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After lunch, I dressed and went out pool hunting. I knew how much space was available without crowding the various plantings Margie had. As it turned out, the sizes of pools we could get away with didn't vary that much. What did vary were the installation costs. Because they guaranteed full restoration of anything that was presently near the space, I chose the second most economically taxing and made a deal.

For the landscape work I called my old friend Hans. He was the last of my high school basketball team still around. The rest had struck out for greener pastures. Or died.

Anyway, I'd run into Hans at the big hardware warehouse store one day a year before. We talked over old times and new times. He owned a landscaping company that was doing well. We had met for a beer a couple of times since then. He was a tall, blonde, kind of coarse-speaking, German. He was from a family of German descent anyway.

When I got him on the phone, we gabbed for a minute before I asked him if he would come give me an estimate on something we wanted to do as a favor for our seventy (plus) year old neighbor. He said he'd be glad to. Then he told me what a nice thing we were doing. A few minutes later, I had a day set for him to do the job.

We all met him when he said he'd be there. We held a meeting in the yard. I explained where I thought the pool should go, but Hans said a different location would be better because of the sunshine. I should have thought of that, but Margie agreed with Hans. It would mean digging up some of her shrubbery, but Hans talked us into relocating or changing them for other types elsewhere in the yard.

"But it will be best if we wait until the pool is set up. They may do some of the work for us, since they said they'd restore anything." I had told him the company I'd chosen and he knew the owner there.

"I'll get hold of Dennis and let him know what you've decided on. We can work it out together."

We got naked with Margie after Hans had gone. We drank and we played together in the yard. Cindy and Margie whipped up a picnic style early dinner and we dined naked in the yard. After we ate, the blanket became our playpen. We licked, sucked, and fucked. I took Margie's ass and Cindy licked it out.

While Hans and Dennis were working on Margie's back yard, we met Greg at a café for lunch. We talked and shared some of our (non-sex related) history with Greg. He opened up and told us more about his family.

By the time we had finished our meal, I felt we knew him a lot better. While he used the rest room, Cindy asked me how I felt. "I feel good. It is sounding like we made a fine choice."

"I think so too. Can we take him home today?" She was eager. Before all this, I might have thought her request was strange. Now I agreed. I was eager, too, to see the rest of him naked. He came back and sat down.

"Does either of you want dessert?" he asked us.

"Well, not the kind they serve here," Cindy grinned at him. He smiled because he knew what she meant.

"Okay. What do you have in mind?"

I told him, "We hoped you might like to come to our place, if you have time."

"Today, my time is open. I made sure of that. You guys are the only thing on my schedule for the rest of today. Want me to follow you, or do just want to give me your address?"

I wrote it out on a napkin in case we got separated, but said he could follow us anyway. He looked at it. "Oh, yeah. We do live pretty close. I can find this. I need to make a stop, so I'll let you go ahead and I'll be there shortly after you are."

Again we hugged briefly as we stood up. On the way home, Cindy giggled and told me she'd felt his dick when he hugged her. "It was soft, but it felt heavy, like it might get to be pretty big hard."

"I hope it isn't too big to fit my ass," I said.

"Don't worry. I figured a way to find out before he tries." She wanted to surprise me, she said, and wouldn't tell me her plan.

Since he said he was stopping, we did, too. We bought beer, Jameson's, and a dozen condoms. At home, we got naked and I put the beer on ice. Cindy put some snacks together and decided to wash her crotch.

"No, honey," I said. "If he's anything like me, he'll want it to smell and taste like you, not some soap or something."

"But Bobby, I'm dripping already! I'm so excited!"

"Good! You women don't realize how much your natural scent turns us guys on. Why do you think Mother Nature made you smell that way when you're excited?"

She thought about it, but finally nodded. "Okay. You're saying it's a pheromone, right?"

"Yeah. I'm not sure if She intended us to eat it, but the taste makes me hard, too."

"I've read that the sense of smell is a big part of the sense of taste, so it's doing double duty, I guess."

