An Act of Kindness


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"NO! Why would you believe him! Over me! Your on me forever second of every day! I never get a moment alone because of you!" I shouted staring into the broken girl, "But I don't mind! I've been helping you the best I could, I've done nothing but help you the past weeks to make you happy! I'm truly trying my best to help you! But you obsession with me leaving you! I shouted countless times I wouldn't...But you never fucking believe me! No matter how much I say it or not you never believe me! Why!?" I shouted my own fears coming to me, like a ghost crawling up my spine...The nightmares of my past, I gave her a wild look, "Maybe I was right...Maybe you don't love me...And just in love with the idea of me."

Gasping for air she quickly got up hollow like...Something inside her broke, crying she just ran past me than past Matt and the girl, the both of them stop watching the girl.

"Woah guess she learned the truth huh, better luck next time...Maybe if the bitch would of bang ya you might of care...Dumb crybaby cunt."

I snapped, like an animal I charged Matt rising my fist and smashing him in the face knocking him out to the hard ground.

"Don't you ever talk about her like that! You aren't even worth the ground she touches!" I roared filled with rage.

"Matt!" She shouted coming to his head he was already knocked, out, "you brute! You monster! You!"

"Save it you idiot," I shouted silencing her going to his bag opening up and quickly found the pills getting it out for everyone to see, "here this is it! the very thing I was warning you about!" passing the bottle to the surprised girl, "he was going to drug you and then rape you! Then get you addicted to them and turn you into his personal dumb bimbo fuck toy...Would someone who loves you do that!?"

She stared in disbelief looking and reading the pill probably seeing the warning written on the side she turn back now just sad.

"I don't care if you believe me I was only trying to help you...There only one type of girl for me...And she running away," I spoke before parting through the crowd easily, trying to find Penny.

Leaving the ground looking around in the distance I saw her running with her small ruin backpack heading west past my home...To the edge for the edge of town...Where the old iron bridge was...I panicked, sprinting after her.

"Penny!" I shouted.

She already had a head start but I sprinted after her fuel on adrenaline and fear, but she was fast...Really fast, I knew I shouldn't of snap at her, now because of Matt and everything it just been one hell of a fucking day.

God I didn't want to think of what the girl was thinking, ruining through her over-sensitive mind, the town wasn't very big but us sprinting non-stop for ten-minute straight seeing the familiar Flintin sign, she came to the edge of the item bridge a walkway for people to get on yet there was no one there.

She got to the middle and turned...Gazing down at the almost bottom clove was a raging river below, that while look in her eye as she held the rail...Dead and hollow just her like soul.

"Penny!" I screamed finally get to the bridge.

She turned surprised before holding on top it lifting herself.

"D-Don't come any closer!" She shouted.

I could only freeze my worst nightmare coming true, like a dog I did just standing there excised my body burning for rest yet I didn't listen.

"Penny...Please...You make a mistake."

She was still crying her face covered in dried tear but she frowned.

"No! My life has been a mistake! Everything all of this is a mistake!"

"I-It's not...P-Please baby, step away from the rail I don't want you to get hurt."

"Why!? I knew you were going to leave me...I knew this all would turn out like this! I knew I could never find true happiness...And I'm so tiered with it all"

"What!? I don't understand!? and I make you a promise I wouldn't leave you! Your not believe me again! What about everything you said on that Friday...When I found out the truth"

She sniffed, "I lied! Yet...I didn't! I really do love you but I expected you to turn your back on me making me you slave like father did, I would at least had a kinder man than father was but...Then you really was different I got attached and I truly did fall in love with you, you stopped at nothing to make me feel happy, feel safe...I become dependent on you and I become scared you'll get tired and leave me."

"Penny," I said slowly stepping over very, very slowly trying to shift it, "why didn't you tell me? You know you can be open with me."

"B-Because I didn't want to be a pain!" she shouted back shifting away, "I was scared anything bad I did would make you change, that this fairy tale I was living would vanish and I would be back on my mattress back home...They never found father or stepsister but I know they are coming, I don't want to be taken away from you...I don't want this fairy tale to end, I don't want you to throw me away!"

