Chocolate Dreams Ch. 05 Pt. 03


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Apparently Mike was still in Puerto Rico but would be back in the office on Friday. He was furious that Diane and Brandi had left early, ruining his plan for a threesome with them that morning.

"You two are going to make that up to me Saturday night," he texted. "Be at the Summit Hotel at 7:00 PM. Bring your sexiest lingerie. And don't expect to go home that night."

Diane was in a bit of a panic. "What do I do?" she asked. "I can't tell Brandi she has to do this."

"Neither of you are going to have to do anything," I told her. "We will just have to make this happen when he returns on Friday."

I called Rodger and told him the new date - the case would be incomplete then but still compelling. Most importantly, it would be strong enough to 'persuade' Mike that acting on any of his blackmail information would be suicidal. We discussed logistics and how we would present the case to Mike. We would have a rehearsal on Thursday to make sure all bases were covered and execute the plan. All in all, I was very pleased with where we left things.

My good mood was shattered on Wednesday morning when Diane came downstairs before work. She was dressed in a navy-blue skirt and heels and had a dark gray silk blouse on. Her breasts bounced noticeably under the blouse which of course meant she was braless. 'Jordan day' I thought to myself. The thought of her worshipping his massive cock with her mouth and then letting him fuck her darkened my mood, but I tried to hide it. It wasn't easy; now that I had seen him pounding that monster into her I couldn't help but be jealous. At the same time, I had to admit that my cock was hardening at the image of her riding him - the conflict was killing me. We had grown together as a couple and I had to believe that we would somehow get over her obsession with his cock. Meanwhile, Mike was out of the office, so 'When the cat's away...' I thought.

"Still on schedule for Friday?" she asked, sipping her tea.

"Yes," I affirmed. "Run-through tomorrow to tighten up the presentation and then we wait for Friday morning."

"Wonderful!" she exclaimed. "Can I tell Brandi? Mike texted her yesterday about Saturday night and she was in a panic. I told her to hang on - that something might happen."

"You can tell her," I said. "I think we're at the point where we can reassure her without creating false hope."

"That's great - that's a burden off both our shoulders!" She moved to kiss me, saying, "I'm off to work, maybe I'll see you there."

"Sure, see you there. Say hi to Jordan for me." As soon as I said that, I regretted it. Diane's happy face clouded and she looked at me sadly.

"I'm sorry," I said as quickly as I could. "That was a cheap comment. I shouldn't have said it."

"No," she said quietly. "It came from how you feel, and I have to respect that. I don't want to hurt you David; we've come so far as a couple. All I can do is ask you to give me more time. I'm discovering love and other feelings like I've never had before because of you."

"Of course," I told her. "I love you and trust you. We will go down the path together."

We kissed and she was off. Could I get the image of Jordan's hands on her out of my mind? No, no more than I could shake off the image of them coupling. But I had to hope it would all work out. I was too much in love with her to just give up.

Friday came quickly, almost too quickly, but we finished preparations for the meeting with Mike in time. I had left a message with his secretary that there was an urgent meeting in my office at 9:00 that morning, right as he was arriving. He showed up at 9:05, coffee in one hand and his phone and a note pad in the other. When he saw that the other people in the meeting were Rodger, our General Counsel and the investigator his eyebrows went up.

"This is an unusual group," he commented. "What's the occasion?"

"Sit down please," I told him. You know everyone except for John. John is a forensic accountant. We've asked you here to discuss a number of irregularities in your promotional funds and other accounts. We don't expect you to say anything unless you want to, and you would be wise to get a lawyer after this meeting. The bottom line is that we have incontrovertible proof that you've been misappropriating monies under your control and using it for personal gain."

Mike was impassive the entire time I spoke except to say, "I really don't know what you're talking about."

"Be that as it may, we are recording this meeting. As we speak, IT is confiscating your company laptop and security people are seizing your company car. And I'll be taking your phone, since it's on a company account." I reached over and took his phone from the table as I said that.

"Again, I'm not sure what you think I've done," Mike said. "But there's nothing on the laptop or the phone. Even if there were, good luck hacking into the phone."

"I thought about that," I replied. "Let me try something." Turning on the phone I pointed it at his face and it activated. "Have to love facial recognition," I said dryly. I hit the picture icon and quickly scanned the videos. Seeing what I expected I turned my attention back to Mike.