It was 2:00 PM, so I decided it was okay to have a beer. I was as excited as she was, and my dick was doing that thing, where it is trying to decide if it was time to go on full alert or go back to sleep. I went out to the patio and sat on one of the chairs.

I said that our yard was fairly private, with fencing and foliage at the back. I'd gotten into a handyman mode one weekend and made our privacy more positive by shielding the concrete pad from both sides with panels of latticed lath, from about a foot and a half above the concrete all the way to the canopy that was already there. Who cared if neighbors saw our bare feet?

Cindy had completed the camouflage work by using long rectangular containers below the lattice and planted some kind of vine-growing flowers in them. As the vines grew she trained them to climb the lattice.

By the time this all started, the vines had nearly reached the canopy. I sat in the warm air and sipped my beer.

When Cindy came out and started to sit in the other chair, I stopped her. I took hold of her hand. "Wait. Come here a second," I asked her. She moved around the table and stood in front of me. I hugged her around the hips before lowering my face and taking a deep sniff. Her pussy perfume filled my nose and head.

The aroma caused my dick to get the 'Red Alert' signal and it rose like a cannon on a ship's deck getting ready for battle. Only the battle I was anticipating was a different kind.

I heard a car out front. Cindy peeked out the curtains and told me it was Greg. She opened the door wide before he could knock. "Come in, Handsome!" she said. He grinned at her nudity and entered.

Closing the door, Cindy turned and gave him a sloppy, wet kiss as she began working on his shirt.

Once he was naked too, she grasped his erect cock and led him to where I stood in the open slider. I just grinned and eyed that cock. It looked like a monster and I doubted my ass could open far enough without tearing.

Cindy measured him later and it turned out that he was really only slightly larger than I am. But that was after the surprise way she planned on proving I would be able to take it.

I moved from their path as they came to the door. But Greg stopped to hug me. Then he shocked me by giving me a whiskery open mouth kiss.

I fought the reluctance back and closed my eyes. Feeling his tongue in there wrestling with mine melted me. I sighed as we kissed and I gripped his strong ass cheeks in both hands. Cindy moaned as she watched the beginning of my deflowering.

My dick was already erect. It pressed against his belly when we kissed. But while we kissed, I felt his cock rising like a periscope and it came to rest under my crotch, throbbing against me. After our lips separated, a quick hip movement released him to rise up like mine, and we hugged again, I felt our cocks pressing together. I experimentally moved my hips against him, loving the feeling of sliding my stiffness against an equally erect prick.

We kissed again briefly. When he broke the kiss, I couldn't stop smiling. We sat and had a beer, while everybody kept reaching and touching the others' nakedness. I was eager for more, and I suggested we move to the bedroom.

As we relocated, I kept watching Greg's masculine body, just moving. My cock throbbed. Cindy eagerly jumped onto the bed and waved for us to join her. I motioned for Greg to go first and I followed. They kissed and caressed a few minutes, but Cindy stopped and said, "I'd planned on you starting with me, Greg, but after seeing that kiss, I'm too excited about watching you guys. Is that okay with you, Bobby?"

"Uh, sure, if it's okay with Greg," I replied. Greg's kiss made me as eager as she was to have more of him. Unless something weird happened, I knew by then that Cindy had been correct. I was ready to admit that I was no longer a strict heterosexual. In my head the thought echoed over and over: 'I'm bisexual'.

He rolled off of Cindy and lay on his back between us. "Oh, of course, whatever you guys want. I can already tell it's all going to be great,"

His arm went behind me and pulled me to him for another searing kiss. Then he slid lower, until his mouth was next to my cock. He gently pulled it to his lips and kissed the tip, his eyes staring into mine. Then he licked. He licked and licked, before taking it into his mouth part way. We still maintained eye contact.

But I had to close my eyes to analyze what I was feeling, blocking out the sight temporarily. His mouth felt, as I'd said, similar to any female mouth I ever had on my dick (except for the occasional brush of his whiskers). But Greg's mouth and tongue felt somehow stronger; more powerful and sure of what he was doing. I opened my eyes again and saw that Cindy had moved so she could tend to Greg orally as she watched me being sucked.

