Best Christmas Present Ever Ch. 05


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Glyn looked at her and could see she was uncomfortable, but he didn't have a clue what she was talking about. "Mom, I didn't understand any of that. Just blurt it out. What do you want?"

Mary took a deep breath. "Would you shave my pussy for me? Nothing sexual. Just so I look good in my swimming suit." She looked at Glyn and could see he was surprised and then she felt relief.

"Sure, no problem," came his reply. "Where do you want to do it?"

Mary's reticence fell away and she felt her body relax. "Thank you. Err, in the kitchen. I'll just go and get my lady stuff," she said, as she got up and went upstairs.

Thoughts flew through Glyn's mind as he went into the kitchen. "I've never shaved a pussy before, this could be fun. Be careful, it's not your chin you're shaving. Don't want any cuts, imagine trying to put tissue paper on those. Nothing sexual -- she doesn't want sex. Don't get her turned on. My head is going to be inches from her pussy."

Mary broke his train of thought as she entered the kitchen. "Thank you, Glyn, I really appreciate it. Your father used to do this for me as I get nervous using a razor near my delicate parts."

"No problem, I'll be careful," he replied trying to reassure her and convince himself he's up to the job. He watched as she placed her pink razor, the shaving gel, a flannel and a towel on the table and then she went to the sink.

As the water flowed from the tap, Mary was having doubts. "Don't get turned on," she thought. "How can I not get turned on with him between my legs. The shaving soap will hide my wetness. But my lips will betray me. Just say 'no thank you' and go and masturbate afterwards." She filled the bowl with water and prepared herself.

"What do you want down there?" Glyn asked, then noticed the look of puzzlement on her face. "You want a bikini shave, a Brazilian, the Bermuda triangle, or Hollywood?" He asked, surprised he knew so much about female topiary.

"Err..." Mary responded. "A clean shave, is that on the menu?" Then she giggled childishly.

"The Hollywood it is then. Take your jeans and underwear off and sit down here," he said, as he positioned a chair. "I'll let you do the soaping as I think minimal touching from me is required. But, Mom, don't worry if you get a bit turned on. It's perfectly natural."

Mary undid her fly and took off her jeans, pondering on his last words, thinking: "It's not perfectly natural to have your son shave your pussy. It's not perfectly natural to get turned on with your son. Okay, compose yourself, just imagine you're in a beauty salon." With that final thought she peeled off her underwear, sat down at the table and sprayed the shaving gel onto and around her pussy. A few seconds later and she was massaging the gel into a lather and her pubic mound was covered.

Without making eye contact, Glyn took the razor and got down between her legs. As he shaved across the top of her mound, memories came back to him. "The last time I was here she squirted her orgasm. And the time before that; the last time we had sex. Don't think about that, concentrate. Be careful."

As he moved the razor lower he gently pushed her legs further apart as he began shaving her vagina. "Okay," he thought, "I'm going to have to touch her pussy lips. Don't look up. Don't make it sexual." He used his fingers and gently pulled her labia over to the side and shaved down towards her pussy lips. He rinsed the razor and repeated, taking his time and only used short delicate strokes of the blade.

Mary watched him shave her, hoping her body wouldn't betray how horny she was feeling. She wondered if her thoughts betray her? "Look at him, he's so gentle. He's going lower now. Ooh, he's got his fingers on my pussy. Keep calm, don't shudder. Deep breaths."

A couple of minutes later and Glyn had finished the job. He took the flannel and mopped up the remaining lather and took a look at his handy-work. "Good job," he thought.

Mary's eyes went wide as she saw him stare at her pussy and smile. Her thoughts ran wild: "Go on, do it. Kiss my pussy. Lick my pussy. Make me come. Take me to bed and make love to me, you wonderful, beautiful, considerate man. Stop it! Stop it! He's almost finished, go and masturbate."

Glyn ran a finger down the side of her pussy to feel if there was any stubble he had missed. Mary flinched, but he didn't look up. He checked the other side of her pussy and was satisfied he'd done a good job. Taking the towel, he dried her off, then rose to his feet without making eye contact.

"All done," he proclaimed, as he went to wash his hands. A few seconds under the tap and he turned to dry his hands. Mary's jeans and underwear were still on the floor, but she was nowhere to be seen. He chuckled to himself, realizing what she had gone upstairs for.

