All Comments on 'Confessions and Consequences'

by Cagivagurl

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PBD2022PBD20226 months ago

In the writers world it is better to be cheater than husbands. Wife can run a train and husbands will accept them. Husband may present them as strong willed but in the end they are weak willed no character bo devotion and willing to give up their morality just because of their emotion.

ReedRichardsReedRichards5 months ago

A lot of commenters slammed Selwyn for not exposing Aria's affair, but consider the consequences. Aria had an affair because her husband had turned into a lousy lay, and if he exposes her affair, people will ask why, and his reputation suffers. Even if she doesn't say it was because he was a dead fuck, people are still going to assume that he wasn't good enough in bed to keep his wife at home.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

She might appear to her new husband to be a great wife , hard working , fun loving , good housekeeper , fine cook and a sexual dynamo , but it’s the dynamo in her that’s going to drive her to cheating on her new husband and he will see if it’s ‘no big deal’ then . We’ll see if he can keep ahold of her then , if he likes being a cuckold then . Sel did the right thing he just needs to forget about his slutty ex and go tear up some pussy galore!

OOAAOOAA5 months ago

Good story.... Sad his life turned like that...

Always missing a bit burning... ;)

moedik2moedik25 months ago

Great story, opened some eyes about life.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I like that you have the nerve to write a story you know may not be well received. So many stories here end with the wife being humiliated, broke, broken miserable, and any number of horrible endings, but I think there are very few times I’ve read a story like this, where the husband does the manly thing to show his wife how tough and righteous he is, then ends up miserable because of his righteous decisions, while the repentant wife moves on, and lives happily ever after.

Secondly, kudos to you cagivagurl on your ability to creat cutting edge, controversial stories, nobody can do what you do here, as of my posting 395 readers had commented on your story, in TWO DAYS, that’s amazing. Don’t stop what you’re doing, you keep writing your stories your way, if your stuff wasn’t any good you’d have five crazy anon comments instead of 395.

Thanks for your time, effort, and unique stories. KS

PS would love to read a new, hetero, romance, story that’s not started as a LW from you. Just an old fashioned love story, or at least Cagivagurls version of it. Thanks.

CunnyLinguistTooCunnyLinguistToo5 months ago

This story made a great point if you bother to go below the surface just a little bit...successful relationships require WORK and COMMUNICATION. Was Aria wrong for cheating? Yes she was. But I think if people are really honest, the biggest failure was by Sal...he gave up on the marriage long before Aria had her affair. He gave up on making any effort to keep a fun and loving relationship going. It's also obvious that he also put no effort into communication. The fact that he wasn't responsive when Aria attempted to talk about the problems BEFORE she cheated is a clear indication he was not open to communicating and working through issues. His attitude of 'Why bother?' sums up why his marriage failed and he's stuck living a miserable life.

NegateGivityNegateGivity5 months ago

Good story. Glad to see MC stay consistent, even if it was at his own expense. I have one question about Aria and Trevor, are they monogamous? I know you have a tendency to include swingers and polygamous themes. Because if you intended them to be monogamous, you could have a good follow-up. How would Aria handle Trevor having an affair? Having been the one to destroy her first marriage by being the cheater, now she's the one getting cheated on. I enjoy your stories with the woman's PoV, I would really like to see how you would handle that situation. Keep up the great work.

mfbridgesmfbridges5 months ago

That was depressing. I'm not saying he was right, he wasn't. But neither was she, it's not sex that keeps a marriage going, it's honest communication from the beginning. It's not hurtful drivel you sprout to make yourself feel better for breaking your vows.

ZackStevensZackStevens5 months ago

How many therapists does it take to change a lightbulb? Just one, but the bulb has to want to change.

Our MC here doesn't want to change. But he should ask her if she wants to sneak off to fuck at her wedding reception. After all, it's just sex, and her new hubby doesn't mind.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

@ReedRichards - I'm not sure what kind of people you hang out with, but most people aren't going to ask why she cheated. Sure, they may mentally speculate as to the why, but prior to being told that she cheated they're mentally speculating why you divorced with you cheating being the most likely scenario. As such, your reputation is already suffering from being considered a cheater so confirming that she was the one who cheated would actually raise your reputation. Even if she does start spreading the word that she cheated because he's bad in bed, a lot of people are going to take that with a grain of salt realizing that she is bitter with him for divorcing her cheating ass.

