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"Is it? You seem distracted enough to me. Not worried at all about what is happening out there."

"Is... is that why you are acting this way?" she asked breathlessly, surprised that she felt a little offended and hurt now.

"Mmh mm," he said, leaning closer as he shook his head slightly.

She froze as his lips hovered just a hair's breadth from hers, looking into his bright green eyes as he watched her. He was about to kiss her and she knew it. She wanted him to and she didn't, the feeling warring inside of her as she stood there trembling against the wall. She spoke quickly, forestalling him. "You say he was a rogue, yet it is you who is known to be a true womanizer. So much so that you have your bed specially made just for it! Why speak ill of him when you are worse?"

"Speak ill? Hah. Love, I was jealous. I could find a..."

"What did you call me?" she demanded, her face heating. "I am not some common trash you can spout pet names at!"

He growled and pressed his body against hers heavily, pinning her so hard to the wall that she could barely breathe. "If you think you can speak to me in that tone, you are sorely mistaken. And if you think I have ever once said THAT word to another soul, even my brothers, you are more mistaken. You think I will let you throw it back in my face? Get a grip on yourself girl, this isn't some story or fairytale. Ben was no saint and you only saw a few weeks of his best behavior. You keep him on that pedestal and it will be torn down fast in this place. Those vultures will CLAMBER to tell you all about his wicked ways and the things he did, just to see you hurt. He was a good kid, sweet even, but he was meant for this crown because he knew how to manipulate and twist and backstab like those bastards out there. He was raised in it. He reveled in the game they play in there as much as he reveled in the hunt. Yes, he loved you, I know he did, but you had no idea who he was. Do NOT build him into this impossible memory that no one will ever be able to live up to."

"I have not had hardly a moment to even grieve for him and you want me to put his memory away and move on! That isn't fair! You did not even let me wait to say goodbye to him before you made me marry you! Even when you KNEW that was not what he'd meant. I wasn't even going to marry him until next Spring when my family could come! Yet I did not falter or balk, allowing his final wish to be realized, just so you could get it out of the way and leave!"

"You are from Lonai. Would you not have come with me?"

"You would not have allowed it and I would not have pressed the issue. I could say you did not know our ways and let it go at that. I would have! I wanted to! I want to mourn my loss without your hateful anger being shoved down my throat!"

"Hav! Ally!" Greggory cried in a loud whisper, hurrying in. "We can hear you shouting in the throne room! That poor priest is out there sweating through his robes trying to talk over your shouting match! And then there's Avery out there strolling through the crowd, picking out random nobles to 'speak to' in private. Everyone is getting more than a little nervous about why that boy is out there stalling and you two are in here fighting and Avery is dragging people away!"

"How many?" Havilan snapped, pushing off of her and the wall and standing up.

"How many?" Greggory asked.

"Nobles? How many has Avery taken aside?"

"At least a dozen?"

"Does he look to be searching for more?"

"He keeps going off to the side and speaking to a group of people, hidden off by themselves around the corner. No one can get close, they are surrounded by guards."

"What is Malcolm doing?"

"Right now he is at the entryway to this hall with four more guards, reassuring everyone who is trying to come back here to talk with you. Lord Gaebril is being very insistent that you need guidance and he is the man to give it to you. Daljir is also trying to come back and see Alice, she keeps saying it is important."

"Let her come!" Alice said quickly, not wanting to be alone with Havilan again.

Havilan made a growling noise of disapproval, but she did not look at him. Greggory hesitated, then turned and opened the door to call out. "Lady Daljir? Her highness will see you."

Daljir pushed in, her eyes wide and a bit wild. She bowed in her foreign way, with her hands pressed together, but Alice ignored it and went to hug her friend.

Daljir hugged her, but quickly pulled back. "Ally, there are men here, men we know. Haylocks. I know what they are but they do not know me."

"Who are they here with?" Alice asked quickly, fearfully.

