Casus Belli Ch. 14: The Flower and the Axe


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Yasso's prize let go of her, looking guilty. "It's all in the past," Polly said softly, "and I bear the nobles no grudge. There were good and bad ones, just like with the ordinary people."

Lily hugged her once more. "Thank you so much," she whispered.

"It's okay," Polly reacted. She gestured at Yasso's bag, "Just take good care of that cape, it kept me warm and dry all the way from Coltan to Iriskan."

Lily wiped her wet cheeks, and Yasso slapped Kasho on the shoulder. "You're a lucky male, you better take good care of this little gem...," their guest said, making the little gem blush.

"We can't accompany you outside and see you off," Denora then told Lily, "because we aren't supposed to be part of the pack yet. Yasso's prize nodded her understanding, and then the girls all gave her a warm goodbye hug one by one, while Yasso donned his gear.

"What?" Yasso said, once they had all hugged Lily and stood back once more, looking uncertain, "no hugs for me?" Denora smiled, and then Yasso got his hugs too. Leavy went last, and the big orc smiled at her as she let go of him. He reached out and caressed her cheek, and then he locked eyes with Kurgan, "You'd better take good care of this one, she has gifted you her heart already." The platinum blonde blushed shyly, and Kurgan smiled back at Yasso.

"Alright," Bashuk said, "time for you to get underway, or you won't be able to make Evergreen before nightfall." Yasso picked up his bag, and Cassandra followed her master as he led his guest out of the private chambers. With all six males in attendance she, and Lily, got largely shielded from curious eyes, and as they neared the stables she noticed Yosin and two other large males waiting for them, standing next to four big kurtzes. "Have you considered making Yosin and his pack your own yet?" Her master asked Yasso. The big engineer nodded. "I'm sure Yosin would be glad to become second in command once more," the huge Warlord added.

Yasso gestured at his prize, "Yes, but there's now an extra complication... You know how I feel about sharing."

"There's only three of them," Bashuk replied, "and I'm sure they would be reasonable, and not ask for too much access, but I understand how you're feeling." The closer they got to them, the more impressive the kurtzes became. Cassandra had already met the beasts inside the stables, but outside, in clear daylight, they seemed bigger and more menacing still. As they ended up next to them, and the males started saying their goodbyes, one of the muscular beasts lowered her big head towards her. Cassandra reached out and rubbed the offered chin, "Hi Bilza," she whispered. Lily was standing next to her, looking frightened. Cassandra checked her surroundings, and established the males were well distracted. "Just rub her chin like I do," she whispered at the girl, "but don't move too suddenly, because that might scare her."

Lily hesitated, and then she did as she'd been told, and Bilza started to purr. "This is your master's new companion," Cassandra then whispered at the huge animal, "will you look after her for me?" The huge head moved to Lily, and the purring intensified.

"Does she understand?" Lily whispered, sounding amazed.

"I'm not sure," she answered, "but Bashuk told me they are fairly intelligent." That was when she noticed her master looking at her, and she blushed, feeling caught.

Yasso appeared next to him, and slapped Bashuk's broad shoulder, and then he moved in front of her. Cassandra yelped as the big orc plucked her from her feet, and hugged her against his chest, "I know who I have to thank for my prize," the big orc then said, "she told me everything." He kissed her on her forehead, and then he put her down again, while behind him Yosin and his two males were mounting up. Yasso turned and attached his bag to the back of Bilza's saddle, and then he took the reins, and the huge beast squatted so he could mount her. Lily was looking up at him, looking frightened, and once in the saddle he reached down towards her, "Take my hand."

Lily turned around, gave Cassandra a fierce hug, and then she turned back and reached up with both hands. The girl took hold of the big hand her master offered her, and then she yelped as he lifted her up towards him effortlessly. Cassandra noticed the second much smaller saddle in front of his own, and then Lily got lowered on it, and the girl's master told her to grab the leather handle bar protruding from its front. "Could you check her feet for me?" Yasso then asked Bashuk, who just nodded, and stepped up to Bilza's flank. There was a second much shorter set of stirrups she hadn't noticed before because, unlike the ones Yasso was using, these were on top of the kurtz's flank protection.

Bashuk adjusted the length of the connecting strap, and then he put Lily's foot inside the stirrup, after which he adjusted the strap once more. Cassandra watched her master move to Bilza's other flank, realizing it was a smart construction, because the flank protection prevented the passenger from inadvertently providing the kurtz with confusing instructions. Bashuk appeared from behind her again, and slapped Yasso's leather clad thigh. "You're all set. Take care, and come report back to me at Bromodin before you move south to Bornum and Soudra."