Having a man suck me, and seeing my loving wife pleasuring that same man with her mouth, put me into a state of bliss. I felt my mind floating as we went on. My cock disappeared entirely past Greg's lips and I felt the back of his throat at my tip. Meanwhile he used his tongue to lick me constantly.

When he used his tongue and throat muscles to simulate swallowing it sent me into overdrive and my cum bubbled out of me and into his throat. I heard my own cry of pleasure as he sucked me empty. I think I actually passed out for a few seconds.

When I opened my eyes, I saw that Greg and Cindy had proceeded without me. She was kissing him then and stroking his big dick. Seeing that I was with them again, Cindy rolled to her back and pulled Greg on top of her.

"I can't wait any more, Greg. Fuck me now!" she pleaded. They kissed while Greg got into position and slipped into my wife's cunt. I watched them fucking a while before I moved close enough to stroke them both: Cindy's breasts, Greg's ass (and a finger pressing at, but not into, his unlubricated hole).

At the last, I saw and felt Greg push harder into Cindy. He was getting close. All this time, Cindy's eyes watched me. When our eyes met I smiled and she grinned back. Cindy was having serial orgasms during this.

One time when one ended, she kissed him again. "Oh, Jesus, you feel good inside me, Greg!" she exclaimed. "And Bobby! You being here, loving me, approving it and watching makes it all so much better! God, I love you so much!" I leaned over and kissed her deeply.

"I love you too, honey," I said. Then I turned Greg's face toward me and I kissed him again. "Thank you, Greg, for helping us with our fantasy."

"Believe me, it's my pleasure! Cindy, I'm gonna come! What...?"

"Just keep on fucking, honey. I want to feel it and Bobby wants to suck it out!"

So he did, and groaned in his pleasure. When they finished, Greg rolled off across Cindy's sweaty body from me. Sunlight made his wet cock shine. With no real thought, I climbed over Cindy's legs to reach Greg's gooey cock. I licked and sucked him clean while she stroked my hair. Then I moved between her legs. I inhaled the sexual aromas of both of them and sucked his cum from Cindy's messy cunt, sharing it with them both afterward. As I'd suspected, it had a slightly different taste than mine, but it was essentially the same.

We all needed a break after that. As we ate some cheese and other snacks, we drank water and a couple of beers. Greg told us about his earlier experiences with other guys -- one in high school and one in college. Cindy told Greg her story about Julie.

"The times I did it were both just one time things, too," he said. "I've often wondered what it would be like to have it as a regular feature of my life. Not exclusive, really, and not exclusively guys. I love having sex with women. But I think it would be nice to have, like a best 'guy friend with benefits', making sure we stayed healthy, of course, along with those others we were intimate with."

"Do you like fishing and camping?" I asked him. He hesitated.

"Well, yeah..." he replied.

I reached out for his hand. He took mine. "Well, even without anything else happening yet, I think Cindy and I can volunteer for those positions, if you'd like."

"Oh, yeah! And we'd like to play with other people, too. Still, it would be nice to have a really, really good friend like you're talking about." Cindy's enthusiasm made me smile. I was sure her little pussy was 'leaking' again, as Margie would say.

A few minutes after our rest time, I started really studying Greg's dick. I couldn't help wondering how it would feel erupting in my mouth. So, after the stories ended and we were all just sitting there 'being together' (and it felt the same as any hetero situation, after calming down after sex) I reached for Greg's cock. He rolled to his back and slid his hand affectionately along my flank, from my knee to my hip. His hand on my hip tugged me so I moved closer. I leaned down and inhaled the aroma there again.

I caught the leftover scent of Cindy and sweat still in his pubic hair. The main scent was what I later decided was simply 'male'. My hand stroking him aroused him again. He thickened and lengthened in my hand. It made me feel as if I was in charge of that piece of his body. I was eager to taste it.

