Amy's Story, A Prequel Pt. 01


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Lisa took his neck and pulled him into one of the most romantic kisses I've ever seen.

Needless to say, Lisa went to Strong Arm Cross Fit once every two weeks or so, depending on Marcus' schedule. I'm giggling here.

I, on the other hand, restarted my Pilates and yoga with Mommy on my free Saturday mornings. I love my Mommy more than anything in this world, and I thrive spending time with her as much as I can.

I hooked up with Lisa and Marcus a second time before the end of the semester and it was just as thrilling and enjoyable as the first. I gave my "fee and tip" to Lisa to pass along to Marcus at the gym.

Chapter 12

I finally got Lucas to send me a schedule for the next spring tennis meet at SMU. I couldn't get to the last tennis meet of the first semester. Accounting homework. Geez.

I gathered up twelve girls from the dormitory and we walked to the tennis center on Saturday to watch him and Cole play. Of course, I couldn't go to a tennis match without dressing for the occasion.

I went to the pro shop at the country club, tried on some outfits and ordered two cute tennis sets and new bright white tennis shoes to go with them. When they arrived at the shop, I tried them on.

The first set was a pleated white skirt with a tight fitting frilly panty and, a light pink, button front, light weight cardigan sweater; short sleeve. The sweater allowed a tiny bit of my tummy to show. I was smoking hot in it, too. Mommy waved her hand in front of her face, as though she was hot, as I came out of the dressing room. I squeaked and hugged her. I wore this set today.

The other set was a white pleated skirt with a 1/2 inch red and blue stripe near the skirt hem. A matching light weight 3/4 sleeve, pullover, white sweater with the red and blue stripes at the neck (the sweater neck covering half my neck) and striped on the sleeve cuffs. Again, I bought a frilly panty for this one, too. I would wear this set on Sunday for the second day of the meet.

I was hot in this one, too and this time, the pro shop girl waved a hand in front of her face and told me not to catch fire! I hugged her neck and told her thank you!

It was a pleasant day and all the girls wore their "stay in the sun" outfits. Many wore short short denim shorts, aka Daisy Dukes, with thin strap mini tank tops. Some wore crop tops and nylon athletic shorts. Some wore leggings and cold shoulder tops. One girl had this really cute one shoulder, cold shoulder top with a neck ring... white. She was wearing a white tennis skirt, too. I liked it.

Finally... I got Maggie Grayson out of the dormitory to have some fun with the girls. I told her it was too pretty of a day to study boring accounting and political science. I'm sure my mouth fell open when she appeared at my room.

Stressed and ripped denim Daisy Dukes and a red mini-tank top, thin straps, and shelf bra. Showing some skin on her tummy and the top of her Dukes partially covered her belly button. When she turned away from me, my eyes nearly rolled out of my head and onto the floor. She was showing just a tiny, tiny hint of butt cheek from her shorts. Her top showed off her feminine shoulders and neck. It was absolutely perfect for her five feet six inches and slender build. And the best part... she actually made some friends that day. I was so happy for her.

When we showed up in the stands, I found Lucas and Cole immediately. I waved and Lucas waved me over to the edge of the stands so we could talk. I bent over the rail, on purpose, to show everyone my frilly panties, and greeted Lucas.

The courts are a good eight feet below the edge of the stands and one has to look down on the players. As Lucas looked up at me, he noticed men and women pointing at me as I wiggled my cute ass at them.

"You're something, Masters. Showing up here looking smoking hot. I love your cute outfit. I'm sure I won't get any attention today, because of you." He laughed as he gestured to the crowd looking at us. I waved the girls over and I introduced them to Lucas.

"Thanks, girls. It really means a lot to have the students show up to watch us play."

Cole came over and thanked them, too.

I wanted to hug and kiss them both, but the fans weren't allowed on the courts.

That afternoon, Lucas and Cole crushed the doubles team from Tulsa in straight sets and made it to the next round. Lucas then had to hustle to another court for a singles match against a ranked opponent from Navy. Again, Lucas beat him in straight sets. Cole took five sets to beat his singles opponent from Navy and advanced to the next round.

It was so hot watching Lucas and his athletic skills. Tossing the ball for service and crushing it toward his opponent. It was a masterpiece of skill. Cole was good, too, but it was clear he didn't have the same elite skills Lucas possessed.