"They seem to be alone, all three of them, avoiding even each other as if they do not know each other."

"Are you sure? You saw...?"

"Yes, on all three. Only one tried to hide it, but he still wears the same shoes as the other two, okshantals."

"Then they are all three from Lonai..."

"What is happening?" Havilan demanded. "Hedge wizards? Here? Why? Did your father send them?"

"No. Haylocks are not ruled by my father any more than the Oshonna priests are ruled by yours. Were. They are their own people and they will work for whoever gives them coin. Their... training grounds? Grand hall? Whatever you would like to call it is inside the borders of Lonai on a map, but they are not of our people. Haylocks come from all over to train. None of this matters. If they are here, it is because they were hired to come. We will not know why unless we ask them."

"Ask them?" Greggory said faintly. "Have Avery detain them!"

"No!" Alice and Daljir said at the same time.

Alice continued. "You cannot capture and keep a Haylock, they are too good at what they do. That is not how you deal with them. This... this you must leave to me, actually."

"No," Havilan barked, towering over her menacingly. "You will NOT go out there or even look in their direction!"

"They will not harm me, even if they were hired to. They would speak to me. They are allowed in Lonai only so long as they keep to the pact of harming none of the bloodline. If they were to even incapacitate me to get to you, it would go against the treaties. You will do as you must, I will do as I must. Daljir, thank you. Greggory, take her and go to Ellinger and Malcolm, be ready to move them to safety if this goes wrong. Havilan, it is time we stepped out with the priest."

"I will not let you..."

"You will have to trust me. I have no wish to die and neither do you, so you know I do not go into this lightly. Trust me, please?"

He growled angrily and glowered at her.

"For a kiss?" she asked, almost fondly.

His eyes went hooded and he snorted before jerking the door to the dais open. Alice smiled and followed him out as Rufus stammered to a halt and gaped at them. "Umm, yes. Umm, may I present to you..."

Alice raised her hand and set it lightly on his arm as she looked over the crowd. "Egredietur Strigae," she said loudly.

The gathered crowd went still, some softly murmuring in confusion. Alice watched as not three, but four men stepped forward, stopping in front of the dais as Havilan moved to stand between them.

Alice moved up next to Havilan and slipped her hand in his. "Who has sent you?" she asked softly, looking each man in the eye in turn.

"We will speak alone," the four men said as one.

"I will not leave you alone with her," Havilan said through his teeth.

"Of course not husband, they meant with you as well. We are wed now, that means you are also of the blood."

The men all looked at Havilan warily then, then glanced at each other before giving her a deferential nod.

"Step up here, do not stand on ceremony, come back with us. Husband, please allow passage?"

"I have a fucking name, stop calling me husband," he snapped irritably.

"It is not so much for you," she said with a smile. "Gratias tibi strigae," she said to the men, sweeping her hand to the open room as they entered. They stood in a line on the far wall, their hands clasped in front of them. "We are alone, please tell me your names?"

"I am Angelus, this is Bellator and Accipiter."

Alice looked at the last, unnamed man. "You would have earned your name today?" she asked quietly.

"Perhaps, Lady," he answered, his face calm and composed.

"So, please, tell me why you are here, who paid you to come and why?"

"Lord Gaebril bid us come, but the task he paid us for was already done. He wanted to change the bargain. We were to... detain the princes and their spouses. We were not told it was you, Princess. We would not have done it, not to you or your husband. The pact has not been broken."

"No. Thank you for being so forthright. Angelus, do you speak for all of you?"

"I am senior among us, Lady."

"Are you four the only Strigae in Lucana?"

"No Lady, we have seven brothers here, but we do not know why or who has hired them."

"Can you make contact and find out? Let them know I am here and that my family is off limits?"

"We cannot force them to come to you Lady..."

"I am aware, Angelus. I simply want you to tell them who I am and that Havilan, Malcolm and Greggory are blood now as well. I know their business is their own, but I would not want them to break the pact in ignorance."

