An Act of Kindness


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"One moment my love," she spoke with such gentle kindness before staring down at her dad, "father...Pig...You've ruined my life," she spoked crotch down staring at him, "you've never shown me, love, you've never shown me kindness...But if that never happened I would have never met Leo...So I won't come after you for revenge...And I'll be happy with justice."

She spoke glaring down at the tiered man slowly about to pass out, she slapped his face grabbing him.

"At this moment, you are no longer my father...Your just a Pig, a bad dream, a nightmare...So I want to ask one single question before I move on with my life and move on with Leo...if you have any tiny shred of love for me in that blacken heart of yours, you will answer my question."

The two stared at each other waiting eager for this unknown question

"Who is my mother?" She demanded.

The man gasped staring, I expected him to say silent, he just looked so tired, so dead.

"Trina Petal," he spoked coughing out blood, "your real mother's name is Trina Petal...She normally calls herself...Madam Seduction."


"Yes...That was her stage name...It how she...Seduced me and gave me everything I wanted, some I didn't even know I wanted myself, it's why I was so obsessed when she just left me, dumped you with me when my life fell to hell...I wanted to find her but she disappeared and I grew to resent her...You do look so much like her...I'm a scumbag father that just tiered...I won't fight, I won't come after you no matter whatever comes next...Just leave me with my memories."

"Your lucky I'm being so merciful...You don't even deserve those memories."

Penny said frowned standing up taking my hand and walking off, her legs shaking her face trying to be strong, my dad slowly followed silently like a mouse...She stopped at the basement door.

"I'm no longer Penny Candle...Even if I hate my mother...I will bear her name...Penny Petal."

And like that we moved up the stairs to the first room, the place was like a bungalow, looked around seeing the front door had been busted in, straight ahead was a hallway going...Somewhere.

"My home...My," she dropped to her knees shivering, crying, I was there her holding her as she held me, "is it over...Is it really over?" she begged, looking at me with her sparkling dark blue eyes.

With a gentle smile looking at my girlfriend I nodded, "yeah, they won't hurt you any more."

"And I'll make sure of it," my dad join in with a grin, "you're a part of the family now Penny."

She nodded with a smile, "thank you," leaning into my chest, "thank you," she sobbed at the end.

"Titus!" shouted a voice, coming through the front door was Uncle Tommy and Gem both of them together they saw us, then my dad...And then his fist.

"My god what happens, I told you to wait for me!"

"I heard my son screaming! I wasn't going to stand by and wait."

Tommy froze looking to the crying sobbing Penny and myself holding her.

"Is...the bastard down there."

"Yeah but be careful what you see."

He acknowledged it the two best friends staring at each other like a wolf and lion a mutual understanding,

"We will investigate, please wait here for a moment."

The two hurried down Titus leaning on the old ruined wall growling that adrenaline and rage still in her system grabbing a smoke from his pocket, Penny was suddenly up holding my hand and pulling me with her I look back at my Dad, a single look saying, 'look after her'.

Down the hallway, at the end she hesitated before a single door, her trembling hand at the nob, she steeled herself up before opening it, inside we entered what looked like a bedroom, only it was barren, dirty a single mattress and a blanket in the corner, the place looked like shit, god, was this her bedroom? No wonder she slept so well in my bed.

"Penny...Are you ok?"

She just stood silently looking for something she hurried toward the wall scratching away at the wall trying to find something a secret compartment.

"There was one thing I ever wanted from this place...I wanted to go here but was too scared to go...I want to be with you."

Before I could she pulled and a secret compartment opened in the wall...Penny gasped in relief when she saw something...Something precious to her still sitting there, she grabbed an old ruined stuffed mouse, a little big, dirty and old, missing an eye and a chunk of it hear the once white soft fur was dirty and ruined, all of it body showed wear and tear, with a simple crude attempt at patching the rabbit up...She held it tightly.

"I'm so glad that Pig hadn't found her."


she turned passing the old mouse, "my only friend, my stuffed mouse, Tiny...I know it silly but-"

"It not silly," I said gently feeling the old thing, "my sister used to keep stuff animals."

She smiled taking back the mouse plushie, holding it.

