I can feel my balls and cock tighten up and tense up and get this 'full' feeling.

And even though I'm still getting shocked, all of a sudden my entire body becomes stiff as a board and stops bouncing for a few seconds as my body readies itself for its first orgasmic spasm! And I am just hanging there in my chains.

And then, with these repetitive shocks hitting me at 8/10 of a second, I am finally pushed over the edge, and with a tremendous, unimaginably powerful convulsion, I begin to orgasm!

My entire body leaps up into the air with a massive spasm, which seems powerful enough to rip apart the frame I'm chained to! And as the frame is suspended in midair, my body begins convulsing and bouncing up into the air every 8/10 of a second!

With an absolutely massive spasm, my cock shoots out the first spurt of cum, which squeezes its way around the conductive rod that's in my cock, and squirts out in a powerful blast that shoots way up into the air! I have no idea where it went, but it probably reached the ceiling!

Every 8/10 of a second, my body convulses and leaps up into the air as far as my chains will allow, to shoot out more cum. Over and over again, my body convulses as I continue to orgasm over and over and over, continuously!

And I'm starting to scream stuff!, " ESS! ESS! ESS! UM UMMMMIN! ESS! ESS! UM UMMMMIN! ESS! ESS!"

I'm orgasming continuously at the same speed the shocks are hitting me, because the shocks are making me orgasm!

And as long as the shocks continue, I will keep orgasming! And the shocks just keep coming and coming! And there does not seem to be any end in sight to my orgasms! I AM JUST AN ORGASM PUPPET!

I'm hanging there in space bouncing in my chains orgasming continuously! I have no idea how long I've been orgasming. Dozens of times? Hundreds of times? Thousands of times? And my cock has probably stopped shooting out cum a while ago. But it doesn't matter, because I am still orgasming! And every orgasm feels as powerful as the last! And they're all super fucking powerful and pleasurable! "ESS! ESS! ESS! ESS! ESS! ESS! ESS!"

I am just blindly hanging here, jerking and bouncing and convulsing and spasming and orgasming over and over and over! Nonstop! "ESS! UM UMMMMIN! ESS! ESS! UM UMMMMIN! UM UMMMMIN!"

I can finally feel my body starting to become weak. And the muscles in my pelvis are becoming weak. I don't know how much longer I can continue to orgasm before my muscles give out! I'm still orgasming, but I'm not convulsing and bouncing around as much as I was before. All my muscles are becoming tired.

I'm still orgasming, but the spasms are becoming weaker and weaker. After a while, I'm just trembling and quivering and shaking, while the muscles in my pelvis continue to try to create orgasmic spasms, but failing, because they're spent, and have finally run out of energy. I'm just hanging in the frame with my nerves continuously firing and my entire body vibrating!

I'm delirious and weak and my eyes are rolling around in my head and I'm barely conscious. I don't know my name! I don't know where I am! I don't know how long I've been orgasming! I don't know anything at all!

"Matt! Matt! Can you hear me Matt? Hello Matt?" But of course there's no answer because I am completely oblivious!

"Earth to Matt! Earth to Matt! Come in Matt! Matt, can you hear me? Nope. He's gone!"

"Okay girls, I think Matt is now officially a zombie!" Lexi says as they all start laughing and shut off their e-stim boxes.

And even though all of the e-stim boxes are turned off, and there's no electricity flowing into my body anymore, it doesn't matter! My central nervous system is so stimulated, that I'm just hanging there in the frame with my body continuously vibrating! It takes the longest time for my nerves to finally stop firing on their own, and for my central nervous system to calm down enough so that my body stops vibrating!

Gradually, I come to realize that I'm not being shocked anymore! I didn't have the strength to even lift my head, so I just laid there for a bit. And when I slowly open my eyes, I can see Lexi and Mia and Naomi and Kira all gathered around me smiling and giggling like crazy.

I feel as limp as a wet noodle and weak as a kitten. And as I look around at all of them, I just can't help smiling, even with the ball gag in my mouth!

Lexi removes my ball gag as Mia and Naomi and Kira start disconnecting and removing all the e-stim stuff. I couldn't help groaning when Kira pulled the conductive rod back out of my cock. And I groaned again when Lexi removed the Samurai. Wow! My ass felt so empty!

Then they rotated the frame so I was standing upright again. And then Mia brought me a bottle of water with a straw which I sucked down in 3 seconds flat. Goddamn was I thirsty! I was tired as fuck! And I was drained! In more ways than one! I was totally wiped out. If I close my eyes I could fall asleep immediately. But I was still as hard as a rock, which I was reminded of when Kira started wiping all the conductive lube off of my cock and balls and ass with a towel.