"Of course, Lady. It will be done."

"What were you supposed to do with us once you detained us?" Havilan demanded.

Angelus looked at her and she nodded before he answered. "We were to take you to a secure place within his manor, Lord."

"King. I am King now."

"It is a term they use for any exempt within the pacts, they do not... acknowledge royalty like we do. It is still a term of respect. Angelus? Have you seen anyone else with Lord Gaebril? Anyone else plotting and planning with him?"

"Five men, but all were taken from the room this day by the soldier who leads soldiers."

"Names," Havilan snapped.

"We have no names, only faces, Magnum Ursus."

Alice smiled and looked down quickly as Havilan growled angrily. "Did that hedge witch just insult me?" he demanded.

"Not even remotely," she answered lightly. "In fact it is an honor to be granted a name without performing the rights. Angelus, thank you. I will not detain you here longer, please let your brethren know."

"As it pleases you Lady," Angelus answered, nodding at her slightly.

"I have more questions!" Havilan groused, taking hold of her arm as she went to open the door for them.

"Remove your hand, Ursus, or you will have no hand," Angelus said dangerously.

"It is fine, Angelus, he is my husband and he is not harming me. You may go, and thank you again. Havilan, please trust me?"

He released her with an angry noise as the men left. Alice quickly looked out the door, calling, "Let them pass! They are free to go!"

Havilan was right behind her, "Detain Lord Gaebril," he bellowed, then pulled her back and slammed the door.

She turned and looked up at him, ready to explain to him why she had let them leave, but he gave her no chance. He shoved her to the wall as he went to his knees and pressed his mouth to hers with a hunger that shocked her. His massive hands held her face gently as he locked his mouth over hers and she immediately buried her fingers in his hair, inadvertently freeing it from the tie.

Ben's kisses were always soft, gentle, sweet. Havilan was all fire and passion and need. Forceful and all consuming. She lost herself completely, lost time, lost everything. There was only his hands and his mouth and what he needed from her.

He pulled back angrily, snarling over his shoulder and it took her a moment to gain her bearings and realize it wasn't her he was angry at. Malcolm was there, his hand on Havilan's shoulder. Alice blinked at him, then Greggory behind him. When had they come in? She was in Havilan's lap, when had he pulled her there? She felt like she had lost not only time, but orientation as well.

She pressed her cheek to Havilan's chest as he held her tightly against him, still scowling at his wary brother. "What?" he demanded. "What is so fucking important?"

"Hav... Gaebril is in custody... Avery has fourteen more in custody... Everyone is waiting for your coronation? And the preceding feast? No one out there has had a meal all day?"

"What time is it?" Alice asked, still trying to clear the fog from her brain.

"Evening. Suppertime. That priest has read all four tomes cover to cover..."

Havilan looked down at Alice, but she kept her face buried in his chest, hiding her burning cheeks. Had she really lost herself so far in his kiss? Had he lost himself so much as well? How long had they been there, lost in each other.

The brothers. The Haylocks, they had done something. It was the only explanation.

Havilan stood, still holding her tight against him and she held onto him just as tight, hiding her face in his neck. She closed her eyes, breathing him in and laid her forehead on him, just feeling his heat and heartbeat.

"I... I don't think you can go out there like that. They... may have trouble crowning her," Malcolm said, trying to contain his humor.

Greggory stepped closer, "Ally, your hair is a complete mess. Should I send for Leona? Or I can just take it down and let it hang loose down your back."

"Take it down, if we need to hurry. Hav? Are you going to put me down?" she asked softly.

He made a noise of disagreement and held her tighter. She giggled and hid her face again. "Leave us," Havilan commanded, turning to his brother.

"Hav, we can't," Malcolm said, exasperated. "Everyone out there is waiting!"

"Let them wait! I..."

"Hav," Alice said softly. "Let's get it done... then we can be alone after."