Mary shut her bedroom door and ran over to her bedside cabinet. She took out her bullet vibrator, leapt onto the bed and placed the vibe directly to her clit. "Mmmmmmm," she moaned, picturing Glyn's tongue lapping at her pussy. "Stop it!" She told herself, as she moved the vibe away from her pussy. "Stop it! You can't think about having sex with your son. Think of someone else. Who?" She tried to think who she had seen that day, but no-one came to mind. Then she thought of Fred and moved the vibe back to her labia.

After a minute of imagining Fred making love to her, the image of Fred suddenly morphed into Glyn. She tried to think of someone else and Sandy popped into to her head. "You're a kinky girl, go on, eat my pussy." The vibe was working its magic and she could feel her orgasm build. In her mind she pictured her hands in Sandy's hair, holding her down as she lapped at her pussy. "Oh, that's good. Keep doing that." Sandy slowly raised her head and Mary heard the words: "Come for me, MOM," and in her imagination, there was Glyn looking up at her.

Frustration ripped through her and she threw the vibe away. "Why can't I be normal," she screamed internally. She curled into the foetal position and felt a tear roll down her cheek. Seconds later she heard someone sobbing and realized it was her. Grabbing the edge of the duvet, she wrapped it around her and cried herself to sleep.

An hour later and with another bottle of beer in hand, Glyn wondered why his Mom hadn't come downstairs. "Must have been a good one. Maybe she passed out," he chuckled to himself. After tidying up, he checked the doors were locked and went to bed.

The following Morning Mary was up and out of the house before Glyn was awake. She didn't want to avoid him, but needed to. Some time to herself was what she needed to clear her head. Visiting Fred and Jenny didn't appeal to her either, but she figured a good swim might be just what was required.

Jenny welcomed Mary into the house and led her through to the indoor pool. She was so taken aback by the size of the room and the Roman frescoes on the walls and the floor of the pool, that she didn't notice Fred swimming. Jenny guided her to the changing room and left her to get changed. This room was equally impressive with a shower space for four people. Once she pulled on her suit she looked at herself in a mirror and was pleased with her figure. Memories of Glyn shaving her pussy came to her as she looked down at her crotch. She took a look at the fresco in the changing room and was somewhat shocked that it was an orgy around a swimming pool.

As she left the changing room Mary was surprised to see Fred towelling himself dry outside the door. She was also surprised by his toned figure.

"Morning, Mary. The pool's all yours."

"Please don't leave on my account," Mary replied, feeling guilty.

"You sure? I thought you might like some privacy and I do have some work to get on with."

"Please, stay awhile," Mary asked.

"Okay, five more minutes won't hurt. I've just got to make a phone call, so you get warmed up and we'll have a race."

Mary watched him leave and couldn't resist a quick look at his butt: "Very nice," she thought, then dived into the pool. A few minutes later Fred returned and joined her in the water.

"This is beautiful," Mary gushed.

"My mother designed it," Fred replied, as he looked at the often ignored frescoes. "A quick race, four lengths, then I really do have to get some work completed."

"Umm." Mary took a quick look at his muscular torso thinking freestyle would be his strongest stroke. "Two lengths, breast stroke. I haven't swum for a while."

Fred smiled, impressed that she changed the game for someone built for a sprint. "You're on. The winner gets to make the loser lunch."

When Mary was ready, Fred gave a countdown and they dived in together. Mary's competitive streak meant she put everything she had into her strokes; she never liked to be dominated by a man unless she had given her permission.

After ten meters Fred was half a body in front and at the turn a little bit more. He touched the wall, and was about to push away when Mary rolled over like a pro and pushed away just behind him. Mary swam the next seven meters underwater and gained a lead. When she surfaced she saw Fred was a meter behind her with just over ten meters to go.

Fred was impressed and upped his stroke rate, but Mary did the same. Her strokes were shorter than his so Fred was gaining ground, but Mary reached the end first."

"Wow, that was quite a turn you've got there," He commented, truly impressed.

Mary breathed deeply, trying to get her breath back. "School swimming team. We had a good coach."

Fred smiled, "You do realize you now have to make me lunch."

