Beautiful Release


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Slipping my pants off I walked behind my future wife. This was the other reason I'd bought this machine. Mary had always wanted to be double penetrated. But I wasn't keen on sharing, not that she was interested in other men anyway. But the few attempts we'd had using a dildo had mixed results. Trying to keep masturbating mid sex was awkward. So I had found her a solution. Placing the head of my cock on her pre-lubricated asshole, I glanced up and smiled. Mary was already frantically nodding her head. That was something we'd agreed on at the start and it was still going strong. When changes were made, Mary tried to show consent where she could. This was one of those things. She knew I'd be looking, so she was nodding to show me that she wanted it. Not that she'd ever denied me anything.

Pushing firmly against her opening, she even rocked her hips back towards me. That earned her a slap on the ass. She wasn't supposed to be enjoying this. We both knew she would, but she wasn't SUPPOSED to... As I slowly pushed inside, I could feel the rubber replica slipping in and out of her dripping wet tunnel. Reversing my thrust, I pulled right out to the head, before pushing back in. Mary tensed up her arms and trembled at the sensation. A quick check on the marble still clutched tightly made me smile. Grabbing her by the hair, I pulled her head backwards. This made her push further onto the dildo, but brought her neck closer to me. With my off hand, I reached around and grabbed the wand. As I kissed her neck, I forced the wand harder into her clit, while forcefully shoving my cock deep into her ass. It was only my third thrust when she started coming again. This time I felt the drips on the floor as she shook violently.

An hour later, I was laying her on her bed. Part of me wanted to keep her in my room for the night, but I knew I'd cop shit for it later from Cassandra. I was worried about a bride zilla... But nobody told me about the sister-in-law-zilla. She'd monopolized everything. The dress, cake, flowers, guest list... Everything. Mary and I had just held on and signed where she pointed. So long as Mary was happy, I really didn't care all that much. So with a kiss on my sleeping beauty, I went back to my lonely bed.


I squinted into the morning light. "Yep?!"

The door cracked open and Cassandra poked her head in, "oh good, Mary's in her room then?"

"Yep," I repeated and slumped back against my pillows.

"No no no. Get up, you need to be showered and dressed in an hour. It snowed last night as I hoped it would so we'll get some fantastic morning shots of you and Mary."

I just groaned and lifted the sheet, "ahhh... I'm not wearing anything."

Cassandra just raised an eyebrow, "I'm going to leave. I'll be back in five minutes. If you're not in that shower, I'm going to attempt to seduce you again."

I couldn't help but burst out laughing. We'd made peace with our beginning relationship. Nowadays, she really was the annoying little sister I never had. I also knew that Greg was going to propose during the honeymoon. I'd paid for everyone to come with Mary and I for a skiing holiday, considering the season for it. Winter had only just started, so the warmer places were in full swing with the snow season. I'd booked a whole resort, complete with hot pools and it's own ski lift. I'd hired a military contractor, recommended by my contact. They were both acting as security for the wedding, the honeymoon AND were looking after the house for the month I planned on being away. Needless to say, everyone was excited.

"Alright alright. I'm getting up, I swear," I grinned at her.

Cassandra just nodded and quickly left. By the time I came out of the shower, my bed was made and my suit laid out. Simple and elegant... So long as the photos looked good and Mary was happy, I wasn't going to complain. Dressing, I made my way out of the bedroom and into the waiting arms of Frank.

"Come here, sir," he said, waving a comb.

"Frank, I'll take that payrise off you if you keep it up," I frowned.

"James, sorry, it's a wedding. There's so many people here, it's hard to keep track."

I just rolled my eyes as Frank combed my hair and affixed a rose to my pocket. As all this was going on, a young man darted around with a camera, snapping shots of me and everyone else. I did my best to ignore him. As Frank finally began to leave me alone, Kenneth handed me a beer. I thanked the young man and made my way downstairs. It was a bit of an odd situation here. The staff were all friends of Mary's and mine. So we'd actually had to hire more staff to cater to the wedding. As an added bonus, we'd ended up with members of the military stopping by, a few of the heads of divisions and close family of some of the staff. It seemed my staff kept long distance relationships, which was something I was going to try and close up. I wanted my people happy, if that meant making access easier, I would make all reasonable considerations.

I finished my beer as I walked through the heated indoor pool. Where the magic was happening, was out on the patio. Just as Cassandra mentioned, it had snowed overnight. Portable space heaters had been brought out to keep the area warm enough for the wedding, but it still gave a beautiful atmosphere. As I made my way outside, most of the guests followed and started taking their seats. For a wedding as well setup as this, it was an odd thing to realise how casually we were taking it. The guests had been asked to arrive in the morning, but there was no time actually set for the wedding. Cassandra was with Mary and she liaised with everyone and we'd start when we were damn well ready. Everything had been paid for the day rate, so time really wasn't a concern. Even the celebrant for the wedding was Frank.

