Andrea Miller Ch. 04


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Besides, The fact that he was the only man accompanying six nearly undressed women, it was the only logical thing to do. There was a good chance a gathering like this could attract unwanted attention from the wrong crowd. That was especially true of dumbass's friends, whoever they might be. A large number of seeming Lesbians and nearly naked would be a favorite target for those types. He didn't expect to need the gun, but there was no sense in taking chances either, especially with his wife's and two daughters' safety in the balance.

All the girls went about their business, being especially affectionate and touchy-feely and the effect on their subject was pronounced. His distaste for the women's nearly erotic closeness was readily apparent, though many of the restaurants guests found them highly amusing and entertaining, especially when first Andrea, then Mel, and finally each of the girls took a couple of turns going up to the mic to perform various karaoke numbers. Mona especially pulled off a spectacular rendition of Janis Joplin's "Me and Bobby McGee," that had the entire establishment on their feet when she finished. Karen startled them all when she belted out a nearly perfect performance of Cyndi Lauper's "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun," and Terry showed a definite talent for mimicking Pink's husky contralto on several of her songs. She in fact performed the most often out of the six women in the party, and she was obviously having fun.

"I wish Tanrae was here!" Esmay laughed as Terry came back offstage for the third time, "I'd love to hear her belting out Melissa Etherridge here! She'd rock this house!" None of them could help but agree. Even Karen and Jason had caught the edges of some of Tanrae's little private performances.

Andrea had stuck to songs by Joan Osbourne, going up three times and doing her best she thought on "Right Hand Man," a bluesy number she really liked. Her voice was pretty different from Osbourne's, but she knew how to sing and could definitely carry a tune. She got plenty of applause and had done a good job by all accounts. She knew though that she had nothing on any of her friends! There were some amazing singers among them. She was glad she'd thought of going up there though, that had been an inspired idea!

She'd realized her first time up on that stage too, that anyone who was paying close enough attention would quickly spot the fact that she was naked under her very short very sexy dress, so she was careful to keep her legs mostly closed while up there to minimize her exposure. She didn't want to get them kicked out and increase asshole's leverage when the time came.

Apparently though, she hadn't been careful enough, because she quickly noticed a shift in the crowd the next time she went up on stage. The majority of the seats up front were now filled by women, many of whom were snickering at her daring and winking lasciviously up at her! Now she thought about it though, this had been going on with each of her girlfriends, not to mention Karen. Just that thought was making her horny! On her way back to her seat after that performance, she let one of the women stop her as she came down off the stage.

"So what's your name honey?" the sexy little twenty-something brunette asked curiously, "I've never seen you in here before, but you sure know your way around a microphone!"

Andrea couldn't help grinning happily at the woman as she fingered her choker. "I'm Andrea Miller. I've been in here with my sister Mellissa Miller a couple of times, but this is the first time I've gone up on stage."

The brunette nodded. "I know Melissa, she's in one of my classes and we talk a lot. I didn't know you were her sister though, it's cool to meet you Andrea." She held out her open arms in invitation.

Andrea answered with a hug of her own, then kissed the woman for good measure. What she got back was a bit more excitedly passionate than she'd expected, but it was very pleasant too. Though she was slimly pretty, the woman was a little softer than Andrea usually liked, but still, her tits were nice and full and soft and her mouth tasted wonderful! The majority of the crowd of course cheered at the public display of affection between two women. Mona's stalker could only scowl.

Unfortunately for him, his expression was seen and noted by several of the guests, especially among the more militantly open minded of the women in the crowd. They soon spread their observation to others among their friends, and it wasn't long before the warning came back around to Andrea and company. Their little game had taken off in a big way that they hadn't intended. Still, this could work the way they'd intended it to anyway. The idiot would have no way of knowing he'd been set up, or of proving it anyway. But as it turned out, he'd been stupid enough as a homophobe to take a job in what Mel and Mona had known from the start was a favorite Lesbian hangout. Asshole wouldn't be long for this job, and that had been their original intent once he'd started sexually harassing Mona, and then Mel, and in their favorite hangout too.

