Bimbo's Divine Quest

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Ambitious elven noble's fall into a gangbang shame slut.
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From the moment Captain Uric had stepped into Aurelia's office, it had taken great restraint on her part not to figure out how many wind blades it would take to change his mind. Not only was the barbaric human leaning into her table like to threaten her, but he was also questioning her orders. Though due to the current situation, the elven general did not want to inflame the conflict with the citadel garrison so she restrained her more forceful impulses.

"You honestly think we can trust an offer from the orcs? Instead of letting us go, they will probably just chase us for sport," Aurelia retorted before standing up to remind the human that she was almost as tall as him. Though even with her green-plated mage-knight armor, it was clear that her weight had been distributed way differently than the northerner's who looked like a walking closet even without armor.

"I'm just suggesting that we should think of a better plan than just waiting for the orcs to attack," Uric countered as he took his hands off the table to cross them. The move shifted his muscles that were visible from his open white and gold uniform jacket. Aurelia wanted to reprimand him for breaking the dress code but like this, it was easier for her to see him as a worthless human savage. So she just turned around to examine from the window the mass of green brutes gathering beyond the artillery range since those brutes were at least blurred to her due to the distance.

"I just need one night, and I will give those orcs a surprise that will shake the world," Aurelia mused while her right hand rose to stroke her long braided ponytail. The move would have wedged her silky blond hair between her highly empathized breastplate and her arm if she had not lifted the braid with the perfect timing. Something she had learned to do very precisely to not get any strands stuck.

"Just how many thousands My Lady thinks she can personally kill? And then there is the slayer of our most beloved Sun King," Uric voiced with a weird mix of politeness and demand in his tone. It gave Aurelia an impulse to pull from her ponytail to channel her annoyance to not lash out at the captain. She was not in the habit of letting her subordinates question her, but still, she needed the local garrison of rejects to be cooperative at least for now.

Even Aurelia did not believe that the debilitated citadel with a third-rate garrison if putting it politely, could withstand the sheer number of the green beasts outside that could just form ladders with their own bodies to climb over the crumbling battlements. Not that the brutes were that mindless but imagining it did give the general a moment of amusement while she thought about what she could say without revealing her plans before they were complete.

"All I need is one night and I can personally dispose of all of them," Aurelia promised and she turned back around to lock her purple eyes into Uric's green pair. She was reminded of the main reason why she had been tolerating him this far. Though there was a limit even to her how much she was letting something so superficial as her favorite color calm her down.

"Maybe our lady could offer something money can't buy," a half-orc sergeant named Rick grinned from behind the captain. Only a moment later cutting cold wind suddenly swirled in the room and Uric turned around to slam his fist into the brute's gut. It almost brought a smile to Aurelia's perfectly sculpted symmetric face but she pulled harder from her ponytail to fuel her anger since she had been given an opportunity to make the men stop complaining.

"And what is that supposed to mean?" Aurelia flared while her eyes locked into the man that had the mixed features of a feral brute and a human. Though even then his slightly green skin did little to calm the angered noble as she mostly saw it as something that was tainting the purity of her favorite color.

"Nobody needs to die today, let's just take our chances with the orcs tomorrow," Uric boomed as he pushed his sergeants towards the door of the room. Some of them had the same idea and the first ones bolted to a run the moment they reached the corridor. The captain had brought them for moral support to present his demands but now they ran away from the first sign of the fabled elven magic.

"You sure nobody wants to die today?" Aurelia asked with a slight grin like seeing the fear of the humans calmed her down on top of amusing her. At that moment she almost got close to being content having these pitiful soldiers under her even if they were as likely to run before the enemy as before her. If only she had not needed to hide the fact that there was something special about the citadel she would not need to tolerate only having the local rejects under her command.

"I'm sure, I will personally make sure the men are ready to fight," Uric voiced before he departed with a nod. After that Aurelia just checked some papers before leaving herself as she had something she needed to inspect.

