Andrea Miller Ch. 03


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"My Grandfather called the schoolboard and filed a legal complaint and they blew it off like it was nothing. Apparently, the judge handling the case was a friend of the asshole's family, and instead of stepping aside like he's supposed to, he completely dismissed the charges and threatened to fine my grandfather for contempt of court when he argued about it."

The bitterness in Terry's voice as the story went on made Andrea's heart ache. "That only took about a month in that small town. After that, I was a social pariah. Asshole started rumors about me all over the place, saying just about anything that would make people hate me. Before long, my only friend was Amy, the one who made the main part of your choker. I decided to fight fire with fire, so I wrote a story about exactly what happened and what was happening now. I published it on the net, then I put links to it on all the school web pages and sent links to the local papers, the county courthouse and even our local state representative with the title "The Same Old Jock Bully Story." I knew it wouldn't go anywhere, but I also knew it would piss him off."

Terry was smiling grimly by this point. "Since our little episode in the cafeteria, I started wearing a pair of body cams, one on my front and one on my backpack. I knew he was going to start harassing me again and I wanted video evidence of it happening so I could take it to court and press sexual assault charges if he pulled another stunt like his last one which I knew he would."

"He did too. He did it in the cafeteria again so he could make sure everybody saw what happened. Amy was with me and had my backpack with its camera pointing at me the whole time when he came up behind me and literally ripped my dress off over my head! I was standing in the lunch line and at least three or four teachers had to have seen him do it, but nobody said anything, they all just pointed and laughed. I guess they all expected me to just curl up and die."

I was in total shock, but somehow I managed to keep it cool and walked over and started putting on my gym clothes out of my backpack. I'm just glad I was wearing a good solid bra that day so nobody got a chance to really see anything. Then I went over and picked up my dress to see if it was even salvageable. It was completely ruined though. I turned around and told him he would be paying for my dress and that was all. I just ignored him and everybody else after that. Once again, nothing happened to him at all."

"My Grandfather and I filed official charges after that, with the highest court we could use. Somehow, his family's lawyer convinced the judge not to allow the body cam footage as evidence and Amy was the only one brave enough to support me in court. Even the teachers lied for him! Most of them said they didn't see anything until I was walking around naked in the cafeteria. Like I said, I have no idea how they pulled that off, but the case got dismissed and they stuck us with the court costs too. It wasn't even a civil case, but the judge treated it like one."

"After that, I decided that the only way I was going to get justice was if I took it for myself. Asshole thought he was invulnerable and invincible. He apparently forgot what happened the first time we clashed. The next time he tried one of his moves though, I didn't just kick him in the balls, I hauled off and slapped him across the face hard enough to loosen teeth and smash his lips to a bloody pulp. Then he made the mistake of trying to punch me. I don't really remember what happened after that, but I do remember standing over him unconscious on the cafeteria floor. He ended up spending a week in the hospital and missing the rest of the football season because I broke his knee and his ankle badly enough that they had to put them back together with pins and screws. He still walks with a limp."

"Anyway, I walked out of the school and put both videos on the net for everybody to see and sent the links to all the major news outlets in the state. I ignored the local law enforcement entirely, but I did send it to the FBI headquarters in Helena. I was just finishing that when the local cops showed up to arrest me for assaulting him." She waved her fingers in the air quotes sign. "I deleted what I'd done from my computer and locked the cameras in our safe to keep them out of dirty hands before I opened the door and gave myself up."

"It was so great when his family tried to press assault charges on me and got shut down because the Governor himself got involved! Then the FBI got into it too and they went through that town with a fine-tooth comb. They were still at it when my grandfather and I moved out of the state and came here. Best of all, we still own that house and we're leasing it to the FBI to continue their investigation. We think they're planning on using it as a safehouse if they need it for witness protection or something later on."

Tina was absolutely flummoxed by Terry's story. "The ending sounds kinda cool, but the rest of that had to absolutely suck! But what I want to know, is why wasn't that all over the national news? You said you sent that to all the major news outlets; why didn't they turn it into national headlines?"

