Boat Girls


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"Only because you, my love, had the generosity to receive it."

She sat and sipped her coffee.

"Will we be continuing my training?"

Vincent smiled at the hint of eagerness in her voice.

"Not today lover. I want you to go and see Stuart and then Andrew. I want you to look your very best tonight."

"Erm... ok..."

"We have a dinner date aboard the Storm Petrel."

"Oh! I see -- we're going to meet Maisie."

"Yes -- and the rest of the crew. We know them quite well it should be a good evening."

"So is everyone going?"

"Yes lover. It'll be all of us and all of them." He searched her face for a reaction. "Some of the crew have old lovers aboard the 'Pet. It'll be a bit of a reunion."

"Oh -- I see. Well -- good."

"Sally -- you won't feel left out I promise."

She smiled nervously. "I'm very new to this."

"Don't worry, Omoyemwen and I won't be sloping off anywhere and neither will some of their crew."

"It's ok Vincent. I'll be fine."

"Yes I know you will my love."

Friday 09:30

Andrew gave her a full massage and left her resting on the table.

"Skirt and top today lover, and the jade sandals."

"Ok -- what's your advice on underwear?"

"Might be a good idea -- we're going to go and watch the Storm Petrel dock."

"All of us?"

"Don't know -- probably not. But you, me and Allison will go. If you want to that is."

"If you think it's a good idea Andrew then so do I. You've looked after me so far."

"Well you're on your own today until 13:00 -- I've got three more bodies to massage this morning."

"Right -- I'll sod off then." She eased herself off the couch, kissed his mouth and went back to her cabin.

Half an hour later Stuart came and woke her up. He sat her in the chair and trimmed her hair. Then washed and blow-dried it.

With all the activity going on around the boat and her with nothing to do she went back to the foredeck, stripped off to lay naked on the hot teak. The sun had turned her skin the colour of fine maple syrup, so a single application of a light sun-block would do her for an hour.

As she lazed she thought over the past four days. A whirl of sex and luxury. Was she deluding herself? Should she really be doing this?

A shadow fell across her. She looked up to see Omoyemwen standing over her.

"Good morning." Sally smiled up at her. "May I join you?"

"You may."

Omoyemwen stripped bare and sat down on the hot wood. She leaned over to smell the lotion on Sally's skin.

"No more than an hour."

"Omoyemwen am I doing the right thing?"

"No lover, no one ever does. But it's probably the best you can hope for and really that's all any of us can do."

"This is so out of character I don't really know what I'm doing. I've formed seven new relationships in four days. All of which are more important than any I've had in the past. This just can't be true."

"Which of us do you love best?"

Sally was genuinely shocked.

"Omoyemwen! That's such a stupid question that I can hardly believe you asked it!"

"Then you definitely belong here. This is the place for you."

Sally's heart thumped as she recovered form the shock of the question.

"That was a mean thing lover."

Omoyemwen rolled over and cuddled up to Sally.

"I know. I'm sorry. I just wanted to show you -- please forgive me."

"I see. You were poking me. I must remember you're a scientist. I forgive you my love but please don't do it too often."

"Stay with us -- we need you. We want you. We love you."

"And Maisie? Will she love me too? I'm actually a bit afraid of her."

"Then put her out of your mind. If she's not suitable then Vincent will find someone else. He always does."

"Why do the Boat Girls leave? What's so terrible? What is it no one's telling me?"

"Ahh -- the terrible thing is that you -- all of you -- have somewhere else to be, something else to achieve. For the Boat Girls we are just an interlude on the way to greater things. For us, this is it, this is the best we can be."

Sally hugged the older woman's head to her breasts. Omoyemwen sighed and relaxed against her as Sally stroked the back of her neck.

Friday 11:00

Sally lunched with Clive. He was, it emerged a 32 year old ex. tax accountant and rugby player. He'd taken a bunch of first aid courses paid for by his employers and had found caring for people much more emotionally rewarding than accounting but it paid so little that he couldn't imagine how anyone could do it for a living.