Once that worning reached their little group though, both Mona and Mel saw the opportunity for what it was and began spreading their story as well. As word of mouth spread, the story of course grew until it was wel out of proportion to the reality. It seemed that the restaurants staff were hearing things as well, and soon asshole was looking rather uncomfortable. It didn't help that he had several well-known militant Lesbians staring daggers at him.

Amazingly, the idiot had the nerve to approach Mona and demand she leave with him. When she laughed in his face and told him she wasn't leaving her girlfriend who she loved, with a stupid male she didn't even like, he made an even bigger mistake. "I should've known you'd be just another fucking stupid carpet munching near-nigger whore! You hanging out with your Mexi-nigger whore and Red-nigger whore girlfriends! Why these three decent white women should stoop to hanging out with nigger whores like you three just beats me! Decent white women shouldn't need to hang out with carpet munching nigger whores just to be PC."

It turned out to be a real mistake when a huge black man who was also a professor at the college stood up from a seat at the back of the room. "Watch your mouth boy! You're in the wrong part of town to be talking that trash! That, Brad O'neal, and I know both of those young women and they're proud students at the university and very obviously much more intelligent than your hatefully ignorant diatribe demonstrates you are."

The tall slim white man next to the professor also stood up, showing himself to be another of the college's professors. "Also Mister O'neal, that little rant of yours is clearly hate-speech, which is expressly forbidden on school grounds. This establishment is leased here on school property, making this school grounds. You should probably be expecting a call from the dean's office in the morning. Especially since I see dozens of our proud students here and you are verbally and nearly physically assaulting one of them. And that in front of the two of us!" Having made their point, both men sat back down.

Brad stood there as if he'd been poleaxed. He was looking around in stunned disbelief at all the unfriendly faces. He was clearly starting to realize what he'd said and where he'd said it and he was growing more and more nervous by the moment. He practically scurried into the back to jeers and catcalls from among the crowd.

"Holy crap!" mel commented as they all sat back down, "I had no idea he was that big a racist hateful pig! I thought he was just your run of the mill I hate Lesbians because they're unfair competition kind of jackass. It's a good thing we found that out this way and not the hard way you would've if you'd actually agreed to go out with him."

Mona looked just as surprised as Mel as she replied in her cajun drawl. "yeah, I Actually considered it too. Till he startted pushing me the way he did. Then he started bad-mouthing you and guls loving guls and I was done."

"We love you too Mona!" Andrea laughed, "I guess this'll cool his jets right down. Do you think he's gonna be a problem later on? Where is he from anyway?"

"From the sound of him, probably somewhere up around western Maine I'd guess." Karen speculated, "one of my suppliers is up there and she sounds a lot like that. Though she's a hel of a lot more polite!

"he might've come from up there, but he definitely lives around here somewhere now. I heard him talking to one of his buddies at school and they were talking about throwing a party at his parents' house in town for Halloween." Mel added, "I don't think his black frends are going to approve of his language either!" she laughed. He seemes to like black girls. I don't understand how he can chase a woman he hates though. It just doesn't make any sense."

"it does if he wants to demean and treat her like shit." Esmay commented dryly, then someone you already hate makes it a lot easier to justify to yourself. I've run into a couple of guys like him before."

Mel smiled. "the fact that Mona's club is also on campus is pretty convenient too! If he gets kicked out, he won't be able to get near Mona most of the time. Not without risking getting arrested anyway. I've seen the campus resource cops bust people who weren't supposed to be on campus for whatever reason a couple of times. They don't play around!"

Mona smiled and nodded knowingly. "They don't either."

"Well, that's comforting to know." Karen sighed, "I think I'm done here for the night though. That little episode took all the fun out of tonight for me. And I was having so much fun too. We'll have to try this again sometime soon. I miss singing karaoke."

Andrea grinned. "Yeah, you used to do it a lot when you were throwing your little lingerie parties at the store! Those were a lot of fun! I used to love watching you strut around looking like some boy's wet dream. We should start doing them again. I'd love to do that myself."

Karen looked at her younger daughter in her barely there dress thoughtfully, then at her older, then their lovers. "Maybe we could. I know plenty of the old crowd wants me to start doing it again..."