As I passed down the aisle, I took in the sight of the guests. So many smiling faces of so many people. I remembered back to my own wedding, and while I remember lost of smiling, there was also a lot of politics. My parents were just happy to see me happy, but her family used it as a networking seminar. I'd actually lost a few friends that day... I made it to the altar, a moment before Frank arrived with Ben and Cassandra. Ben took his place as my best man, and Cassandra gave me a once over.

"You'll do," she said.

I just rolled my eyes and gave her the finger.

"Stop it!" Frank hissed, but the gleam in his eyes told me he was at least amused.

The sudden hum of a low chord brought the room to silence. I smiled at the hidden meaning as 'In the arms of an angel' began to play. But as Mary came into view, I couldn't hold back my tears. She wore a white dress that covered her from shoulder to toes. A white veil barely hid her smile from view. The roses she carried matched the one pinned to my chest pocket. She took her time as the photographers took multiple photos. All the while I stared at the woman I loved and tried not to collapse into a heap. When she finally reached the altar, she stood across my while Frank spoke in low tones. The whole time he spoke, I was mesmerised by my bride. I completely missed when she said "I do," and only realised I was supposed to say the same, when Ben nudged me in the back.

"Then I pronounce you, husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," Frank said loudly.

I reached up and gently took hold of Mary's veil, slowly lifting it out of the way. The makeup she was wearing must have been waterproof, as the tears rolled down her cheeks the same as mine. Stroking my hand along her cheek, I leaned forward and pressed my lips to hers. I held her, gently, in my arms for an age, as the world spun around us. People cheered, people clapped, photos were taken, but I saw nothing but my wife before me.

The wedding was a success. Laughter, food and a moderate amount of alcohol flowed all day and into the night. Rooms were organised for guests, even most of the catering staff we'd hired were staying the night. It was a few hours of driving to get back to the nearest town, and the helicopter couldn't move their equipment. There was even a small celebration, parallel to ours. Greg had come to me a day prior to ask permission to do so. But as the evening wore down, he got on one knee and asked Cassandra to marry him. Apparently Cassandra wasn't wearing waterproof makeup and had to be excused three times throughout the night to reapply. But... There was one last thing to get underway before the honeymoon.


"How do you feel?" I asked my wife.

She grinned through her predicament, "I'm fine, husband."

"Husband is it now?" I asked with a chuckle.

Mary smiled wider even as a tear escaped her blindfold, "please master, just for tonight."

I leaned forward and kissed her, "Oh, Mary. Call me whatever you want. Just remember, you belong to me."

I didn't wait to continue our conversation, before attaching a peg to Mary's right nipple. As she gasped, I attached a second to her left. She wasn't in any position to move. Her hands were bound together above her head. She was anchored to the ceiling, while balancing on one leg. Still in her wedding dress, mind you. But the front had been opened to expose her breasts. The light material of the skirt had been lifted and pushed out of the way as well. I wanted to enjoy my wife thoroughly. I also had the idea this wouldn't be the first time she'd be wearing it. Pinching the skin on the underside of Mary's breasts, I added two more pegs, making her squirm. I continued attaching pegs in the shape of a V, stopping only when the dress made it impossible to continue. The final peg was a little harder to place. Mary's right leg was straight down on the ground. Her left, was attached to the same ceiling anchor as her hands.

The wand was already fitted and strapped to her leg. Unfortunately, it was also in the way. Pushing the head down towards her opening, I was able to view her clit. Leaning in, I gave it several licks and a firm suck. I smiled as it engorged with blood and became erect. Which was the perfect place for the last peg. What I wasn't expecting, was for Mary to squeak, tremble and release a little squirt.

"Did you just orgasm?" I growled as I stood.

"Master... I'm sorry... It-"

I kissed her firmly, while roughly grabbing her ass cheeks. Neither of us were into serious pain, but shock and discomfort were all above board.

"I'll let you off, because it's our wedding day. But don't make a habit of it, slave," I grumbled as I tried not to smile.

The truth was, I loved making her come. It was my favourite game. I'd tell her she wasn't allowed, then do everything in my power to make her come multiple times. When she failed to resist, the punishment was more orgasms. One orgasm was good, two or three were great. But when she was pushing upwards of ten in a row, she wasn't really capable of rational thought, beyond indistinguishable begging both for and against having more orgasms.

With that thought, I moved a box filled with pillows into position. I took a dumbbell from the gym, and tied the last rope to it. The rope went to a pulley on the ceiling, before coming back down slack. I pulled this rope, bringing the dumbbell to head height. I stood on the end of the rope and spent a few minutes attaching each of the pegs to it.

