Cecilia, Love in the afternoon

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Accidental adultery can be fun.
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Damn. Damn. Damn. Damn. How could I have been so stupid. When she is stuck into the gardening, she is usually gone for hours. At worst I should have heard her coming in. I was on my computer, indulging in my new hobby, Swingtime. It's the web site where married men and women can arrange a little fun on the side. Mike, at work told me about it. He had met up with some really hot wives, looking for an abandoned afternoon of sex and debauchery. Cecelia is the theme tune of the site. It plays every time you log on.

I was just finalising arrangements with a particularly lovely young housewife when I became aware of Jen's presence behind me. I always have an innocent site I can switch to, just in case she walks in on my forbidden viewing. I don't think I switched fast enough.

"Jen you startled me. Caught me looking at porn I'm afraid."

She said nothing but just humphed and walked out. It's not that Jen is frigid or that I'm bored with her. Quite the opposite, she is one sexy lady and we have a good healthy time in the sack. It's just that when Mike told me about his adventures, it sounded such fun, so daring. I had an adrenalin rush and a little stiffy just contemplating it. At first I only went on the site to have a look.

I put up a profile, just so that I could chat with some of the sexy babes who were on the site. It was great sending sexy messages to hot married women. The things they said would make your toes curl. Well there was this one woman, Rachel, married, thirty years old with a body that would tempt a saint. We chatted for a week or two with the correspondence getting hotter and hotter. We met for coffee just to check each other out and the atmosphere crackled with electricity. I was just finalising our arrangement to meet in the Wellington hotel. I had told Jen that I would be away at a meeting that would go on well into the night.


Everything was a little frosty the rest of the day and not much better in the morning. When I got home in the evening Jen had already gone out. I logged onto Swingtime and my worst fears had come true. My site showed that I had logged on earlier in the day. It wasn't me, it must have been Jen. Oh shit.

It was time for some very quick thinking. The only way out was to find an innocent reason why I was making an assignation. This was not easy. Jen was too cute to fall for anything too obvious. Jen had not confronted me. Why not? Maybe she was planning to catch me in the act.

Brilliant. The answer was simple. She could catch someone but it wouldn't be me. If I got someone else to be there, I could say I was arranging it for a friend. I needed someone who was shy, needy and not very worldly wise.

Nigel, he would be perfect. He is an innocent abroad. He is scared of making contact with women. He is so believable as someone who needs a helping hand. Best of all he owes me a big favour. I had stood up for him when he had been unfairly accused of sexual harassment by that conniving cow in accounts. The whole accusation had been ludicrous anyway.

When I told Nigel he was a bit reluctant. All he had to do was to go to the hotel and be there when my lady friend arrived. He could explain the situation and get rid of her. If he was lucky, she might be desperate enough to give him a good time. He could not lose. If she was there when Jen arrived, then no harm would have been done. If not, he could explain to Jen that the young lady had walked out on him and he was merely sitting in the hotel room contemplating his loss.

Whichever way it went, I would be off the hook and Jen would be embarrassed and ashamed of doubting me. Mind you, it was a shame about losing out with my hot lady.


What a bastard. I had an inkling that he had been hiding things from me. I knew that he looked at porn, but I did not know he was using dating sites. When he was out, I logged on to his computer. I remembered the name of the site and got the log in page up without a problem. Then luck was in. Bastard Ben had got the computer to remember his user name and password. All I had to do was work through the alphabet and up it came.

When I logged on I went straight to his messages. I was almost sick there and then. The bastard had been carrying on a pornographic correspondence with a number of married women. Worst of all there was one who he had not only met but had arranged to spend the day and half the night fucking. The absolute bastard.

My first thoughts were to go to his workplace, kick him in the balls, hit him with something heavy and hard and then tell all his work colleagues what a shit he is. Then I thought, no, it would be much better to confront him at the hotel. Then I could kick him in the balls and crush his skull with a blunt object. Then he would be a goner, the bastard.

I phoned the hotel and checked that a room had been booked and what the room number was. The room had been paid in advance in my married name. That man will die.

It took all my will power to keep calm until the fateful day. There was a strong frost in the air in the meantime. All this time Ben acted the innocent, the bastard.