Havilan knelt, setting her down, but took hold of her face and kissed her again before he stood. Alice swayed slightly, holding her belly to settle the butterflies. Greggory's hand on her shoulder helped steady her as he pulled pins out of her hair to let it fall free. Malcolm tried to tie his brother's hair back, but without the braid, it was escaping.

"Enough," Havilan said angrily, yanking the tie away and tossing it to the floor. "Let's get this done. Announce us."

Greggory gave a knock at the door to the throne room and seconds later, the trumpets blared. Alice was overwhelmed at the number of people in the throne room, all loud and cheering. There were more now than had been there earlier. She supposed people had had time to arrive. She clutched Havilan's hand as she stared out, wide eyed. She knelt when he did, unable to hear Rufus's words over the buzz of the crowd, then lowered her chin as a small, silver filigree crown was placed on her head. It had to have been resized to fit her, and she wondered how they had done it without measuring. Havilan stood and she quickly stood as well, looking up at him in his crown. He looked both fearsome and regal... and very unhappy. The crowd was roaring now and Alice was trying not to flinch back and huddle away from them.

The priest spoke more words, shouting, though no one was listening. Alice slipped her hand into Havilan's and he closed his hand around hers possessively as they stood in front of the crowd.

How long did they have to stand there? Oh, right, until the priest was done. Alice looked at Rufus, then up at Havilan. He looked down at her and she shrugged. He smirked and stepped off the dais, turning as if to help her step down. When he hooked his arm around her knees and lifted her up, she gasped, then laughed in delight as he carried her through the throng of people. For the first time, she was taller than the oppressive crowd of people and she held onto his hair with one hand while touching the fingers of reaching hands with the other, brushing them as they walked past. She laughed again as he swung her around in front of him and lowered her to stand in her chair in the huge dining hall, then he took her face and kissed her again. That brought more cheering, loud and thunderous.

The meal was met with toast after toast after toast, to the new king, the new queen, the newlyweds, the memory of the fallen, anything and everything that people could think of to stand up and capture Havilan's attention for a moment.

She knew he was growing tired of it quickly, anxious to leave, but she also knew that this was part of it. They wanted someone personable and invested, not someone who didn't care about them and wanted rid of them as soon as he could slip away. She would have to mend it.

She stood then, standing on her chair to be noticed over the laughing and loud crowd. "I know it is not customary here for a woman to give toast, but in Lonai, a woman is not only allowed, but expected to toast her new husband. So you will pardon me if I offend or step on custom a bit, I hope."

There were more cheers and shouts of encouragement.

"To my husband, who stepped up and fulfilled his brother's dying wish to make me happy. To my husband, who was indispensable in his aid to end the war. To my husband, who has rooted out the traitors left here in Lucana to bring true peace to us, finally. To my husband, long may he reign!"

"LONG MAY HE REIGN!" the shouts echoed off the walls and made the drinks on the tables vibrate.

Alice did not sit, waiting for the cheers to die down. "Now, I know it is not customary on this occasion, but these last few days have not sat idly by for us to lean on custom. My husband and I... we have not had a true wedding night, so I know you will forgive us if we retire early and celebrate what we could not before now."

The cheers were even louder now, people standing and laughing and cheering joyously as Havilan stood and scooped her up off of her chair with a grin. He lifted his glass to the crowd and downed it standing there as everyone followed suit.

Alice was laughing again as he carried her out of the grand dining hall.

"Well handled, little sister," Malcolm laughed, catching up to them.

"Go away, we're busy," Havilan said grumpily.

"I only wanted to say that your things were moved today, you are in the royal suites."

"What?!? Why? I wanted to..."

"Because!" Malcolm said loudly, "Because it is more secure and there are guard positions, as well as interior rooms that will hold off a battering ram, passages that lead out of the city if need be... many reasons brother. I know you like your high rooms with the cool breeze, but you will have to suffer. For safety's sake. You are the king now and you have to keep your queen safe. And there are windows in the royal suites as well, on two sides. Avery will be at your door in the morning, as well as Osmond and Allora, to brief you on your day..."

