All Comments on 'Confessions and Consequences'

by Cagivagurl

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hemyahemya6 months ago

Don't know why but, in this story conversation didn't go up , they were steady or sometimes fell like so down. I have read most of story of this writer but in this story there was never point that conversation would felt tense or emotional.

Actually this is not case with cagiva gurl .I mostly love his story for Conversation getting more and more interesting or tense , sometimes you feel frustration like character is feeling because of that .

But it was not like of this writer .this story was so average.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Was wondering by why this story is so ass, turns out it’s written by you huh

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Cool story… now lets get to the real ending.

Arias marriage lasted 3 months. Sal found a woman and learned to trust again. The end.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

He just needed to actually move on and make an effort. Kind of an abrupt ending. Does the light bulb go on or is he really that dense?

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Your stories get more ridiculous each day...she decided to become a whore and it's his fault he didn't accept it?

Topical for cagivagurl..but this brief no drama tale skips all the usual tension you build into your efforts. This story was one of your weaker efforts. I didn't find the exiting terrible, but the story was awful...

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

"Did I make the right choice, you tell me."

This story was a complete waste of my time.

Aria is sexually unhappy, and instead of bringing the matter up and discussing it with Sal so that he could be forewarned and take some kind of action to correct it, Aria goes and spreads her legs for Phil the Produce Guy.

Then she gets all guilty and confesses. And somehow Sal's supposed to just take the kick in the nuts and tell Aria that everything's okay? And then, when he expresses exactly how he feels betrayed by her actions, she throws the weak male ego bullshit in his face?

It gets even lamer after that.

This isn't a story, it's a feminist fucking train wreck.

If I were Sal, I'd grow a pair, tell Aria to go fuck herself, and then get on with my life.

Aria isn't worth the effort, and there are classier women there than that cheating bitch.

It may take time, but Sal will forget her eventually.

Maybe in 20 years, when Aria's at his door complaining about how lonely she became after she lost her looks, he'll just tell her "You should have thought about that before you stabbed me in the back".

"Sal, honey, who's at the door?"

"Nobody important, dear. They're just leaving."

"Goodbye, Aria. There's nothing for you here."

Sal closes the door, and goes to join his wife on the back porch.

A stunned Aria slowly turns, and walks away.

They both got what they deserved.

PolpolpPolpolp6 months ago

Thats Cagivagurl fantasy World where cheating wife get happily forever and good men gain sadness.

The true ending is Aria get a lot of Fuck but find no one want a midlife cheating slu* , where lot of divorce women search great Guy like Sal, maybe hé get depressed longer than Aria but the outcome is better than him.... No wait we are in Cagivagurl fantasy World so the man cant get a happy ending except if hé stay with the cheat and let go "male prise"

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

That was just stupid this had to of been written by a woman. All the other guys she was with were fine with her being a whore but the husband was to old fashioned and to much ego. Crap ass story.

Gmann006Gmann0066 months ago

well you did have your integrity , you can fuck that the rest of your miserable exsistance, lol

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Once a cheater, always a cheater and cheater don't dare who they hurt.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Cagivagurl goes out of her way to put men down. The female character wasn't a good girl fone bad. She was a bad girl found out and then proceeded to slut her way axross towb till she found some wimp who accepted it. I'm sure there's enough wimp's out there to score this more than the 1 it deserves

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Yes. He made the right choice.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Hate it, and your stuff it good most times. But the wife cheats for some time. Say it could help them have better sex me thinks she would try for the threesomes she got after the divorce. Which startsher having sex with as many men as she can. Tries to get her ex-husband to join her, in her slut ways

Now gets a new husband, and all is right with the world for her. The new husband trust she won't cheat, says they re happier then pigs in mud,

While the ex husband is in a sad state,

servant111servant1116 months ago

Utterly framed to be one f the most depressing tales I have ever read.

3 stars

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Poor old Cag he has such a downer on men, even when they do the right thing (and getting rid of Aria was definitely the right thing) they end up unable to move on, yet the cheating wife blossoms in her new exciting life.

