College Visit Goes Wrong Pt. 01


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She missed the first shot. Then the second one.

Lizzie looked long and hard at both boys before her third shot. Collin was her tall, handsome, and totally ripped boyfriend. She didn't necessarily want him to be naked for the rest of the night, but she wasn't opposed to it either. Some of his frat bros had already seen him naked, and she didn't mind showing off her boyfriend to her sorority friends either.

The little pre-freshman Trent had also been so cocky and arrogant all night. Lizzie assumed that he'd lied about his dick size and sexual adventures in Europe, and she wouldn't mind taking him down a notch.

So with everyone looking on, Lizzie took aim and sank her final shot. The game was over and the girls had won.


Collin was stunned. He'd never before lost a beer pong match in his frat house and now had to pay up on an absurd bet made by this stupid pre-freshman. Even worse, Trent had been god-awful at beer pong and seemed to deliberately sabotage his team.

"Oldest goes first," Trent said, once again slapping Collin's ass exposed by his jockstrap.

Feeling fuzzy from the alcohol, Collin looked around and truly noticed for the first time that everyone was staring at him. About ten of his frat bros and seven sorority girls looked on, while Lizzie, Rachel, and Trent also stared in his direction.

Begrudgingly and reluctantly, Collin reached for the waistband of his jockstrap and started slowly pulling it down.

"WOOO WOOO!" one of his fraternity bros yelled.

"Strip it off!" screamed a girl.

Since Collin was tall, muscular, and ripped, most people at the party expected him to have a good-sized dick. But what he revealed was anything but.

Wearing a jock strap and drinking lots of alcohol had shrunken Collin's penis to its smallest state. As he lowered his white jock to the floor, his penis hung like a little acorn between his legs, not even covering his small-sized balls.

Silence filled the room as people soaked in the sight. Every guy in the room felt a bit better about himself after seeing what Collin was packing. But every girl looked disappointed that this tall, muscular, jock wasn't more hung.

Collin's only saving grace was the little 19-year-old pre-freshman, who now had to shuck off his baggy boxers. There was no bulge at all in Trent's shorts, and everyone assumed that he had a tiny cock too, and maybe a micro-penis that was even tinier than Collin's.

Unlike the senior soccer stud, Trent danced to the music while stripping off, putting on a show for the crowd. He tugged at the waistband of his boxers, starting to show skin, then pulled them back up to tease the crowd.

Everyone assumed that he was embarrassed and scared to get naked in front of them, but this was the moment that Trent had been waiting for. He'd been trying all night to hit on sorority girls and get their attention, but no one would even give him the time of the day. They'd each ignored him and blown him off, and treated him like some annoying kid brother.

Now that everyone was starting at him, Trent wanted to captivate them and change the course of the night. And as he slowly tugged down his boxer shorts--one centimeter at a time--he made sure that it would be a night that none of them would ever forget.


Everyone was shocked by the time Trent's boxers finally hit the floor. Even while fully flaccid, his dick was bigger than anything they had seen outside of porn, and far bigger than anyone thought possible on Trent's short and scrawny body. It was thick too, with a significant amount of girth and heft, and swung low towards the floor.

Trent had somehow hidden an anaconda in his shorts, while Collin had packed a little acorn, and the contrast between them could not have been clearer. The pre-freshman completely dwarfed the college senior, stunning the room into silence.

Collin looked down and felt overwhelmed by the comparison before him. He knew that he didn't have the biggest dick on the soccer team, but he also didn't think he had the smallest either. Buzzed from the alcohol and cold air conditioning in the room, Collin's cock looked much smaller than normal but had never looked quite so tiny and pathetic until it was side-by-side Trent's flaccid dick.

Even fully soft, the kid was packing a monster--a porn-star-sized cock on a teenager's body.

Collin felt dizzy and bewildered and once again noticed everyone staring at him. Trent seemed to smile and beam in the spotlight, and enjoyed that everyone was staring at his colossal manmeat. Ever since seeing the senior soccer stud naked hours before, Trent had known that the comparison between their cocks would be striking. But never in his wildest dreams did he imagine that his giant fuckstick could capture the attention of everyone in the room. All Trent wanted was to get some pussy on his first visit to college, and now he commanded the respect of everyone in the room.

"What do you want us to do for you?" Trent said, breaking the silence and walking over to Rachel and Lizzie. "We're your humble naked servants for the rest of the night," he joked.

