Amy's Story, A Prequel Pt. 01


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Lisa called me the next day and we made a date at her room for Saturday morning. Cynthia would be gone for the day. Lisa also wanted to have a lingerie show in her room like we had the day we hooked up in my room. She had received her new cute cobalt blue lingerie set and she was hot in it. I agreed and brought my white one, which was the same style as her set.

When I got to her room, a line of girls were waiting outside... wearing... bras and panties! Lingerie.

"What's going on?" I asked the last girl in line.

"We're in the lingerie show. We're waiting for it to start."

I'm sure my mouth fell open. I thought it was going to be just me and Lisa. When I entered her room...

"Amy! Come here and hurry. You're the last judge to get here and we're ready for the first girl!"

Lisa pulled my hand and parked my butt in a chair. She had five chairs, salvaged from other rooms, lined up in a "U" shape and three other girls were sitting with me. Lisa tossed her cute butt into the fifth chair.

"OK, ladies. The contestants will enter the room and walk the line from the door to us sitting here. They'll twirl, pose, twirl, and pose... showing us all their lovely assets." She giggled. "Then they leave for the next girl. We write their score by each of their names. Any questions?" The judges shook their heads. "OK... Let's have fun girls!"

I was so surprised and happy, I left my chair and planted a kiss on Lisa's mouth.

"Wooooooooo!" the girls in the hallway, squealed.

For the next hour, I saw some of the hottest girls in our dormitory. Lisa had somehow managed to get 38 girls to agree to wear their sexist lingerie and model in front of us. There were tiny girls, big girls, black girls, Mexican American girls, Chinese American girls, and white girls. And, one Japanese American girl. I was going to get her phone number. She was hot.

Claire and Emily participated, too and Emily kissed me before she left and winked.

"OK, girls," Lisa chirped, after the last girl left the room. "It's our turn!!!"

Quickly, five girls rushed in, still wearing their lingerie, and parked themselves in the chairs. We handed them our clipboards and pens. Lisa ushered the four of us into the room across the hall to change into our lingerie. The girls, who had modeled, were still standing in the hallway waiting on us to come out... still in their lingerie, despite the chill of January.

As I was adjusting my girls into my super white hot quarter cup bra... a whisper in my ear...

"You and I are going to model together, Amy." Lisa winked at me and offered the most wicked smile I've ever seen. I smiled in reply... wickedly.

The other girls modeled first and when Lisa and I entered the hallway, the girls standing outside erupted...

"Woooooooo!!!" "Hot, Girl!!!" "Sexy!!!" "Work it, Amy!!!"

The girls nearest us playfully patted our bottoms as we stepped across the hall. I was having an absolute blast!

"Next! For our viewing pleasure! Lisa and Amy, together!"


Lisa snatched my hand and wiggled her cute butt in front of me as she led me into the room of judges. We pranced and twirled as we held hands. We worked our hips and butts. We stepped hard on the floor to wiggle our breasts. The girls outside were screaming.

Later, I was told by Lisa, she told the floor RA what we were doing. The RA wanted in the show. The floor RA told the other RAs to ignore the noise on the third floor!

Lisa turned to face me, leaned forward and touched her nipples to mine. She missed on the first try, but nailed it on the second.

"That is so hot!" I heard from the hallway. Gawd, I was having fun!

Afterward, Lisa declared all of us the winner and the girls squealed. Nearly every girl came up to Lisa and me and asked about our lingerie. I gave them the name and address of the store. I hugged Lisa and told her how much I enjoyed myself. I had totally forgotten about Donald until just now. I was on my way to moving on.

When Lisa closed the door behind the last girl to leave the room... she turned to me, not with a smile, but with a look of wicked determination. I gulped. She worked her hips and arms as she stepped toward me. She was so, so hot in her cobalt lingerie... matching perfectly with her blue eyes and her coal black hair caressing one of her cute nipples. I licked my lips.

She stepped into my personal space and we were eye to eye... toe to toe. Two petite vixens lusting for each other.

"I wanted to take you right here, Amy. In front of the girls. Your white lingerie is driving me insane."

I answered her by snatching the back of her neck and pulling her to my lips. Before I knew it...

... I had Lisa pinned to the bed.

I had her wrists pinned above her head while I straddled her tummy. I leaned over and kissed her neck, throat and lips. The tops of her breasts. I licked each of her pink nubs. I released her wrists, fell from my knees and lay on her. She wrapped her arms around me. Our breasts and pussies were touching. She wiggled beneath me, spread her legs and arched her hips to encourage me. I parted my legs a little and started rubbing my panty covered clitoris against her.