"Here, bite this," I ordered, pressing the rope to Mary's teeth.

I grinned as her jaw closed on the rope and I slowly let her take the slack. The dumbbell wasn't overly heavy, but it was enough.

"Now, that rope you're holding, is attached to a dumbbell. That dumbbell is suspended over a box filled with a few pillows. We wouldn't want to damage the floor during an accident, would we?" I pinched her ass, making Mary squeak and make affirmative noises. "Now, as you may, or may not have realised, is all those pegs, are also attached to that rope. So unless you want them ripped off that gorgeous skin of yours, you better hold on." I grinned, listening to her whimpers as she bounced slightly on one foot. "You may come when you are ready... I love you."

With those words, I reached down to the want and switched it on. The low buzz, amplified by the wooden peg trapped against it. Mary squealed into the rope and twitched violently and the rope slipped a couple centimetres as her jaw loosened for a split second. I took this opportunity to run my hands over her entire body. The whole time, I explained exactly what I loved about each specific part of her. I kissed, licked and lightly bit every piece of exposed skin, making her moan and shudder through more than one small orgasm. But she kept fighting to hold that rope...

So now it was time to play dirty...

Moving behind her, I pressed the head of my cock to her ass. "Do you feel this?" I asked softly. Mary nodded. "Do you want this?" Mary nodded again. "Will it make you scream?" I asked with a smile. This time Mary groaned and I heard a few wet drips as she fought through another small orgasm. "Good," I kissed her neck softly, making her moan. "I can't wait to make you scream."

Applying firm pressure, I felt the head of my cock pierce the ring of muscle at her entrance. As expected, I was able to slowly push my way inside, without trouble. Mary just groaned and clenched her hands as I slowly fucked her. Reaching around, I gently grabbed the pegs on her nipples and began rolling them slightly. I smiled as Mary moaned into the rope as she desperately tried to fend off the explosive orgasm I was pushing her towards. We both knew how tonight was going to end, one way or another.

"I love you Mary," I said, increasing my pace.

Mary just shook violently and squealed desperately into the rope. I watched as it slipped another couple centimetres, lifting the pegs from her nipples slightly.

"Oh, while we're here," I grinned as I slid my cock in and out of her ass. "This is the last time I'm taking you here for a while." I slid my hand up around her neck and held her firmly. "As your husband, I think it's about time we started a family." Mary squeaked and shuddered again. "So as your master, I'm ordering you to leave your contraceptive pills at home. I plan to get you pregnant on the honeymoon, so we can revisit this predicament for our anniversary next year."

Mary shuddered and I could feel sporadic contractions over my cock as I continued thrusting. She was so close, I just needed to give her a little push...

"Do you like the sound of that?" I kissed the side of her neck as I pounded my cock into her ass as hard as I could. "Being bred like a bitch in heat?"

Mary tensed up her core muscles as she writhed in agonising ecstacy, before the rope slipped free of her mouth as she screamed out her pleasure. I grinned evilly as the rapid snapps of the pegs were ripped off, from her nipples down to her clit as Mary slammed violently through her orgasm. As the muscles in her bowel clenched, I found my own pleasure and released inside her, groaning as her clenching muscles milked me dry. The whole time, I muttered loving words into Mary's ear... I was the luckiest man alive...

... Epilogue...

Michelle Matthews was composing yet another email. She'd been ignored so far, but she knew her ex-husband well enough to know he'd respond eventually. Things hadn't gone well for her since the split. Jerome, the father of her child, was not the upgrade she believed he was. Sure, he was a little younger, great in bed and liked to take her out and show her off... But once he had her... He never put in the effort anymore... First it was 'friday's are for the boys' and that was the norm for a few weeks. Then it was 'Saturday is golf with the boys' and IT became the new norm.

It had been six months since she'd sent that first email. Six months of regret as the man who convinced her to leave her husband, now may as well be leaving her. He wouldn't, as he loved his son, but other than a quick fuck a few times a week, there wasn't much else to their relationship any more. She just cooked and cleaned, while he drank with his 'boys' and spent the weekends away.

As Michelle typed honeyed words of love into the keyboard, she heard a firm knock on the front door. With a sigh, she flicked through the email and hit send, before getting up. As she walked down the hall, there was a man standing on the porch holding a bouquet of flowers. A little confused, she opened the door and took in the sight of the delivery driver.

"Mrs Matthews?" The man asked.

"Ms, but yes," Michelle replied.

The man barely managed to prevent rolling his eyes, "sign here please."