The girls and I watched the brothers defeat a doubles team from Navy, watched Cole go down to an opponent from Tulsa, and Lucas again crushed a singles opponent from Navy. The brothers would play for the meet championship in doubles on Sunday and Lucas for the championship in singles.

The girls and I met the Beebe brothers afterward outside the locker room. I squealed and skipped into each of their arms. Congratulating them. The girls did the same. After a few minutes, I saw Cole talking to Maggie and my eyebrows arched as I saw Maggie pull a strand of hair behind her ear and dip her chin.

Wow... Maggie Grayson. Maybe there's hope.

The next day, I appeared at the finals in my cute second tennis outfit. Many of the girls didn't come on this day because of other commitments, but... to my surprise Maggie was at the tennis center before I arrived.

"Maggie?" I said, with a little surprise in my tone. I widened my eyes, arched an eyebrow, and parked my hands on my hips...waiting for an answer after I hugged her.

"Do you know Cole very well?" She looked and said it with some shyness.

"I do... he's friends with Claire and Emily. They're all from Nacogdoches. He and Lucas are fraternal twins and they've been playing tennis since they were little boys." I stepped into her personal space and again, waited for an answer.

"He is cute, don't you think?"

I squeaked and hugged her neck. "He is," I whispered. "Do you want me to talk to him? To see if he likes you?"

I could tell she wanted to know, but she wasn't going to ask me. I kissed her on the lips, pulled her ear to my mouth and... "I'll find out."

After Lucas and Cole won the doubles match and Lucas won the singles, we waited for the boys to appear at the locker room. Cole sidestepped Lucas, avoided me and went straight to Maggie, who was hanging back from the parents and friends of the players. I thought...

Playing a little hard to get, are we Maggie? Making Cole find and come to you. You conniving little fox.

I stood there with my hands on my hips, watching the two smile to one another, when I felt two strong hands slip around my waist from behind and hug my tummy.

A whisper in my ear... "Thanks for coming to watch us play. You really made my weekend."

I placed a hand on the side of his face and pressed his cheek into my cheek. My other hand covering his hands on my tummy, pushing my back and ass into him. I moaned a, "you're welcome," hum.

"And, you are really, really hot in your outfit. I think the women on the team are jealous." He chuckled into my neck as he kissed me there. I twirled in his arms to face him and kissed him on the lips.

"Congratulations, Lucas. You were hot, too. Beating those poor boys to death in straight sets like that." He chuckled, while he still held me close. "I would love to congratulate you personally, if you like." I wiggled an eyebrow.

He groaned and shook his head. "I would love nothing better, Amy. But one more time with you, and I'd be dragging your cute ass back to my cave forever."

Lucas had to leave to meet up with some friends, so I followed along with Cole and Maggie on our way back to the dorm. I kept my mouth closed and my ears open.

It was obvious, the two were fascinated with one another. A new and fresh relationship trying to find a place to take root through questions about each other. When we arrived at the dorm lounge, they peeled off and sat on the couch together. I... went to my room. Changed clothes and opened my novel... my assignment for English.


I turned from Emily and Claire's room because they weren't there. I went to the third floor to see Lisa. When I knocked on Lisa's door, Cynthia answered, and after hugging her, I stepped inside. Lisa pointed to her books and notes on her desk and shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm behind on my work, Amy. Sorry." She squeaked her last word. Her squeaks are cute. I hugged and kissed her, then left. I was about to go to Maggie's room, when...

Alice Nishamura met me in the hall.

"Hi, Amy. You here to see Lisa?"

"She's studying," I said, as I gestured over my shoulder to her room. I was momentarily taken aback by her voice. It was the most strongly accented Texan and feminine voice. I didn't expect it from her. Clearly, her family had been in Texas for some time.

I gave Alice my very best smile. This was the first time I really had a chance to visit with her and I wanted to be her friend. It isn't often I see others who are shorter than myself. My first estimate of four feet eleven inches tall, several weeks ago at the lingerie show, dissolved quickly with her standing next to me. Five feet for sure. Two inches shorter than me. She was tiny. Maybe 95 pounds. Her black eyes were exotic, surrounded by her sexy almond shaped eyelids... and, her hair was so black, it sheened in blues when the light hit it just right. It was in a pony tail today. I moaned in my thoughts.

She was wearing a loose gray t-shirt, gray nylon jogging shorts and white tennis shoes with ankle socks. She was cute with her smile, too. Her mouth was tiny and her eyes appeared to close when she smiled. She was very pretty.

