An Act of Kindness


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Her leg unable to support her body fell, I quickly joined her as I was laid there and fucked her from behind pushing as deep as possible the head of my cock poking inside her womb, it was orgasmic.

Penny turned her left arm stretching for my head, her tender lips begging to be kissed, I went for them, like a bear to honey kissing her sweet lips, grabbing the cover she trysted to over her hip but could she was at my mercy form behind, kissing each other her greedy pussy sucking me in.

It was so primal, so passion, my hand reaches for her exposed breast handling the globe of perfection roughly, I needed this I didn't realize how much I want to make her mine, that familiar feeling when we first did it...I didn't want to lose her again.

"Your mine!" I said, "just like back then...Say it!" I said almost desirably, "I don't want to lose you."

Her heads pressed again mine, "I am you, body, soul, sprit...and now heart, I was selfish and to hurt you like then... I wish you'll forgive me."

"I'm just...Scared."

She gave me a guilty look kissing me again.

"Don't be, it'll take time to heal...We really are made for each other."

Seeing in those almost sparking dark blues eyes I nodded, "yeah...I-I'm cumming!"

My climax was intense and unexpected knowing she was mine that we were made for each other, two broken people...fuck I'm getting all romance and shit.

"Me too! Cum inside me! Shoot it all into me!"

Pulling back for a mere moment before slamming into her an exposed breast jiggling. I came hard inside a groin escaping my lip, and a heavy moan escaping hers laying then her body taking it gasping, pumping more and more of my seed in her, it was so good, laying on top of her I held her hand, she held mine.

"How was that?"

"Great as normal huh," I whispered.

"I'm glad...How are you feeling?"

I froze as I slowly started to spooning her, "better, getting it off my chest, having my mind clear, it helps...I miss my big sister, so much...You would like her."

"She yeah she sounded nice," she smiled.

I had felt it a shift in a relationship, something had changed for the better hugging her I look back to the chair and I thought my eye was playing a trick on me for I thought I saw something ghostly, in a familiar shape, a girl with a tender familiar big sister.

"Look after her...Little brother...And she'll look after you."

Then it faded like it was never there, I didn't know if it was my mind or my hazy vision but it felt nice I knew it wasn't real probably something in my physical giving me comfort getting my sister approval of being with Penny, ghost doesn't exist...right?


Its been a few days since Penny's indent and the revel of my trauma, and honestly thing had turned for the better, Penny was no longer afraid of losing me, she knew I always had her in my heart so she no longer acted so clingy so desperate and mousey, at times she was still shy and a little needy but it was never overbearing we spoke to each other more, is a lot more open...Like she had finally bloomed from the shell of her past becoming something more.

She still had her moments but I was there for her now she worked on trying to be forgiven for, the 'attempt' she did, I still haven't completely trusted her, sure I still did but it always there that fear In the back of my mind that she might flip and do it, which always makes me...a little possessive of her...she never minded it, they were usually at those times she was being needy, It felt like we were a real couple and it's been a dream honestly...Sex become a lot more passionate.

Matt ended up getting arrest for handling illegal drug. Drugs that been showing up in a lot of small towns like this one, no one can find the source it just one moment it there the next it disappears it becoming a problem, couples as first trying it to have better sex but turning into spiralling drug addiction, only girls were affected not guys, it was some nasty stuff.

The girl who I discovered was named Lottie, ended up apologising to both of us, she certainly was hurt but we forgave her and just told her to be more careful, nothing much changing and with the pure blood moon dance coming thing got a little hectic.

The night of the pure blood moon was upon us, the dance was in about ten minutes a dark Saturday where people were probably getting together getting drunk and shit people were strangely hyped about it, whatever prom was a bomb last time so I doubt this will be any different.

I was all suited up in my dad old suit...I hadn't worn it for a while but it fits me pretty well looking quite the gentlemen, I was a little excited for mostly spending it with Penny calling it our first official date and because I had barely seen her all day.