Dumbguy69Dumbguy695 months ago

Of course he made the right decision. The new husband is a cuck.

orion2bear2orion2bear25 months ago

Just sex was just cheating if you don't hono your vows your marriage means nothing did no care for story mc could have tried to save marriage but if he needed to divorce her leaving him alone and miseabl whil she got happil married to a willing cuckold didn't fly

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Hated that the MC ended up alone and seemingly lonely just because he stuck to his beliefs. He should have been able to find his own happiness with someone trustworthy.

oldmanbill69oldmanbill695 months ago

Female slut, good for her.

HeelGuy9800HeelGuy98005 months ago

Sal did not make the right choice. Yea, she screwed around and was sorry. She was willing to try to work it out but that would have been too difficult for Sal. Sal never did any self reflection or attempted reconciliation. You are the one who changed, not her.

jlg07jlg075 months ago

Yes he made the right decision. She was a woman of no morals who didn't love or respect her husband. Shame that you gave her a great life and he wasn't happy, but your characters, so....

It's not good to see little justice, and her new husband is awful also.

danbo56danbo565 months ago

well, that's not fair but, then again life is not fair the injured party is kicked in the guts again always the bloke the woman gets what she wants sorry but that hurts

BuzzCzarBuzzCzar5 months ago

The affair was a fait accompli, it happened. The question is not so much "did I make the right decision" as "could I live with knowing". Sal, as written by this author, would never been able to accept, nor forgive her mistake. Therefore, the decision to divorce was the best decision since at least one person was able to get past the event. In this case it was the wife. Sal, as written, just wallowed in his misery. He was destined to be unhappy from the moment she confessed. The affair is on her. Letting it destroy him was on Sal.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The story is stupid in that the cheating slut wife wants him to give up his beliefs and morals because she can't keep her legs closed. He did the right thing dumping her cheating ass but should have told his and her family why. He got screwed over while she gets a free pass.

This story hits a nerve with me because I forgave my cheating wife but then she cheated again and I got a divorce 5 years later. I was taken to the proverbial cleaners with child support and alimony. I was wiped out. It was dark like Selwyn experienced but I eventually came out on top. Selwyn will come out better, but not overnight. He's a good man and some cheated on divorcee will rescue him.

GladstonGlieseGladstonGliese5 months ago

I often feel that make writers should not write from a female perspective because they absolutely do not know what they're doing and it comes across as pure, undiluted cringe. I'm extending that to female writers writing from the male perspective. They positively cannot grasp how important respect is to men. Funny to see them delude themselves about their romantic prospects later in life, and second marriages have higher divorce rates than first ones. So main character just has to wait it out.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

You made the right choice. You cannot keep up with her. She needs men to do so. Not one but many

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Great story, an emotional hurricane, Characters are so deeply described we can feel the angst & overwhelming heartache. Sal’s conversation with Trevor sets us up for Sal’s ego busting question at the conclusion. I thank CAGIVAGURL for the effort. One minor issue: too many commas where they are not needed.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

He made the right choice. Not many men want to share their wife. Why stay married? She had no respect for him. She will cheat on Trevor the cuck eventually.

CARLVPCARLVP5 months ago

I became emotionally involved in this story. The author ever o skillfully spun a web of resentment for Aria's husband. What a self destructive ass hole. Holler than thou prick. Who the fuck does he think he is, God's gift to womankind.

The reason I became emotionally gripped is, while not the ass hole he is I fucked up royally and now in the Twy-light of life daily regret casting aside a wonderful woman that in retrospect loved me incredibly. At the time I was a self absorbed ass hole in my own way. Don't get me wrong I was not the sorry ass, OMG how could she do this terrible thing to me. Treat me this way....

Her name was Roxann and a X-Ray tech in a hospital ER where I worked. This as many years ago when X-Rays were films. The ER doctor call room was a tiny room with just enough space to walk next to the single bed against the wall. With the door open laying on the bed the X-Ray view boxes on the all outside were in clear view. I really liked Roxann. When on duty at night I would feat my eyes on her as she checked each film view out on the single view box.

Roxann was ten years my junior. I was forty and that was forty four years ago. One middle of the night we were talking after a serious trauma case involving many X-Rays. I am unable to remember how the topic came up be she mentioned she was going to florida to visit her parents vacationing on the golf coast. I had more han a week off and planned on flying my Mooney 231 to FL visit a friend and his girlfriend in his condo on Sunshine Blvd. Key Biscayne then hang out in my condo in Key Largo. We some how agreed that after her several days visit with parents I would pick her up, fly back to Key Biscayne for a day or two then down to Home Stead where I kept a car and hang out in Key Largo. Go snorkeling in John Pennekamp state park. Have a dinner at my favorite restaurant, The Mad Dog that serves the best beef stroganoff in the world.....

