Agreeing to Serve Pt. 02


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'I'm sure you are wondering why we are subjecting you to so much pain, little one. There is a simple reason, I want to see just how committed you are to pleasing a dominant. It was easy for you to obey instructions yesterday as it was clear you would enjoy what was happening to you. Today there is less pleasure and more pain. If you can accept that we control your body and what happens to it, without resentment, then you have the makings of a true submissive. Do you understand?'

'Yes Mistress,' Sally replied, lifting her head to look the older woman in the eye. 'I want to please you Mistress. I will show you that I am worthy of your time and Nikki's time in training me.'

'That's good to hear,' the Mistress commented. 'Still no second thoughts? Are you happy for us to continue?'

'Yes Mistress,' Sally responded. 'Mistress, I want you to do more. I want to prove to you I have what it takes.'

'What do you mean by 'more', little one?' It was the first time the Mistress had heard a new trainee ask for more.

'Put the nipple clamps on my clit please Mistress. I want to show you I will accept whatever you want to do to me.' Sally's eyes were pleading almost as much as her words as she looked at the Mistress.

'Well that's certainly an interesting request, little one, but you see if I were to do that, I would be doing what you want and not what I want. Besides, you will soon learn it's not always physical punishment that can make you suffer.' The Mistress smiled at the look of confusion that had appeared on Sally's face. Glancing over the submissive's shoulder, the Mistress saw Nikki once more waiting patiently and decided it was time to continue.

'Nikki, you may begin.' Then to Sally, 'one day, my dear, we will really push you, but today I have some other plans for this.' As she was speaking, her hand had found its way between Sally's legs and her fingers teased the younger woman's clitoris from underneath its protective hood. The first stroke of the strap fell across the back of Sally's thigh, just below her already abused buttock, its momentum pushing her forward slightly now that she was no longer immobilised by the St Andrew's Cross. A grunt escaped from her lips before the Mistress pressed her mouth to the submissive's and kissed her strongly. The kiss continued, unbroken, as Nikki administered the blows. With the Mistress's fingers expertly playing with Sally's clit, the young blonde was in turmoil. The pain emanating from another sensitive part of her body at odds with the pleasure the older women was creating in her groin and her heart. The pleasure won out and Sally pulled her head back, her voice panting with arousal as she asked for permission to climax.

'All in good time, little one. Nikki, that's enough for now. Some more water perhaps while I decide on what's next.' Nikki once more followed instructions to the letter, taking the opportunity to look the bound submissive up and down as she retrieved the water. From the rear she looked exquisite, her figure slightly distorted by the stretching effect of being secured to the overhead bar, but her hour glass outline still clearly visible. The red ass cheeks and thighs were a testament to the punishment she had withstood. Sally again gulped the water down greedily, wondering when her trial would come to an end. She couldn't see the clock that was on the wall behind her and it seemed to her as though hours had passed since their lunch break. All thoughts of time were wiped from her head when the Mistress stepped back in front of her and held up the next instrument of punishment that was to be used on her defenceless body.

'This is a single tail whip, little one. A particularly evil weapon for the dominant as you are about to find out. Especially when they are bound as you are my dear, with every inch of your body available to me. It takes some time to learn how to use this effectively, so Nikki won't get the chance to whip you with this today, we will use you as a training aid for her another day. Now, the first rule of the single tail. You are expected to kiss it before I use it on you.' The Mistress stepped forward and held the handle of the whip in front of Sally's face. The young submissive nervously leaned forward and touched her lips against the soft grip.

'Well done, little one. Today we shall have ten strokes. You are to count them as you receive them and after each count, thank me. Do you understand?' Sally replied in the affirmative. Although she hadn't admitted as much to the Mistress, when she had searched for submissive content after seeing Nikki at the hotel that first weekend, this was almost exactly one of the scenes she had found, the only difference being the blonde in the video was being whipped by a male dominant. Sally had watched the short film over and over again, imagining how the woman must feel and masturbating at the thought that one day she might have the nerve to put herself in that same position. That day had come.