Mum soon found out what we did...By accidentally walking in on us while we fucked on my dead sister's bed, she was embarrassed just like us but with a quick explained everything it all was cooled, Penny now knew about what happened and such, something only truly trusted family member knew about. Mum accept it but told us not to do it in there again. Anyway, I was told not to come upstairs as she is getting sorted I know they when out and to the hair dressers but I wondered about the dress did we-

"Close your eyes Leo, your date is coming down the stairs."

"Right, right," I quickly shouted closing them, they seemed pretty excited about it.

Heading the familiar footstep on the floor the boards under the carpet creaking, someone which sounded like my mother was turning me toward something.

"Ok...Opened them."

I did, my heart skipped a beat.

It was possibly the most beautiful thing I had truly ever seen before...Penny in a dress, she looks stunning her hair was what I noticed first it was flowing, wavy, instead of straight, down on one side of her head which sparkled like her eyes, the rest down over her side of her chest, she wore makeup, the stuff brightening her face and her dark blue eyes sparkling almost like stars and her dark kissable blue lips she just glowed with transcending beauty.

And the dress...I remember, it's was long reached down to her ankles, with the colour of midnight that sparkled like stars in the night sky, dark blue like the rest of it with dark blue shoes to match everything else, I was speechless she looked like a princess, a diamond.

"My god penny...Your beautiful."

She blushed a little stepping over and lightly kissing my lips.

"T-thank you...I-I've never been so dressed up before."

"Y-Yeah," I said trying to hold back my temptation to just take her, to lift her up against the wall and just...Make love to her...I really wanna fuck her in that dress and the looked she gave me... I think she wanted to fuck me while wearing this suit.

"I'm just so happy it fits," my mother said to the side, "trying to sneak her off to the hair dressers then get the dress out, fixed up, a little then make up...But it's fucking worth it."

"Certainly," I said grabbing her hand not noticing that she wore dark blue glove that reaches up to her elbows adding to her look, I held her, holding her in my arms as she just melted in them, "you look stunning."

She just smiled tiny tears in her eye looking at us I didn't know if she was thinking back to Tina or just thinking about us how we both found each other and was spending this moment together.

"Now you both go off, make sure to be back by 9, no later or I'll be pissed."

The dance started at 7 and would last till midnight, people will dance for about two hours before a moon king and queen is picked, I and Penny had never danced before but...we weren't there to win anything, we were there to just spend time together with some friends.

"Don't worry, you been hounding me about that for a while, we won't forget."

"T-Thank you for the help Karen."

She just smiled and nodded wiping away the tiny tear in her eye, "your welcome, now have a wonderful time you both."

We both just smile and got going with my phone charged and turn on in my black trouser pocket and keys In the other we were set, Penny didn't have a phone, which we needed to get her one, walking together the chilly air bushed past us but we enjoyed it staying close together, the dance started at 7 but we were in no rush.

Penny had a little sad look on her face making me wary.

"You ok?"

"Y-yeah a little, it just...I'm worried, they still haven't found my father and Courtney."

I just silence hugged her bring her closer it really has been two weeks since they just disappeared the manhunt for them and a few other guys who used Penny was still out there.

"Don't worry, my uncle Tommy is a stubborn old man, he won't stop until they are found, I know the guy, you can trust me, and besides I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

She gave a tiny bitter smile, I knew she didn't believe me paranoid that he might do something crazy but the fact I said it was better than nothing.

"Thank you," she whispered nuzzling closer to me.

It took us ten minutes to get there the crowd had already gathered in the dim dark dusk light the lights were on illuminating the whole street, cars, and people pasted us as we drew closer quickly hurrying over to escape the cold, went we pasted people took second glances at us...mostly Penny...Finally seeing her true beauty.

She stared shying up unable to hoodie away in her hoodie she lunches onto me, I didn't mind this time I didn't like those stares making me feel protective and maybe slightly possessive, in the distance we saw two familiar figure speaking together.

"Hey, Jerome! Mylah!"

The two quickly noticed us and was honestly speechless when they saw Penny but quickly snapped out of their daze giving a gentle smile.

"Leo my man how you doing? Looking mighty fine," he said we both gave aloud high five.

"Good, really good dude, looking smart, let me guess it was your dad's?"