Then a boat had docked in Rio where he was holidaying. Clive was walking by as it docked. A line parted and snapped back, knocking a young guy off his feet.

Clive was aboard the vessel tending to the injured man before anyone aboard had time to react. They were all too busy.

He spent the next two weeks as a guest of the boat. When it left port he bid the crew a sad farewell but six months later it called in again on the way to Cape Town. Clive had quit his job and sold his flat and most of his possessions. He stepped aboard and left all his stress behind.

It was in Cape Town that he'd signed up with Vincent and fallen in love with Omoyemwen. The two had been inseparable ever since.

They'd finished lunch and were sipping a last glass of tea.

"So are you going to watch the 'Pet come in?"

"Yes. Andrew's taking me... and Alison's coming too I think."

"Well I'll tag along too -- Omoyemwen will cover for me here." He looked at the ship's clock. "Well we'd better get started if we're walking."

"Oh -- is it far. I thought they were docking here."

"If 'here' is Cannes then yes but they're far too big to get in the marina. They'll be out on Quay One. The other side of the bay."

Andrew strolled in to the saloon in uniform. "You fit? Alison's ashore."

"Yes, ready to go. Clive's coming with us."

Andrew smiled broadly. "Come on then guys -- let's go!"

As they set off Sally realised that Andrew was the 'uniformed flunky' that she'd seen in the distance when she first approached the boat. How little she'd understood of what was really happening.

They set off walking as two couples, Sally with Andrew -- Alison with Clive.

It was Clive who said "Let's tweak the locals a bit." He stepped away from Alison and took Andrew's other arm. Sally let go and moved over to be with Alison. They shared a kiss and walked ahead of the two guys.

They walked around the bay to the old town harbour and out along Quay One. As they walked Clive pointed out to sea. "There she is!"

Sally could see a boat with two tall masts and lots of sails. As they stood and watched the middle sail slowly disappeared into the forward mast. Then the inner of the two triangular sails sort of rolled itself up.

The ship continued to move ahead with the two remaining sails.

She turned to Clive. "What's going on?".

He put his arm around her waist. "Once they get to the harbour bar they'll have to motor but they want to keep sailing as long as possible. The genoa and aft sail gives them good manoeuvrability but not too much speed."

They continued to walk along the quay as the boat got nearer.

Andrew asked "Do we know where they're berthing?"

Clive answered. "Just up there I think. Behind the other big ketch."

As they watched, the remaining two sails were rolled away. "Good helmsman." said Clive. "Not too much slack in the canvas."

With the sails stowed the passengers and crew emerged from below and lined the port rail.

Sally searched the distant silhouettes. "Which one's Maisie?"

Alison answered. "She must still be below. I can't see the other Boat Girl either." She smiled up at Sally. "They're probably still saying 'goodbye'!"

Sally could guess what that might entail.

The boat was about 200m away when it stopped moving and turned almost in it's own length.

Sally turned and took Clive's arm. "What's happening?"

"She's going to drop a hook and come in stern-first like we did."

She watched as an anchor emerged from the bow and dropped into the sea followed by a long chain.

"We use the chain to keep the hook on the bottom."

She squeezed his arm to show she understood.

The people on the rail could no longer easily see them on the dock. One by one they waved in roughly the right direction and went below.

The boat was steadily backing into it's berth. A sturdy looking woman emerged on to the aft deck and waved to them. Then she busied herself arranging the mooring lines.

With the boat a couple of meters from shore Andrew and Clive stepped forward. The crew-woman waved at them both. The boat was now effectively stationary drifting very slowly towards the dock.

She threw the port line to Clive and the starboard line to Andrew. The guys secured the lines to rings in the edge of the dock and the woman tightened the lines from the other end. The boat was now about a meter and a half from the dock.

Then the boat moved slowly forward until the lines were taught.

She looked down and in a broad Australian accent said - "Hi Boys! How're they hangin'?"

Clive and Andrew both shouted back "Hi Angie!".