"But I'll never do that! look I'm sorry for snapping at you, I love you...I've said that countless times why won't you believe me!."

"Because my heart wouldn't of been able to handle it," she sobbed staring at me, "Ive been mistreated and lied too all my life...I'm not used to trusting people...And besides i never deserved you, you need a girl like that other one! I'm not as pretty, I can't be popular as her and then you got angry at me because of how fragile I was...I finally made you angry and I hurt you...I've become burdens."

A part of me inside snapped at her word shriving like a snake, my hand were shaking violently, Yet I squeezed them together before looking back at her determined.

"I don't care about her! I care about you! Couples fight all the time but always makeup, I was only trying to help that girl because Matt planned on drugging and rape her!" I shouted her eye wide a little, "I didn't want you to get involved because I know your...Fragile about that type of thing, I didn't want you to have a mental break down...I just want to protect you too...Just...Please just trust me...This once."

She looked down at the river then back to me with a hollowed look on her face

"I-I can't...All my life I've never met a single person who cared about me, then on one random day at one random time you came over and greeted me...I thought you was just like everyone else...But slowly over time we learned about each other, you was kind to me, protective then the day we became a couple...You was happy the look on your face was real, you...Do love me...But...I was scared...Scared that I was a live that I finally open my heart to someone and then a knife would strike it down...I wouldn't of been able to handle it, if that happen...your this perfect kind guy that say he love me...Something I've always wanted, yet I just didn't believe someone like me deserve such a thing I was just waiting for it to be a lie...I'm so tried of being scare, I'm just tried of it, I wish I could just hide away In a hole and so I wouldn't bother anyone. I become addicted to what we had, I needed you and how much scared me, you and amazing man and I'm this broken girl...I didn't deserve you...I never did."

Gasping slowly reach out a hand she saw it tear was still in her hollow eyes.

"You...Need...Help, you need a therapist to talk to they will help you, I will help you, I've never been In love before, I've never let like this with anyone, you can read me, read, my lip read my face...Please, I don't want you to end it I want us to be together...I'm sorry I shouted at you but I wish you would just trust me, and not believe such lies. Just. Come. Please...I need you Penny...your not the only one who became addicted...You not the only one risking it all."

A shiver of life sparked in those dead eyes, quickly I reach a hand out to her...She reaches out...Before hesitating, staring into my eyes she pulled back looking back down to the river...a wild look in her eyes.

"I'm a burden Leo...and I'll always be one, and burdens need to be thrown away."

My heartfelt lei it was going to burst, frozen in fear, forced to watch her make her way on top the rail her bag falling into the endless abyss.

"Please no!" I scream falling to my knee.

She didn't listen.

"Please! I'm begging you don't!"

Again she didn't listen as she stared down at the riving crashing water of her demise knowing it would all be over soon.

"Please don't kill yourself like my sister did!"

The world around us turned dead silent, my screaming voice painfully echoing around us, she awakens from her spell and turned and found me on the floor, on my knees crying, wailing my eyes out broken...The look I gave her...Was just as broken as she hers.

" sister," I whispered, drained, empty. Broken.

Something came alive inside her, after seeing me like that something she felt before like a spark at the sight of a broken face, moving off the rail her eye dead set on me, sprinting toward me, towards the broken boy I reach out to her like a child she embraced me as I just cried I held her tighter than I had ever had before refusing to let go.


She was silent just holding me I was capturing peaceful the wind fades cloud blocked out the sun leaving just two people on the side of a rust old bridge.

"Your...sister?" She whispered.

I nodded, "yes...I'm not as perfect as you think, I have my own trauma, My own demons."

She held me in her arms it what I needed, just sobbing away...I never did cry for a few reasons.

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because, how could I! After everything you've been through...Talking about my own problems it would have been selfish, it's nothing compared to yours."

"It, not a competition Leo...I love you I-"

"If you loved me then why did you try and killed yourself! Leave me alone in this world!" I reacted staring at her face, I couldn't shout because my throat hurt "I need you, there a reason why I'm weren't interested in girls, I tried but I couldn't make that finally leap...Unlike you where I could."