Yasso nodded, "Will do." He tucked at the reins, and Bilza rose, and then he gestured at Yosin, who reacted by setting his kurtz in motion, immediately followed by the two other males. The big engineer then followed suit, and Bilza fell in behind the three other kurtzes. Cassandra watched them starting to move towards the eastern gate, and when she noticed Lily waving in the direction of the keep, and looked up at it, there were six pale faces behind the third floor windows of the southern tower. Yasso turned Bilza left to exit through the gate, and Lily looked around him, back at her, waving and smiling.

She waved back until her fellow prize disappeared from sight, and then a pair of huge arms closed around her from behind, and pulled her against her master's reassuring bulk. "Don't worry, she's going to be alright now," Bashuk said softly.

***To be Continued***

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Banbeck, All Rights Reserved.

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BanbeckBanbeck3 months agoAuthor

Hi, it has taken a little longer than expected, but I just submitted chapter 15 (18:20 GMT)

Its title is "To Mate or Not to Mate", and it should be up in a day or two.

Happy reading... ;)

BanbeckBanbeck4 months agoAuthor

Hi Anonymous, the exact level of animosity against the nobles is still to be established...

At the moment it is clear that some loathe the nobles, but that other's don't.

And you must also keep in mind that most of these prizes are likely to become the pack-mate of their pack's leader one day.

So any human females joining a pack's harem are well advised not to mistreat their pack leader's prize, who's likely to become their superior one day, and even if not mated to him yet is still warming his bed...

That being said, being part of a harem made up of your best friends is definitely a big plus for a prize of course, which makes Cassandra a lucky girl ;)

Hope that clears things up a little...

And thank you for commenting, it's appreciated :)

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I hope we get to hear more about the other prizes. It must be a lot harder for them than for Cassandra since they don't have any female support network to help them through everything. Also, since there is so much animosity towards the former nobles, it seems likely that any new human females brought into the packs with prizes will make life harder for the prizes instead of easier. Bashuk said no physical abuse, but he couldn't stop the catty comments and behaviours that would chip away at the prizes' psyches, especially when a pack's males aren't around and it's just the prizes at the mercy of pack females who possibly hate them and bear a grudge.

BanbeckBanbeck5 months agoAuthor

Hi Daedalus98,

For starters, you can drop the Mr., it's just Banbeck ;)

This chapter (14) got published not even a month ago, about a month ahead of schedule, because I manage roughly one chapter every two months on average.

Writing 25k+ words chapters simply takes time, and having them edited takes time too.

So I'll be trying to get chapter 15 published before the end of next month...

Regarding Cassandra's nudity; prizes are never allowed clothes normally, but the orcs relaxed the rules a little because human females aren't as cold resistant as orc females are, which is why Cassandra is allowed leg warmers and a cardigan (as are all the other human prizes).

This only changes when a prize becomes a pack-mate, which might or might not happen.

Regarding the toys; the orcs never had a need for them, so they never invented them.

The humans do have them though, so it's possible for them to turn up at some point in the story.

But while the main story-line for Casus Belli has been worked out already, details like this haven't, so I can't provide you with an answer to that question...

Anyway, thanks for commenting, it's appreciated :)

Daedalus98Daedalus985 months ago

Mr. Banbeck I'm dying to read the next chapter. Its been so long since the last.

I also wanted to ask if nudity is always going to be a thing with Cassandra? Also, are you going to introduce toys like butt plugs?

BanbeckBanbeck5 months agoAuthor

@ Anonymous

No, it doesn't indicate nobility, in Nigawa "sir" is a general courtesy title, and it's capitalized once it's associated with a named individual.

Courtesy titles reserved for nobles are (mi)lord and (mi)lady.

Nobility titles are: Kang (King), Kangess (Queen), Pryon (Prince), Pryoness (Princess), Drak (Duke), Drakess (Duchess), Conak (Count), Conakess (Countess), Burgon (Baron), Burgoness (Baroness), and all the lower nobility are simply Lord or Lady.

Thanks for commenting, it's appreciated :)

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Does the human title "Sir" not indicate nobility in Nigawa? Why aren't the doctor and the engineer enslaved if they are both titled?

BanbeckBanbeck5 months agoAuthor

To the 'person' who just 1-bombed this previously straight 5 story; what a nice gesture to make...

BanbeckBanbeck5 months agoAuthor

Hi Anonymous,

Regarding Lily; the orcs don't know that she was still underage when the voting took place, they don't even know that a voting took place...

Regarding justice; the orcs did offer the nobles a way out, but the nobles chose to go to war instead, knowing they were risking their own lives, the lives of their children, and the lives of the entire Nigawan population, by doing so. So after defeating the Nigawan army, and paying for it with even more orc blood, the orcs could simply have wiped out Nigawa's entire human population (the "an eye for an eye" principle, not that strange in what is basically a barbaric/medieval setting). But they didn't, they spared the common people, and they didn't even kill the nobles, but enslaved those nobles instead. And then they even spared the children of the nobles from slavery, and offered the young adult females (most of which chose for war, and were looking at being married off for benefit anyway) the opportunity to become prizes instead of basic slaves. So I think the nobles don't have much to complain about justice wise.