Havilan groaned. "Leave off Mal, let me enjoy a single night. Oh, by the way. You take over first thing in the morning as Captain General. You can let the old man know when you meet him in the strategy room before breakfast."

Malcolm laughed and peeled off, walking down another hall as Havilan carried her up to the royal suites.

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JustBobbinAlongJustBobbinAlong5 months ago

I want more of this! Truly enjoyed your story!

lsnid003lsnid003about 1 year ago

I am thrilled to have found such a pro.ific writer. Your world building, so quickly brought me in. I am off to read everything I can of yours. Bravo!

BrookeHazeBrookeHazeover 2 years ago

Absolutely adored this story! Havilan is right up on there as far as your leading men go... gruff, intense, misunderstood and treats rage and passion as two sides of the same coin. Literally checking all my boxes!

HaydenDLinderHaydenDLinderalmost 3 years ago

Damn it!The end came too fast. Loved it. 5 Stars. :)

NewOldGuy77NewOldGuy77about 3 years ago

Very enjoyable- a fine effort!

kdlucaskdlucasover 3 years ago
Very Enjoyable!

I am working my way through your stories and am enjoying them greatly. I agree with a few other commenters, it would be great to add a little more to the endings. I always feel rushed to get to the happy ending (which I love!). Please consider a little longer wrap-up. It's hard to leave your characters behind so quickly, which is very much a compliment! :)

mister_handmister_handover 3 years ago
Thoroughly enjoyed.

So I've been coming to the site to read for years, and it was "Alice" that finally got me to join, so I could leave you a proper five stars. I read "Ink" 1 & 2 first, which was obviously much darker than this one, but I really enjoy your writing style. Thank you so much for sharing your gift with all of us.

ca2dcca2dcover 3 years ago
Excellent Story But...

It’s a well written story and you’re a great writer, but it wouldn’t hurt to tell the readers in the preface, that the story is Heavy on plot, and extremely Light on erotica. It was a thoroughly enjoyable read, but at the same time completely unsatisfying, given my reading objective. I’d love reading more chapters that continue the story, just not when I’m in a frisky mood.

DreamyhazeDreamyhazeover 3 years ago
Best writer ever

I will always keep saying this. I love everything you write irrespective of whether I enjoyed it or not!

AsannaAsannaover 3 years ago
I want more!

Give me an Alice 2 please

gabthewritergabthewriterover 3 years agoAuthor

Again, there is no hive mind with characters. They all have their own reasons, thoughts, reactions. Even if they wouldn't be my own reactions, another person can do whatever they want.

That being said, this is set in a different time period and a different place where there is no such thing as spousal rape. A wife is duty bound to do as her husband pleases.

Also, THAT being said... All I write in non-con. It is my kink. My stories all contain non-con in varying degrees. There is a sort of key on my bio that tells which ones are reluctance, which ones are non-con with happy endings and which ones are darker non-con.

meowsiesmeowsiesover 3 years ago

some parts are awfully sweet but erm. He legit RAPED her? And she's fucking fine with that? I don't get it

Arya92Arya92over 3 years ago

Part 2 pretty please?

FoxycatladyFoxycatladyover 3 years ago
Another Favv

Another very well written story <33 Loved all the characters especially Alice and Hav.. Would really be awesome if there's a part 2 too?^^

Oh, btw Brock o'hurn as Hav..mmm I might just have to re-read this all over again 😏 can't imagine anyone else as Hav now, Brian is perfection ❤️

Allanjim3Allanjim3almost 4 years ago
An Excellent Tale

Five stars! Thank you for writing this because I certainly enjoyed reading it! I’ll be certain to lookup your profile to see what other stories you’ve written - I’m sure I’ll enjoy them as well. Thank you once again!

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