Beginning My Life as a Dom


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On her back she spread her legs wide, wider than her grin. The spoon stood out like a false cock so I used it to stir the pudding. I removed the spoon and replaced it with my cock. I had that wonderful intense feeling I always get when I enter that warm tight cunt. Leaning forward I straightened the clothespegs on her nipples as I fucked her. "Yes, yes, yes." she squealed.

I pulled out and carefully and slowly entered her arsehole, I placed my thumb on her clit and massaged it as I fucked her arse. She went from a shriek to a howl as she climaxed, her legs were flying up and down. I came in her arse.

I felt like just collapsing but instead I pulled out. "Stand up, go and get a flannel to wash my cock." She returned and washed my cock. "Do a good job, you will have it in your mouth again soon." I lay on the bed and had her kneel over my stomach facing me.

"Well Mac, are you pleased to have earned your new name?"

"Oh yes sir, I will be your Mac."

"And what does it stand for?"

"For all my holes that you have fucked, Mouth, arse and cunt." She did not seem embarrassed saying it, modern teenage girls do not have the hang ups about language that they did in the past.

"Good girl, you have done remarkably well and you will be rewarded." I gripped the clothespegs, twisted them a bit and pulled them off.

"Ow," said Mac. Her lovely nipples sticking up. I pulled her to me and kissed them both before having her resting on my chest. We lay together for an hour or so.

"Can you cook?" I asked.

"Not really."

"Get dressed and go down and make some sandwiches." I sent her on her way. I had a shower, put some clothes on and went into the kitchen where Michelle had made some sandwiches and tea. We sat at the table in the dining area which joined the lounge.

"How are your nipples?"

"Tender and still stuck out."

"Good I have something for you, I took her into the lounge and stood her before me. I produced some clip-on earrings to which I had attached bells. I unbuttoned her blouse and clipped them to Michelle's nipples. "You are to walk to the window and back without the bells ringing. For every time a bell rings you will receive a spank. Off you go."

She didn't move her feet, she grinned and shook her tits so the bells rang, she skipped to the window, shook her tits to anybody who may be passing. She skipped back laughing. A budding campanologist!

They say that every time a bell rings an angel gets its wings, there's going to be a lot of them flying about.

"Oh you are naughty, I could not count the rings, I was hoping for silence while you did that. Therefore I will spank you as long as the bells don't ring. Starting at twenty spanks, I will deduct one for every time the bell rings while you take your skirt off, pull your knickers down to your knees and bend over."

It was like watching slow motion as she carefully unzipped her skirt and pushed it down, she stepped out of it. No rings so far. She hooked her thumbs in her knickers, oh so slowly she lowered them to her knees.

"You had better fetch a dining chair so I can spank you while your bells are free to swing and do not let your knickers fall down." She carefully walked to the dining area and picked a chair up, with one ring of a bell, and brought it to the lounge.

I sat on it and she bent over my lap. "You have done well only ringing once, shows what you can do if you try. I will spank you nineteen times, if the bell rings I will deduct one, so each smack will count as double when the bell rings"

I slapped her arse, the bell rang, "Ow," she said

"Two," I said with a smile."

"But." I hit her again and again the bells rang. "Ow."

"Four." I was laughing now. I felt her muscles tighten as she braced her arms and legs on the floor. Her small tits were going to be an advantage here, bigger ones would automatically swing. I smacked her again.

"Ow," there was ringing again.

"Six." I decided to be generous and give her a chance, instead of hitting her on the lower area of her buttocks I smacked in a more downward direction.

"Ow," followed by silence.


Smack, followed by ow and silence. "Eight." I changed my angle of attack to the area in the centre which had not yet turned red.

"Ow," tinkle, tinkle. Two more flying angels.


Michelle managed two more silent smacks by the time I was finished. "Well done, the sun is over the yardarm so pour a couple of glasses of wine and sit at my feet." We stayed like that until the doorbell rang.


I almost skipped to sir's, I was so excited. I was still feeling the disappointment of not going to the barbecue, but I am number one!

He was waiting for me with my collar, a lovely shade of pink with a tag that has MAC engraved on it. I knelt on the floor and he fastened it round my neck. With a leash connected to my lovely collar I crawled into the lounge.