She disappeared and shortly after a small hatch in the stern of the boat opened and a shiny companionway emerged from the hatch and dropped it's wheels on the quay. The stern rail folded up and a small gate opened leaving the top end of the companionway level with the deck.

Angie reappeared and dived head-first off the stern rail to be caught by the two men who stood her on her feet. She plastered herself against each in turn, snogging them each deeply.

Then she strode over to Alison and did the same. As they broke apart she said "You're smelling good lover -- whose been taking care of you then?"

Then she marched up to Sally. "Hi I'm Angie! You must be the new Boat Girl that I've been hearing about. Vincent's got Maisie well bothered!" She held her arms open. "Hug or shake?"

Sally grinned "Hug I guess but I'm a bit more breakable than the boys!".

Angie gently gathered Sally into her arms and kissed her gently on the lips. She pulled away holding Sally by the shoulders. "You girls are always tougher than you look. I'd rather have you beside me than those two woofters in a bar fight!"

Andrew stepped up and put his arm round their waists. "First time Angie -- don't be too rough."

"First time girl? Well -- you really look the part I must say! Anyway no rest for the wicked! Better get back aboard before I'm court-martialed!"

She danced up the companionway. "See you all tonight?" To the chorus of agreement Angie replied "Fuckin' ace!" and disappeared.

Alison looked at her watch. "And so must we -- come on guys." She looked at Sally. "We need to get back but you can stay if you want."

"Oh no! Thanks but I'm sticking with you!"

As they started back a white Rolls-Royce with dark windows passed them.

"For the guests?"

"Yes, that's right." Said Alison. "How are you holding up? We should have warned you about Angie. She's a bit larger than life!"

"Oh don't worry about me -- I'm fine all the while you guys are here to stop me being an idiot!"

They linked arms and hurried back to the boat.

Friday 16:00

Sally was laying naked on her bed staring at the ceiling. She had never been shy but the prospect of the evening was a bit scary. If Angie was anything to go by she was in for a raucous evening.

The door opened and Vincent walked in. She sat up in surprise.

"Hi Sally, I hear you've met Angie Walker."

"Er yes! She was really friendly."

"Hmm yes. She's a good friend to have and extremely competent but she can be a bit like a randy dingo."

"Erm -- I'll take your word for that."

Vincent sat on the bed and took her hands.

"Clive said you were getting a bit nervous about meeting Maisie?"

"Well, yes -- a bit. Everyone tells me how wonderful she is. Plus she's older than me. I hope she's not disappointed."

"There's no need to fret, Actually she's as nervous as you are. The relationship between Boat Girls is so close it would be odd if you weren't both nervous. The only advantage that she has is she knows I've done it for her before. Besides, there is no obligation. If you really don't get on then I will find you someone else."

"No -- if this doesn't work out the others will want Maisie -- not me! What will I do?"

Sally was fighting back tears. This was worse than her PhD viva!

"No my love. They want you. You've won all our hearts. You've melded to the crew faster and deeper than I've ever seen before."

He pulled her towards him and stroked her back as she rested her head on his shoulder. "I'll send Andrew in. We're pretty ship-shape here and we can spare him 'til this evening."

He kissed her tenderly and left her to her thoughts.

Andrew arrived a few minutes later. Without speaking he undressed. Unsure if she wanted sex at that point she stood and walked towards him. He drew back the quilt and pulled her into bed. He spooned up behind her and covered them up. She went to sleep with his arms about her.

Friday 19:00

Sally awoke having her shoulders massaged from behind. She just lay there for a while enjoying the feeling. Then Andrew said - "Time to get up Sally -- in the shower with you." He gently pushed her out of bed.

Standing up she felt remarkably calm and collected. When she got out of the shower she found that Andrew had set out her outfit for the evening and left her a note to meet him in the saloon at 19:35.

Her dress was a long halter-neck in golden-yellow silk-satin. When she put it on she could tell there was a hint of lycra. It cupped her breasts and swept down to a point that just covered the upper end of the cleft of her bum. It fitted close from her breasts to her knees then flared out to her ankles. There was no underwear but then even a skimpy thong would show!

