Adventures in Swinging Ch. 01-02


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"No," she warned.

I smiled, responding, "Kill Joy."

I dropped to my knees and pressed my mouth to her slit as she spread her legs and cocked her pelvis to give me access. My tongue danced the waltz on her clitoral hood. She moaned deeply and then sighed sadly as I pulled my face away. I rose to my feet, spun her once, and smacked her on her ass, producing a water-enhanced staccato 'whack.'

"Careful, hubby, or you get squat after we write these rules," Ellie warned me.

Like a pixie, she danced out of the shower after a quick peck on my cheek, grabbing a towel and disappearing into the bedroom. I took my time to just enjoy the hot water before showering and drying off. I went ahead and shaved and brushed my teeth. Throwing on a short sleeve tee shirt and thigh-high boxer briefs, I headed down to the kitchen table to join my rule maker.

Ellie had two cups of steaming hot earl grey tea with honey and half and half at the kitchen table. She sat waiting for me in her little pink-laced teddy after pulling a chair for me to drop into.

"O.K. Boss, where do we start?" she asked.

I sat down, sipped my tea, and laid down the one rule I knew I had to have,

"Whatever we do, wherever we go, whomever we are with, we stay together."

Ellie smiled her wide grin, "Absolutely. I remember Heather mentioning we should have a safe word. Something we can speak to each other among people. The intent of which can't be confused. It wouldn't hurt to have a word that would crack us up."

I gave her a fist-pumped, "That is brilliant, let's use BORG."

Ellie coughed and spit out her tea mid-swallow as we giggled like geeky teenagers.

"This is nutty, Jare. I cannot believe how easily I am falling into doing this." She stopped and collected her thoughts, "Are we both truly serious about this or just playing along, riding a high from earlier today at Seth and Heather's?"

I shook my head, "Ellie, come clean with me. You and Heather have been talking about this for some time. You both had today mapped out in advance. I could see how your eyes lit up, filled with n wonder at all the possibilities. It was just like when you crafted an AI algorithm critical to the decision cycle for your mining robot. It was nice to see you light up like this today. You want this. I know you well enough to realize that I can't stop you once your mind is made up. Now, as for me? I have plenty of reservations that go along with my insecurities. Plus, we still haven't discussed STDs. Even if we throw all caution to the wind about diseases, what about birth control for you?"

"Yeah," she replied. "That could be a problem."

She closed her eyes for a few seconds, lost in deep thought. I took the opportunity to drink my tea and refill the cup. Besides STDs, accidental pregnancy was the 100-hundred-ton elephant in the room. Ellie's eyelids fluttered as she completed forming a logical argument.

She shrugged and said, "Unless we know our partners are safe, condoms are mandatory for all penetrative sex, which means both of us."

I nodded in agreement, adding, "Only I get to cum in your pussy, period." Ellie looked at me, and I knew she acquiesced to that demand.

"Now, I don't want to throw a damper on things, but what about oral?"

Ellie turned, looked at me deadpan, and said, "For Christ's sake Jare, please don't vanilla this down so far it loses every bit of allure to me."

I raised an eyebrow, "Really, honey? Let's say we walk away scott-free from the worst STDs, for argument's sake. There is still Herpes. What would our kids think of us if we contracted that?"

Ellie waved her finger at me in immediate disapproval of dragging the girls into this, "Jared Hansen, we have raised our children to be open, progressive thinkers. Do you honestly recall one time as teens when you and I judged them for an outcome after we let them make a measured decision?"

"You're right, Ellie; we said we would never question their judgment if they demonstrated they had weighed the risks, considering their choices' possible second and third-order effects."

"Precisely," she replied. "Your point is valid, though, and I agree we should ask Seth and Heather at brunch tomorrow about STDs. I think we can table this for tomorrow. I want to hear about unforeseen consequences they have dealt with."

I rose from my chair and stretched my suddenly stiff neck and back. We resumed our task, and after another half hour or so of proposing suggestions and poking holes in each-others thinking, we settled on these final additional rules:

5) No BDSM; 6) No Video or Pictures of us engaging in sex acts with others; 7) No use ever of the word "Love" with others; 8) Only hugs and cheek kissing of others outside of sex; 9) In cases where jealousy-invoked use of "Borg" occurs, we immediately stop and retreat to an agreed-on safe location to talk about each other's concerns and feelings. We sat in silence after reviewing our product. Despite the tea fatigue and the effects of the sun took its toll.

Overall, it had been one enlightening afternoon and evening. Before we retired, I had to address my upset with Ellie for conspiring with Heather to get me outside my comfort zone.