I stood in front of sir and he slowly unfastened my blouse while he kissed me, heaven. I felt so loved and appreciated. He sucked my nipples, I love having my nipples sucked, they are so sensitive.

He pulled my skirt down, held my bum and pulled me into his erection. God I wanted his erection in me. I didn't have long to wait, I unfastened his trousers with my teeth and pulled his pants down in a similar manner.

I kissed his lovely cock from the very tip to his balls. He said he was going to fuck all my holes and one of them holes was starting to tingle. Please spank me as well. He led me to the bedroom by the leash, I was allowed to walk!

He told me to stick my tits out, for God's sake I don't have any to stick out. He put pegs on my nipples which hurt. Kneeling on the bed with my mouth open he shoved his cock in. I could feel the pegs waving which had them deliciously pulling on my nipples.

I was turned round and pushed the clothespegs into the bed, this twisted my nipples delightfully. I felt sir's tongue alternating on my clit and in my pussy. I was euphoric, oh God, this was wonderful, don't stop please. His nose was rubbing against my bum. He stopped.

My own fault I asked him to spank me, I liked being spanked but liked what he was doing better. "Ow." He hit my bum with the wooden spoon gradually working closer to my pussy until he was hitting it.

I grunted with each hit. My pussy was so tender and swollen and my clit was as fat as it ever was. All in a very delicate condition. He put the spoon in my pussy and made me turn over.

I lay on my back with a wooden spoon sticking out of me, I spread my legs wide, very wide and smiled at him. He removed the spoon and inserted his cock. He straightened the clothespegs and twisted them as he fucked me.

I came, oh how I came, for ages I came. He placed his thumb on my clit and slowly put his cock in my bumhole. It was not unpleasant, he was well lubricated with my juices. I came again with him in my bum.

Downstairs he clipped bells to my nipples. He said I had to walk to the window and back and every time a bell rang I would get a spank. Wow, how many spanks could I earn? I thought great, looked him in the eye, smiled and shook my tits. I skipped to the window and waved them about to anybody who may be looking and skipped back. I make that a few hundred spanks at least, I could feel that tingle you know where.

I stood in front of sir and smiled. He said twenty spanks less one for each time the bell rang while I stripped. I worked in slow motion as I undressed, my biggest problem with not making the bells ring was that I was laughing as I stripped.

Daft as it sounds this slow strip and the concentration on not ringing the bells was very erotic, the pussy tingling was back. I did it in silence and stood in front of sir giggling with my knickers round my knees. He sent me for a chair and my clean sheet went with one tiny ring.

After the first smack I realised that keeping the bells silent was not going to be easy. The second one landed before I could react to the first. I tensed every muscle, breaching my arms and legs on the floor. The bells rang again.

He hit me higher up on my bum and the bell didn't ring, I realised that where he hit me had more control over the ringing than I did. Although if I did not tense myself the bells would ring every time. I managed two more and my bum was nice and warm when he had finished.

I sat at his feet drinking wine while we waited for Emma.


The bell rang. "Answer the door, open it wide so that anyone passing can see you and invite whoever in." Her knickers were still round her knees so I indicated for her to remove them. She walked to the door, tinkling on the way.

She returned with Emma who was wearing a pale blue summer dress and high heels. "Emma strip." With her dress off she was left with just a thong which she quickly removed. "Both stand there, it is time you had some training. Stand properly." They stood up straight. "What is wrong with the way you are standing? There was no reply. "That was not a rhetorical question."

"I don't know sir," said Michelle.

I picked up my ruler and walked behind them, I put the ruler between Emma's thighs and slapped it back and forth. "Spread your legs until they are about level with your shoulders. That's much better, legs are usually better apart." When they had both settled in the proper position I demanded "Where should your hands be?"

"Behind us sir?" Questioned Michelle.

"Good girl, so do it." They put their arms behind them and I placed each hand holding the opposite arm. "Unless otherwise instructed this is how you will stand."

"Yes sir," they both replied.

"Good now kneel." They knelt in front of me. They had kept their hands in the same place. "What is wrong?"

"Legs apart sir." They spread their legs.

"There is another way where your legs stay the same but you put your hands palms up on your thighs and look down. This is the submissive position." They looked good like this.