She beamed a smile at him, "I wasn't going to lose for the sake of a sandwich. Anyway, I'd like to make you lunch as a thank you for inviting me back."

Fred made his excuses and left Mary alone to enjoy the pool. She couldn't recall ever having a pool to herself and enjoyed the freedom as she swam. Half an hour later she felt her limbs tire and decided to get out.

After showering and drying her hair she went back into the main part of the house to look for Jenny and Fred. The house seemed empty and she called out for them, but got no reply. Curious, she decided to look for them and opened the door to the dining room. "Wow!" she thought, as she ran her hand over the oak dining table and quickly counted the twelve chairs. Then she looked up at a crystal chandelier and realized she had only ever seen such beautiful things in magazines.

Proceeding to the door at the opposite end of the room, she walked through and was equally impressed with the library. Shelf after shelf of leather bound books and impressive paintings on the walls. She stopped when she heard Fred's voice coming from the next room, then made her way forward to the open door.

Fred was on the phone at his desk in the study when Mary stopped in the doorway. She was about to back away when he beckoned her inside and finished his call.

"That's me done for the day. Did you enjoy your swim?"

"Oh, it was lovely," Mary replied, wondering what work only took an hour a day to complete. "This is a fantastic house. That dining room is just so beautiful."

"It is, isn't it. I sometimes think it's a shame we eat all our meals in the kitchen." He watched her look around his study. "Come, let's have a quick tour before you make me lunch."

That brought a smile to both faces and Fred led her out to the garden. "Gardening was my Mom's passion and she created all this."

"Wow, wow, wow, it's so... beautiful." Mary exclaimed, barely able to take it all in. "It must take a lot of work."

"Fortunately Jenny loves it, but she does get some help. In fact, your Glyn is helping her this afternoon. He's taking her to the garden center."

"Is he now. I never knew he had green fingers."

"I think it's thanks to Sandy. She asked me to go dress shopping with her and arranged for Glyn to take Jenny out."

Mary changed the subject to his work as they walked around the garden. Fred explained that when his father died he also inherited the position of chairman of his charitable foundation. It was his job to choose projects to put forward to the board. Annually they chose two projects, one at home and one abroad.

Fred noticed Mary was genuinely interested. "We're currently finishing plans for an opioid treatment centre here and an orphanage in Gambia. That's why I had to make some phone calls as they are hours in front of us."

"Projects like that must cost a lot, how do you..." Mary stopped herself as she realized a question about money might seem vulgar in such company.

"Raise the money?" Fred completed the question for her as she blushed. "An annual gala in each of the time zones across the country. A couple of hundred people at each function paying fifteen thousand dollars a head. And then there's an auction at the end of the night when everyone has had too much to drink."

Mary chuckled, but was gobsmacked at the amount of money and was blown away when Fred continued: "The next one happens to be here at The Plazza and I would be delighted if you and Glyn would be our guests."

She stopped in her tracks, trying to think. "I... I don't think I would fit in with such people," she said sheepishly.

"That's okay, neither do we, so your company would be warmly welcomed."

"Oh, my," she gasped.

"My father had some wealthy contacts and they had even more wealthy contacts. It's an event where they show off their wealth and get to believe they are doing some good with their money. Which they are, of course," he quickly added.

Fred led her back inside to show her more of the house. As they went upstairs Mary's mind wandered and she was a little shocked at her thoughts: "If he wasn't married I'd drag him into one of these bedrooms right now." Fred led her through the master bedroom and out on to the balcony. She couldn't stop herself taking a glimpse at the bed and thought: "I'd fuck his brains out right there."

The view from the balcony took her breath away, taking in the scope of the landscaped gardens. "This really is magnificent. Quite astonishing."

Fred liked the word 'astonishing', it brought a smile to his face. "There's one last room I want to show you." He led Mary back inside to a room at the far end of the house and took out a key to open the door.

"I was never allowed inside this room while my parents were alive. Once we inherited the house we had to get a locksmith to open the door."

Mary felt a little apprehensive. She took a few steps inside and stopped, shocked still, and raised her hand to her mouth to cover her surprise. Her shock turned to fear when she heard Fred lock the door.

"Yep, my parents had their own personal dungeon." Fred stated and then noticed the look of fear on Mary's face. "Oh, sorry, Mary. I locked the door because Sandy doesn't know what's in here. Your fine, no need to worry. I promise."