Sally had tensed her body waiting for the first lash of the whip. She couldn't see the Mistress and Nikki whispering behind her, but Nikki suddenly appeared by her side, her mentor's hand beginning to stroke the younger woman's breast as she leaned in for a kiss. The unexpected intimacy had the effect of distracting Sally and her body relaxed as she returned the kiss, but suddenly Nikki stepped away and almost immediately afterwards the whip struck across her back, just below her shoulder blades. The pain was immediate and Sally screamed. It was nothing like the pain she had already experienced, as each of her previous ordeals had been concentrated on quite a small surface area. To Sally it felt as though the whip had split her in two, an incision that has cut completely across her back and continued working around to her ribs, as though searching for the breast that Nikki had been so tender with moments earlier. The pain didn't spread away from the contact point as had been the case with the crop and the strap, it seemed to just cut deeply into her below the impact point. Sally's body began to tremble as the pain slowly subsided and she wracked her brain to remember what she was expected to say. Then suddenly it came to her. 'One. Thank You Mistress.' Remembering the woman she had masturbated to in the video, she added, 'please may I have another.'

The Mistress couldn't help but smile. The young woman was offering to take more, which to the Mistress hinted at the mental strength of this new recruit bound in front of her. Many years ago, when she had spent a day with a professional dominatrix who had become her own mentor, the Mistress had been required to strip and receive three blows from each of the more common implements. Her mentor had said that a dominant should only use them if they themselves understood the effect each implement had on the body of the submissive. The Mistress still remembered that day, though the memories were now fading, and the memory of the single tail was the reason why she only ever used it for extreme punishment, or on days like today. If Sally could take ten strokes of the single tail, the Mistress had little doubt her pain tolerances would be sufficient to see her through life as a submissive.

The Mistress shifted position and struck again, the second stroke landing on the unblemished skin of the submissive's stomach. Again the scream, followed again by the count and the thanks, this time with less of a pause. It didn't take long for the welt to develop and Sally watched, transfixed, as the skin of her stomach rose from her body as the pain subsided, almost as though the pain had travelled far enough inside her and was now attempting to leave her body by breaking through the skin where the whip had fallen. As she watched, the skin then began to redden leaving her previously smooth skin now looking raw and painful.

The third stroke was across the young woman's breasts. It delivered a different sensation, the effect on her body lessened by the size of her breasts restricting the impact site to the two mammories that served to lift the whip away from the rest of her body. This time there was no scream but Sally's head snapped up and she looked directly into the Mistress's eyes as she processed the stinging in her breasts. 'Three, thank you Mistress, please may I have another.' The submissive was almost glad that the whip had fallen on the upper side of her breasts and stayed away from the undersides that had suffered so much earlier in the day.

The Mistress smiled and stepped towards the submissive. 'Remember what I said, my dear. Every inch of your body is exposed, vulnerable and waiting for my whip. I will decide where you feel the pain.' Nikki looked on impassively, remembering her first taste of the whip. It was still the thing she feared the most, though fortunately she had been spared that ordeal recently.

The fourth stroke was aimed at the front of Sally's thighs, already sore from the attention they had received not that long ago. As the leather of the whip landed across her legs, the submissive screamed, her head drooping so that her chin made contact with her chest. The stroke had been the most painful so far and she began to sob as she counted out for her Mistress. She knew the tears would soon follow as the pain was so much more than she had fantasised watching the blonde in the video. Yet at the same time, she was desperate for the next lash and wondered where it would fall. To Sally, each stroke of the whip was telling her that she would make a good submissive and she couldn't wait for the next endorsement.

She didn't have long to wait, the Mistress again moving around before slashing the whip across the back of Sally's thighs that were still glowing red from their earlier punishment. Sally's head snapped back as she screamed, before again falling forwards. The tears were rolling down her cheeks now as she counted five and gave thanks to her Mistress in between great gulps as she tried to take in sufficient air to breath. The sudden thought that the screams were ripping all the oxygen out of her lungs adding to the growing sense of panic. Yes, she wanted this but could she handle five more?