"We now know that there is incriminating evidence on the phone," I told him. "I'm sure when we look at text messages and emails we will find more."

Mike just stared at me, impassive and poker-faced.

"So here's how this goes - John is going to review his findings and gives you copies of the multiple discrepancies he has found. If you would like to comment, feel free to do so, but if I were you I would review all of this with a lawyer first. When John is done I'll explain next steps.

Mike shrugged. "Whatever. There must be a misunderstanding, because I've done nothing wrong."

I didn't waste breath on an answer to that. Instead I looked at John and motioned for him to proceed with his part of the meeting.

John went through an extensive list of irregularities in spending with various sales accounts. The list totaled over $400,000 that had obviously been diverted from its intended use. Large enough to qualify for grand larceny, which suited our purposes.

Once John was done the General Counsel went through our intentions. We were going to interview Mike's subordinates to get further details and proof, and subpoena the people he worked with in the industry whom we suspected, at the very least, had cooperated with his demands. As we did that he was welcome to hire an attorney and get advice, but the bottom line was he reimburse the company to the extent he was able, and maintain complete confidentiality, or he would be prosecuted.

Mike's eyebrows rose when he heard that there was a chance he wouldn't be prosecuted; otherwise his expression never changed.

It was my turn to speak. "Obviously you are being fired for cause as of now. You will be escorted from the building; you will be allowed one call to get a ride, since we've taken your car and phone. Your office has been sealed; bonded investigators will go through it and any personal effects will be sent to your home. Any questions?"

"No, I just want to say that this is all a misunderstanding. I don't know anything about this."

"Fine," I said. I excused everyone else; once they had left and shut the door behind them I looked Mike in the eye.

"Now that it's just the two of us, another aspect of this that I want kept confidential is the information concerning all the people you've been blackmailing. I looked at your phone; it took me just a few seconds to find some of the video you've been using against them. If you've made copies, destroy them. If any of them every get posted anywhere, you will be prosecuted. You're out of the blackmail business, as well as the embezzling business. And since it's just the two of us, I promise you that I will personally make sure you pay a severe price if anything comes out."

"People on those videos did what they did voluntarily," Mike asserted. "You'll see Diane on there - she loved every minute of what was happening to her."

I controlled the anger rising in me but I'm sure my face flushed involuntarily.

"I have recordings of you threatening her and others that would prove otherwise. And when the lab analysis comes back, we will have proof you drugged her and Brandi. You heard what I said - this stops here. We're done now," I told him.

I stood up and walked to the door. Mike was a step behind me, but wouldn't let it go.

"You're wrong about the videos," he said. "Watch them and you'll see her begging people to fuck her. And what do you care anyway?"

He paused for a second and then continued. "'re who she's seeing in the company, not Jordan! Damn, I missed that one. Ha! How's it feel to be involved with the woman most of the sales force has screwed one way or another? And then there's Jordan; she's fucking his big cock regularly - there's a few videos of her loving that monster! Not that I blame you - she has a killer body and is a great fuck, though personally I prefer her blowjobs....."

I spun and hit him in the solar plexus with a right hand that had months of pent-up anger and five years of combat training as a Marine Corps infantry officer behind it. Mike went to his knees like he'd been hit by an I-beam, then collapsed onto his hands and knees. He struggled to breathe for a while, only getting short gasps of air. He wretched and I thought he would puke but he couldn't manage that. He finally got enough breath to gasp out, "That's......assault....I'"

I leaned over him. "Don't know what you're talking about Mike," I said calmly. "Sorry you lost your footing there, let me help you up."

He shook my hand away from his shoulder and came up on one knee. "You won't get away with this," he said shakily.

"Not sure what you mean Mike," I told him. "And unfortunately, if I had hit you, there are spots where it doesn't leave any evidence - it just hurts like hell. Something to remember as you decide what to do next, because I'd be happy to provide a thorough demonstration."

Mike stood up shakily and I opened the door for him. I followed him to the receptionist, where he called his wife for a ride and then escorted him out of the offices. We had a security guard at the door to make sure he didn't re-enter, and that was the end of Mike for now.