"I enjoyed the lingerie show. You and Lisa were the hottest girls there."

"Thank you," I replied. "I noticed you, too, Alice. I loved your white and lacy lingerie."

Her eyes widened and I suppose she was surprised I remembered.

She turned and looked back down the hall and then faced me.

"Can we talk? You know, in my room. My roommate is gone to her boyfriend's."

My heart skipped a beat and I nodded. "Sure."

Alice gestured to one of the beds to sit on and she sat across from me on the other bed. Her bed, I supposed. As she scooted backward and leaned against the wall, she bent her knees in front of her chest... and my eyes zeroed right into the legs of her nylon shorts. I could see her white panty covered mound and my heart skipped again. I looked back up and she was smiling at me. I wiggled an eyebrow and smiled.

"Cute shorts, Alice. Where'd you get them?"

"Back home in Lufkin." She drew out her words, and again, her Texas accent was cute.

Now, Lufkin is in East Texas and everything is very Texan there, including accents.

"Alice, you have a very cute accent. One wouldn't normally associate a cute Japanese girl from Lufkin."

"My Daddy's a fishing guide. He knows every fishing hole in all of East Texas and his customers never leave unhappy, or he refunds their money. He doesn't refund much, either." She giggled. "He's been doing it since he was fourteen. My grandparents moved to Lufkin in the 1960s from California. Daddy met my Mama in San Diego when he was in the Navy. And, yeah... Boys have been tryin' to get into my panties because I'm Asian and I speak Texan." She gut laughed and I did, too.

We spent twenty or so minutes exchanging information about ourselves. This is her third year at SMU and she is on a scholarship. She'd dated lots of boys in Lufkin and some on campus, but she really wanted to meet and marry a Japanese American boy. And, there just weren't that many of them in Texas. Through a dating website, she had messaged and video called some boys from the Seattle area, where there is a vibrant Japanese American community. But, her scholarship was specific to SMU. She was seriously considering moving to Seattle when she graduated... For the purpose of finding a husband and raising a family. Oh... she was majoring in mass communications. Then...

She paused, looked out the window and curled her arms around her knees in front of her... closing the view of her panties. She turned back to me.

"Lisa tried hitting on me last fall when school started. And, I know you and Lisa have become good friends." She winked at me and I smiled. She took a deep breath.

"Just once. I would like to know what it would be like to be with a woman. But, I just couldn't bring myself to go through with it." I arched an eyebrow. Where was this going?

"I know, for sure, I want a husband. I'm attracted to all men who are cute and kind. But, I've been curious about a woman." She breathed hard again. "When Lisa... Well, she came on a little too hard and I didn't want to be made out as a lesbian because of her."

"Can I sit next to you, Alice? So you can tell me what you want and feel comfortable about it." She nodded. I skipped across the short distance to her bed and sat against the wall next to her. I took her right hand and looked to my left. God, she's pretty.

"Sweetie, I'm hearing a very sexy woman tell me something she may have never told anyone else before. I can tell you want a man and a family." She nodded as she squeezed my hand with hers. "You don't have to do this, Alice. Your curiosity. Do you think you can go the rest of your life without exploring your curiosity?"

"I thought I could until a few weeks ago at the lingerie show. Then, I saw you."

My heart didn't skip a beat. It skipped two. "Thank you, that's sweet. But..."

She put a finger over my lips to stop me. Examining my eyes and lips.

"Look... I wouldn't have given it another thought after the lingerie show, because I didn't think I would ever have a chance to be a friend with you. But when you and I met in the hallway. I had to say something then or else it wouldn't have happened again." Her eyes focused on me. She looked at my lips, my nose, my eyes, my smile.

"I've been thinking... Imagining really, being with you. For just once. And then, I want to be your friend until I graduate. You are so pretty and if I could choose that someone, it would be you."

"Alice... I can be your friend without being your lover. I want you to be so, so absolutely sure about this. Once you cross the line, it can't be returned."

She replied by leaning toward me and kissing me. A tentative kiss. She pulled away and looked at me. I smiled and I saw her weaken. I kissed her.

I touched her lips with my tongue and she received me. I pushed her backward and we laid on our sides facing each other. I placed my hand on her cheek and caressed her. I pushed a strand of hair behind her cute ear.