The first couple of times I tried to talk, all that came out was a few croaking sounds. But finally I could speak correctly.

"Oh my God! Jesus Christ! Holy fuck! Awesome! Unbelievable!" I said as I looked around at all of them.

"So does that mean you had a good time Matt?" Lexi asked me as they all looked at me and laughed.

"Oh my God! Lexi! Mia! Naomi! Kira! That was absolutely fucking incredible! Holy fuck! That was totally awesome! I can't believe how long I orgasmed! And how much I orgasmed! And how absolutely fantastic it felt! Simply indescribable!"

"So it sounds like you'd liked it! Wanna do it again?"

"Yes! I mean no! I mean... Yes I did like it a lot! But no, I don't want to do it again! At least not right now! I'm so fucking tired! If I closed my eyes right now I could fall asleep in 3 seconds!"

"Well Matt, your cock is still rock hard. And those pills will still be working for a few more hours. It would be a real shame to waste it. So we're going to lay you back down on the floor, and we'll let you take a little nap for an hour. But we're not done with you yet! So Kira, how about putting that bomb buttplug back in his ass before we let him fall asleep?"

So Kira got the 'bomb' buttplug and lubed it up real good and slowly slid it back into my ass! I was surprised that it slid in so easily, and I didn't even need any poppers to help me do it! I guess my asshole was still stretched enough. Just for the hell of it, I tried to push it out, but it wouldn't budge. My sphincter was really latched onto it. Then they lowered me onto the floor. They even folded a towel up and made a little pillow for my head.

"Have a nice nap Matt. We'll be back in an hour. Get some rest. You're going to need it!"

And as they turned around and walked out, I started to worry about what they were going to do to me when they came back. But I was so fucking tired, that without even knowing it, I was out like a light in about 5 seconds.

Chapter 7

I start to wake up when I sense myself moving. I'm still a little groggy, but when I finally open my eyes, I find that I'm hanging in the frame horizontally face down about 3 feet off the floor. Except now the 3" wide strap that was supporting my head from behind, is now in front of my forehead so my head doesn't hang down.

And I'm moving! My frame is now attached to the 2 winches mounted on a track in the big long pivoting arm. And I'm being swung around the dungeon on it. Mia and Naomi are walking along on each side of my frame, pulling and guiding it toward the pillory in the corner.

"Hey guys? What's happening? Where are you taking me? What are you going to do to me now?"

"If you must know, we're going to unchain you from this frame. But we're going to attach you to something else instead." Mia said as her and Naomi giggled.

Just then I felt a SMACK! As Kira hit my cock with a crop! "OW! FUCK! That hurt, Kira!" Jesus Christ! Every time she cropped me, my asshole clamped down on that buttplug and sucked it in tight!

SMACK! " Stop asking so many questions Matt. Just go with the flow. You can't do anything about it anyway!"

"OW! Yeah OK!" SMACK!, "FUCK, Kira!"

SMACK!, "What was that?"

"OW! Nothing Kira!"

Finally as we arrived at the pillory, they adjusted the winches and the frame so that my neck and wrists were positioned perfectly right above these half-round neck and wrist cutouts in the wood, and then they lowered me into them. As Kira started smacking my balls with her crop, Mia grabbed a chain and padlock from a cart sitting nearby, and locked it onto the front ring of my collar. Then she pulled the chain down tight and padlocked the other end to the pillory. And as Mia needed more chains and padlocks, Naomi handed them to her. What teamwork! And the whole time Kira continued smacking my balls with her crop! Then Mia unlocked my wrist chains from the frame. And as soon as she did that I pulled my hands away from her. I don't know why I did it, reflex to try and get free I guess. But as soon as I did that, Kira smacked my fucking balls HARD!, "Stop resisting us! Put your hands back down in the cutouts!" When I hesitated, SMACK! She hit my balls again! "OW!"


So I put my hands back inside the cutouts. Because really, where could I go? My neck was chained down to the pillory and my waist and ankles are chained to the frame and I'm hanging up here in the air like this! And Kira was cropping my balls and making my asshole suck that buttplug in!

When I put my hands back inside the cutouts, Mia pulled my wrist chains down tight and padlocked them to the pillory too. They rotated the frame so it was vertical and out of the way of the pillory. Then they pivoted the piece of wood with the upper half of the neck and wrist cutouts on its hinge, and rotated and lowered it down until it mated with the wood that my neck and wrists were chained to. And then they flipped down the hasp and padlocked it into place. My head and hands were now locked into the pillory, and I couldn't move my head enough to directly see behind me anymore!