Collin shuttered as he remembered the terms of the bet. Not only was he currently more exposed and humiliated now than he had ever been, but he had a lot more to endure before the night was ever.

"Why don't you sexy boys make us some drinks while we come up with a plan?" Rachel winked.

Collin felt jealous and embarrassed that Rachel and his girlfriend were so openly staring at Trent's cock, as was everyone else in the room. He tried to sneak off to the kitchen to go make drinks, but to his utter dismay, Trent followed right after him and threw his arm around the older and taller soccer stud.

"Sorry about the pong game man -- we were so close!"

Collin said nothing as they walked to the kitchen, but right behind them were two of Collin's frat bros and best friends. Ben was the president of the fraternity and Stephen was the treasurer. Both guys were seniors and total jock studs, just like Collin. Ben was captain of the hockey team and Stephen played tennis. They'd been best friends with Collin for years but had never seen him naked.

"BRO -- you did not tell us that your pre-freshman was hung like a horse!"

"DUDE -- you should NOT be naked around him. He makes your cock look tiny."

With his arm still around his shoulder, Trent stood even closer to Collin, so all the guys could take a closer look.

"This is absurd," Ben added. "Let me take a picture."

Collin watched with horror as his fraternity president and best friend took a picture of him and Trent, forever capturing the disparate sizes of their dicks. Just minutes before, Collin had been one of the most respected jocks in the fraternity, the best beer pong player, and the frat's vice president. He was an equal among his peers and quite popular with all the ladies.

But now the tables had turned and Collin felt like a humiliated little boy in his own fraternity house. This had always been a safe space for him, a place where he was an alpha jock bro who vanquished foes at beer pong. But now he was butt-ass naked for the rest of the night, and his penis still betrayed him as embarrassingly shrunken and small like a tube of chapstick.

While Collin and Trent were making drinks, several other guys and girls came up to them and snapped more pictures. Some of them shared it on Snapchat and the absurd comparison between their cocks started to go viral.

Collin had no clue what was being posted to the internet, nor did he want to know. Utterly humiliated by this entire situation, Collin's dick seemed to shrink even smaller while Trent's seemed to grow bigger and more full.

After finishing with the drinks, the boys walked through a crowd of frat bros and sorority girls back to Rachel and Lizzie. The girls were once again shocked by the striking comparison and couldn't believe that Trent's massive mancock had somehow grown even bigger while Collin's looked even more like a little boy's.

"What do you want us to do for you?" Trent asked again.

"We want you both to dance for us on stage," Lizzie replied.

Collin nearly spat out his drink. How could his own girlfriend be adding to his humiliation, and suggest that he dance naked with this not-so-little pipsqueak on stage?

"Noooo!" Collin moaned.

"Come on, man, that's the bet. We have to do anything they ask!"

Collin couldn't believe that the pre-freshman he was hosting put him in this terrible situation, but both Rachel and Lizzie insisted that he do it.

"Come on, everyone has already seen you naked!" Rachel said. "What's the worst that could happen?"


Collin chugged the rest of his drink before he got up on stage with Trent. He was still beyond embarrassed to be butt-ass naked with this not-so-scrawny teenager, and his own cock shriveled even more from the alcohol and cold AC.

Somehow Trent's dick didn't seem phased by it, and he still flaunted his monster soft cock for the entire frat house to see. As Trent started dancing on stage, his big softie started swinging on stage, round and round in a circle.

Collin also started to dance, but his flaccid cock didn't swing at all. It was so small that it barely moved side to side.

Sorority girls hooted and hollered at the two dancing men, as all of Collin's frat bros also laughed and looked on. People took more pictures and videos, adding to the permanence of Collin's humiliation.

As Collin looked over at Trent, he almost felt hypnotized by the teenager's dick. It was so thick and massive and swinging side-to-side, just like a pendulum. As the music blared and Trent kept swinging his massive manmeat, no one could look away--including Collin. The college senior watched as the teenager's massive schlong moved to the music and Trent swayed side-to-side, happy, confident, and content.

Collin looked out in the crowd and saw his friends, teammates, rivals, and sorority girls all staring at him on stage. He then looked at his girlfriend, Lizzie, and her best friend, Rachel, who had just put back on their bras over their amazing breasts.

Collin felt everyone staring at him and the alcohol wash over him, and then a feeling he dreaded. After being tiny and shriveled for so long, his penis was finally waking up.