** * **

After Aurelia heard that some strange dome had been discovered, she began jogging along the wide mining tunnel that was lit with shining rocks. Men in borderline rags were walking past her in the opposite direction while sending her glances but she did not let their dirty forms sour her mood. Today was truly the day when she was going to ascend and no orc warlord or menial was going to distract her.

At the end of the tunnel was a large open space filled with half-buried ruins of some ancient civilization. Not that Aurelia even spent that many seconds examining them as she saw a faintly glowing green dome at the other end of the cavern. She immediately decided that her favorite color was a clear sign from the gods that she had been chosen to find the divine weapon that had been claimed to be buried beneath the citadel.

"Mina, by the gods, please tell me that is what I think it is," Aurelia shouted across the cave as she sprinted over to the dome. Next to it stood a half-elf whose curly hair had been tainted green by some alchemist experiment to match her naturally green eyes.

"If your guess is a barrier guarding divine power, then you are correct," Mina voiced without looking away from the dome. Aurelia stopped just behind the woman who was wearing green alchemist robes. The two had only known each other for a few months but the noble had already grown fond of the slender beauty who clearly shared her appreciation with the most appealing color.

"I take it we can't just break through?" Aurelia asked excitedly. Even if the slightly glowing material was something she had never seen before she became convinced in seconds that it was made of the purest form of green.

"It does not seem to be affected by physical impacts," Mina replied with a hand wave at broken pickaxes nearby. Aurelia immediately began imagining just what kind of strength she would need to focus on a single spot to apply maximum force but then her eyes lit up even more.

"You mean the barrier itself is divine?" Aurelia demanded as she began walking around the dome that was too tall for her to see above it. If it were just a thin layer protecting something, one might be able to park several horse carts inside of it.

"Can't you feel the divine warmth?" Mina asked and Aurelia closed her eyes to focus. Her body was indeed filled with pleasant radiation that might have been calming if she had not been so excited.

"Yes, just like the shrine at the palace," Aurelia gasped. Even if nobody was allowed to approach the large sealed box at the palace, she had gone past it enough times to become very familiar with its distinct aura.

"My current interpretation is that only those who hide nothing before the gods may enter," Mina voiced as she pointed at the runic inscriptions engraved on a nearby stone altar. It was made from obsidian black stone but the letters shined as they reflected the set-up magical mining lights.

"And how does one prove that they hide nothing?" Aurelia asked with a head tilt as she had never been interested in solving cryptic riddles. Not to mention that the letters on the stone looked like random markers to her.

"It seems to be quite literal," Mina voiced and she pushed her bare hand through the barrier only for her sleeve to gather on the outside until it began hindering her push forward. Aurelia watched it from the side but she suddenly found her eyes trailing down Mina's body to see the shape of her ass shine a bit through her robe.

"You are certain there is a divine weapon there?" Aurelia asked after shaking her head to focus. She definitely did not have the time right now to think of her bodily pleasures. All of that could be saved for the celebrations after she had gained the weapon.

"Can't you sense the divine warmth just flowing in here?" Mina asked back while she dragged her hand out. Nothing seemed to have changed with it as she pulled her sleeve down. There was a shy look on the half-elf alchemist's face and Aurelia realizes that she had once again stared at her with a bit too much intent.

"I think I try wind blades first," Aurelia voiced with a sudden need to swallow. The two had definitely seen each other naked but never in such a dirty place. Besides, what would the gods think if she gave in to her desires moments before claiming their power.

"You might just anger the gods. But if you don't mind, I could fetch the weapon for you," Mina offered. Aurelia immediately stripped the green robes from the alchemist in her mind to see her hiding her green pubes in embarrassment. Just like the first time she had seen them.

"No, it's only right I do it," Aurelia said. Even if she had lately been letting the alchemist service her noble needs instead of her maids, she was not about to trust anybody else to even touch the divine weapon that was destined for her.

"I have already ordered all the workers to leave and your maids to guard the tunnel on the other end, we should not be disturbed," Mina said. While she spoke, Aurelia moved so that the dome was between her and the only entrance to the cave for added security. Though even then she wanted to try her magic first so she focused the wind to a small pressure point in her palm before unleashing it at the barrier.