I couldn't take it any longer. I rolled toward the wall, raked my panties over my ankles and watched Lisa toss her panties across the room. I jumped on her again, and now... my naked pussy was kissing my lover's pussy. My stiff nipples poked at her breasts. Hers poked at me. I was moaning in her mouth as I humped and raked my clit against her. Positive electric signals shooting throughout me. I began kissing her neck and throat, moving downward to her cute pink nipples... I softly bit each one while I continued toward her lovely vagina.

I licked her from the bottom of her slick crease to the top. I kissed and rubbed her cute clit with my tongue. I squeezed and held onto her left nipple with my fingers. She placed her hand over mine in acceptance. I licked and slurped my way down the left side of her labia, paused to lick her perineum, teased her asshole, and then licked and slurped upward on the right side of her labia, then... I raked across her clitoris with my tongue and pulled gentle suction on the tiny nub.

"Holy Fuck," she whimpered. She threw her head back and mumbled words I couldn't understand. Her left hand gently resting on my head. Her right hand pushed her right breast toward her neck... then moved to her left breast, squeezing it firmly. Her bent knees vibrating in the air. For five minutes, I gave her my very best cunnilingus to her sensitive button. Then...

She hissed through her teeth and lips, arched her back, and squeezed my head between her thighs. She bucked at my mouth twice, then slurred breathlessly...

"This feels so fucking good."

I thought she was going to strangle on her words.

I slipped two of my petite fingers into her entrance and rubbed the front of her pussy with a "come hither" motion. She started bucking at my face. She seized my hand and pushed me against her pussy.

"More," she strangled.

I added a third finger... still rubbing the g-spot I had found.

"More," she cried.

I arched an eyebrow and took my lips from her sensitive clit. I added a fourth petite finger to her vagina. She seized my wrist again and started fucking my fingers. My other hand caressing her tiny nub. I just watched. She arched her back toward me to gain leverage. She hissed at me as she gasped for oxygen. Her hips wiggling to get more of me. Then...

My hand slipped inside her.

Almost to the wrist. I was amazed and she swooned... her eyes rolled back. She arched her back again and began pulling on my lower arm for more to go in.

"Fuck me!" she urged. Desperation in her tone.

I started wiggling my fingers in and out of her sloppy pussy. Each time I moved my fingers, her pussy juice smacked with a crackle. Her pubic fur was soaked from her arousal. I surprised myself when my wrist was swallowed by her pussy.

"Oh, Fuck!... More!" It sounded like a cry of panic.

I fucked her slowly with my hand inside her... reaching and touching her cervix... my wrist disappearing into the tiny, but fully stretched pussy. She was desperately pulling on my arm for more and then...

She started screaming.

So loud I knew people would come running to see if there was a murder in progress.

She was slamming my hand inside her. I let her have control of my hand and arm. My fist working in and out of her engorged pussy.

Thank God her screaming lasted only a few seconds before she pushed my arm away, and my hand slipped from her entrance, with a pop and a slurp.

She was writhing and quivering all over the bed. Tugging and pulling on her gorgeous boobs. Wailing. Whimpering. Cooing. Squeaking. Then... a knock on the door.

"Are you alright?"

"Jesus," I mumbled, and closed my eyes hard. I rolled out of bed and went to the door. Opening just enough to peek out from behind the door. A girl from the lingerie show was looking at me with legitimate concern.

"We're good," I began. "We just got carried away." I shrugged my shoulders. "We'll be quiet for now on." The girl looked at me with doubt written all over her face. She nodded and left down the hall.

I turned and looked at Lisa. She was curled into the fetal position facing the wall and away from me... still quaking from the aftershocks. Whimpering in satisfaction. I could see her pussy twitching and seizing between her curled and clinched legs. I reached behind me, released my bra, pulled a blanket from the closet, rolled up against Lisa and took her into a cuddle... a spoon. Pulling the blanket over us.

It was 2 o'clock in the afternoon, when I woke up to very pleasant, and feminine kisses. I moaned a moan of pleasure. I love a girl when she kisses me awake.

"Thank you, Lover," she whispered into my ear. "That was intense, huh?"

I tried to giggle through my half asleep moan. I rolled over to the other side and she cuddled into me.

"I'm going downstairs to get us something to eat. I'll be back in 30." I moaned in reply.