I called Diane to let her know that it was done. She had been sitting in her office in suspense since she got to work and I wanted to give her some closure. She told me she would be right down and hung up. A minute later she swept into my office, shut the door and threw her arms around my neck, kissing me with one the best kisses we had ever had.

"My hero! Have I told you how much I love you?" she asked.

"You have," I answered, "but I don't get tired of hearing it," I said, repeating what she had said to me weeks ago. I held her close, enjoying the feel of her against me beyond words. "I love you too Diane. I'm glad we can put this behind us."

We parted and Diane suggested I call Brandi and Jordan to have them come to my office for the news.

"We can invite them to the townhouse for a celebration tonight," she offered.

"Are you ready to let Brandi know about us?" I asked.

"Yes, I think it's time," she said. "I just hope she understands why I had to lie to her."

"She's seen what Mike can do," I offered. "There's a good chance she'll understand. And he was coming at her in other ways - you were just the easiest and fastest."

I called both of them; they were in my office in minutes, eager to hear how the meeting with Mike went. Diane's smile was a give-away that it had gone well, and I told them the details and the bottom line that Mike was gone. They were both very pleased and relieved of course.

"There's still some negotiation that needs to happen with him on reimbursing the company," I told them. "But I made it very clear that only total confidentiality will keep him from being prosecuted. And his phone and laptop have been confiscated, so anything on them is safe now."

"What about the sales managers?" Brandi asked.

"They will all be talked to and told the same thing - anything becomes public and they will be prosecuted." I told her. "Tom is the only one beside Mike who will be fired; he was Mike's right-hand man in all of this and most of the money came from his area. Their phones and laptops will be confiscated and wiped clean after a forensic search. You are all as safe as we can possibly make you."

"Thanks Dave," Jordan offered. "I have to admit I was involved in this on the wrong side at first, but once I saw what Mike was up to, I dropped out. But it was too late by then - he had his hooks into me."

"Yes, thank you," Brandi added. "I was so worried. And then after Puerto Rico.....I didn't know what to do."

"I'm truly sorry you and Diane had to go through that," I told her. "We just couldn't get everything together in time to prevent it."

"Anyway, I think a little celebration is in order," Diane said brightly. "Can you both come to my townhouse after work?"

"That sounds great," Brandi told her. "I'm sure my mother can watch Susan."

"I'll be there," Jordan added. "Right after work?"

"Yes, around 6:00 would be perfect," Diane told them. Everyone went back to work; Diane and I traded text messages later, agreeing to leave a little early to prepare for their arrival. We both got to the townhouse at 5:45. As we went into the kitchen to prepare I spun her around and kissed her hard, just because I always want to kiss her.

"What was that for?" she asked after we ended the kiss.

"Just another demonstration of how much I love you," I told her. "Shame they're coming - I have other ways to show you." I said, smiling slyly at her.

"Mmm, sounds nice for later," she said. "But we have to get ready now."

We busied ourselves with the wine, glasses and some snacks. We were done in plenty of time and had a few minutes to discuss the evening.

"How do you see this evening going?" I asked, wondering if Diane had a plan.

"I was just going to let it happen," Diane replied. "Obviously Jordan already knows a lot, but Brandi really understands very little of how this all came about."

"A suggestion, if I may - let her get a glass of wine in her before we talk about us, or Jordan, or any other details. I can tell everyone about the investigation and next steps before we get to that."

"I like that idea," Diane said. At that moment the doorbell rang and I went to open the door. Jordan was standing there, punctual as usual. I let him in, shaking his hand. Diane came over and gave him a kiss, on the lips not the cheek I noted. Jordan was tall enough that she had to stretch up to do that, even in heels, while he bent over a bit. His hands went to her waist as they kissed, making me wonder how the night might develop.

We got Jordan situated with wine, and a few minutes later Brandi arrived. Diane hugged her and she said hello to me and Jordan. She chose a white wine and we all sat, Jordan and I in the armchairs, Diane and Brandi on the couch.

"You have a lovely place here," Brandi told Diane.

"Thanks, it suits me - has everything I need," Diane said.

There was an awkward pause, so I jumped in.