Regarding the seemingly conflicting way in which Cassy is being treated; Bashuk's bunch are basically good guys, they like her, she's part of their pack, and a pack protects its own. There are also customs and traditions to be respected though, meaning there are things they can't protect her against without breaking the code. So they shield her from 'gawkers' because they can (and Yasso's reaction to them doing so should have made clear to you that this isn't the usual way a pack handles its prizes), but they also try to toughen her up against what they won't be able to shield her from. So Cassy being made to 'just suck it up' isn't based on indifference but on protectiveness. They just want for her to be prepared, so she won't end up hurt.

Thank you for commenting, it's appreciated.

Pointing out things like this helps me with determining what parts of the story might need more clarification ;)

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I found that this chapter, though still excellent, lacked the depth of previous chapters. The Yasso thing happened very quickly, and there wasn't enough time to really observe him and Lily. Also, especially after Lily's story, and how she was underage when the vote took place, I don't understand how the orcs thinking that sexually enslaving young girls who were relatively blameless for the actions of their fathers (and mothers, to a lesser extent) in any way resembles justice. They try to shelter Cass from gawkers, but there is no self-reflection on the existence of the prizes. It seems a contradiction with the advice to just suck it up that Cass got when she was crying.

BanbeckBanbeck6 months agoAuthor

Hi greywolf12,

The story has reached the point at which Cassandra's world is really going to expand beyond the confines of Bromodin keep, and in more ways than one...

The Nigawan people are divided on the subject of the (former) nobility, with their individual positions largely depending on their personal experiences.

They certainly aren't as supportive of the nobility as Cassandra expected them to be, but hey might not hate them as much as you think they do either.

As far as the Nigawan people in general are concerned there has been a change of management, and up to now, considering the circumstances, the new masters have behaved themselves surprisingly well.

So now they are observing the orcs with a wary eye, but most of them observed their predecessors with a wary eye too...

And the Nigawans, in general again, don't seem to have much of a problem with inter-species sex because the orcs, except for the noble women, aren't forcing Nigawan women to have sex with them (also remember this is a fantasy world, where inter species sex, outside single species countries like Nigawa, is pretty common.)

And thanks for commenting again, it's appreciated :)

greywolf12greywolf126 months ago

Nice to read a new chapter of your saga!

The sex scene between Cassandra, Leavy and Chief Yasso was very hot, the victorious orcish warlord and his two submissive human women.... nice scene you came up with.

It's interesting to get to know a part of the world outside the castle. I was surprised at how the human labourers reacted to the presence of a noble slave.

Apparently they hate their own nobility more than the orcs and don't have much of a problem with human women having sex with the orcish conquerors.

Looking forward to the next chapter. Your work is much appreciated.

BanbeckBanbeck6 months agoAuthor

Hi Anonymous,

Interesting questions... ;)

Cassy has always lived largely inside her Bromodin 'bubble', and is only now starting to get a clear view of the entire picture.

And while the prizes are all nobles, not all the Chieftains got a prize, and the packs of those Chieftains didn't get prizes either.

So the majority of the orcish 'upper layer' is still destined to mate with Nigawan commoners.

Bashuk's pack is a prime example of this, with its males in the process of mating with one noble girl and six common girls.

The mixed-race descendants are still relatively far away.

And while certain less desirable black orc qualities were dominant in the only mixed-race example we have seen up to now, that doesn't mean they always have to be.

But even if they were, that still wouldn't mean it has to be the same for the mix between green orcs and humans.

I have a feeling the half-orcs will, on average, inherit the best qualities of both races... ;)

And thank you for commenting, it's appreciated.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I wonder about about Cassy's idea that the Orcs are liberators. If the prizes of the chieftains are all noble, then wouldn't the next generation of rulers be blood nobility (the same nobility in power previously)? I'm curious how the human vs orc nature will play out in mixed-race descendants. Cassy already warned Bashuk about the comparative deceitfulness of humans, and as we saw in a previous chapter, when green and black orcs have offspring, the black orc nature trumped the green orc nurture.

BanbeckBanbeck6 months agoAuthor

Hi nthusiastic,

Don't you worry, I won't stop taking my time for this one...

As I told another commenter, who thought the story needed to finish after the Nigawan surrender, some time ago, I'm actually just starting really.

I'm basically still introducing the cast, and still painting out the setting.

And as those who have read "The Samaritan" and its sequels will know, things aren't always what they seem to be in Banbeck's stories.

In this story the first clue that not everything is as it at first glance seemed to be has been revealed already.

There's so much still to come yet...

Anyway, thanks for commenting nthusiastic, it's appreciated :)

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