There was also a pair of kitten-heeled slippers covered in the same fabric and a simple gold chain with an amber tear drop that nestled between her breasts.

She had never seen the dress before or the shoes or pendant.

As she finished dressing the door opened and Stuart walked in with a bag. He pulled the stool from under the dressing table and said - "Sit down lover."

He brushed her hair 'til it shone and expertly gathered it to a perfect top-knot secured with what appeared to be a pair of gold-plated chop-sticks.

He rested his hands on the points of her shoulders and bent to kiss her long neck beneath her right ear.

She stood and looked at herself in the long mirror. She had to admit she looked stunning.

She turned to face Stuart. "Thank you -- I love you." She kissed his mouth.

He smiled shyly "I love you too." and kissed her back. "Now -- got to go! See you in the saloon at 19:35." And he dashed off.

With only ten minutes to wait she sat quietly on the stool and thought about her new friends. Her declaration of love to Stuart had taken her a bit by surprise. But, she realised, she could have said it to any of them with equal sincerity.

She rose and made her way up to the saloon where she found the whole crew waiting for her. The men were in their uniforms. Alison and Omoyemwen wore dresses that could hardly be more different from hers but were equally stunning.

She walked along the line and kissed each of them. Andrew was the last in line and he offered his arm. "May I escort you tonight Sally Maynard."

She laughed - "You may!"

Vincent said "To the chariots!" and led them outside where two Mercedes limousines were waiting to take them to the Storm Petrel.

Friday 20:00

Vincent led his troupe up the companionway of the Storm Petrel. There was a uniformed crewman on the deck to welcome them aboard (and to buzz them past the security camera Sally realised).

She and Andrew were at the back. As they reached the narrow companionway she reluctantly dropped his arm and he took her hand as he went ahead. She followed him across the deck to the saloon. She was last to enter.

Inside, both crews were now lined up on the port side. As she entered, another woman entered from a door in the bow end. Sally hesitated -- that must be Maisie. She was beautiful. Tall, slim, imperious. She was wearing a short high-necked dress in shot silk. Her skin was like pale, polished bronze. Her hair was red-gold and tumbled about her shoulders.

Sally had almost forgotten where she was. The two women walked slowly towards each other until they were inches apart. After a long pause that Sally barely noticed they each raised their right hand to cup the other woman's left cheek. As they each tilted their head into the cradling palm they came together in a long, soft kiss.

No words were exchanged as they leaned together and embraced.

Without a word they joined hands and walked, in step, to the exit that led to Maisie's cabin.

The party lasted 'til dawn but, of the Boat Girls, nothing more was seen before noon.

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BiandrandyBiandrandyabout 1 year agoAuthor

And yet I sailed as a foredeck hand on a 15m ocean going ketch...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Not credible. The author certainly has a vivid imagination, but knows little to nothing about the world of yacht crews.

RubberuwRubberuwalmost 2 years ago


Looking forward to further chapters,

Meeting guests, insight in to the work of the crew with the guests.

And of cource Sally maskering Scuba ;)

But so glad I got to read this one ska big THANKS

BiandrandyBiandrandyalmost 2 years agoAuthor

The EAC on the boat uses WSoD technology.

MafenMafenalmost 2 years ago

Too many holes in the plot.

"You can come and go as you wish -- I've programmed your face and irises into the boat's security system so all doors will open for you.""

Impossible. They've just met and she's only just arrived.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Hooked! What a fabulous tale, please please please make a series of it!

BiandrandyBiandrandyalmost 2 years agoAuthor

@Dr beulahthemick

I did start to write a sequel to Boat Girls. I wrote a little under 5000 words. It got a bit dark though and I decided not to publish. So It remains unfinished, sorry.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Dr beulahthemick; Oh, you can't stop it there, we need far more than that, what happens when the guests arrive, how long before she leaves and goes back to her other life?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Please give us another chapter.

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