"That is a good start, Michelle, get your cuffs and put them on." She went to the bedroom, I went to a cupboard and produced similar cuffs in red. "Put your hands out." I fixed cuffs to Emma's wrists.

I threw the ankle cuffs to her. "Put those on," I ordered and she obeyed. When Michelle returned I fastened them together, ankle to ankle, wrist to wrist. "I have some jobs for you, firstly bring the washing in, next peg the stuff in the washer on the line." When they returned they were quite giggly.

"Pour me a whisky," I demanded and they three leggedly perambulated to the whisky. "Go upstairs and make my bed, there is bedding in the large cupboard. When you have done that, fasten yourselves to the ties that are there, face to face, Emma on top. Legs at the head of the bed." Will they do this? Odds even.


Michelle answered the door, with nothing on, she stood there with the door wide open, displaying all she has. I pushed her inside and closed the door. "What are you doing?" She just smiled at me. I had a chance to look at her properly.

She was wearing what looked like a dog's collar round her neck and bells on her nipples. What the hell. She led me into the lounge. Sir was sitting fully dressed on his settee watching us walk in. We were standing in front of him when he told me to undress. Not difficult. I was wearing a dress and a pair of knickers.

He said we needed training, firstly how to stand then how to kneel. To indicate that we had to stand with our legs apart he smacked the inside of my thighs. I will remember to keep my legs spread. Arms behind my back made my boobs stick out. I liked that.

Kneeling again, legs spread, we kept our arms behind our backs and sir was pleased with this. He said there is another and put us in the submissive position, I recognised this from my first visit and there was something about this that made me feel meek and obedient.

Michelle was sent off while sir put red cuffs on my wrists and made me put some on my ankles. When Michelle returned he clipped us together. Well we have been friends for years so being close like this, even naked was okay. After all, we had observed each other's private parts in close up and in action.

It was fine and when he said we had jobs to do I was still cool with it but going outside to bring in the washing. In full view of I don't know who while fastened together. We struggled to get out, it's been a few years since I did a three legged race and thinking about it I think Michelle was my partner then about ten years ago. I started giggling. We got outside, "do you remember last time we did this when we were about eight?"

"Oh yes," she laughs. "We had clothes on then and we won!" It was surreal taking sheets off the washing line, naked, fastened together and laughing uncontrollably.

We took the dry washing in and took the washing out of the machine. We pegged mainly sir's clothes but also a pair of Michelle's knickers and my bra. The surprising thing was a bra and knicker set that belonged to neither of us, a thirty six C bra and expensive and sexy.

I looked at Michelle and she shrugged her shoulders. "Why are you wearing a dog's collar?"

"Sir put it on me, he said I had earned it, it shows that I belong to him."

"How did you earn it?" I asked.

"I will tell you later," she replied. Curious.

We went back into the lounge and stood in front of sir, legs spread and our free arms behind our backs. After we served him whisky we had to make his bed, the mattress looked as though it had been recently leaked upon.

There were fasteners at the head and foot of the bed that we had to fasten ourselves to. Me on top of Michelle! I was not too sure about this, friends yes, nude three legged compatriots yes. But tied naked on top of her, tit to tit; pussy to pussy, this was all together different.

"What do you think?" I asked.

"About how we go about fastening us in. We will have to do our legs first, then our hands tied together."

"Are you happy with this?"

"If sir says so then I am happy to do it," she replied. Michelle lay down and somehow we managed to fasten our legs. Wrists were initially easy until the last ones were eventually done. I lay on top of Michelle boob to boob and pussy to pussy.

"You can tell me about your collar while we are passing the time in this compromising position."

Michelle was reluctant to talk about it. "He said I had earned it by being a good girl."

"Well that's alright, why didn't you want to say?"

"It was not the collar, that was easy to earn and I'm sure he will have one for you soon. It was the tag that reads Mac, which is my new name." She whispered.

"Why Mac?" I knew there was something she did not want to tell me.

"It stands for the places he has fucked me." God, she was blushing! It dawned on me what the letters represented.

"You mean he's fucked your bum?"

"Yes," she was crying.

"What was it like? Did it hurt?" I asked. I don't think I could do that. It's dirty. Oh God I'm tied face down with my bum exposed, he won't do it to me will he?"