Suffice it to say out of respect, sorry no details, an incredible loving night took place in spite she was a little reticent at first. We then proceeded to Key largo for two or three days. Upon return home the relationship continued. She then invited her minister Father to have dinner and meet me. At the time I was self absorbed flying the Moony around the country working in ERs. The significance of her inviting her Father to meet me escaped me at the time, not now and for the past several years.

Now a lonely old man I realize the significance of that dinner with her Father. She was inviting me to share her life and, the fool I was, blew her off. R

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

It's hard task to tell whether it's right or wrong.

From my perspective, you did the right thing.

Maybe, other can count you as looser but don't forget that she cheated on you repeatedly.

So in my eyes, it's better to live alone instead of living with a cheater.

drbenchpress66drbenchpress665 months ago

I swear you just gotta ask yourself what would happen if the situation was reversed. And bam you got your answer lol

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Your a great writer, but you portray men as weak because we don't want to share our women. You call it mens pride or ego, but it's all bullshit. If a woman or a man want to have more than one partner they should stay single. How about a story in wi h a strong guy wins and doesn't capitulate to a cheating wife. I don't know about guys in your part of the world but in my country we get along just fine

justbobkcjustbobkc5 months ago

5 stars. I found this pretty funny. You portray loser males really well.

Personally I've never understood men whose sex drive lags like you often portray.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Lol. Do you hate men or consider them inferior? Yes different men would rea t differently and confession is often a much better way to go than to cover it up, since if discovered before confession often memas death of the marriage. But her attitude was quite sh$tty. She was stunned that he was hurt and wanted to move on. You are a good writer but this toxic attitude about "male ego" is really disturbing and not in a thought provoking way but something simply nauseating. What a trainwreck. In this story ther is zero empathy fornthe cheated on husband, only for Aria who should just be forgive despite a multimonth affair. Also after divirce filing, she pragmatically flipped a switch and went back to Phil the produce guy and then had relations with multiple guys at once in her 40s. But hey no biggie. The husband who was upset and had some principles when confronted with a wife who was not really sorry, confessed and wanted him to just accept it (her own words) and move on, got no empathy from anyone including family, friends, etc. Ok she finds her own Mr Right with Trevor and maybe her cheating on the MC will make her a better wife a second time around, but she destroyed her first marriage and got all the emotional support, while the MC got none. And yes this reads like thinly veiled moral message by the author that has little actual morality. Reads like a bad LW version of Aesop's fables. The author is an excellent writer and had some crazy, some thought provoking, and some frustrating stories, but this little nugget was one of the worst by CG.

cruzer1955cruzer19555 months ago

This is an excellent writer IMO. This is a terrible writer IMO. This writer develops characters that you can care about. He then uses every imaginable reason and excuse for the MC to accept being lied to, disrespected and cheated on. I am beginning to feel that the writer is okay with horrible behavior of women that profess love yet display total disdain for the contract of monogamy.

The MC in this story made the right choice. The wife moved on and made a good life for herself. Okay, as to the MC, life is hard, get a helmet.

MidwaymackMidwaymack5 months ago

A 3.25 score, posted 3 weeks ago, and 434 comments at this writing. Cagivagurl, you always deserve the attention, but this time you must have really pissed some people off. Sounds like I should read it... I'll get back to you...

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Same old Cagivagurl tripe. Slag of a wife and a man with a fragile male ego. Do you hate men because your writing certainly implies that you do.

Psychman24Psychman245 months ago

The point here is not that the wife's affair was ok, its that the husband was completely unwilling to listen to her, to acknowledge his role in their stale marriage or to be bothered to make an effort to reconcile. He preferred to maintain the moral high ground and to go right to divorce rather than see if there was a way to move forward and make a better connection together. Believe it or not many marriages do survive infidelity given true remorse and commitment from both parties to take responsibility and to make necessary changes. I think the husband would have lost nothing by at least trying counseling, as the divorce option is always there if it doesn't work.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Fair to say that this is sad and unsatisfying but doesn't make it unrealistic- quite the opposite really though disappointing if you're looking for some BTB escapism. The protagonist ended up lonely and miserable but that's not to say he didn't make the right choice- if he can't live with a cheat then he shouldn't try to. He could have put the new husband in his place at the end though. "Well maybe you don't mind your wife slutting around. Hell maybe you get off on sitting at home wondering who and how many people she's fucking when she's travelling for work or even just a few minutes late getting home of an evening. I've got self-respect but whatever works for you cucky." The new guy could kick off as much as he wanted to but what could he really object to?