An obvious conclusion can be drawn from his body of LW submissions, that he will never write a story where the female protagonist is anything other than the heroine of the tale and the husband is simply there playing the patsy.

zealer88zealer886 months ago

they are both better off in their own directions. I have been there

Alt_87Alt_876 months ago

He did both the right and wrong thing. The right thing leaving her as she's fundamentally selfish. If your marriage is in trouble you don't have an affair and then try to fix it,and who knows what horrors her solutions to the marriage issues would have been. She was already out of the door and got what she wanted when he wouldnt tell others the reasons why.

The wrong things he did is not tell people why, and not getting help because he's clearly depressed. Plus he still keeps hanging around in places hes going to see her and have her happiness rubbed in his face. Basically he's done everything that will help her, make her look good, and done nothon that will help himself.

lujon2019lujon20196 months ago

Gonna comment without reading


A guy cheats


woman leaves him and goes onto a better life



a woman cheats


everyone in his life will mentally abuse the cuck into surgically removing his spine and spending the rest of his life with a whore

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Typical Cagivagurl. Wife can slut around to her hearts desire and the husband should just accept it. ‘Fragile male ego’ is always the comeback when the husband decides not to accept infidelity and bales out. Giving kiwi women (and in most of his/her /trans work) kiwi men a bad name. Same old same old, but it’s like a knowing I’m going to be disappointed but hoping against hope.

Kernow2023Kernow20236 months ago

bit of a frustrating story

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

He made several wrong choices (unsurprising in this piece of infidelity apologia), but the divorce may have been the only right one.

WhackdoodleWhackdoodle6 months ago

Great story. He kept his “integrity” and kept his misery. He chose to remain alone, sad, and wanted everyone else to rally against her.

He let their marriage slide and she was lonely. Rather than admit he was partially to blame, he wanted his pound of flesh. He wanted vindication. He got what he asked for but didn’t get what he needed.

In the end, he paid the price for his laziness but didn’t count the cost. Was it the right choice? Well, she was happier and with a man who loved her enough to work on their marriage, so yes. He made the right choice for her.

PondLife2023PondLife20236 months ago

Trying for the “Forgiveness bug” again!

ChessTigerChessTiger6 months ago

Ich mag die Geschichten und den Stil des Autors!!

Aber seine Story zeigt wie "ungerecht" die Welt ist. Die Ehefrau ist entweder dumm oder selbstgefällig wenn sie ihre Affäre offenbart, letztlich mit der Idee die Ehe zu retten. Warum kommt ihr diese Erkenntnis nicht nach der ersten Nacht im fremden Bett?? Der Ehemann kann jedenfalls jeden Morgen in den Spiegel schauen ohne sich zu schämen. Bei den Mentalität der Ex wird diese über kurz oder lang ihre 2. Ehe öffnen und bis zum Seniorenswingen weiterführen.- Viel Spaß dabei mit Gleitcreme und blauen Pillen.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

While they were married she cheated and only confessed to make herself feel better because of her guilt. she definitely didn’t respect him, otherwise she would have discussed the stale marriage with him before cheating. After the divorce she proved to him she was a slut, dating and having sex with a few men at the same time.

He made the correct decision to divorce her.

He made the wrong decision in continuing to attend her family’s special event and gatherings. Her attending special events and gatherings organized but his family and bringing her lovers along was continued proof her disrespect for him.

Over all this is well written and realistic look at life for divorced people. The only part I didn’t understand is the daughter, they were married 17 years but the daughter seems to be grown as there were no children to discuss in the divorce. Did they get married a few years after she was born? Did the adopt an older child during the early years of marriage?

I gave 4 stars because I didn’t understand the daughter’s age and what was happening with her.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Too hurtful

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Yes he did, his issues are not related to the divorce. He was not able to move on and probably need some help.

Something seems to be implied but is not clear : how does a higly sexual women goes from Threesome to monogamy?

xMulexMule6 months ago

Seems to me she wasn't really interested in saving the marriage. She tells him she is having an affair (present tense) then, when pressed, says that it's over. It really has the feel that she wanted out but wanted to put the blame on him, despite her appeals to "start over." Insulting his ego was not helpful. She'd have had more success staying together by ending the affair, not tell him about it, then try to reignite his passion.

Sometimes it's hard to do the right thing. They're both probably better off getting the divorce.