"That's easy." Jake answered for Terry, "That kind of thing is too fucking common these days. Have you noticed none of the major networks is making bullying an issue anymore? Not unless somebody dies from it. That, and corruption is so common its not considered worth reporting on anymore, especially with the corporate bigwigs deciding on what the media should be concentrating on. True civil rights stories and government corruption aren't what they want talked about unles its somebody they want ruined, like the president. Then its all about made up corruption because they can't find anything real to stick him with."

The bell rang and they all split up to head for their first period classes. Andrea pretty much floated through her day, thinking quite a bit about Terry's story whenever she had a few moments of free time. It had surprised her to learn that kind of corrupt influence was still extant in the small towns across America. She'd thought it would've been crushed by the social media explosion that gave people an outlet to expose that kind of stuff. Thinking about it though, she realized social media had simply become just another one of the bad guys' tools. Hell, they'd made up a new term for it, cyber-bullying. The guys who'd started it all had become corrupted by the money and power their creations granted them.

Looking at it now, she thought she should've known better. She was glad she didn't really have much of a social media presence. In truth, it had all seemed like another passing craze. She figured that sooner or later, corporate corruption would render that kind of thing as out of date as the disco and bell bottom pants crazes her grandparents told her about from the seventies. She just hoped it didn't go the way of the Political Correctness bullshit that originated in the eighties and was still a hassle now.

Her classes with Terry were the highlights of her day. She was glad most of her classes didn't have assigned seats like many of her junior high classes had. This way, she and Terry, and their friends could sit and often as not, work together. Their last class of the day was one they shared. When it was over, terry led her to the classroom where the yearbook Committee met. As soon as they came through the door, Drew Marshal, the head of the art department and the Yearbook Committee Counselor swept Terry into a bearhug. "Tina told me you would be joining us again this year. You have no idea how glad I was to hear that! She also tells me you're really good with a camera Andrea. If you're anywhere near as artistic as your sister, this yearbook is going to be one for the books! I can't wait to see how it comes out."

Andrea couldn't help smiling in response. "Thank you, I really appreciate that. Can I have a hug too Mister Marshal?"

Marshal laughed as he held out his arms to her. "Of course Andrea! I think we're all gonna have a lot of fun this year! Welcome to the yearbook committee."

The meeting got on and it was soon clear to Andrea that Mister Marshal thought of these kids as his own. Like he was a second father to them all. Most of the other kids were shocked to find somebody as popular as Andrea Miller among them, other than Tina, the nerds and oddballs of the school. As soon as someone asked the question though, Andrea began a subtle campaign to make sure each and every one of them knew she didn't think of any of them that way. Tina and Terry joined in with her effort without seeming to even have to think about it.

By the time the meeting was over, Andrea had decided she liked all of these people and especially the way this committee had been organized. It was a loose, free-spirited setup that allowed for creative artistic expression and she was sure this would result in a superior product when all was said and done. She was even happier to learn that not only did yearbook staff get into the home sporting events free, but all school functions, especially the dances, drama productions and even away games and events. She was also surprised to learn that the committee had access to a variety of camera equipment and technology that would be issued for certain types of assignments. Among these were ultra high-speed cameras, telephoto equipment, special lighting equipment and even low light equipment. They would also have access to certain areas that were usually off limits to the normal student body, including stadium and theater lighting and sound control rooms, announcer's booths and team busses. Her camera and yearbook staff pass were going to become standard accessories for her this year.

After school, Andrea and Mel usually met at the gym so they could work out together. This time too, Terry and Mona would be joining them. Mel's mustang was already in the lot when they arrived. Andrea secured her baby in the spot next to it and they hurried inside and to the locker room. Apparently, Mel and Mona had arrived only minutes ahead of them and they were just finishing getting dressed. They waved at Andrea and Terry as they made their way out, with Mel announcing, "We'll claim some bikes for our warmup. Meet us there, Kay?"