"I...Want to move on from my past, but I don't know if I could throw Tiny away, she helped me through so much, it was the only thing father let me keep, for a while before I had to hide her...I don't know what to do."

I slowly came over an idea coming to my mind, she flinched a little at me holding her but she le me, her breath increasing rapidly.

"You know my mum can fix her up," I said her breathing stopped looking focused, "I know it's a part of your past, but think about how she will look all fixed up...Your'll never be able to forget it, much like the mouse like you, but once done with a and tender care it'll be like a new mouse, like a new you, it's still the same old mouse but better...Like how you will be," I said truly my hardest to make her feel better...She smiled at my answer nodding.

"I like that, I'll have you mum fix it, but...I-I really...Really want to go home."

I nodded at her answer coming out telling her little about my dad and why he was never around, we came seeing Uncle Tommy and my dad talking with gem leaning on the world her face flushed.

"You really did do a number on him."

"Yeah I know but I don't care he beat my son and was about to rape his own daughter I just...Snapped."

"But it too much," Gem said coming in, "did he attack you first?"

He nodded, "he had a hammer swung it at me, so I fracture his wrist...And the other...And his ankle."

"Jesus Christ buddy, I was happy to hear you were In town but for this...It going to take a lot to cover up."

"Cover-up?" Gem joined in, "we can't simply cover this up," she spoke her honour talking now, "this was more than self-defence this was a savage attack, even on the girl too, We need to report everything that happened, we maintain the law, no matter how-"

"Gem," uncle Tommy's voice said, it was firm yet mild, he lightly put his hand on her the girl shoulder, "I know you're a girl that very, very much by the books...I'm not forcing you into anything but, sometimes we need to stretch the truth and sweep some secrets under the rug...To ensure no one else is hurt," he spoke noticing Penny and pointing to her, "look the girl...Look at this place, look at what happened here imagine what would have happened if we or Titus go here five minutes later, do you believe a man like him deserves justice? This was karma and a man defending his child, and now we will be the justice, we will take this man and ensure he never hurt a single person again and the girl knew full well of what was happening and let it happen...Do you want others to be dragged down and suffer because of what they did?"

She stiffened looking to tell holding her stuffed mouse holding onto me she had found her answer straightening her police hat.

"I didn't know being of the force would be this bad...but I understand Captain, I'll help in any way I can...The girl deserves a life free from worry."

He smiles, we all smiled and even my dad.

"Thank you, Gem, and besides, we can get a free round of drink out of Titus."


"Oh yes buddy," Tommy turned with a grin, "you know when you always mess something up back In the day I always cleaned it up and you always bought beer. Even all these year later nothing changes."

"Fuck you, you old wolf."

"You too, you stinky lion."

The two friends laughing Penny and myself gave a full description on what happened, including Penny being drugged with that pill...Finding it strangely having little effect on her, yet she did look uncomfortable, twitchy and clingy.

With the last goodbye, both officers left with both criminals in cuffs, Penny didn't even look at them, it was truly over when that door slam and the car drove away. Before we left with dad walking home, ever second since we left her gotten more and more feisty, more clingy. Dad asks if she was ok and she just mentioned the pills and what they actually did...How she felt...Hot...Wild. He gave a weird look before we quickly hurried back homecoming to the front do, I was practically supporting her now the drugs must have been kicking in, I was scared for her.

"Leo! Penny!" My mother shouted rushing and hugging us both, "oh my babies what happened!"

"He was kidnapped...held by her father and his evil daughter."

"My god...that fucking cunt!" she almost screamed, "I-I swear once I get my hands on them I'll-"

"Don't worry, Tommy and his lantern have them, I doubt he's ever going to see the light of day again."

"Right...I got so worried when you didn't come back but-"

"Honey," my dad said suddenly...he only said that when he was serious, "they've had a hectic day and let them to rest...I promise Tommy drinks."

"Drink? Drink! That's what you're thinking about! You-"

Suddenly he whispered something in her ear...Something I didn't hear over Penny's breath which had quickly slowly started to grind herself on me.

"So I thought your stressed I'm stressed so, lets get fucking wasted, Leo and Penny will be safe together, I'm sure of it."