"I'm so sorry," she whimpered rubbing my back, "please I will not do it again I-"

"How can you trust you!" I broke down sobbing my words out, "I risked it because I felt something for you!" I said crying, "I knew you needed help, I wanted to protect you love you, protect you from the world but I'm also human i didn't want to show weakness and have you leave me or do something like...This."

She gave me a look I had never seen before, it was strong, tough like that mouse girl had vanished where had this be what this what she needed? For me to show my weakness and so she could become strong to protect me? I didn't know or care.

"I...Promise you from the bottom of my heart I'll never do it again, I was just scared of being a burden to you I was scared of such silly thing In the end...I was never a burden, I was helping you as you were helping me."

"Yes! That please don't do it again...Don't!"

She hugged me, "I won't my love, I promise I won't."

Clawing at her back like a scared kid, we slowly moved away from the big her body, her face showing purpose and strength like a lioness bearing its teeth, it surprised me even, how I had turned into the mouse, we quickly hurried home.

Opening the door.

"Oh, you both back! You were later than usual," my mother said with her purse and bag she saw us tilting her head, "is...everything ok?"

"Yeah Karen...Everything it ok," Penny spoke for us.

She looked surprised but nodded, "o-ok then...I'll be out for a few hour...D-Don't have too much fun kids."

Quickly she moved and left leaving us alone, I moved away from her and grabbed the picture passing it to her.

"The woman In the picture...Is my older sister Tina."

looking down at her seeing that familiar short brown hair and tomboyish look, I gently grabbed her hand guiding her up to the spare room, I hesitated when we stood outside it my demons hunting me but I opened, inside it was barren, empty, filled what nothing but boxes trying to hide what as once In there, in the corner, an old dusty bed sat, it had sat for a long time now.

"This uses to be my sister's room...This is the place she...Ended her life."

"Leo...are you ready to tell me? I understand now why you needed to be ready to tell much such a thing...Are you-"

"Yes...I want too, need too, I need to show you I'm like you in a way, show you how much I need you...So you'll never try and end your beautiful life again...You're so much more than you think."

She wanted to challenge me on that, but didn't dare say a word, guiding her toward the old bed sitting in on it I opened the window letting some light scare away the darkness, In the corner...A old wooden chair sat.

"It happened five years ago...when I was only 14," I spoke sitting down next to her, she looked focus serious ready to listen, "my big sister, she was a wonderful person, strong, caring, like my mum and dad...The bestest big sister anyone could ever ask for...But she often got paranoid, normally overthinking everything, believing herself to be older than her wasn't, she always thought about the future, thinking of what to do but she never knew, like me now, over time as life changed and things quickly rushed away, too her it was like a stopwatch that never slowed down, never had a chance to take a single second to breath she has already finished college, we were having money troubles at the time...Dad's career hadn't gone off yet but it wasn't that serious, But to her it was, a job, a home, bills, taxes, driving tests, a car, love, marriage, children it ever wheeled her and sent her into spiralling depression...we tried desperately to help her but she never listen...Always falling on deaf ears...Then came to the day of her death."

I shuddered my skin crawling dust in the air making me cough, Penny holding me was the only thing that stopping me from breaking.

"Mum and dad were out shopping while I was down stairs, sister was with me, we were playing games, she was In a good mood, I beat her at some Mario kart Wii and she looked so happy the first time in months, but then she started acting strange, she kissing me on my head, hugged me and told me to be strong and no mater what she will always love me and I'll will always be her favourite little lion, it creeped me out...I didn't understand because I was a child when she disappeared up stairs I didn't care playing another game, I was losing so I stopped annoyed angry I'd heard sounds from up stair heading up there seeing my sister door slightly open I peeked inside...She was standing on a chair, a letter on her table and a noose around her neck...I knew what she was about to do...I ran in there to save her but it was too late and she had tipped on the chair surprised by me...It fell to the ground she turned to look at me as i stared, trying to speak...Watching me as I watched her, the air slowly left her body struggling...She never said a thing...I just sat there unable to move like a demon had paralysed me, horrified I screamed her name but slowly the colour faded from her face her arms fell to the side and her body went limp...Her eye turning cold and dead."