Andrea was nodding her agreement even as she was already stripping off her clothes before they even reached a bench. She watched avidly as Terry stripped just as completely as she did, then began to pull on a pair of bright green performance exercise tights. Over them, she pulled on a matching emerald green thong and finished her outfit with a matching sports bra. Watching all that had left Andrea wanting to drag her into the showers and pull it all back off her to fuck her brains out, but she managed to keep herself in check enough to just smile lasciviously at her soulmate.

Mel had been wearing her usual crimson red outfit and Andrea chose her purple one. She felt proud as she watched Terry watch her get dressed just as avidly as she had Terry. The two of them shared a hot carnal kiss before they hurried out to join Mel and Mona.

Andrea felt the eyes on her as soon as she left the locker room. She was loving it too and apparently so was Terry to judge by the faint knowing smile she wore. They paraded their way across the gym to where Mel and Mona were holding a set of four exercise bikes among a group of about twenty. Mel was silently applauding their performance and Mona was just smiling as if she were about to burst out laughing. Andrea greeted her sister and her lover with enthusiastic hugs and of course Terry got the same from them. Needless to say, they'd attracted quite a bit of male attention and more than a little female in the bargain.

Andrea took the time to check out Mona in her exercise outfit. It was as bright red as Mel's though it was closer in style to what Terry was wearing. The primary difference was that Mona's thong was almost a G-string and she was wearing running shoes rather than ballet slippers like the other three. Her gorgeous curves were on clear display and Andrea was amused to se that Mona's sports bra actually advertised the club where she worked in brightly contrasting dayglow yellow script that spread across her bosom as if drawn in neon lighting.

The four of them mounted their bikes and began to warm themselves up. They rode for about fifteen minutes, pedaling hard to get their heart rates up, then they dismounted and began a stretching routine to loosen up their muscles and ligaments to prevent injuries. After that, they took turns on a pair of rowing machines while the other pair made use of a butterfly machine.

From there, the four women moved into the weight machines and made the full circuit. If Andrea hadn't felt Terry's unexpected strength already, she'd have been shocked as Terry easily kept up with her and Mel. Mona of course had a lot more trouble since she wasn't accustomed to working out like this. She had absolutely no difficulty keeping up at the cardio end of things, but she just didn't have the raw physical strength the others did. She was determined that she would catch up to them though.

Unfortunately, as usual in places like this, some of the male patrons were convinced this was a great place to pick up women. Each of them was approached several times by hopeful and or lecherous men. The four of them stayed close together though and this helped keep those approaches to a minimum. When this wasn't enough though, they made sure to back one another up, making it crystal clear that each and every one of them was taken. What made it amusing though was the men showing off and trying to impress them. They openly compared notes and joked about what they were seeing and being shown.

As usual too, it wasn't long before several of the other female patrons had joined their little workout group and were joking and laughing with them. Andrea was convinced that this camaraderie was one of the reasons why so many women flocked to join this gym rather than ones closer to home. These women made it a point to support and encourage one another in both their exercise programs and their social interactions. Those newcomers they found toxic quickly found themselves excluded from the circle.

Once they were done with the weight training area, they all retired to the locker room to strip out of their exercise outfits and pull on swimsuits. Anyone who'd seen Andrea in her daily life might've been surprised to see her come out in a bright purple racing style one piece instead of a sexy bikini. Those who knew her better though knew she came here to work out, not to win points in a beauty contest or pick up men. Andrea wasn't at all surprised when Terry pulled on a suit similar to hers but in a bright green. Also like Andrea, she pulled on a tight swim cap and carried a pair of swimmer's goggles.