My mother looked nervous but nodded, "y-yeah...Your right...I hope you...Both look after each other."

Quickly they both got sorted grabbed a wallet and left, but not before day turn and gave me a grinning wink, I just stood there confused looking.

"What was that-"

Suddenly Penny charges me, slamming me against the wall I looked at her seeing the wildest look I had ever seen in my life.

"I can't hold back any more!"


She clawed at my arm dragging me upstairs to my room pulling me with the strength of a lion, holy shit the floors was dripping with her justices, she threw her old toy on the chair before staring at me.

"Penny what is-"

"The fucking pills!" she shouted, "they did affect me and I'm going fucking crazy," she growled pushing me into my room and throwing me to the bed, slamming the door, the curtains were open revealing the pure blood moon, leaving the room In a gentle red glow before I didn't have a chance to respond before she pounced and jumped on top of me.

"All those pill, since that pig stuffed in me I've wanted to go fucking wild! ape shit crazy! I wanted to rape you! It took everything inch of will power to no submit to that Pig...My body is already yours the countless time we fuck I wasn't let anyone in but you, I had to focus everything on you to control myself and even after walking home, getting in with your parents there I was about to fucking break!"

Holy shit I never seen her this crazy before, just what were those pills, Penny clawed at the dress exposing her breasts, then she clawed at my trousers almost tearing them off leaning my both half-naked I always slowly getting hard form the situation I didn't have time to reach before she was straddling me and forced my cock inside her, under that dress.

She was wet and tight, wetter than ever before, Penny screamed in delight, I couldn't see what happen but I could feel it, I always wanted to fuck her in that dress and not seeing it just added to the pleasure.

"Finally! I'm full!"

She shouted before orgasm...Started fucking me, there was no other word for it riding me like a bull, her breast jiggled her increasingly sensitive body her mind being unable to handle it but somehow did ever hard slam made her orgasm, like a mechanical bull she didn't stop, she's never been this rough before, and I was fucking loving it.

Her hand pressed in mine holding me to the bed it was clear tonight she was the one In control grinding smashing she would wild kiss me and bite my neck hard leaving a red mark on me.

"Perfect!" she shouted slamming again and again.

Through the wild feral fucking my mind wandered back to that basement what Penny said.

"You...Want to be my wife?"

She froze started down at me...The lioness Penny was, "yes...y-your future wife, I can't be without you, and you can't be without's the next step for us, a-and I want to be full with your children."

A wild grinned formed before she stared riding me again looking crazy like the first day we had sex.

"Nice and full with all you babies, I'll have as many children as you want...fuck me" she orgasmed again, "L-Lets try something special, how about we do some role-playing...Fucking as if where making children...As if it's our wedding night and you want to...Needed to breed your fertile new wife!"

Holy shit she was losing her mind stuck in a fantasy if this helped her through the drug then I'll indulge her.

"Alright then!" I shouted fighting back and grabbing her hips slamming into her, "I'll fuck you dear...I'll pump a baby into you...My sweet new wife."

She lost it, orgasming again at the word it certainly made it more sensitive...I was feeling it now, my body slowly turning more and more sensitive like hers, was this a side effect? Fucking a Lust Drug girl spread to the guy? I couldn't explain it but it made everything so much better.

I was close to coming she didn't enough slowly own when ignored, she lunges and kissed me bring me over the edge blasting my cum inside her, she moaning In response, as I did my date on top of me in that beautiful dress her breast out cumming like a mindless animal.

Her body reached sucking me like in with a strength I didn't expect she was still on the pill right? Yeah, she was I didn't need to worried about that...She started moving again.

"W-Wait! I-"

"I'm sorry I can't handle it! My body wants more! it hotter than it ever been before! I need more, more orgasms more of you cum I just a puppet Leo my body and mind are the ones In control and they all want you!"

Fuck I was quickly getting hard her juices, her saliva being like some aphrodisiac, another effect of the pills? Once I was hard she really started riding me again until I came again, after a few minutes she started riding again quickly getting me hard, I growled not want to be below the whole time I pushed her on to her back her leg locked back me waist forcing me into her refusing to let it stop.