"One last chance, Alice," I whispered.

She closed her eyes and kissed me. Challenging me to a dual with our lips and tongues. She moaned into my mouth and I knew then, there was no turning back for her. I crawled on top while kissing her and pressed my breasts into her chest... I forced my hips forward and pressed against her. She parted her legs and challenged me with her pussy. Her hands on the sides of my face as we kissed. A few kisses later, she reached between us, and slipped her hand into my shorts. She massaged my clit and I moaned into her mouth. I reached between us, touched her shorts...

"We can't," she whispered, after she broke our kiss. "Mary is coming back in a few minutes."

I gulped because I was horny and it was only getting worse.

"Jenny is in my room."

She nodded. "For now, I would like to keep this between us, OK?"

"Our secret, Alice."

She smiled.

"Can we meet again? To start where we left off?"

I rolled off her, hit the floor with my feet, leaned over, grabbed her hands, and pulled her to her feet with me. I pulled her hips toward mine, and she threw her arms around my neck. We kissed like lovers do. She is a very good kisser.

"I'll call you."

She gave me her number, I called her phone, and now, we had each other's phone number.

I kissed her quickly, winked and left her room. I was looking forward to being Alice's friend.


Having finished classes for the day, I unlocked the door to my room, stepped in and found Alex and Jenny in each other's arms. They were looking at me with, "I just got caught" looks on their faces. They were cute and I laughed as I tossed my backpack on the bed.

"Am I interrupting anything?" I faux teased them.

"Just leaving, Amy. Just needed another kiss from my girl." Still with Jenny in his arms... His eyes drinking in his girl. "I'll stop by after spring practice, Jenny. I love you."

He leaned in and kissed her a good one. Jenny had her hand on his neck and her other hand on his huge chest. He smiled after breaking their kiss, turned for the door and... I swatted a hand across his huge athletic ass as he passed. It felt like striking a stone. He didn't flinch, opened the door, turned to see Jenny with a smile and I saw his six feet four inches, 270 pounds disappear behind the closed door.

I turned to Jenny with an arched eyebrow.

"I... love... you?" I asked with a wicked grin. I took her into my arms and kissed her.

"I love him, too."

I never saw a more, happy face than the one I was seeing from Jenny. I suddenly got sad, fearing Jenny would be leaving me someday for Alex.

Jenny was gathering her things for her next class and someone knocked on the door. I answered it...


Smiling a happy smile.

I kissed her and pulled her into the room.

"Jenny, this is Alice. She lives on the third floor."

"Hi ya, Alice. I've seen you around. Look, I've got to go to class. Will you be here when I get back in an hour?"

"I'm only staying for a short while. I've got homework waiting on me." Alice and Jenny smiled to each other, then Jenny disappeared out the door.

Alice turned to me and smiled a happy smile. She was wearing a pretty blue sun dress with matching sandals. She looked great.

"I saw you entering the dorm while I was coming back from class. I figured... you might have some... time?"

She was so cute asking her question. So innocent like. I took her into my arms and whispered in her ear.

"I will always make time for you, Lover."

I looked for a sign and she smiled. Now, with only one hour, this couldn't be the romantic encounter I would have preferred.

I quickly locked the door, turned and saw Alice unbuttoning the front of her dress. A smile of unknown anticipation greeted me.

I unzipped my skirt, unbuttoned my short sleeve sweater and tossed both to the side. I stepped from my heels, reached behind my back and unhooked my bralette. Alice gasped.

"You are so beautiful, Amy. Your boobs are... perfect." I didn't reply. I crossed the room and raked her dress over her slender hips, ordered her to step out and tossed it to the side. She unhooked her bra and tossed it. I was a little surprised.

For such a tiny girl, I expected tiny breasts. But she had some perky breast flesh that matched her tiny torso perfectly. Although small, there was enough to have fun with. Her nipples and areola were a very dark brown.

I took her into my arms and kissed her. Knocking on her lips with my tongue. She answered with her own tongue and she kissed me like I remembered six days ago. She broke our kiss...

"I want you to teach me to... cunnilingus. To kiss you."

"Honey, we don't have time for lessons. If Jenny gets out of class early, we're toast!"

I stepped back, peeled my panties over my ankles and she did the same. Her pubic hair... it was fine and black and... straight. I had never seen pubic hair which was straight. It's usually curly and wavy on most people. I need to get a closer look.