Michelle ran her signature over the device and frowned as he deposited a small box and the flowers in her arms. She shuffled backward and managed to get back inside, before kicking the door closed. Michelle carried the flowers into the kitchen, dropping them on the table, before examining the box. Her heart just about froze.



Was all that was written on top. Michelle grinned, giddy with excitement as she opened the box. Inside was two envelopes and a dvd. The first envelope said, 'read me first' with a little love heart. Michelle smiled as she recognised the handwriting and cracked the envelope. Inside was a simple note that said.





Michelle was smiling as she placed the dvd in the player and hit start. The screen was dark for a few moments, before 'In the arms of an angel' started playing. Michelle smiled, she'd always loved that song and it meant a lot to her that he'd been so thoughtful. As the music played, images began to appear. Roses, a white dress, James smiling down from an altar. Michelle's heart swelled in anticipation for what she could only assume was his declaration of love. It just about ripped it out when the sight of a beautiful young woman, wearing that dress appeared beside him.

Her heart shattered into a million tiny pieces, over and over again. She tortured herself by watching the whole video of James marrying this beautiful woman. It was so plain to see how much he loved her and as the tears spilled from her eyes, she picked up the final envelope. Cracking the seal, this time with shaking hands, she extracted two pieces of paper. The first was a voucher for marriage counseling, and the second was an image of an ultrasound, showing two small figures, dated from two weeks prior...

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RonanJWilkersonRonanJWilkerson10 days ago

Great story. You did an excellent job of illustrating aftercare, and showing the underlying tenderness in a D/s relationship.

Montgomery QuinnMontgomery Quinn2 months agoAuthor

Kaeyo, read your bio. Lost interest when the mysoginistic comments started. Could have been a decent anon otherwise. Wrong author to annoy too.

KaeyoKaeyo2 months ago

I lost interest when the BDSM crap started. Could have been a decent story otherwise. Wrong category too.

6King6King3 months ago

⭐⭐⭐ Great in some parts but too many holes.

zonozzonoz5 months ago

Great story. Raced to get to the end and then sad when it ended.

I wonder why the military aspect was introduced and abandoned unless for future stories.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

The story wandered. It was interesting, but really wasn't a coherent tale.


AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I quit when the bdsm crap started. Story should have been in that category since I could have avoided all of it.

Darkshooter213Darkshooter21310 months ago

I liked the story overall, but IMHO it was just a little flat. The overall drawback to the story was there was no antagonistic to help develop the main characters. No real threat or challenges for main characters to work or fight against. As sweet and appealing as the main and support characters were, there no progression of the MC, or the sisters. Plus, the plot holes of the reason of the wealth, military lab at on the property or the mild burn of the exwife was left untouched which could have been excellent points to help lead the story. I still enjoyed the read and hope that your next part of the story is as fun as the 1st.

Thanks again for the journey.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Overall a good story. The only thing I didn't really like was how easily Mary took to sex after her sexual assault. In my experience, it's something girls need to work up to after something like that. I'm sure it's not the same for everyone, but it pulled me out of the story a little bit.

Overall, though, a great story!

NovemberComingFireNovemberComingFireover 1 year ago


The bulk of the authors stories have a degree of bdsm to them. I don’t know why you’d think this one was any different. I’m not a fan of master slave relationship stories either but it was still a well done story all in all.

Also, yes…a LOT of women get off on the thought of being submissive. There are plenty of femdom stories out there if that’s more to your liking.

Complain about the story itself. Complain about plot holes, grammar, etc. Don’t bitch about subject matter though. The authors don’t care.

AngelRiderAngelRiderover 1 year ago

I absolutely loath bdsm bullshit. You had tags for all the other bits of nonsense but not that? What a surprise. Let me guess, you get off on the shock and believe that women will just get absolutely aroused over the imagery because we are all submissive?

Thank GOD, I read the comments after suffering through 2 pages of zero development. Now I won't waste my time.

SatyrDickSatyrDickover 1 year ago


Excellent und Sexcellent story!


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Fucked up Fairytale for a Wimp MC

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Ya have to love fairy tales, and this one had enough quirky sex in it to send it straight into the "Deviant" lane. The only thing that comes to mind that would have made it any more out of the norm would have been for the two sisters to end up happily sharing the guy in bi-sexual libidinous ecstasy--but maybe that can be worked out later if the story runs long enough....

Of course everything conveniently happened at just the right time--but that's as the author imagined...and wrote it to be. Well done. 5 of 5. More please.

RanDog025RanDog025over 1 year ago

Excellent fucking story Mate, excellent! 5 BIG ASS FUCKING FLAMING NOVA STARS! Love the hell outta your story. Going to hit the follow button now. This it the first of your stories I've read and now I gotta read them all.

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