The air distorted around Aurelia but as the blast hit the barrier, it just went through it and toppled one of the ancient pillars on the other side. She immediately looked at it worried as she might have also broken something within the barrier. Though then she sighed as something that her power was enough to break was not worth her time.

"Just don't do that too many times or the cavern might collapse," Mina voiced while patting some dust from her hair. Aurelia ignored her while she focused her power again. Since the air could go through the barrier, she simply sent a gust of wind inside to feel the hidden shapes. There was a clear form of an altar and on top of it was an object that could have been a sword.

"My divine weapon," Aurelia exclaimed while she focused her magic to push the weapon but it did not move like some power was locking it in place. As she let her magic swirl around it, she came more and more convinced that it was definitely a sword locked within something that kept it afloat.

"Congratulations, My Lady, now you just need to acquire it," Mina bowed deeply enough to hide her face for a moment. It immediately reminded Aurelia of the cute way the alchemist hid her face while she served her with her tongue. But no matter how embarrassed she always looked while doing it, she never refused.

"I guess I have to prove my humility to the gods to acquire this great power," Aurelia voiced as she pressed her fingers into the barrier to feel a warm and gentle caress surround them. Though her progress was immediately stopped by her wrist plate.

"May I have the honor of assisting you?" Mina asked from behind Aurelia. It forced the noble to swallow a bit as this would be the first time that she would strip first between the two. Not to mention, the alchemist would not strip at all.

"Naturally," Aurelia voiced and she elegantly spread her arms. Mina immediately reached for her armor straps and began undoing them. It took a few minutes but eventually, the noble's perky mounds bounced free from their constraints and she imagined that Mina must have stolen countless glances of her nubile body without giving anything back.

"Does My Lady wish to be pleased before she grabs her destiny?" Mina asked while she placed the underwear in the same storage chest she had collected the rest of Aurelia's gear. The noble almost flared to deny such an improper suggestion at this time but then something leaked down her inner tight and she realized that more than one part of her was excited.

"Nothing excites me more than my path to ascension, but don't worry, I will require your services to celebrate tonight," Aurelia voiced while she reached for the barrier again. Her mind imagined already how the obedient alchemist was going to worship her while she held the sword.

"I live to please your divine form," Mina voiced and Aurelia decided that she was not going to let the skilled alchemist's mouth rest until she was completely satisfied. With the way her body reacted to her sliding her arm into the barrier she definitely needed something to relieve her excitement after she had taken hold of the divine power.

"As you should, I will remember to reward you generously once I'm back," Aurelia almost panted while her breasts reached the barrier. There was no containing her surging jubilation and more transparent juices spilled down her inner thighs. Not even Mina had been able to give her such bliss as she felt when her pussy entered the green mass.

"I'm entering a heavenly realm," Aurelia stuttered as she grinned at Mina only to realize how indecent her blushed face looked. So she gathered her strength and pushed through even as she was tempted to stay in the divine barrier a moment longer. It felt like something was filling her pussy and divine power was entering her in an unnatural way.

Aurelia almost collapsed on the other side of the barrier. She only managed to stay on her feet by grabbing her knees while she waited for the throbbing of her pussy to lessen. No matter how hard she had made any maid or Mina work, none of them had managed to push her this far this easily. And as she glanced at the barrier, she wondered if she could come back later for some alone time with it.

"But first, my ascension," Aurelia voiced as she corrected herself to focus on the obsidian altar that dominated the inside of the dome. The engravings on it were as meaningless to her as before but her purple eyes lit up when she saw a beautiful silver sword resting inside another green barrier. This one was shaped like a narrow box around the sword as added protection.

Aurelia rushed to lean to the altar to inspect her prize as closely as possible. Not only was the hilt perfectly sized for her hand, but the scabbard was also filled with beautiful symbols and just for a moment, she saw her own name in them. Though as it was not even written in a language she understood, it was just a trick of her eyes but she took it as yet another sign of her destiny.