Jerome was wearing a suit like in e was different with straps making him look like an old classic jazz musician, small black hat included.

"Bingo it actually belongs to my grandfather who passed it to his father and now here I am, looking quite dapper if I say so myself, killing it with this suit," he quoted, "and my lovely date all dressed up like a princess."

"Fuck you," Mylah said grumpy yet blushing slightly.

Mylah was wearing a dress similar to Penny but was sapling green, which matched her eyes, her dark brown hair was long and coiled it looked nice.

"This is the only time you'll ever see me in a dress...I only did it because you begged for a week straight," she grumbled slightly before turning to Penny lighting up, "you certainly look better and that dress...Holy fuck you look beautiful in it, and your hair, I never notice it because you always had your hood up."

"I-is it nice? it...From my mother, I got my eyes from her too."

Everyone was silent, Jerome and Mylah only knew hints of Penny's past nothing she going through now but they knew she's been though some really bad shit she never spoke about her mother neither to me...Because she doesn't know who her mother even was, only from the hint her drunken father spoke off, a little obsessive with her apparently, I guessed she looks like her mother...She had always hated yet been curious about her.

" look beautiful...Honestly have you noticed all the heads turning to look at you?"

She panicked, "w-what," she whispered.

"Yeah, they all think you'll lovely, and don't worry mousey you have your lion here...Right," Mylah stared at me...I stared back at her, quickly getting the message.

Quickly moving to Penny hold her in my arms I looked around noticing the people staring in disbelief, "come on let get you inside."

She quickly nodded, the place was littered with decorations everything did there part as to the principle request, the man himself the principle greeting us as we came in I had never seen the man so happy before quickly looking at the time for when it would turn tonight and the moon will rise.

Lured to the college indoor gym which and been turned into the main area for the dance everyone was hear all destroy up, some having date over just enjoying a drink alone in the corner sad and lonely as can be, I felt bad for them.

The music was beating rumbling in our bone a groovy that bounced, electrifying the room, it was pretty relaxed really no different, we moved to the side non of the song that places ready interested us, nothing to dance too.

So we took a table and chair and just chatted with surprising Penny joining in too it was a wonderful nice chilled and relaxing time, going more into how Jerome and Mylah meet and such, and about daily life for us all, (we were a little secretive about it) it was honestly just nice.

An hour and a half passed before the one playing music stared talked.

"Alright, Peps it's dances time, so all those who wanna enter this moon king, queen thing come to the dance floor I got just the tunes for your sweets."

Suddenly a really soothing and relaxed song place it changed the mood of this place in an intent. everything else and it was that boring it had some Jazz to it which should get Jerome blood pumping, he was the first up grabbing Mylah hand.

"Oh no hotshot, I'm getting second thoughts, I don't want to be embarrassed."

"Come now my dear," he speaks low and gentle caring gentle pulling her up she looks conflicted yet a part of her wanted to do it, "there is no embarrassing way to dance, everyone has a groove everyone has a song...You just need to find your rhythm and lose yourself to it."

All of us stared in disbelief at the joky egotistical guy.

"W-Wow, when did you become a poet?" I asked.

"It what my dad says to mum when she's too embarrassed to dance...I guess it works huh."

She smiles, chuckling slightly, "fuck it, come on hotshot let's dance."

Jerome gave us one last look, a nice smile on his face I winked, wishing the guy luck before him, Mylah and other came to the centre, Penny stiffened but she got up too.

"I-I want to dance too."

"Oh? You do?"

She nodded, "its always been a little personal secret secret of mine, to dance with the someone I loved, I watched Cinderella and fell in love with that."

With a tender smile unable to resist her nervous yet cute smile I stood gentle holding a hand out to the girl.

"Then shall we dance, Princess?"

She blushed a little, nodding silently, taking my hand we both stepped toward the dance floor joining the other lie it was some victorian classical dance it was peaceful, relaxing the gentle music guiding people's feet in the old assembly hall.

The nervousness had spread to me, I didn't know how to dance never taught and from looking at Penny she had no idea either, we at least knew how to stand like from watching the movies she pressed close to my her body against mine, a hand on her waist and hand hers around me and hand we looked around trying to figure out how to start, it was quite clear to everyone we didn't know what to do yet non invade our little area they just moved with the music, a few other In the same situation as us.