Well written, as always. Above average (3*) but I can't say I liked it (4*) since karma deserts the protagonist. 3.5* rounded up to 4*

LenardSpencerLenardSpencer6 months ago

Yes, he made the correct choice. Of course there were problems in their marriage and they were both relatively young. Mid forties. He had obviously "switched off" and sunk into a boring mid life. Hobbies, work etc. But, as stated, she also had the chance to sit down and shake him up a tad. 17 years together gives each of them the right to do that. But for her to have an affair! Well, not acceptable.

Plus, a number of people keep saying that it was only once. NO, it was not. It was repeated sessions for a couple of months: not a once only cheat night.

However, him making himself a permanent victim does nothing to help. What the hell's the matter with the dickhead? Live life: don't just wait around for death. She turned into a right little fuck-slut for a while and "sewed her oats". Discovered she "loved sex" during her affair and kept right on. If they had stayed together, she would NOT have stopped cheating on him. Then he really would have been a CUCKOLD. Divorce was the only answer.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The desire for sex is not a reason to force your bad choices on someone else, in this case a husband.

If she's unhappy with the relationship do something to improve the relationship, if between them they can't, end the relationship and move on.

But that isn't the story you ever write, I don't know why, but you always try and place the fault on the man: I cheated, but it's your fault.

It's tedious, dull and far too close to real life, but accountability is as much your failing here in fantasyland as it is for most women in reality. Which might explain the way you write, perhaps you don't understand accountability in real life so don't know how to write about it.

But hey, it's your fantasyworld, live in it however you want, but in the same way female Disney characters always just being better than the men they replace, it becomes tiresomely predictable.

I've skipped reading your stories for a few months because we'll: read one, read them all, and this is the same story as the last one I read.

I'll give it a year and see if you're still editing this story with new characters, or if you've found a new story to write.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The author has written the MC as a sad, weak vindictive man who cut off his own nose to spite his face. He made a conscious decision to sit and rot in a pit of self pity, lecturing others about integrity rather than process his post divorce situation and embrace a new life. I'm not necessarily saying he should have stayed with Aria and I'm certainly not saying he was wrong to maintain his integrity but he should not have weaponised it to attack others and justify wallowing in his despair. I suppose there are men out there that would react the way he did but most of us after a suitable period of mourning would be delighted to throw off the shackles and make whoopee again.

Still, it was very well written, apart from a few mistakes and a very realistic tale about a situation many have had to face. Well done, CG.


AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Story was i guess ok, but lacked a lot of substance. Yes i read it all but thought it very dissapointing from this Author

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Same old, same old : with this "author" the men are losers who can't accept the wonderful life of their slut wife !

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

One of the best stories that I've read in the Loving Wives section because it was so realistic. This is what can happen when you can't find it in your heart to forgive and forget.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

If only he would change to fit in with her new standards then it could have worked out. NOT!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Cagivagurl, do you ever have a lot of guts writing an unfaithful wife story on this site. It was so different from the usual fair, that I had to give you a great score. They were wrong for each other, had different values so it was best they separated. He did make the right choice for him and she for her. She just came out of it better.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Please change the template of your stories. Every male character is a pathetic wimp and every female is a bitch in heat. Your female characters can't stop cheating amd your male characters can't seem to live well. None of your characters should ever ever be married your female characters are all the same you change the names but the action of your female characters stay the same. You must really hate men and hate the idea being married. So do not write about marriage in your stories. And stop writing about weak pathetic men.

IrishLaddy59IrishLaddy596 months ago

She tried to communicate. He was hung up and wouldn't accept she made a mistake. Sure the affair hurt. She came clean. She ended it. Fucking Neanderthal lost her over unwavering standards. Where was his deep abiding love for her. I'm tired of 'Forsaking all others, till death do us part.' It's written by controlling men with thousands of years of treating women as second class citizens. We need vows like, I promise to love and adore you. To grow and evolve our relationship in a life's journey we take together. Everything we want and need is possible when we love each other openly, honestly, communicating our hopes, dreams, desires. I promise to not let fear come between us.

Now the story is good. Writing is excellent as always. I enjoyed it because I could connect and relate with the characters. I was moved. I would have done everything I could to work through prob.ems with her.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The fragile male ego? lmao. Yes, it’s just ego that stops us from accepting being lied to, disrespected, deceived, health possibly endangered.