The Mistress paused, partly to allow a sense of anticipation to build inside the submissive but also because she realised caution was now required. Sally's buttocks were her next target, but the five welts from the five strokes of the cane hours earlier were clearly visible and the Mistress knew what the effect of the single tail would be if it caught them. Taking careful aim, she slashed the whip into Sally's skin in the fold of skin where buttock joined with her thigh. Although well away from the welts, it being one of the most sensitive parts of Sally's anatomy meant the scream was probably the loudest of the day.

Sally was on edge now, still aroused by the punishment her body was taking but finding the pain levels were escalating. It wouldn't be long before the pain outweighed the pleasure and how would she react then, she wondered. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and the gulps to take more air into her lungs continued as she raised her head and quietly whispered 'six, thank you Mistress.' There was no request for more this time.

'I'm sorry little one, I didn't quite catch that. Don't forget if you fail to count correctly, we start again. Now, what did you say?' The Mistress had heard perfectly but was taking the opportunity to let her words drive some fear into the young submissive, rather than the whip held in her hand.

Sally was slowly recovering from the last stroke of the whip. She raised her head higher and said in a much louder voice, 'six Mistress, thank you. Please may I have another.'

The Mistress stepped forward, raising the submissive's head with a hand under her chin and looking into the tear-stained eyes. 'I think you've suffered enough from the whip little one. I've no doubt that you would take more for me, but I think it's time for me to change it up again. This time I think your suffering needs to take on a different dimension. Remember what I said earlier, it's not always physical pain and suffering a submissive has to cope with.'

Sally was relieved that the whipping had apparently come to an end. Each part of her body that had suffered from the single tail was now stinging viciously. Unlike the crop and the strap, with which the pain subsided to leave a dull but warming ache, the welts caused by the whip throbbed and with each throb, the stinging sensation was magnified. Although the effects of the first lash across her back were beginning to fade, Sally suspected that was more the result of the subsequent blows causing more pain rather than the after-effects of the first having subsided.

Turning to Nikki, the Mistress said 'Kitten, why don't you go and see if our guest has arrived? It looks as though we've finished this part of Sally's lesson right on time. If they are here, bring them down, we might as well move straight on.'

Suddenly the pain that was wracking Sally's body was pushed to the back of her consciousness, the Mistress's words reverberating in her head. Someone was coming to join them. Who? Why? What were they going to be doing to her? Sally had complete trust in the Mistress and Nikki, but surely it was too soon for someone else to be involved in her education? She hadn't even agreed to continue beyond this weekend's trial and hadn't the Mistress said that she would be given one final chance to back out? Not that for one moment she intended to. But even in her wildest imaginings she had never been exposed in this state to a complete stranger. Naked, bound, her body carrying the marks of the whipping and earlier punishments and glistening with sweat from her exertions to withstand the pain, was this an image she would want ingrained on someone as their first impression of the diminutive blonde submissive?

The Mistress could see the look of confusion and fear spreading across Sally's face. 'This is the final part of your lesson today my dear. I said earlier that you need to accept the fact that your dominant owns your body and can do what they want with it. So far today I have abused it, punishing you physically. And you have stood up to it well. As I said, in some cases you have endured more than Nikki has ever managed. I do think you may be one of the rare breeds of submissive who actually gets aroused when suffering physical pain. But the final part of your lesson isn't about the physical. It's for you to learn that in giving yourself to me, you accept that I can also display your body to others. I can even give your body to others to enjoy. As long as I ensure your safety and communicate your limits, then you must accept that I have the right to display you to another, to give you to another for them to treat you as their own and you will serve them as you would serve me, to the best of your ability with your sole aim being to give them pleasure. Do you understand that my dear?'

'I think so Mistress,' Sally replied after a short pause. She was trying hard to get her brain to process what had been said, determined not to fall at the final challenge. But this was mortifying; someone was about to find out about her deepest secret and see her bound, naked and subservient. Then she heard footsteps and realised she didn't have long to wait.