"you'll be welcome to count me in too!" Terry laughed, I've always loved the thought of walking around in nothing but my underwear with a bunch of other women. Oh, and their husbands and others too."

"me too!" Esmay laughed too. Mona and Mel both just nodded their agreement and Karen was grinning widely.

She turned to her husband. What do you think Jason?" He just grinned and nodded at her. What he thought was plain enough it seemed. Karen grinned broadly now, her night made for her. "Okay then. Let me call my friends and let them know the parties are back on, and we'll set it up! I am absolutely going to love this! I've missed doing it so much since things got too busy for us to keep up. Now things have settled back down again, it's time to reinstate an old and very happy tradition. "Lingerie Night At Cheryl's!"

She'd said that loud enough for several of their neighbors to hear it as well, and several of them turned to look. One young woman got up, came over and began asking Karen for more details about what she'd just said. In short order, there was a small crowd of probably fifteen or twenty women around their table, many asking questions and all very, very interested. Karen actually ended up passing out all the business cards she had on her, along with the one copy of her mail-order catalog she also happened to have in her purse.

By the time they left, Karen had received dozens of promises to attend the lingerie night and dozens more to bring friends too. She was grinning like the cat who'd gotten the cream all the way out to Jason's car. It was here that Brad made the mistake of attacking Mona and Mel. It was a real mistake too, because he gave himself away by hollering at the top of his lungs as he charged, obviously in hopes of frightening the women into instinctively cowering rather than fighting. Unfortunately for him, Mel wasn't the cowering sort and she met his charge with a snap kick that caught him under the tip of his chin and lifted his feet clear of the ground!

That kick probably saved his life too. Mona hadn't cowered either. Instead, she produced a wicked looking stiletto seemingly out of nowhere and fell into a knife fighter's stance that Andrea recognized from her self defense training. The instructor had said that if they ever saw this stance from someone holding a knife, to stay the hell away from them and run at the first opportunity, because they knew what to do with that knife.

Noone knew whether it was Mel's kick or the landing on the back of his head, neck and shoulders that did the job, but Brad was unconscious and he didn't move. They could plainly see he was still alive and breathing without trouble, so they left him where he lay while Jason called the police and Mona made the knife disappear again. Andrea still couldn't tell where she'd taken it from! Karen though was staring at Mona with an entirely new respect in her eyes. "you're a lot more dangerous than you look beautiful!" Mona just grinned.

"holy shit! Nice shot Mel!" Esmay finally gasped in surprise, "I don't think I could've done that in a million years! All I wanted to do was find a place to hide!"

Terry was grinning at Mel too. "That was a beautiful snap-kick Mel! Absolutely classic! And perfectly delivered. That idiot's lucky to be alive. That landing should've broken his neck for him."

Mel nodded. "yeah, I know. He was lucky."

"I wonder if he'll understand that?" Andrea asked thoughtfully.

Terry held up her corsage. "I don't know, but the cops will find this useful I think." She pulled a slim cable out of her purse and plugged the camera concealed within into her phone to view the footage of the incedent. Or should it be considered incidents. As she fast forwarded through the evening's events, Andrea realized she'd recorded everything from the moment they'd left the lab and she'd been pinning on the flowers! At mel's triumphant grin as she looked over Terry's shoulder, Andrea knew Terry'd caught the whole thing beautifully, complete with sound!

Before she knew what was going on entirely, Terry was handing her a sliver of silicone and metal. Put this in your purse. It's a copy of this video. The cops usually prefer to be the only ones with footage of the incident so they can control how much of the story the public gets ahold of. After my experiences in Montana, I prefer to have a full copy of anything I'm involved in for my own use if I need it."

Andrea hid the SD card among the dozen she had in a mini-case for her camera and buried it where she'd found it at the bottom of her purse. She was just in time too. Les than a minute later, the first police officers and an ambulance were arriving, their lights flashing and strobing. This activity of course attracted the attention of the restaurant's patrons as well and soon they were streaming out to see what was happening. Several of them recognized Mel and Mona and the rest of them, and began immediately and voluably cooberating the story Andrea, her family and friends were already giving the police about what had happened previously inside the restaurant. Brad definitely came out the worse for it too, as they were all sure to point out his highly racist and sexist shouted comments.