I had snapped, broken, sitting there forced to retell my tale I got up and moved to an old bedside table pulling it open. Inside was an old crinkled piece of paper, the words dull and slightly faded, It was my sister letter, passing it to Penny who quickly started reading it.

"After I tried waking her up, I read that letter about how she was a burden on everyone and she was tired of being one...Wanting to make the ultimate sacrifice," I said making Penny's eye snapped to mine, "after I tried waking her up crying my eye out in fear and disbelief before giving up having a mental break down by the stair waiting for mum and dad to get home, They did...And found destroy our family, we never knew it would happen she never gave any sign to it but...she was gone now, my big sister was gone... I needed therapy for years, blaming myself for her death, maybe if I didn't burst In and surprised her maybe if we had noticed something sooner I could have done...something...Anything, but it was too late...mum become protective of me wary but stayed strong, dad put all his anger and rage into fighting becoming a top fighter."

I said going through the memory of his first real fight.

"His career skyrocketing, ending any financial problems we might ever have, now he actively supporting charities that involve helping those dealing with suicidal thoughts. And myself...grew paranoid with women afraid they'll suddenly kill themselves if I did something went wrong, I tried masking it all by being a joker and a flit...But It's why your so special Penny...when I saw you on that first day...when you blamed yourself I had noticed it..noticed something was wrong and I couldn't turn you away...something inside me refuse to leave you, it why I defend you, why I look out for you because I was scared you'll do something... I guess that slowly turns into me falling In love with you," I spoke putting a hand on hers, "you'll never be a burden...please don't eve say that...I won't be able to move on if you did something like that again... I know it selfish...I'm scared but...but-"

She suddenly lunged and hugged me, tears in her and mine as we feel to the bed.

"Please don't leave me...I need you as much as you need me," I whispered

She suddenly kissed me, it was hard but I wanted it, she pulled back with a fire I had never seen before on her sweet face.

"I see that now, I hope you'll ever forgive me for doing such a thing, I always thought there was something often, but everything you said...I promise you...right here, right now Leo...Just as you have protected me...I'll protect you."

"Y-You don't have to, it a man job too,"

"I won't take no for an answer, I finally understand now, the emotions you went through with me seeing you like that, I want to protect you I don't want to hide anymore, it's time...For both of us to help each other, I know I can trust you, I know this is not a fairy tale waiting to disappear, I'll never doubt you again...I love you, Leo."

I couldn't help it, the corner on my face cracking a tiny smile, a part of me didn't trust her, but yet more of me did, we suddenly kiss, It was like a build up, a reaction waiting to explore, she didn't resite she never did gently pushing me down to the old bed she shifted out her clothing I quickly stopped her.

"W-Wait...We shouldn't do it in here...We-"

"Leo! This room...Your afraid of it because of the nightmares filled inside...all the bad memories," she whispered coming closer, "we should make some good ones."

Before I could even respond she kissed me again, I melt in her arm and lips like a seductress clouding my mind before I knew it she was naked and eager a familiar lust in her eye staring down at me as if I was prey, but then she turned got on all four and raised her ass, her beautiful, beautiful ass.

"Take me Leo...Take your girlfriend...Trust me...Please."

I just stared, seeing her sway those hips invite me tempting me her pussy was dripping well, my cock pressing painfully again the fabric, it was too much to bear, I needed her, really needed her. Quickly unbuckling my belt her lip formed a smile at the sound of it knowing it was coming, my cock In the open, I felt a little haunted knowing this room, the important and what happened, but Penny was here with would be ok...It will be.

"I-I'm p-putting it in."

Noticing a nod I place the tip of my cock by her entrance, grabbing her hip slowly pushing it inside, she moaned out slamming her ass back into me forcing my cock inside her making both of us shiver stutter, Penny rising up chills downing down her spine, grabbing the covers for support.

Amazing, I thought feeling her insides pulse started pulling back before slamming back in her voice crying in delight, fucking like animal Penny becoming a mumbling mess like me, driven by the pleasure so tight, so wet trying to reach even deeper than before.