Come the fateful day Ben had gone to work and I had arranged to take the afternoon off. I got to the hotel early, got the key and went to the room. I was already feeling like committing murder and as time passed my mood got worse. Finally there was a knock on the door. When I opened it, there was the brazen bitch. She was dressed to tempt a monk and made up to the nines. Sex crazed


"Who are you?" She said. "This room is booked for Mr and Mrs Taylor."

"I am Mrs Taylor." Said I.

"Oh, shit." Said she.

My language after that point was not such that a well bred lady should use. The hussy got the message. I took a photo of the woman just in case my dear husband denied her existence. Boy was he going to pay. I sat there and waited. Eventually I heard someone at the door, as it opened, in walked Nigel.


What a complete pratt that Ben Taylor is. He decided to cheat on that lovely wife of his and then came to me to ask for help. As it turned out he wanted my help to avoid cheating on his wife. Well that was different.

He told me the sordid tale of his planned assignation with the hot housewife. He explained that he was sure he had been rumbled and needed my help to save not just his marriage but probably his life. He said that he was going to make out that he had arranged everything on my behalf. He then insulted me by saying that it would be believable because I was so crap in my dealings with women and would be so desperate for sex that I would do anything.

It all might have been true, but he had no right to say it. I agreed to help him on the basis that he learnt from this situation and agreed to be faithful to that goddess of a wife of his. He swore oath upon oath. He also had the cheek to say that if I was lucky his hot housewife might take pity on me.

Come the day I was supposed to be there early but traffic held me up. By the time I got to the room, Jen was there and it was obvious that a confrontation had taken place and the hot housewife had received her marching orders.

"Nigel, what are you doing here? Where is Ben?"

"Ben? He isn't due here. What are you doing here? Where is my date?"

"Your date, what do you mean your date? Where is Ben?"

"My date, the one Ben arranged for me. Where is she? Why are you here?"

"Ben is meeting his fancy woman here."

"No he isn't. This is my date. He arranged it for me. It is so long since I have had any meaningful contact with a woman, I asked his help. I was desperate. Now she has gone and so has my chance of happiness."

Up to that point I was playing my part well but the more I spoke the more I thought about how things were for me. I started to talk about all the unhappiness that I had had. My lousy childhood spent with a bullying abusive father and a cold, unforgiving mother. The difficulty I had had at school, never having decent clothes, shy, stuttering and bullied. A lonely youth living in bedsits and then a disastrous marriage to a dominating bitch, who finally walked out on me. As I talked I could not help but weep for all the happiness that I had missed.

I confess that I had completely lost it. By now we were sat on the bed and Jen was cradling me as I wept. It was such a warm comforting feeling. She was the first woman who had held me close for so long. She started apologising to me for spoiling my chance of happiness with the hot housewife. She said that if it was not for her I would probably been enjoying wonderful sex by now and she had ruined it.

By now I was quietly snuffling into her lovely chest whilst she cradled me. She lifted my head and wiped my snotty nose and said she was sorry and wanted to make amends.

Suddenly she started to undo her blouse saying the least she could do was to make up for her mistake. Soon those lovely tits were there for me. She drew me in to suckle and her nipples hardened under my lips. I was in heaven and I didn't understand how I got there. I was still snuffling as I suckled on those beautiful breasts. She was cooing and stroking my head whilst I snuffled. We were like that a little while when she suddenly stopped and stood up.

"No, this is not sorting the problem. Right, now be a brave boy and get those clothes off and we will see what we can do to make you feel better."

With that she pulled me to my feet and started to undo my trousers. I couldn't believe what was happening. I didn't want this to stop so I took my shirt off while she removed my trousers and pants.

"Onto the bed with you while I get ready."

I lay there while she removed her skirt, tights and knickers. She stood there looking at me for a moment while I looked at her beautiful body. I was thinking that I really should not do this, but, oh God, she was lovely. By now I had the biggest erection of my life. Even if I wanted, there was no way of stopping.

She sighed with a little smile on her lips and came and lay down beside me. She opened her legs and pulled me onto her, then She drew me in to her and we were there rutting for England. My need was so great. It was a mad desperate fuck. It lasted no time before I exploded with a mighty groan.