"You know you and Heather pissed me off today," I began.

Ellie stared at the table and her empty mug, "I know, honey, I was wrong to do that to you."

"Ellie, you can do better than that. Do you think so little of me that we could not discuss it? You both made me look like a fool in front of Seth. More importantly, I felt misled as to your intentions toward swinging. Plus, you hid the fact that you and Heather have been discussing this for some time. Should I say that to Seth? Where is the trust in that?"

Ellie was silent. I couldn't be sure if she were upset about being caught or upset that she genuinely fucked up.

Ellie raised her head, "I think you have just pointed out a good reason for you and me doing this. I have grown stale and lost focus on you and me as a couple. The girls are gone, and they don't need me right now. She looked around the house, her eyes welling, "I have gotten lazy, and it's led to me becoming a bit too self-absorbed. I want to focus on us. I want to do this together, and I want it to do for us what it has for Seth and Heather."

I took her hands and looked her straight in the eyes, "Trust me. I have your back. I will do this with you for a straightforward reason. I love you as much as that first day; when I fell in love with you in Champaign.

No more planning behind my back. I am all in. Let's do this. I am reaffirming my faith and trust in you."

Tears rolled down Ellie's face, "It's time for bed; will you hold me, please?"

I smiled, "Of course, I will. That is always the best part of any day."

Ellie kissed me and then headed up the stairs. I put the tea cups in the sink, turned off the kitchen light, and followed her. We both slipped under the covers into bed, and she kissed me slowly and sensually.

She cooed softly in my ear, "See you in the morning, love." She settled alongside me, resting her head on my slowly rising and falling chest. I felt a sudden chill of panic and the need to protect her. Instinctively I pulled her tighter against me.

"Oh, that's so nice," she whispered as sleep claimed her. I stroked her hair softly and held her long into the night, staring out the bedroom window and watching the moon's silent journey across the night sky.

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26thNC26thNC10 months ago

Hey 70Slow, how is reading a story, always hoping for the best, and giving my personal opinion cyber bullying? I’m not threatening anyone, nor do I have any power to hurt anyone. If this is your perversion, then enjoy it, but I don’t like it. As long as it goes on, I will continue to read and comment. Don’t read my comments if they bother you so much. Maybe IrishLaddy will save poor Jake from becoming a cuck. We’re going to keep reading to find out.

IrishLaddy59IrishLaddy5910 months agoAuthor

You know it beats me. I am trying to craft a story that creates real people folks can understand and relate to. I have never written anything like this. I was probably foolish to try a novel right out of the gate, but that is what this is. It is a journey of two people, and I ask everyone to please be patient and let it unfold. I am writing the chapters where they board the couple's cruise now. It's slow going. A lot is going to happen that leads to a climax and epiphany. It will test Jare's love, and Ellie will face a nightmare not of her choosing. Please be patient with me. I am drawing on all my experiences to craft you a good one. BTW...Are there ever Literotica conventions? It would be cool to go to one in US and England and meet fellow writers and make new friends. At 64, I need all the friends I can find, lol.

70slowhands70slowhands10 months ago

Hi, another great story. I will be reading part three after I get a coffee.

But I still can't comprehend why 26thNC read this second story after trashing the first and calling Ellie a whorewife, Is it me, or is he just a cyberbully with nothing to do with his time?

lc69hunterlc69hunter10 months ago

Elle is right. You can't make so many rules that it turns into something vanilla.

26thNC26thNC10 months ago

No adventure, just perversion.

Lifestyle66Lifestyle6610 months ago

A little too heavy on the "Love, love, love" between this couple. I realize the author is trying to address those critics saying, "Where's the love between them?" But this is a little thick.

Ignore such critics, because you can't appease them. As soon as the sharing starts, they'll still 1-bomb it. I'd appreciate it more if the discussions between the couple are more realistic at their age, married for two decades.

As for the rules, I'll look forward to seeing where you take it. In any sharing situation, when alcohol is involved and passion/emotions start ramping up, I expect the rules to start bending ... a lot! And safe words? Those too might be ignored or dismissed when one is feeling overwhelmed with lust for a new partner and the eyes are focused on their target of the moment.

But I'll give this a 5.

Jlyn1Jlyn110 months ago

I foresee trouble. Jere still has issues, and Ellie is so enamored with the swinging she isn't seeing it or worse

doesn't want to.

goodshoes2goodshoes210 months ago

If this takes any longer to get to the point, I will be long gone. ZZZZZZZZ

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