Even you know that’s bullshit or you wouldn’t have had to resort to such a completely contrived strawman of the husband who never goes out, never deals with women ever again. So transparent and manipulative.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

What a bull shit story. So he is the bad guy. He did the right thing.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Many thanks for a good story. Sensitive to both sides but I agree that a sequel would be great too, maybe when Sal gets his man-card back and the shine wears off of her slutting around.

Rayjag1980Rayjag19806 months ago

Not the best story. Basically the antagonist gets a happy life and the MC is a depressed loser. 2 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

other2other, there will be no good continuation from the author.

It's a good story. Standard for this author. About the fragile male ego. Women leave their cheating husband for happiness. Men go into depression.

The hero was right. He's different. He can't live with a whore. Let's wish him a good psychiatrist. And then have a happy life.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Forgiveness is just offering yourself up to be betrayed again . Got away with it once ( that they admit) why stop. 4 *. 1 off for the ending whine.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Are you willing to let other people write their own follow on stories to answer the question you pose?

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Pt2 were he gets his shit together lol

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Sad story. Wife knew her confession would cause a divorce. She wanted out and could blame his male ego. This was better than most of your stories and I didn't notice any errors. Since it was short, I knew there would not be a reconciliation. Thanks for not writing a dozen pages to wear down his resolve.

reasonable man

neilnblowme2neilnblowme26 months ago

just be glad to be rid of the bitch

staying with her would have put you in an early grave

you would have gone insane wondering who she was with

where she was

what was she doing

imagine staying married and she wanted a 3some

imagine what it would have been like when she gave you an std

you saw first hand how she was after the divorce with multiple partners

i pity the fool that married her

be grateful to be rid of the bitch

pull up your little boy pants and live your life to the fullest

briansinclairbriansinclair6 months ago

I normally do not comment, but this one needs. You are a very good writer, but this one is all wrong. Wife cheats, husband gets a divorce, wife takes several lovers simultaneously, get married to a whimp that knows and approve her ways? And all of this while ex husband goes into depression and have not even a friend to help him deal with it? And what about the daughter, as she wants her father to come to her ex new marriage, is she OK with the cheating???????

That was a bad one, sorry.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Oh cagivagurl you are such a girl

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

He made the wrong decision. The divorce was right, but he should have taken her up on her offer to fuck her on the side, even after her marriage to her new husband.

And if he'd had enough of her at some point, he could have dumped her and publicly exposed her for what she is: a sex-addicted unfaithful and untrustworthy cunt.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

"made a wonderful new life for herself,"... Really? Marrying a man didn't care if she fucked around or not saying: it's just sex! Just stupid!

MightyHornyMightyHorny6 months ago

God, such endings are so stupid...

She didn't confessed out of honesty, but out of guilt.

Regardless of how much he loved her, he should have realized that he loved her way more than she (supposedly) loved and therefore find a way to move on quickly after her betrayal.

I'm wondering if everybody would still say "it's just sex" if he was the one that had an affair... Actually, I'm not wondering at all.

Maybe his male ego couldn't make him stay in the marriage... but her female ego is what destroyed it.

I bet you she was as honest with her first husband, in the beginning, as she (supposedly) is right now with her second one. And look what that got him...

... And who gives a fuck what her new husband think about him walking away from an adulterer? Fucking easy to claim he would have got over it when it didn't happened to you! The MC should have just said to the twat "She's honest, hey? Well, maybe the silly slut actually learned something from our divorce. Enjoy my LEFTOVERS, buddy!" and keep it living.

So yeah - an all-around dumb ending that makes casual readers beg the MC to get a life already. To put it simply: if this woman truly was worthy of all the adulation she kept receiving through this tale, she wouldn't have cheat on her husband in the first place, period. Sorry, but cheaters are ugly creatures to me; 'got no problem cutting such heinous beasts out of my existence, and decent people shouldn't too. Unless they genuinely don't like themselves, which feels to be the main reason why the MC here keep holding a torch to her...