When the four of them emerged from the locker room again, the only one in a two-piece suit was Mona. Even hers though was designed to stay in place as she moved through the water. Still, it made quite an impression on the guys and Andrea had no problem acknowledging that Mona had a body any woman would die for. Of course, So did Mel, and she had tits that made men drool no matter what she wore to boot. Andrea was surprised and extremely pleased to see just how much attention Terry's long lean feminine slimness attracted from the guys. She was just as gorgeous to them as she was to her, and she was glad to see them acknowledging it.

Terry was just as happy to see she hadn't lost any of her fascination for the men. She was even more pleased to see she wasn't lost in the crowd, even among these sexual goddesses! She knew she was a sinfully proud woman and she really didn't care who knew it. She just enjoyed the attention every bit as much as the woman holding her heart and her hand. Just to attract that little bit more attention to them, she leaned down and drew Andrea into a quick kiss that immediately stretched into over a minute before Mona laughingly slapped both their asses and raced off to dive cleanly into the water of the open exercise and diving pool.

Laughing, they broke it up and moved over to the other pool which was divided into lanes for swimming laps. Mel followed them, smiling back over her shoulder at Mona's little game. Doing what she did for a living, Mel knew Mona could handle anything the guys who came here might be able to dish out. She would leave them tied in mental knots and swim off laughing. If that didn't work, she was as at home in the water as either Mel herself or Andrea and would defend herself if needs be.

Andrea drove herself powerfully off the block and entered the water cleanly and smoothly. She surged up out of the water in a beautiful butterfly stroke That drew Terry's eyes like a magnet. Andrea was an especially skilled and talented swimmer! Terry found she couldn't help counting off the time it took Andrea to reach the Olympic sized pool's opposite end and decided her lover would easily win a spot on the school's swim team. She'd debated trying out herself, but had decided she just wasn't fast enough. Especially when she compared herself to someone like Andrea. Her swim instructors had complimented her on her easy and natural form, but even they had agreed she wasn't a racer.

Still, just out of curiosity, she waited until Andrea once again reached her end of the pool and dove into the next lane and began her own butterfly. She wasn't in the least surprised to see Andrea quickly and easily outdistance her. She was nearly so hypnotized by the beauty as Andrea returned on her turn, that she almost stopped swimming just to watch. As it was, she barely caught the end of lane marker on the pool's bottom and that was all that saved her from an embarrassing, and probably painful collision with the poolside. She managed a neat and graceful turn that had her continuing her run, but this time she switched to a crawl. On her next turn, she switched to a breast stroke and the next to a backstroke. She watched avidly every time Andrea passed her, marveling at the woman's power and grace in the water.

Terry had been keeping count and when Andrea reached ten lengths, she switched to the Australian Crawl and showed how fast she could really be. When she changed to the breast stroke though, Terry had to stop and watch. She couldn't help herself it was such a thing of beauty. Terry managed to continue her swim and by the time she'd finished twenty-five lengths, Andrea had completed forty!

Andrea climbed out of the pool as if she'd only just dove in for a quick cooldown. She extended a hand to Terry and pulled her up out of the water with ease. "Come on, let's go join Mona in the kiddie pool and play a while." She led the way around to the high-dive platform and began climbing the ladder. Terry moved back around to the side of the pool to see what she did. Andrea started out with her back to the water as she balanced on the platform's edge, then she sprang into a backflip and spread into a perfect swan dive. As Andrea swam underwater out toward the center of the pool, Terry dove in and swam out to join her. The two of them then swam over into the shallow end to join Mona who seemed to be playing with a couple of younger teens. It pretty quickly became clear that it was a game of tag and one of the three youngsters was it. When they appeared, Mona paused the game to introduce them all, and just in time for Mel to join them as well.

The three teens were two brothers, obviously twins and a sister. The boys were Jeff and Randy and the young lady, their older sister, Juliet. They told them their parents had purchased the three of them a membership to get them out of the house and doing something. Andrea and Mel laughingly responded that their parents must know each other as their's had done exactly the same thing. Jeff and Randy it turned out were seventh graders and their sister was a freshman at the same high school as Andrea and Terry and had recognized them immediately.