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Just a normal CG fuck the husband story

FeltfixerFeltfixer5 months ago

It is clear to me that how she behaved after divorce, even asking him to join her harem, that during her confession she really wanted him to agree to her having multiple partners.

She’s clearly a skank. So he was absolutely right to dump her.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The reason why this author can’t write a normal male reaction is because this author is a mentally insane male. The “gurl” part of the screen name identifies a male who desperately wishes he was female. Hope this helps anyone reading his stories!


thecarolinadreamerthecarolinadreamer5 months ago

I suspect this is a lot more realistic to real life than most BTB'ers on this site want to admit. I must admit, I felt sorry for the dumb bastard.

Good job CG. cd

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I sure think that you did. After my ex-wife remarried I was at a dance with friends. She and her new fiance showed up. Later when I was in line to get a drink she came up to me. We had a pleasant talk. I glanced towards the table that I had been sitting. Her man was standing by talking. I turned back to my ex. All of a sudden she turned and walked away. I looked where she was heading. Her fiance was going out the entrance door. Later I learned that he had been asking what happened to her and I. Jim my buddy could be a little rude he didn't take anything off of hardly anyone. He had told him that she had cheated on me. He also told him that he hoped that he like sloppy seconds and being cuckold. I guess that was enough. He called the wedding off.

AllNigherAllNigher4 months ago

The mistake he made was continuing to pine over her...

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Dude unknowingly married a woman who would become unfaithful when things turned... boring?

It happens.

I totally give her credit for trying to fix things up, although AFTER the indiscretions started. They were not able to fix things.

It happens.

She eventually found enough people who enjoyed her being a slattern, which happy sluts can do, and lived her life happily, slutting it up. Not surprisingly, she, and the people who enjoy sharing her pussy, do not understand the ex-husband and his beliefs.


I am pretty sure he would feel worse sharing a woman, who had promised herself to him, with other people, the promise long since rendered meaningless.

He made the right choice.

I have never managed to sustain a relationship with a woman who had different ideas about her physicality than I did. This is probably because sex could not hold me, I did not want a relationship with a woman who felt differently about emotional and physical intimacy.

Gotta be true to yourself, man, and our hero was.

This is the way.

MidwaymackMidwaymack4 months ago

So out of the blue, the wife announces she's been having an affair. But why? She tries to explain... Because he's gotten lazy and doesn't try anymore. And he sort of has to agree that she's right about that. But now she says she's ended the affair, and she'll try again with hubby if he'll just try to change. But he's angry! He's wounded! He's been betrayed! Why should it now be him who has to change, right? He says, "But you promised! You took a vow! So you belong to me! It shouldn't matter how big a toad I've become!" So that's his choice. Later, he wonders if that was his best choice.

(But honestly, if the author's going to name the husband "Selwyn"... And then, when we learn she's named the new husband "Trevor".... well, we realize that in this story, Selwyn never had a chance.)

vitochivitochi4 months ago

To answer his question at the end, Yes, he made the right choice. Like many of theses stories, fragile male ego is confused with self respect.

Ideally, being married is a man and wife acting as one, with transparent communication, self sacrifice and having each other’s back. When she starts making decisions for her own selfish desires, she has abandoned the marriage.

Regarding the other who acted as if he should have overlooked her lying and cheating, he should look for people with similar values to his. Which is getting harder to find in this day and age…

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Utter rubbish.

RuttweilerRuttweiler4 months ago
You should try and expand your character repertoire.

All of your male main characters seem to share a similar flaw. They have a really lousy sense of self-worth. It acts like a filter on everything they hear.

The wife says (paraphrasing): “We’ve stopped trying in the bedroom. Until the last couple of years, I loved the way you made love with me. I want that man back. I want you back.”

He hears: “You’re a lousy lover and Phil is much better.”

This occurs over and over in your writing. Nearly every one of your MCs is completely butt-hurt, pretty much constantly. They seek out every possible way to interpret their wife’s statements so that they are the most hurtful to themselves.

Additionally, these main characters absolutely love to hang on to every hurt. They never want to heal. They just keep the scabs open. I guess a lot of your readers must like it, but I’m not sure why. My first reaction is that many of them see themselves as “gentleman losers.“

Anyway, to answer the question asked by your MC, “Yes, you made the right choice. You freed her so she could find happiness with someone who could love themselves, and in turn, love her.”

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Don't feed the authors ego. All these comments feed it. That's what all the stories are about. To piss off the readers.