Nikki had been surprised when she had opened the front door to see the guest waiting patiently in their car on the drive. He had walked into the house when she had beckoned him and having checked that he had indeed been invited by the Mistress and that this was no strange coincidence, led him to the cellar. He followed close behind, having resisted the temptation to hold back and admire the naked bottom of the submissive leading him because he knew what awaited him in the cellar. Even so, as Nikki stepped aside to give him an unrestricted view of the bound, sweat covered body of the blonde girl, he was taken aback at the sight before him.

'Oh god, no. Please Mistress not him. Please, cover me or let me down. Please Mistress. Nikki please.' Sally was wide eyed with fear, turning her head to the side so as not to have to look at the visitor. The Mistress moved so that she could again look the submissive in the eye and raising Sally's head one more time, she spoke directly to the younger woman.

'This is your final test, Sally. I said that as your dominant I have the right to choose who can see you. Well, this is who I have chosen. Now be a good girl and look at our guest. He'd like to see your pretty face just as much as I'm sure he has enjoyed seeing your pretty body.'

Sally knew exactly why the Mistress had chosen this visitor. If she could do this, she would be able to withstand being displayed to anyone. The Mistress was right, it was the final, ultimate test. Slowly she raised her head and shaking it to move as much of the sweat-stained hair from in front of her eyes as she could, she looked Dylan squarely in the eyes.

For his part, Dylan was still attempting to recover his composure. He had been told Sally would be bound when he arrived and that she would be offered to him as the final test of her commitment to serving as a submissive. But he hadn't been told that she would be displayed naked, nor had he been told that she would have suffered during the day. So the sight of the woman he had imagined seeing naked on more than one occasion, not only nude but with vicious welts across her body, had shocked him to the core. Why on earth had she agreed to receive such punishment?

'I can see there is a lot of confusion in the room. Let me explain. Over the last few days I have heard Sally confess of her attraction to Dylan, the only thing holding her back from acting on that attraction being that she has come to realise that she is submissive and wants a relationship with an experienced dominant. I have also spoken to Dylan, who has confirmed that he would love to be in a relationship with Sally and would be more than happy to take on a dominant role. So the reason I have asked Nikki to mentor Sally is because I will be spending my time teaching Dylan the art of being a dominant.' The Mistress paused to let everyone present take in what she had said. Sally was shocked, her eyes still locked on Dylan's. Dylan just smiled and slowly nodded his head as if to confirm the Mistress's words.

'So, here we are. It is time for Sally to make her decision.' The Mistress stood by the bound submissive, ensuring that she didn't block the line of sight between Sally and Dylan. 'Nikki, will you undo her bindings please. Sally, your decision is simple. If this weekend has confirmed your view that you would like to give yourself to a dominant on a permanent basis, I am going to arrange it so that Dylan is sufficiently experienced as to own you. The two of you will be free to live in a D/s relationship and the decision as to how visible that relationship is to the outside world will be yours to make as a couple. You will be invited to join our little community and I'm sure the group will be more than happy to help continue your respective educations. If, however, you would rather walk away from the D/s lifestyle, you are free to do so, no one here will speak another word of this weekend, nor will we think any less of you for doing so. We all recognise this lifestyle is not for everyone and it takes a lot for someone to make this commitment.'

The Mistress paused as Nikki undid the last of the cuffs, freeing Sally to move her arms and legs. As she took a tentative step her legs buckled and she slipped towards the floor. Nikki moved to support her but wasn't quick enough as Dylan, seeing what was about to happen, had rushed forward to catch her. As his arms wrapped themselves around Sally, she found herself in a tight bear hug. Leaning into him, she felt his muscular body through his clothes and suddenly felt safe in his arms. She lingered for a few moments until she judged her legs were ready to take her own weight and only then did she push herself off him, muttering a shy 'thank you' as she did so. Still conscious of her nudity and now starting to feel the cold in the chill air of the cellar, she replaced Dylan's arms with her own and hugged herself.