"Well you certainly needed that." She said as she cradled my limp body. "That has got the desperation out of the way. What else was it that you had wanted to do with your date? Oh I know, how about this?"

With that her head slid down my body until I felt her tongue tickling the end of my cock. I thought it was spent never to recover, but, quickly, the probing and searching of her tongue, the caress of her lips and the hunger with which she took me deep in her throat, had me even harder than before.

She released me and slid up my body till she could lower herself on to my wonderfully grateful cock. She rode me first at a walk, then a trot and finally at a gallop until we came, pulsingly, magnificently together. The rest of the afternoon and into the evening Jen and I found so many ways of making up for my ruined date. What a wonderful day.

Finally when both of us could do no more than cuddle, giggle, look at the ceiling and relive moments of joy. Suddenly, Jen said she must go.

It was strange. Jen was suddenly quite formal. She said that she apologised for having ruined my date. She hoped that in some small way she had made amends for the harm that she had caused me. She hoped that I would forgive her and that we could still be friends in the future. All this she said as she dressed. She then shook my hand, kissed me on the cheek and left.

Wow, what a day, thank you God.


When Nigel walked in I was completely lost. This was not what I had planned. He told me the date was his and that Ben had arranged it for him. Then as he spoke it all started to flood out. Soon he was crying and talking, talking and crying. He wept for a desperate lost happiness. He wept for all the joys he had never had. I felt such a heel for wrecking the one chance that he had of good uncomplicated, happy sex with a lovely sexy woman.

I held him as he wept and felt so sad and so guilty. It was my fault that he was so lost and forlorn. Had I not been so sure of Ben's infidelity, he would have been in his sexual heaven. His misery was overwhelming. I wanted so much to make him feel better.

I don't know what came over me but suddenly I wanted to nurse him and make him stop weeping. He was already nuzzling in to my chest so I undid my blouse and bra and let him suckle on my nipples. It calmed him down a bit, but he was still miserable. The tingle that I was feeling in my nipple triggered a thought in my head. I suddenly knew just how I could make it all better. I would take the place of his date. I would give him a good, uncomplicated fuck and that would make up for ruining his day. I somehow knew that I could heal his unhappiness.

I thought he would pass out with shock when I told him to get undressed. He stood there with his mouth open. I started to remove his trousers and that seemed to unfreeze him. I laid him on the bed naked and he just stared at me with a look of wonderment on his face. I told him that, to make up for my cock up I would take his date's place. Though the rest of him was frozen in shock a certain, important part of his anatomy made it clear that it certainly thought my suggestion was a good idea.

Well I think I met with the pent up frustration of years bursting over me. It was all over so quickly, he must have been holding all that back for most of a lifetime. I thought, well that was very quick, what do I do now? Twenty seconds of sex hardly represented an afternoon of passion. I had certainly not done enough to make amends.

I needed to use my imagination. What do people do when they are having illicit sex in the afternoon? It was obvious when I thought about it. Nigel actually has quite a lovely cock. I thought if I explore more closely I might be able to do enough to give Nigel a bit more pleasure. I explored his rather nice cock with my lips and tongue. Funny, it never really turns me on doing that with Ben but Nigel's cock just seemed yummy, velvety and so responsive. I even managed to take him deep into my throat without gagging. What an interestingly different feeling. It did not take Nigel long to revive.

Once it revived I thought that if I was on top I could prolong the pleasure for Nigel. It was rather fun making Nigel so happy.

The more I made things better for Nigel the better I felt. This was the most enjoyable, uncomplicated sex that I had ever had. It was good to make an unhappy man very happy. It was so much fun. I had more orgasms that afternoon than I would usually have in a month. Finally I had to remind myself that I had only been doing it to make up for my error and not for my own enjoyment.

But it was fun, we talked about what made each of us feel good and experimented like a pair of school kids. We tried sex in ways that I had never contemplated with Ben. We giggled and played for ages. I have never seen anyone look as happy as Nigel that afternoon. I suddenly realised that I had been making up for my mistake for the whole afternoon and most of the evening and it was starting to get late.