I had gone wild, she wanted to drain everything out of me...So I'll let her, thrusting it no her face her sweet face was losing it, she worked at getting the dress off as I worked on the shirt we wanted to be naked, we wanted to be close she didn't care about the hair or makeup we remove and threw the cloths to the ground, all peeled away all while fucking at the same time...That all we wanted to do.

"Yes, Darling! You so big inside me!"

"It feels good...Dear."

She orgasmed again at the nickname, pushing everything I could inside her driven by the sound of my own heartbeat wanting her, needing her it was so primal the way she coiled around me, pulsing flesh against blast focusing on my raw tip I had cum four time now and was ready for another.

"You going cum!" she announced that excited look in her eye, "do inside me! Pump that baby seed in me, make me you breeding bitch, your wife make me yours!"

She really did like dirty talk but I loved it too with another slam I pounding into her and pumped my cum a fifth time into her body, filling her womb to the brim, she orgasm, again and again, mini orgasms shooting through her body like live wires, she was going insane.

After we fucked some more...and more it never ended her sex drive was out of control, but it had spread to me, using ever potions under the sun to enhance the experiences. Sometimes she was on top, sometimes I was, we even did anal it was easy with my cock being covered in her juices which had strangely started seeming like lube...It was like her body had become perfect for sex itself.

We fucked non stop for hours wondering about mum and dad but the never came home. Fucking until we were close to passing out...Taking a break. We held each other gasping for air and water quickly getting some downstairs before falling into bed together.

I noticed Penny was crying.

"Dear? You ok?"

She smiled through her tears, "their tears of joy Leo...i no longer need to worry about them and I have you now...Forever?"

I was left thinking that, forever, could I handle that being with her forever? Seeing that look her sweet smile her cute face her dark blue eye and hair I quickly found my answer.

"Yeah...Forever...Worst first date ever huh."

She squealed hugging me, "y-yeah...At least it had a happy ending...Thank you...You wanna get married after graduation?"

I froze blushed a little, "m-marriage? S-So soon?"

"Yeah, why not?"

"Err...well...I kinda like the idea of, girlfriend, boyfriend stuff...But don't worry it will happen."

She shrugged, happily with answering, holding my hand, content to know that it will happen but not yet she was patience girl.

"Ok then...But not too long or I'm the one that going to propose to you in public."

"N-No I will be the one!"

"Tough luck my love," she giggled kissing me pressing her body and grabbing my cock, which slowly hardened, "sorry, my body, it feels so different and...I want you."

With only a tender smile I thought back on everything how I met a sweet innocent girl, discovered she wasn't so innocent and fell in love with her and now we were madly rutting like animals in bed.

"I want you to babe...I love you."

"I love you too Leo."

As we begin to make love again losing ourselves to the pleasure, fucking under the pure blood moon.


It's been a week since that night, well a week and a day making it a lovely Saturday morning. A lot had happened, first, it took two full days of non-stop fucking to finally get the pills effects out of her system, our parent understood it's just the drug having its effect...But it also had others.

Her body had permanently changed because of those pills.

It's had become a lot more sensitive with a much higher sex drive, that she could control, her sensitive senses could somehow spread to me during sex making all the new sex with had in-fucking-sane, her saliva and juices now worked as an aphrodisiac and lube, it also tasted nicer than before, mum suggested we went to the hospital but Penny refused, saying she felt better than before really, so not all bad, Penny didn't mind, liking it actually, her skin, her body looking more health and brighter...strangely from all the sex we had.

We were sore after those days, we had rested for another day to tiered, and hungry to do was the best nap I ever had with Penny in my arms, it was perfect.

A few days later 2 strange people came they were extremely nice calling themselves 'SPG Agents' a kinda undercover police force sent to investigate the lust pills, the man and the effects...form the report of how many Penny had, she should have died from overdosing but finding her alive and well was a miracle, they asked about physical changes we were nervous but the one calling himself Agent-P was very kind and understanding you could just see it we only spent a few minutes with him and we trusted trusting him, he looked like a good man and his partner a tough woman called Agent-G stood and watch over protectively.