How can I describe the feeling of Greg's cock in my mouth? If you've never had an erect penis on your tongue, you can't understand. Smooth, warm, hard and soft at the same time, just indescribable! I sucked on just the tip for a few seconds. I tickled his opening with my tongue tip. But it wasn't enough. I suddenly felt a need to take him into me, make him a part of my body some way. My quick exposure to cock sucking I'd had after he fucked Cindy wasn't enough.

Cindy had said we needed to 'own' who we were. I now knew this was who I am. I loved the feeling of that hard, sensitive tube of man-flesh in my mouth. 'I am bisexual!' The thought echoed in my mind and it made me feel complete.

I took more of his cock into my mouth and slipped almost all the way out. I took my mouth off him and licked it. I nibbled gently around the base. I sucked some more. I felt him oozing lubrication and happily sucked it down.

I just did to him what I like done to me. Cindy's stroking hands on my back and dick were a second level pleasure right then. My main concentration was on the first penis I'd ever had in my mouth. A voice in the back of my mind whispered to me, 'I want to do more of this!' I licked, I bobbed, I used my hands on his balls and ass. I 'made love' to that dick. My feelings for Greg never really mattered right then. It was all about pleasuring that stiff, sweet penis sliding over my tongue.

I wanted to excite it and fire it up to blast my mouth with his juice. That was my goal. We moved so that I was on my back and Greg was above my head, thrusting into my mouth from above.

Cindy saw her opportunity and mounted up. My dick was at maximum hardness, but my concentration was on Greg's cock, so she got a nice orgasmic ride before Greg flooded my mouth and throat with his cream. That caused me to flood Cindy's cunt and she groaned, the vaginal flexing squeezing me.

"So," I announced, "I'm BISEXUAL!" My voice was nearly a shout and Cindy slapped her hand over my mouth to quiet me, but they both were laughing.

"No need to let the neighbors know, Bobby, unless you fancy one of them. How about Max, next door?"

"Oh, stop it!" I said. "I'm a grown man, Cindy, and I can let the world know if I want to." They laughed again and we disentangled ourselves, moving back outside, so we could sit again at the table.

We cooled off with ice water and I could only wipe the grin from my face for minutes at a time. The new identity I'd found in myself felt like doors, doors I'd ignored all my life, were being opened for me.

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borotaborota9 months ago

IT'S NOT TRUE AT ALL that "thinner women have close to the surface pubic bones"!THIS IS A HUGE NONSENSE!THINNER WOMEN HAVE THEIR PUBIC BONES EXACTLY IN THE SAME WAY AS BROAD OR PLUMP WOMEN!So,NO MAN COULD HAVE "a lot of bruised pubic bones" when he is having sex with a slender woman!STOP WRITING SUCH COMPLETELY UNREALISTIC THINGS right from the beginning of a story!

andrepkandrepkover 4 years ago

While reading the story, the memory of my "awakening" flooded my brain. My feelings were exactly the same as expressed by Bobby. There hopefully will be more to follow this great beginning.

Fog43Fog43over 4 years ago

Do please follow up. These are some great characters who are ready to fully embrace their sexuality. More!

gpetagpetaover 4 years ago
Making of a Bi is interesting

but some parts of the story stay as uncleared items e.g. why description of 3 persons of Cindy's family who never appear, buying condoms which are never used… I propse you work with an editor for double check.

DianeRedfernDianeRedfernover 4 years ago
Lovely and amazing saga

Great as stand-alone and even better if you decide to make it a series. I love the characters, the feelings, the background and of course, the sex!



wylderoswylderosover 4 years ago
I'm now slowly reading all your stories, especially savoring those embracing bisexuality.

For a fellow that describes himself as straight in his profile, you certainly are gifted in depicting hot male trysts. Enjoyable and exciting and well-written. I imagine you get a lot of generous offers to cross over from straight to a fully bisexual orientation (if it truly hasn't happened already!)

I would certainly like to be in that line. Terrific imagination. Can't wait for the next chapter!


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