"I was so worked up I would have done anything. I agreed to it, I wanted to please him, to show him I was his. It hurt a little at first but was quite nice." She was more settled now that she had said it.

"He won't do it to me while we are tied like this, will he?" I was feeling quite nervous.

"No, he will not do anything you do not want, he will push our limits but he has given me a safe word, I say it and he will stop."

"What is the safe word?"

"Gusset," I burst out laughing. From almost wetting myself with fear to almost wetting myself laughing within thirty seconds.

"Why gusset for God's sake?" I asked.

"It's a word that does not come up in everyday conversation or even the less everyday conversations that we have and it raises a smile."

"We have moved from two weeks ago swatting for our exams with anxiety levels through the roof to being tied naked together hoping to be punished and fucked." I said through my giggles.

We were giggling and I must admit when your nipples are rubbing against warm soft skin, even if it is a girl they start poking out. I didn't feel too guilty as Michelle's were poking into me. "We will be best friends forever after this," we were giggling when sir came in.


I didn't know what to expect when I entered my bedroom but it was not the two girls giggling. "What's so funny girls?"

"Gusset amongst other things sir," replied Emma.

"What other things?"

"The position we are in just days after sweating over major exams I am sweating over my best friend." she set off giggling again. I stroked her arse, put a finger in her moist pussy, moved it to Mac's pussy, also wet.

"Well you seem to be enjoying it," I slapped Emma's arse. I knelt between their legs and ran my fingers down her arms and the side of her chest, she started squirming. I repeated the process with the same result.

"Gusset," she laughed. I didn't stop.

"Gusset is Mac's safe word and I am not doing anything to her. I have not given you a safe word. You are laughing so much you must be enjoying it." I was smiling as I said it.

"Please stop sir," she laughed. I took pity on her, I put two fingers into Mac's pussy and slapped Emma's arse several times. "Thank you sir.

I moved to their heads, lifted Emma by her hair, put my cock in her mouth and my balls in Mac's. I did not want to get too worked up just yet although having my cock sucked and my balls licked at the same time was difficult to pull away from.

As soon as my cock was out of Emma's mouth she said. Sir, can I have a collar like Michelle?"

"Only if you call her Mac," I told her.

"Yes sir, please can I have a collar like Mac?"

"I have one for you, red, will suit you. You did an excellent job at the barbecue, all the wives and girlfriends hated you and all the men were trying to hide their erections. I think the women should have been thanking you, they probably had a good seeing to when they got home."

"Please sir, I don't want you to fuck my bum, can I still have a collar?" Pleaded Emma.

I unfastened Emma while leaving Mac in place. I leant over Mac with my hand on her pussy, kissed her and whispered "I'll be back." I went to a drawer and pulled out a red collar.

"On your knees, kiss my cock." She took it out and kissed the end. "Don't stop." She held it and made love to the glans. I pulled her away. "Lift your hair up." I put the collar around her neck.

"Crawl to the lounge in the manner I have taught you." I watched her crawl out of the bedroom and down the stairs, her arse swing was exaggerated but her back arch exposed her delicious pussy. "Crawl to the table and bring me the ruler, carry it in your mouth."

"Yes, sir."

"Stand there," I pointed to a spot in the centre of the room. She stood, legs apart, arms behind her holding her elbows. "Do not move, you may use 'gusset'." I hit her arse with the ruler, once I had covered it with a nice even redness I moved in front.

I started on her thighs and worked my way up, Emma had hardly moved and only vocalised low grunts. I worked my way up to her tits where I was a bit more gentle. I hit her pussy six times. "Bend over the back of the couch." I ordered.

"I will not fuck your arsehole, I promise you."

"Put your hands on the seat." I picked her legs up and put them over my shoulder and used my mouth on her pussy, within seconds her legs were gripping me. I carried on working her clit and pussy, my nose pushing against her arsehole, she screamed as she came.

I extricated myself from Emma's legs and put my cock into her sopping pussy and fucked her. I came in her, pulled her down by her hair. "Get in there and suck it, I want it clean." I sat down while holding her on my cock, she was kneeling at my feet.

I looked down at her, my cock still in her mouth. "For a slut who has just been rewarded you seem to have forgotten your place. Open your legs, now. Apologise for that misdemeanour, now!"