I stiffen trying to remember something, "lets...Just...Try and follow my moves."

She nodded, and ever slowly we started to dance, stepping around people, looking at each other the music placing that same gentle music that slowly drew us in, it was so strange the crowd around us left as is fading away into the mist I stared at Penny as she stared at me.

Was this dancing? Was this what it's like to dance? It was lovely, in some strange way it reminds me of sex, the way two people moved the silent passion in our eyes and bodies the way she pressed so close to me the way my hand tighten protectively around her waist, gently spinning losing ourselves.

I guess this was what love was like and losing yourself to it, bonding, growing closer intimacy without being naked, without love making it was surprisingly enjoyable.

"Already time is up!"

The man's voice broke the spell the music stopping looking around in confusion, we noticed Jerome and Mylah next to us, both with a grin.

"You both danced pretty well...You danced through a load of songs."

We both looked back in confusion, "wait we didn't notice, how much time had passed?"

"About 20 minutes there about to announce the king and queen, that what dancing does with someone you love."

"At least you both didn't trip...Jerome," she growled.

Fuck that would have been funny to see, but dancing with Penny was worth it, the poor man look on innocently before the DJ started speaking again.

"The select judges has been watching you all and have come to a decision on how this king and queen is or whatever."

"Take this more seriously junior!" the principal shouted a the guy making him whine.

Coming to the cage were teacher and seniors noting down and voting, penny held e tightly that desire in her eye to win it, and to be honest I wanted to. About 5 minutes past before it was was time.

"The vote and been counted and the wining is," suddenly a drum roll came from the speaker announcement the wins, "Steven Blank and Yin Wong."

"Yes!" Shouted a familiar voice.

Off to the side in the corner Yin, the Asian girl the new student bounced happily her back pony tail hair bounce again sit her petite cute body she was holding Steven's hand as he stared a little confused.

"We won Steven!" She said excitedly suddenly kissing his lips.

"We...Did?" he asked still confused but seeing Yin's smile a tiny, tiny smile form on his face and from that kiss.

"Yeah! You were amazing! thank you for learning It i know this is not for you but for me, but thank you...Come on," she said pulling on his hand, "I told you, Yang, I told you we could do it," she whispered, strange.

Yin was a weird girl, sure she was beautiful and came from Japan with her family to live here but nothing much was known about her only she was a little weird at random point demanding to be called Yang, she even beat up some of the bitchy girls that fucked with her. At times a sweet girl like a girl next door the next an abrasive tough tomboyish woman...Weird.

And Steven, not much to say about him jet black hair a simple hoodie and like Penny would read, he was odd, never showing any emotion as if he was emotionless, he'd just stare at you with cold dead eyes he had no friend but he didn't care, enjoying his books, it was strange when it came out that the two odd had stared dating, two complete operates.

The two came up to the stage was a crude red crown was made Yin look excited while Steven looks like he didn't give a danm...Yet looking to Yin he couldn't help smile a little, as if doing it for her...He never really did anything for anyone, but Yin, makes me wonder what happened with them.

"And now you Moon king and Queen on this pure blood moon!" the principle came giggling like a child with his little crowns, making them stake a seat, putting them perfectly on their head, Steven didn't care yet I could see a soft joy coming from the man.

A crown was placed on Yin's head before she turned to the crowd her excited grin suddenly faded turning to a smirk.

"Yeah! Bow to you queen bitches!" she roared out laughing.

The staff and a few of us frowned at her but she didn't care just a smug grin off her face.

"Please sit down...Yang."

She turned back to him with a frown before rolling her eyes and did as he said.

"F-Fine, only for you Steven."

I just stared confused...Her name is Yin, not Yang? Things then quickly went on Yin apologize for her word because she just got excited, we didn't dance, and soon time pasted again letting us get a breather, Jerome was a little grumpy.

"We should have won...It's not fair!" he cried out being a little overdramatic.

Mylah patted her sad boyfriend's back as I chuckled a little, Penny looking pretty tired.