"May all the gods in the heavens witness my ascension and find me worthy of their power, to be their living champion," Aurelia solemnly voiced as she reached for the sword with both hands to lift it from the barrier with respect. Another wave of tingles assaulted her fingers as they entered the green mass but it did not hinder her progress to find a grip around the scabbard.

"I can feel it, the overwhelming divinity," Aurelia panted while she lifted the sword but then her eyes tilted when she noticed that the barrier around the sword lifted with it. But not as much as when she realized that she could barely move her fingers let alone let go of the sword.

"Did I offend you? I did not mean to do it, Or is this another test?" Aurelia uttered as she shook the sword a bit. Her hands were sunk wrist-deep into the barrier no matter how hard she tried and the sword was stuck with her.

"Did something happen?" Mina asked through the barrier. For a moment Aurelia did not want to respond. She did not want the alchemist to see her troubled like this but as she had no idea what had even happened, she needed her help.

"Just what kind of cursed sword is this? Did I anger the gods?" Aurelia exclaimed. She tried to project courage in her voice while she made sure that no matter how much she shook her hands, she was not able to drop the sword.

"Let me inspect it," Mina said. Aurelia hesitated only for a moment before she rushed the barrier sword first like she really wanted to know if she was stuck inside because of it. Though to her relief and horror, she was able to pass through to stand before the alchemist who looked at her with a disturbingly calm face.

Aurelia lifted her hands to present the sword that acted like a pillory bind. The moment her mind did the connection she almost collapsed from a surge of shame on top of what the barrier had done to her on her way out. Though with her almost charging through it, the effects had not been that notable to her already aroused body.

"Only those without shame are worthy," Mina muttered while seemingly reading the inscription on the scabbard. "And after that, your hand is on the way."

"I can't move them," Aurelia complained with a shake of the sword. She held her hands straight like she really did not want the sword to get any more stuck in her body. Though at the same time, she wondered if she should ask the alchemist to dress her even if there was something way more urgent troubling her.

"Can you focus your magic?" Mina asked. Aurelia almost panicked for a moment before she felt the wind move on her command despite the distracting tingling of her hands. She had slight trouble directing her power but once she found the focus she sent a wind blade cutting a line into a stone pillar nearby.

"Yes," Aurelia voiced while the wind swirls around the cave died down. She almost felt pride from her high level of control even in her current state. Though she still tried to angle the sword on an impulse so that it blocked her nipples from Mina's view.

"I guess we have no other choice than do this the hard way then," Mina sighed. Aurelia suddenly thought that the alchemist was going to take advantage of her current predicament and make her kiss her lewd parts instead. Something she had never done since it would not be proper for a noble to pleasure a commoner.

"What do you mean?" Aurelia almost uttered as the alchemist stepped behind her. Soon enough she felt traces of breathing against her bare back. But when she tried to turn, Mina rotated with her.

"Let me help you conquer your shame so you can prove your worth to the gods," Mina whispered while her hands reached to hold Aurelia's hip from behind. From there they slid to embrace her smooth stomach. Both of them were around the same height so Mina's heated breath trailed down from Aurelia's neck.

"Like you could induce any shame in me, I even let you shave my pubes," Aurelia voiced while her skin blushed red from embarrassment and slight arousal. She was bound like a common criminal and not even her powerful magic was suddenly letting her feel like she was in control.

"You are right, what could be shameful about an ancient purity ritual, even if it turns into something more half the time," Mina mused while her fingers began rubbing Aurelia's bare pubic mound that had been shaved in the morning. As pleasurable tingles radiated down to the noble's core, she was not sure if a play like this would actually be that bad since she had not been in the mood for a few days since the orcs had arrived.

"I'm not really in the mood right now, can you please think of an actual solution?" Aurelia stuttered. Despite her own sudden urges, she was not sure that this was the way to unlock the sword from the barrier and control its power. Though as the rubbing of her mound turned increasingly intense, she began thinking of rewarding the eager-to-please woman by letting her kiss her.