She brought salads, bread, and iced teas. We giggled, laughed, and talked about all of the fun girls who played with us today. About which ones were cute, hot, sexy... it was fun. Fun to see girls wearing something other than their school clothes. Many of them were smoking hot, too.

I hadn't forgotten about... Alice Nishamura.

She couldn't have been more than four feet eleven inches and 90 pounds. She wore a lacy bra and panty... white. Her tiny breasts fully covered... but.. it was her butt... I'm giggling now. Her tight panties accented the curves of her tiny and perky butt. My pussy is churning just thinking of Alice Nishamura. When I mentioned Alice to Lisa...

"Forget it," she mumbled, with a bite of salad in her mouth. She chewed, then swallowed. "She's straight. I tried already."

It's too bad... nearly all of the girls who played with us today were straight. Otherwise, I'd be busy the remainder of the semester!

I thanked Lisa again for the wonderful idea and great fun.

Oh, and...

I completely forgot about Donald... again.

I smiled.

Chapter 11

I finished classes for the day, climbing the stairs toward my room, then... I met Maggie going in the opposite direction.

Maggie Grayson. The gorgeous brunette from the third floor. I had been meaning for weeks to stop by and talk with her, but never got around to it. When I saw her in the stairwell, it flashed through my mind, she wasn't in the lingerie show three weeks ago. I suddenly felt disappointed, because I remembered what Lisa said about her...

"Don't bother with Maggie Grayson. She's too uptight about school and barely has any friends. She's double majoring in finance and accounting and is determined to work for her uncle at some investment firm he owns. She's obsessed with her studies and career and she barely talks to anyone."

"Hi, Maggie. Where ya goin'"

Maggie stopped in front of me and smiled. "The dining hall."

"Great!" I chirped. "I'm hungry. Can I join you?"

She gestured with her head and hand to come along. As we walked to the dining hall...

"Maggie. I didn't see you at the lingerie show three weeks ago on the third floor. You live on the third floor, don't you?"

Without looking at me as we walked... "Yeah, I heard about that. Sounded like the girls on the floor had fun."

I frowned because it seemed she didn't want to look at me. "So, why weren't you there? I'm sure you would've looked great in your lingerie."

She turned to look at me with a snicker on her lips, as we continued to the dining hall. "I went home for the weekend." She turned away and we continued through the door of the dining hall.

As we sat down after getting our food... "So, where are you from? You said you went home."

"Fort Worth. My Daddy's the lead engineer for the Alliance Airport and my Mama just got a job recently. She works in the accounting department for the City of Fort Worth."

"Lisa told me you're double majoring."

Over the next ten minutes, we exchanged information about ourselves and our families. When I mentioned my Daddy and Mommy...

"Your father is Leon Masters?" She looked truly shocked.

"Yeah. You know of course, because you're from Fort Worth. But, he's the..."

"Largest real estate broker in the DFW metroplex. Jesus... I'm speaking with the daughter of Leon Masters."

"Yeah!" I squeaked.

Maggie's personality abruptly changed from a gloomy Gus, to truly interested in me. I told her I earned my real estate broker's license on my birthday last year, and I was going to work for my Daddy and brothers when I graduate. Her eyes nearly popped out when I told her I made nearly $40,000 in commissions last summer working for my Daddy before I started school at SMU.

"Holy shit." She mumbled her words as she looked out the window. She turned to look at me. We had finished our lunch.

"I've heard the girls talking about you, Amy. You know. You and Lisa, and Claire and Emily. I just want you to know, I'm..."

I reached and snatched her hand and gently shook my head. "It doesn't matter, Maggie. Yeah, I like to play with Lisa, Claire, and Emily, but I like the boys, too. And... I have friends who won't play with girls. My roommate for instance. Jenny. She has a boyfriend. And Jenny and I are the best of friends." I leaned forward just a little for emphasis. "I don't want to be your lover, Maggie. I want to be your friend. I came here to find new friends because my friends from high school went their separate ways. I would love nothing better than to be invited to your room and talk about boys, school, dresses, asshole teachers... everything!"

Maggie laughed for the first time. Then, she turned suddenly gloomy.

"What's wrong, Maggie?" I saw a tear begin to form on her eyelid. "Jesus, Maggie, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."

"Oh, it's nothing," she gulped, as another tear fell on her cheek. She wiped it away with a finger.

"Friends tell friends what's wrong, Maggie."