Collin encouraged this feeling and tried to coax his penis to grow bigger without actually touching it. He thought of Rachel and Lizzie shirtless and how he wanted to fuck both of them that night. He thought of the other sorority girls he'd fucked, including right here in this frat house. But most of all--and the thoughts that he couldn't get out of his mind--revolved around Trent's dick.

As Collin's eyes scanned the room, they kept returning to Trent's massive manmeat, swirling and circling side-to-side from the music. It was hypnotic, and Collin found his eyes feasting on the teenager's massive, horse-hung cock.

But to his dismay, Collin's own little penis kept growing and getting hard. It lifted off his grape-sized balls and started expanding towards the ceiling.

"WOO WOO!" one of his frat bros yelled. "Collin is getting hard!"

Collin had wanted his penis to get bigger and fuller, but he didn't mean for it to get fully erect. But in less than a minute, his cock went from being shriveled like an acorn to standing straight at attention for the entire room and frat house to see.

Trent saw what was happening to the senior soccer stud and kept dancing for the crowd. He noticed how many people in the room were gawking at his dick, and kept swinging it side-to-side for all to see.

Trent also moved closer to Collin until the pre-freshman and the college senior stood just inches apart. As Collin's penis strained to the sky, Trent's dick still hung downwards, low to the floor.

Even while fully hard, Collin's cock was barely bigger than his thumb and still looked like a little boy cock compared to Trent's massive softie. Because Collin was so much taller, it was hard to compare exactly. But Collin's best effort seemed dwarfed by the weapon swinging between Trent's legs and looked half as long and half as thick. Trent's lemon-sized balls also looked large and imposing as his manmeat swung around them, and were so much bigger than Collin's little boy balls.

The comparison was painful, even for Collin's frat bros. Collin had always seemed like a stud to them and one of their closest friends. But he was now being completely outgunned, outmatched, and humiliated on stage, right in front of the hottest girls (and guys) in the school.

Trent kept his arm around Collin's shoulder and danced with his dick right next to the senior soccer stud. He then stepped on his tippy toes and started whispering in Collin's ear.

"I'm going to fuck your girlfriend tonight and I'm going to fuck her good."

"I bet half your frat bros are hard for my cock, and all the girls want it too."

Collin felt overwhelmed with humiliation and alcohol and unable to respond to the confident, scrawny stud whispering in his ear. With his dick fully erect, he even bent over to hear more closely what the shorter teen had to say.

"I'm sure you've always been known as the big man on campus, but not anymore. Now you'll forever be known as the small man on campus."

Collin's cock throbbed a bit more at Trent's words, and he found himself leaning down even closer to the cocky, horse-hung stud.

"My cock was so much bigger than yours back in middle school. And I was never as small as you--even before I hit puberty."

As Trent whispered in his ear, Collin looked down and once again felt hypnotized by Trent's big, swinging dick. He had no reason to doubt every word Trent was saying.

"You and your frat bros looked down on me, but not anymore. I now have the ability to fuck any girl in this room."

Collin felt humiliated by every word, but also increasingly turned on.

"All these girls want me to fuck them now, and some of your frat bros too."

Pointing to the ceiling, Collin's cock started leaking more and more pre-cum, as all of his friends, frat bros, and sorority babes looked on.

"You'll never be the same after this. Your girlfriend will always want and beg for my cock."

"Fuck, I bet you're dying to suck my dick right now. That's why you're leaking cum like a little boy right now."

Trent reached backwards and glided his finger against Collin's ass. It was the first time that he'd touched it since forcing Collin to miss that shot in beer pong, but his hand felt confident and assertive on Collin's ass.

"You like me feeling your butt, dude? I bet you want me to fuck it?"

Collin moaned as Trent said this--his penis throbbing uncontrollably.

"You're a little slut aren't you, just like your girlfriend. I bet you'll both be addicted to my cock by the end of this weekend."

"You're gonna love riding my big fucking dick, man. I don't discriminate--I fuck both girls and guys, and you'll love it as much as your girlfriend."

As Trent said this, he slipped the tip of his finger into Collin's ass. No one else could see this--all they could see was the two guys dancing together, with Collin's cock leaking and dripping an insane amount of precum, and Trent's still fully flaccid but looking twice as long and twice as thick.

"You're gonna be a bitch for me and beg for my big fucking dick. Aren't you?"

Collin couldn't help but let out a moan at Trent's words and his finger going deeper in his ass. No one had ever touched him there and his ass was super-sensitive.