I thought that I had done a good job making Nigel happy and it was now time I should be getting home. Whilst I got dressed I was still feeling a lovely tingle in my tum.

I thought that it would be wrong to kiss Nigel goodbye, because that would make it seem like we were lovers, rather than that I was just making up for a terrible mistake, so I shook Nigel's hand and said goodbye to him and that I hoped I had made up for his ruined afternoon.

When I got home Ben was there. He gave me a big kiss and asked me where I'd been. I gave him a big hug and said that I had been sorting out a major misunderstanding, but that everything was alright now. Ben somehow looked relieved.

I know I was only making up for the unhappiness that I had caused but it was nice to be able to do good to someone in need.

Why does that song Cecelia keep running through my head? What was that website they played it on?

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lc69hunterlc69hunterabout 2 years ago

Hubby fucked up and she got laid. Good payback

NVDiceGuyNVDiceGuyabout 2 years ago

It’s a shame there is only one post from this author

widowedidiotwidowedidiotalmost 3 years ago

Yes wow!! I love stories like this one where nothing is planned by the women. yet she realizes what she has been missing, which asks the question. Will she go back for more later on? I don't really care for stories where the hubby has to be there interrupting the wife pleasure, stories like that you know the wife is always going to hold back so as not to have the husband feel offended by a better lover. But this ones, the wife can really let loose and even try things she had not even imagined with her husband.

Prince020402Prince020402about 3 years ago

Fantastic story......kinda like the Pinacolada song but juicier.

Not a single likeable character but anyone that can do that and make me smile deserves a good score. Kinda like the movie "Sideways". No likeable characters - all either pathetic, immoral or disgusting yet it won Oscars.

Shitshows can be fun to see or read and this situation was a shitshow. Keep writing.

kdad9010kdad9010about 3 years ago

Fun. Although there seems to be no remorse or second thoughts by the wife... Ah well. I still enjoyed it

More stories please!

26thNC26thNCabout 3 years ago

Uncle Odiouser was right about one thing. The words of this story don’t fit together at all. I gave up at Nigel.

iameaseliameaselabout 3 years ago

Your writing style is good but you literally characterized garbage humans. Which, sadly, is an all too common occurrence here.

BigJim48BigJim48about 3 years ago

The writing was fine in a grammar & sentence structure standpoint. It was the actual story line that bothered me. The female MC was going to kill her husband for his "intended" intimate actions. Should she now be the one killed? Her husband was guilty of setting up the assignation but never completed it. She did commit & complete the adultery. "What's good for the goose is good for the gander!"

KalimaxosKalimaxosabout 3 years ago
Reverse revenge

I've been saying women scorned get revenge their own way.

A dish served cold.

mattenwmattenwabout 3 years ago

I hope everyone involved becomes infected with HIV and dies a slow and agonizing death. Stupidity must be punished. The same applies to this story!

GhostdogginGhostdogginabout 3 years ago

Not one singular character to be liked in this story. Ben was planning for a while to be a cheating prick. Still after she found Nigel had walked in, his wife believed and was under the impression he had done it for a friend. So shes a cheating whore who felt it was morally right just because she ruined "Nigels date?" Then Nigel fucks his friends wife cause hes had a dry spell? Not a single person in this story had any morals or remorse. They are all nothing but a POS.

GarySmith69GarySmith69about 3 years ago

Really? I dont see anyone to like here.

OdiouserOdiouserabout 3 years ago

Well, I love to see new writers come on board and try my best to encourage them. The underlying storyline here is quite interesting and somewhat unusual. Your word-for-word writing skills are nearly perfect, but the words do not fit together at all well and I had great difficulty understanding what was actually going on. You should put your finished story on the shelf for a few weeks and then re-read it, you may see how it jumps around confusingly. Better yet, take advantage of one of the hundreds of free volunteer editors on this site. They are not very busy, I know because I signed up 6 months ago and got 4 requests in the first week, then none at all for 5 months, Seems they just list the editors in chronological sequence by date of assignment, so once you get a few weeks down the list, you never get called on. Anyway, most would be happy to help you out as you have some interesting material to work with. Keep at it!

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