She wiped her hand through her left eye. "I was just thinking about my aunt and uncle. My mother's sister passed away about this time last year and we were so close to Aunt Mary and Uncle Terry. It's why I went home. To see my Mama. You see. Mama and Aunt Mary are twins. Identical twins. And she needed me. I needed her."

"Baby!" I quickly stood and pulled my chair around next to Maggie, sat and pulled her into a hug. Maggie wept in my arms for about a minute or two. I could feel the hurt myself.

"I'm good," she croaked, as she pulled away from me and wiped the tears from her cheeks. I wiped my tears away, too. "So." She choked on her tears again, as she pulled a tissue from her purse. "Just friends, huh?"

"Absolutely. And I have a wonderful idea. I want you to meet Jenny. She's a year older than us and she's majoring in Finance, too. I'm sure you'll love her, and she might be able to help with some of your homework, if you need it. She aced her SAT... 1,600."

Her eyebrow arched. "OK."

Over the remainder of the semester, I made a point to stop by Maggie's room, invite her to my room and visit with me and Jenny. We had fun just talking. Gossip on our floors. The cute boys in the lounge. Dresses, shopping, and... lingerie. I wiggled an eyebrow to both Jenny and Maggie.

And Jenny was getting serious bad with Alex. Or good, if you prefer. And he was getting serious with Jenny. It was fun to hear her tell us how much she was in love with him. I was going to have to thank Lucas again someday.


Lisa and I were driving to Strong Arm Cross Fit... grinning with wicked smiles on our lips.

I had told Lisa about Marcus, and how cute and fit he looked.

"I love black men," she slurred, after I described him. "I think they're sexy and they always drive me insane when I'm in their arms.

I called Marcus and made an appointment on a Tuesday evening. For both of us. We wore our exercise outfits... Sports bra under a light weight and cropped t-shirt, three quarter length leggings, and sturdy, fashionable sneakers... of course. Before we left, I looked at us in the mirror and we were hot. Ponytails high on our heads to show off our petite shoulders and necks. Our tummies flashing between the leggings waist and our cropped shirts. Lisa's shirt had a wide neck and fell off her right shoulder to her arm. Cold shoulder. She was really hot.

Marcus was waiting on us when we entered the building and he seemed truly happy to see me again. He quickly gave us the once over and I could tell he was already interested. He arched an eyebrow at me...

"Your man ever show up?"

I shook my head. I wished he hadn't brought up Donald.

"Good. You're better off without his sorry ass. Any man leave you behind, don't know what he had in the first place."

Lisa looked at me a little funny. I knew I was going to explain, "my man," to her later. I'd have to come up with something.

"OK, ladies," as he looked us up good again. "Any experience with cross training for either of you?" We shook are heads and smiled.

"Right; don't want my ladies hurt, now. We goin' easy tonight. Light and easy and we see how you do." He quickly gave us another once over, turned and waved us to follow his perky cute butt to the free weights. Lisa elbowed me as she ogled his ass. I giggled. I smiled at the men and women who stopped to check us out.

He stationed Lisa first on a machine where you stand beneath a bar across your neck and shoulders, and you do deep knee bend squats with the weight on the shoulders. He didn't put a lot of weight on the machine.

"You go easy, Lisa. I don't need to see if you can break the equipment. I just wanna see your form as you bend at the knee and squat. You're not here to impress." He smiled to her.

As Lisa did her weight squats, I was getting turned on. She looked hot. Satisfied Lisa wasn't going too fast, he took me to another machine and I did my squats. He stepped back so he could see us both, crossed his arms across his chest and smiled a wicked smile. We smiled, too.

"This way!" he barked, after he safely removed me from the machine. For the next 30 minutes, we tried different sets of equipment that toned our arms, backs, tummies, chests, arms, shoulders, wrists, and ankles. I knew I was going to be sore when I got home... it had been four weeks since I went with Mommy to Pilates.

"So, ladies," he said, as he clapped his hands together. "We like what we got here? Interested in a membership?"

Lisa didn't waste any time. She stepped into Marcus' personal space and...

"I like what I got right here, Marcus." I saw her brush the back of her hand across his cock. Right there in the middle of the gym floor. I looked around to see if anyone saw it.

"Along with the rest of him." She wiggled an eyebrow at him.

"Well, Lisa. I like your attitude. I mean, with the equipment." He wiggled an eyebrow. "I tell you what." He took a step back and gestured toward the front entrance.