Collin knew he was close to cumming and could have easily slapped Trent's hand away, but for some reason he felt powerless to resist this younger and shorter guy.

"You want me to fuck you, huh? I bet you'll be so fucking tight for me."

"UGHHHHHHHH," Collin moaned, more loudly than he realized.

Lizzie, Rachel, and other frat bros and sorority girls looked on and wondered what the fuck was happening. They couldn't see what Trent was doing with his hand, but the senior college soccer stud seemed on the verge of orgasm.

"You want my dick so fucking bad, don't you? You're gonna be a bitch for me."

"UGHHHHHHH," Collin moaned again, his penis still untouched but throbbing wildly.

Trent's finger found Collin's prostrate and started stroking it. He started slowly at first but increased the pace, driving Collin out of his fucking mind.

"You're just a bottom bitch, aren't you? A bottom bitch with a tiny cock."

"UGHHHHHHH," he moaned.

"You're gonna cum for me aren't you?"


"Gonna cum in front of your sexy girlfriend and all of your friends."


"You're gonna show everyone that you're the biggest bitch in this frat house, aren't you?"


"You're going to beg for me to fuck you and all of your frat bros will know that you're my little bitch."


Trent increased the pace on Collin's prostrate, driving him closer and closer to the brink.

"You're gonna cum like a pathetic little cockslut aren't you?"


"Fucking cum for me, bitch."


"Fucking cum for me. NOW."


Completely untouched, Collin's penis exploded on stage, shooting volley after volley of cum towards the ceiling and completely soaking the stage.

"FUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKK!" he yelled as his cock kept shooting.

Trent pulled his finger out of Collin's ass and stepped away. No one knew that he'd been fingering the senior soccer stud or what was happening. All they knew was that Collin's much-smaller dick was now cumming uncontrollably while the pre-freshman looked on, his massive mancock looking thick and imposing, but still swinging low to the floor.

It was quite a sight as Collin lost control and shot his seed all over the stage. Several people in the crowd filmed it and were already posting it to Snapchat.

Coming down from his post-orgasmic haze, Collin finally took stock of his surroundings and realized that he'd just shot one of the biggest loads of his life in front his girlfriend, frat bros, and sexy sorority girls. His penis was still hard but rapidly shrinking, and he wanted more than anything to flee the stage.

Lizzie and Rachel clapped and cheered and came closer to the stage.

"That was quite the show, boys!" Rachel said, enthusiastically.

"Are you okay, honey? I can't believe you were so turned on!" Lizzie had no idea what had happened and was shocked at her boyfriend's utter humiliation and uncontrolled orgasm on stage. She knew that Collin had the smallest cock of any guy she'd slept with, but she didn't think he was *that small* and certainly was shocked that he'd been dwarfed by such a horse-hung scrawny kid.

Like her boyfriend, Lizzie hadn't been able to take her eyes off Trent's massive weapon while he was dancing on stage, and she was dying to see how hard it got when he was aroused.

"Let's go back to our room, honey," Lizzie said. "You need to shower and Trent needs off."

"Can I come too?" Rachel asked, glancing once again at Trent's massive dick.

"I guess so," Lizzie said reluctantly. Part of her wanted to see Trent's cock erect all by herself, but she couldn't say no to her best friend.

Happy just to get off the stage, Collin followed his girlfriend and Rachel back to his dorm. The girls made him and Trent walk naked the whole way, which of course Trent was happy to do. But as his penis shriveled back to its acorn size, Collin couldn't forget Trent's whispered words on stage and he feared what was in store for the rest of the night.

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AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

AMAZING!!! I loved this story. I can’t wait to read the next chapter. This really made me hard and wished I was the one being finger fucked up my ass along with a nice hard cock. Please keep writing!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

great story. love the cfnm. can imagine the kid challenging all the college guys to get naked pretending its so the can compare to the small dick. but the kid really wants their girl friends to compare their college boy friends to his high school dick. the guys would get very uncomfortable cause while most are bigger than their college pal they are all smaller than the high school kid. but their girl friends demand all the guys get naked. humiliation ensues.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Love your stories. Your the only author that writes these kind of stories. Bisexual domination, sph, size comparison, realization that a dude is into other dudes...... your the master of the show burn. Please write more!!! Please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Please write part 2!!!

BritadamsBritadamsover 1 year ago

This is definitely your hottest story! Can’t believe there isn’t a part 2 yet!!

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