Fred kept his distance as Mary looked around the blood red painted room. Several wooden frames were attached to one wall and another was covered with all manner of whips, chains, restraints and metal bars. Her mouth dropped when she saw several black leather outfits hanging on another wall and she tried to regain her composure.

"Incredible isn't it?" Fred said, breaking the silence and gestured with his hand. "Most of this stuff I haven't got a clue what you're supposed to do with it. I mean, look at this," he said as they moved over to a black leather clad bench. "Any ideas what these holes are for?"

Mary flinched, taken aback by the question. "Sorry, Mary, I didn't mean it like that. It's just that I'm clueless. And as for these stocks, why would it be fun for anyone to be locked in this. That's not a question." He quickly stated.

Mary ran her hand over a wooden cross frame and looked at the chains draped from the hoops. A thrill went through her body as she remembered a time when she asked her husband to tie her to the bed and do whatever he wanted.

"I'm just blown away by what my parents got up to and in a way I find it fascinating. I don't know why, but I just do."

Mary snapped back into reality. "Isn't this a bit personal to be showing me this?"

"We've never used it. Jenny wants me to tear it all down and turn it into another bedroom. My argument was we've got enough of them. When she suggested turning it into a playroom, I told her it already is one. She laughed at that and said 'Not for me it isn't.'

"But..." Mary hesitated.

"I like to see the look of surprise when I show this room to others. I hope you don't mind?"

Mary smiled and the tension in the air was gone. "Not at all, this really is quite something." She paused and ran her hand through a leather cat-o-nine-tails. "I can't imagine how surprised you were when you first saw all this. I mean, I was shocked, but you must... Sorry. My turn to apologize, I shouldn't have asked you that."

"That's okay. None of us want to imagine what our parents sex lives were like, but this kinda makes me want to know. In some ways I feel a little in awe of them."

Fred watched Mary investigate the room, stopping to caress some of the larger wooden frames. Then it struck him: "Shit! She might be into this sort of kinky stuff." His eyes examined her body. "Wow, she's got some shape on her. Imagine her tied to one of those frames." He felt his cock twitch and didn't want to embarrass himself, so averted his gaze.

Mary looked at a shelf filled with dildos and vibrators of various sizes. She looked at one particularly big toy and wondered if it was physically possible to use. She'd read about and seen photos of such a room, but never imagined being in one. She was fascinated with all the equipment and her imagination ran wild, thinking what it would be like to let her submissive side loose in here.

As much as Fred wanted to keep Mary in this room, he also wanted to get her out of this room. He didn't want to get an erection in front of her, lest she think he was a pervert. "How about that lunch you are going to make?"

Mary snapped out of her dream. "Lead the way," she replied.

"Don't mention this to the kids, okay." He asked, as he moved towards the door.

Mary took a last look around the room and suddenly thought of Glyn strapping her to the cross frame and whipping her. As she looked across the room she imagined herself with her head and hands in the stocks with an ankle bar separating her legs and Glyn powerfully fucking her from behind. "Wow!" She thought. "Where did that come from." She avoided Fred's eyes and made her way out of the room.

Lunch was just a sandwich and when Mary remembered Fred, Sandy, Jenny and Glyn had plans for the afternoon, she made an excuse to leave. Before she left Fred asked her to come back next Saturday.

While driving home she couldn't stop thinking about Fred. He was a good-looking athletic man, which pushed all the right buttons for her, but more importantly, he was kind, considerate, and humble. She came to the conclusion that in another life he would have been perfect for her.

An hour later Sandy was leading Fred into a boutique dress shop. As soon as she entered she skipped away from him and rapidly browsed through a rack of dresses. Fred took a quick look around, but was more interested in watching the excitement on his daughter's face.

Sandy selected a couple of dresses and passed them to the shop assistant, who took them to the changing room. "See anything you think would look good on me, Daddy?"

"They would all look good on you."

"I don't want to look good, I want to look hot," she said, as she took his hand and led him towards the changing room.

"Err, shouldn't you get changed on your own in there?" Fred said, not meaning to state it as a question.

"Oh, don't be silly. You've seen me in my bikini enough times. What's the difference? And I'm going to need some help with the zips. Come on."