Only valid takeaway from this: don't be this dumbass, and feel bad about leaving the trash behind.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Why do authors make men so terribly weak? Though the decision to divorce is hard, who in their right mind would continue to cross paths and interact with the ex. Being cordial is one thing, but beyond that don’t interact and certainly being near a second wedding would make no sense. He is far better off depressed than married to such a shallow self-centered egotist.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

He mad the wrong decision. He should of seek marital counseling and gotten a post marital agreement. Because while she cheated because she was bored with their marriage. He has the real problem. He's a stick in the mud. He took his marriage and especially her for granted. You must work EVERYDAY to keep the spark alive in a marriage. Otherwise one of the spouses will do something to find ehat is missing. She felt wrong about cheating and wanted to fix what was wrong with their marriage. But he didn't and he let his hurt feelings blind him to the problems. As a man I could se how he was going to walk away instead of fighting for his marriage. He deserves to be alone and miserable. She's better of without him.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

A very unrepentant MC, men have to have some sort of bar to adhere to. Cheating in a marriage is a deal breaker, she was not sorry for cheating. she actually glorified it. You are indicating that it actually pays to cheat. Not a good ending to the tale.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

So... typical of this dude... Fidelity = pain and unhappiness.... whoring around = fulfillment and bliss. I wish this dude would apply his talents to realistic plot lines.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Did I do the right thing? Absolutely yes!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

What if he hadn’t been bitter after the divorce? We won’t know, that’s the way the story went.

If he had accepted the affair ( and Aria labeled it an affair, at least implying emotional elements, rather than being just sex), then it would have been like a large number of your other stories.

Nobody but comments have brought up the open marriage idea.

No, she shouldn’t have been stuck like her husband.

He seems lost and losing at the end, especially with the last line, because he’s looking back and doing a comparison, while rolling in his loss.

She found someone. She doesn’t have to be alone and pining forever.

The husband, and this is a credit to the writing, said the idea of using the affair as a new starting point to revive the marriage was a no-go… it was tainted. That’s a common view, I think. He’s right in that they should have talked, both of them, before the affair started.

It a nice bit of prose. Well done. Cheers!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

A cuckold is a cuckold is a cuckold. Bruised ego? Get out and the shit out of Phil. Deserves everything he got.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

He made the right decision.

She repeatedly professed that she still loved him, but failed to understand that a marriage requires more than love. It requires trust and respect.

She never gave him a reason why he should trust her going forward, and for that reason their marriage could not continue. If they had stayed together, he would have been plagued by doubts and insecurities for the rest of his life, and that is no way to live.

She made no attempt to put herself in his shoes. When she talked about how the affair had ignited her sex drive and could be an exciting new beginning for them, he should have thrown that back in her face. “If it’s so exciting, what if I have my own affair for months?” See what her reaction would have been. Would she be as forgiving and understanding as she expected him to be? I doubt it.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

A whore thinks that she now believes that she should be trusted after ripping her husband heart out. He should have put the blame where it was opened to the whole family. He should have looked up her boyfriend and cut his appendage off.

TonyGWTonyGW6 months ago

Your work, usually, is an inspired emotional rollercoaster that I can't put down. This one, not so much. You're revisited your, unashamed, remorseless, adulterer wins, period. Had hoped you'd grown past it.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I hate it when the cheater is rewarded and the innocent is punished

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Another "man-hating, men are stupid" story from this author. Nothing ever changes. Better ending. Sal kept his dignity in tact but learned he needed to get out and fully engage. He began dating around a bit but waited for just the right woman to come along. Two years later he was married. Aria, in her new found freedom became a total slut, sleeping around with over a dozen guys. They knew she was easy and would fuck anybody who paid her any attention, she was that needy. After a few months she didn't feel so good. Most of the guys grew bored with her and tossed her aside for the next skank. It turned out she had contracted several STD's. For all her brilliant arguments with Sal, she was nothing more than a whore. Even her produce boyfriend thought she was day old leftovers and told her to stop coming around.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

All the negative reaction is related to the depressing nature of our protagonist. Cagiva you write well. Obviously we all keep coming back. Your main characters are human maybe thats why the reaxtion by readers. Fantasy is so much better than reality. I still wonder why most of your male characters are so shallow and emotionally immature……that seems to be a common theme. That and unhappy early middle aged women with poor communication skills regarding their wants and needs in the bedroom. Would be great to sit down with you over a coffee or adult beverage and hear your life experiences.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

it just a feel sad story. So much left unsaid.