"First, let's toast the demise of Mike," I proposed. Everyone happily raised their glasses to that and sipped their wine. "All the managers have been spoken to, and hardware swapped." I told them. "I think you can all go about your lives normally again. But if you hear anything - I mean anything! - that sounds like a leak please let me know immediately."

Everyone agreed to that, and I began to tell them about Mike's various schemes and how he diverted money. Jordan was especially interested, because most of the funds had been meant to support customer marketing, not Mike's lifestyle. There was a lot of discussion; by the time we finished everyone was ready for another glass of wine.

Wine glasses refilled, Diane began the next subject.

"Brandi, I have some other things to tell you, a confession of sorts. I hope you can forgive me when you hear everything, but I'll understand if you can't."

"What are you talking about Diane?" Brandi asked. "We've been through all of this together."

"There are a few things going on behind the scenes," Diane explained. "First, Dave and I are a couple - we've been seeing each other seriously for a few months and pretty much live together here."

"I wondered about that," Brandi said, surprising me. "The way you act around each other...but, that means the whole lesbian thing.."

"Was not my real orientation," Diane admitted. "Although everything we did with each other was very real. I enjoyed our time together immensely - it made me wonder if I'm bi-sexual."

"And the Jordan rumors were wrong," Brandi concluded.

Diane blushed a deep red. "Well, no, they weren't. Jordan and I are.....friends with benefits?" That was an interesting way to present it, I thought. Better than 'I can't get enough of his huge cock'.

"So why the act?" Brandi asked, sounding upset. "That was what Mike used against both of us."

"Mike made her do it," Jordan said, joining the conversation. "And he made me pair the two of you. He was pulling all the strings."

"So he already had the two of you in his control," Brandi concluded.

"And he was after you next," I added. "One way or another. His laptop has all the research he had been doing about your daughter and the custody battle. He started that even before he used Diane and Jordan."

"What a horrible person," Brandi said softly. She thought for a few minutes and seemed to come to a conclusion. "I know what it's like to have Mike controlling you, so I understand the position you were in. I do feel somewhat betrayed by you Diane - I had hoped we could be good friends - well, lovers, but obviously you have other commitments." She said the last a little sadly, clearly feeling alone.

Diane moved next to her on the couch. "Please look at me Brandi. We are friends, at least to me we are. We've gone through a lot together, and I want to be there for you. The fact that I love Dave doesn't affect that. As for lovers - we can be that too. I've enjoyed our times together; you've given me incredible pleasure and I think I did the same for you. All of that was very real, and it doesn't have to end."

I decided to chime in, although this was very much about the two of them. "As I'm sure you've experienced, Diane is a very sexual person. I've made my peace with the relationship between her and Jordan because it makes her happy. If she wants to be with you I'm fine with that too."

Brandi looked at me, surprised. "Really? Then we can..." She was interrupted by Diane leaning into her and kissing her. Brandi shifted as if to pull away but then melted into the kiss. I knew how special a kiss like that from Diane could be and felt a pang of jealousy, even if it was another woman. It was difficult to share Diane.

"Why don't we go upstairs so I can show you how much I care for you," Diane said softly.

Brandi blushed, asking, "What about Jordan and Dave? We can't just leave them..."

"We can, if that's what you want," Diane told her. "Or they can join us upstairs. This is all about you Brandi."

Brandi hesitated, then agreed that we should all go to the bedroom. The two women went first, Jordan and I following. I looked at him and he gave me a quizzical look. 'Welcome to the ever-interesting world of Diane,' I thought.

I was ready for awkward moments when we got to the bedroom but Diane took charge, coming over to me and kissing me with her arms around my neck. My hands went to her waist as we kissed; when we broke the kiss she whispered, "Take your shirt off."

After announcing, "A kiss for my love," she went to Jordan and kissed him similarly, saying at the end, "A kiss for my lover." She then turned to Brandi; holding her by the waist she said, "And a kiss for my new lover." She and Brandi kissed deeply, Brandi's arms going around Diane's neck. As they continued to kiss Diane started to undo the buttons on Brandi's blouse. When she had them undone her hands slipped inside to caress her bra- covered breasts. Brandi moaned into Diane's mouth and moved her hands down to Diane's blouse buttons. Soon both women had each other out of their blouses and skirts and were running their hands over each other. Jordan and I had stopped after taking off our shirts, something Diane soon noticed.