Terry presented them with the micro-SD card out of her corsage cam, explaining that she'd been hoping to save a video memory of the night for herself, but had captured the incident too and so felt responsible to make sure they had all the evidence they needed to prosecute Brad. One of the plain clothed female cops laughed and revealed she liked doing the same thing, filming her nights out on a body cam and looking back at them for fun. She was a tiny thing, a cute little blonde probably little more than five feet tall. She promised Terry that she'd get her card and her video back intact. She then dropped the chip into an evidence bag and labeled it with Terry's personal information.

Afterward, Terry grinned. "I think I like her! She's really cool."

"She's pretty too. Esmay giggled knowingly, "Do you have a thing for girls in uniform Terry?"

The cop, although in plain clothes actually heard that and laughed along with them, then winked at Terry who just smiled back at her. "Yes I do Esmay." She giggled in return, "If you wanna find out for yourself, try dressing up as a lady cop for me! Or both of you should. I promise, neither of you will regret it!"

"Ooh, I know exactly what my costume for the Halloween party's gonna be now!" Andrea laughed, "So what about you hun?"

"Oh, I've got a few ideas." Terry answered evasively, "I haven't decided which one for sure yet though. It'll have to be a surprise."

"Okay Andrea," Esmay teased, we need to find a couple of gold sticky badges to wear. Oh, and handcuffs! We've gotta get real handcuffs. I already have the gunbelt from my old Policewoman costume! I can't wait to party in nothing but my blue body paint, gold badge and my gunbelt!"

Andrea was grinning at the ccop over Esmay's shoulder as she said all that out loud. The cop was grinning broadly at the description of Esmay's costume idea. "I wouldn't mind dressing up that way myself for Halloween!" Both she and Andrea laughed riotously as Esmay jumped in fright at the unexpected voice behind her.

"Why don't you give me your card." Andrea suggested, "I'll make sure you get an invitation! I'd love to see you in that with us too!" She could see Terry out the corner of her eye, goggling and nearly drooling at the thought of that sight. She couldn't help it, she nodded toward Terry. "I think Terry would like that too!"

The cop turned to look Terry up and down from face to toes and back with a grin. Kay, you talked me into it! I'll be there. And my gunbelt and handcuffs will be real! And so will the me under the paint!" Then she walked away and Terry wrapped Andrea in a breathless kisss. "Oh my God Andrea I love you! I love you sooo much!"

Andrea was so happy it was so easy to please Terry so completely. She looked after the little cop and definitely liked what she was seeing too. Terry was pleased for more than one reason! She had to wonder if she was about to gain yet another girlfriend? She wasn't about to say no to that one! That older woman was fucking hot!

Andrea took a seat on one of the restaurant's front benches while the whole mess sorted itself out. She occasionally spotted the tiny lady cop walking around as she did her part in the investigation. At one point too, she caught the woman alone and looking her way again, so she spread her legs open wide to give the woman a clear view of what was under her skirt before slowly closing her thighs again. "her name's Meredith." Terry reported from where she stood next to her as she watched Meredith break into a broad smile and shake her head at Andrea, "that was a pretty sweet move Baby. I don't think anyone else even saw it happen! I know you made Meredith's night!"

She grinned down at Andrea. "She was actually talking to me because she caught a glimpse of mine when I accidentally let my skirt ride up a little bit too much. That was right after I gave her the SD card. She told me she really liked what she was seeing, but could I please not share it with everybody? I could only laugh and fix my dress and she didn't say anything else about it out loud, but she sure did with her eyes! I was half considering taking my dress off right there out in public for her. I don't know if you noticed that out here in the dark, but she has the sexiest eyes you've ever seen! They're so deep green, like Jennifer's but wilder!"

That made Andrea actually groan. "Why did you have to tell me that now? I was just starting to settle down again. Now I'm gonna be dripping into this seat in a couple of seconds!" That made Terry giggle mischievously.