Parkway69Parkway696 months ago

I believe this story needs a proper ending. Finish it.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

It is funny. You actually had me shaking my head at poor Selwyn, but in the end you created a pathetic man. pathetic not because if his choice, but because of he couldn’t accept it and live with it. As to the wife, damn… you started with a frustrated woman who loved her husband and turned her into a stone cold bitch that married a total asshole. If she had cared about the man at all she never would have rubbed his face in what he gave up and the offered him a taste. Cliche story, pathetic characters, so in other words too much like real life in some cases.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Just sex… such a lie. Studies show that when you have sex the brain makes permanent connections with that individual. He made the right choice because she obviously started slutting around with indifferance. I dont know a single guy who would be ok with there wife engaging in sex with other men, or vice aversa. I understand this is fiction but lets be real.

Luckyguy1965Luckyguy19656 months ago

Most men are not like he was after divorce. There is no problem finding willing partners for either sex

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

История не закончена. Нужна вторая часть.

DessertmanDessertman6 months ago

He is depressed, and was depriving her of love and intimacy. After the separation she flourished and he stayed stuck.

If they had stayed together as he was it would have destroyed her.

At least one person commented very negatively about her enjoying her sexual freedom - she was a slut. Still a double standard!

I thought this was a well written and insightful story.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

It seems to me that he was done with the relationship well before it ended. He would rather do anything else besides spend time with her.

He wasn't going out before and now he is forcing himself. He was a workaholic and still is. It's better he is not in a relationship.

My ex wife is in a relationship and I am not and it doesn't bother me at all. I don't want her. He didn't want his wife until she was gone. He should grow up and realize he doesn't need to be in a relationship to be happy.

Rwg7Rwg76 months ago

Sad story, dark story. I often find myself hoping for reconciliation or redemption in these stories. I held out hope until the restaurant. She had obviously gone beyond the point of no return. Asking Selwyn if he would like to join her entourage felt like the ultimate insult.

MartyMartiniMartyMartini6 months ago

It all comes down to what one expects out of marriage. It certainly would be less expensive to pay a whore for sex so why marry one. I think he made the right decision.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Wife treats him like garbage and disrespects him. Then blames him for not getting over being betrayed. Becomes a slut and everyone else is okay with it. You should also have her sitting in the middle of traffic with her just stop oil poster.

MarkTwineMarkTwine6 months ago

As is typical you wrote another story where the male is just a weak pathetic loser. Considering the author is a transvestite it’s pretty obvious that you just hate men.

the6ulprsnthe6ulprsn6 months ago

Depressing …. Sorry but it is.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

It almost felt like you were trying to rile your male readers with the constant harping on male pride. I suppose it likely worked with some readers. The fact is that the character you created has no concept of integrity or male pride. As to his ex, damn mean bitch you created, but she knew how to hurt him. That scene in the restaurant, you certainly showed her true and ugly colors.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The classic cheater wins story.


2 **

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

What the actual fuck was this bullshit? We get it. Guys should just forgive and forget every time their wives have an affair otherwise they will die alone. Not sure if I could roll my eyes any further back...

PentafelixPentafelix6 months ago

Great story! Might’ve liked to see it go on long enough for the ex-husband to grow and change, but it was fine as is. It wasn’t rushed at the end, and the characters weren’t the caricatures you see so often in LW. Thanks for the story!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

“Those actions were driven by your inactions.” This assertion by Aria speaks volumes about her true feeling toward her husband. In her mind, Sal is the problem. But instead of talking to him about it, she takes actions — fucking someone else.


We never really learned why she bothered to tell Sal. And she was never really sorry for her infidelity…in fact she bragged about it being the catalyst to make things better between them. Obviously, this narcissistic (typical CGurl female) couldn’t be bothered to try to understand how her husband would see such a perspective 😎


For those asking the author for a Part 2 where Sal rises from the ashes and/or Aria reaps a more justified reward —- never gonna happen in Cgurl’s universe 🤗. Of course, my fantasy would be to have SaddleTramp pen a righteous sequel where Sal thrives and Aria dives 🥳


As usual….entertaining writing of another infuriating plot!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago


He made the right choice. He would have been miserable if he lived with the cheater. She would have continued to cheat on him.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Get your own. Move on and up. There are more of them than us and if you sift through all of the crazy you will be rewarded! Its a good premise to start another story.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Yes, you made the right decision to split up from her.

Without integrity all you'' lave is the physical aspect without the deep love.

Ridiculous69Ridiculous696 months ago

Well you stayed true to your formula. Your wife characters never have any consequences for being other mens sluts and you go out of your way to promote them. On the other hand, it appears to be impossible for you to ever write anything good about a man who walks away from her betrayal. Clearly you have an agenda and you stick to you. Just sad really because good men who get divorced rebound very well and go on to find someone else too.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Meiner Ansicht nach hat er genau die richtige Entscheidung getroffen. Zwei so unterschiedliche Auffassungen von einer Beziehung hätten beide ins Unglück gestürzt.

nixroxnixrox6 months ago

1 star - what a crock of shit. DELUSION is one word that should be very familiar to you.

The female character depicted in this story is just a common selfish, self-centred, entitled SLUT with no ethics, compassion, love or caring. The husband certainly dodged a bullet when he kicked this SLUT to the curb. He will celebrate the day he chose to get rid of her and yes, he will find many younger women out there who appreciates a solid, dependable, hard-working, employed man to share their love.

I am surprised this writer did not try to have her SLUT character bring lovers into the house before she bothered to drop the bomb on her husband. This story should at least be down in the 2-star category before the week is done.

In reality, the opposite is the actual situation, especially in North America. There are thousands of single women out here who cannot even find a man willing to ask them out on a date, for fear of being charged with harassment. It is ten times worse for single women with kids. A significant number of young men (18 to 35) have chosen to get vasectomies, just in case some woman out there considers trying to trap them into a 20-year child support situation.

Billy_Ray_BanBilly_Ray_Ban6 months ago

Sal screwed up. Not for divorcing the unfaithful and non-remorseful cunt. But by being responsible for his own torment. First, he needed to have exposed her cheating to all family and friends. Secondly, he should have cut off all possible contact with his ex. See her in a bar or restaurant? Ignore her. She and her boy-toy ask to join you at a restaurant? The answer is “fuck no!!!” By listening about all her sexual exploits all he’s doing is magnifying his own pain. Plus, he needs to see someone about his obvious depression. With her new husband’s viewpoint on cheating as being “it’s only sex”… he’s likely to be testing that theory out first hand at some point in the future when she cheats on him. BRB

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Of course you are better off.

Do you want to spend the rest of your sanity concerned whether she is fucking,or not?

Of course she is; you know she is a round-heeled slut, and shamelessly flaunting it. Her life is much worse than yours, if,you can stop wallowing in your shit. Most times, cunts are cunts and will always be so. Fuck em and move on.

JnetfunJnetfun6 months ago

I liked it but unfortunately felt a bit unfulfilled. I also thought the new husband was a bit of a prick and the lack of development around the impact to family and extended friends was opportunity lost. In general I read everything you write because of your messy sometimes unconventional storylines. They are entertaining but this one could use more development. 4/5.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Thanks for sharing…

Begrudgingly 4* you’re a good writer asking the hard questions. However, the result in your stories is always the same outcome. Not all men are ding-dong doormats incapable of a life without a woman walking all over them!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Every man I know who left a cheating wife is better off, and happier.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

As much as the story keeps hinting to him making a mistake, I say he made the best choice. She was not a good person, her attitude and actions throughout the story showed what kind of a person she is. The story feels unfinished because, he is near a low point. Since he is still actively looking, he will eventually find a better woman.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

An interestingly different story where the cheating wife lives happily ever after. Not certain I could get past cheating and never discussing she was dissatisfied first. Also not sure that all her other men would have gotten

along with each other knowing they all drank from the same well. Her new husband countenancing continued relationships with other men seems, to me, unlikely.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

You can't get your head out of your......?! Same thing as always from this writer. Good writing, I have to give you that. Same assessment doesn't apply to the story, I'm afraid.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I think he made the right decision, as far as divorce goes. It's the constant wallowing in self pity that's his downfall. To constantly be around her, and not get on with his life, and continuously rub his own nose in it, as well as allowing her to do it, is all on him. Simply put,,, he should get busy living, or continue dying.

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