SarahwithloveSarahwithlove4 months ago

Your bitterness towards men is getting old and stale which is sad because you have a great knack for storytelling. I am not sure if your beef is with all men or maybe you just hate husbands. I wish you would break free of this transparency in your writing. I hope it's not some weird, lesbian, chip-on-the-shoulder, call to arms, rhetoric, rendering all your work biased propaganda.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

That was a hard read. I agree that he was in depression before the affair. A loving wife would have considered that before deciding that he would make a good cuck. That's the sad part, his marriage was over and deep down he knew it for a long while.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I found this story to be very sad but I saw as well that Tom made the wrong choice. His wife admitted to having the affair and ended it. He should have gone to counseling with her and he should have tried to increase his connection with her, sexual and emotional. He should have started taking her out to dinner. He should have told her that cheating on him was unacceptable and if she ever did it again, he would divorce her. But hs should have tried to reinvigorate the marriage. He knew they were stuck. She was wrong to look elsewhere and she admitted that she took the coward's way out. But he should have worked on their relationship with her and he should not have divorced her. She moved on in the end and is very happy again. He is not. Plain and simple, Tom made the wrong decision on this one. Five stars for the story!! Very thought provoking. Good job!!!

chess1972chess19723 months ago

Gave this 5 stars. Not a happy story but pretty realistic. Often only one party comes out of these situations ok and it is often the cheater because they are working to make themselves happy.

Donovan7777Donovan77773 months ago

Well I laughed at the new hubby’s comments. How naive. Obviously has never heard the adage “once a cheater, always a cheater.” This woman is prime to fill that role. Would love to see a sequel story of this marriage 7 years later.

DukeofPaducahDukeofPaducah3 months ago

I think Selwyn can’t move on with his life because he sees his ex-wife as he wishes her to be and is blind to her real nature. She dealt a dealt a deadly blow to the relationship by skipping attempts at communicating her dissatisfaction, choosing infidelity and when one of the effects of her affair was heartburn, made a confession. She never showed genuine remorse for her actions. It was more like: “It just happened, let’s move on.” Her fond memories of her threesome encounter could be a brutal example of honesty or an ominous revelation of her narcissistic tendencies.

To be fair, neither partner made more than a feeble effort at reconciliation; counseling was barely discussed.

If the ex-husband can accept these traits, by all means, hook back up. I believe that would be an invitation for future treachery. I think Selwyn made the right choice. She is one scary Chiquita.

Redaer99Redaer993 months ago

No, I don't think he made the right choice. He had plenty of opportunities to reconsider and talk to her about it but pride prevented him from doing so. If after consulting and, perhaps, getting professional advice he still felt the same, then fair enough. But then he wouldn't feel so bad afterwards and would have felt that divorce was the right decision for him.

prato1992prato19923 months ago

totalmente, te libraste de la puta, debió arreglarlo antes de engañarlo, después es tarde, no hay vuelta atrás

WargamerWargamer3 months ago

Yes he did. He will get out of his funk eventually and move on too. He too will meet someone else and form a lasting relationship.

In the real world, the slut will fuck up again, she’ll cheat again and again, because she loved doing it. In the end she will be the unhappy one, too much sex with others too much cheating to come, she’s a wreck waiting to happen.

I’ve seen it all before several times.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Surely nobody takes this crap seriously, it's a comedy right?

mdadaminmdadamin2 months ago

this is bullshit

Does the writer wonder whether the husband should divorce his unfaithful wife or not?

Of course, he had to divorce her

His only mistake is that he did not continue with his life and try to live it in a good way and meet another woman like the unfaithful wife did.

Her new husband is nothing but a cuckold who does not care if his wife has sex with more than one person as long as she returns to him

This sick type of person with open marriages is nothing but a psychological patient because, in the end, the result will be disastrous, whether illness, pregnancy, or meeting a better person & leaving with him.

The writer here is trying to sell us the idea that betrayal is acceptable, and this is nonsense

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

thought provoking for sure, but it was too abrupt

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

He did the right thing dumping the slut. She would have made his life a living hell.

Busman19639Busman19639about 1 month ago

This story needs a better ending.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

You always have to ask, “am I better of without her (or him) than with them”? Good story, and while some may disagree, you had the only ending possible.

AnonymousAnonymous25 days ago

The tenor of Cagivagurl's stories have changed in the last year or two. I think for the better. Regarding this one, I don't agree with the POV, but it's a short story well told. I would say the ease of which she conducted her affair, then casually confessed, and basically said "no harm, no foul" indicated that marriage was already over for her emotionally. For her, continuation was basically, "oops, I goofed" out of calculated self-indulgence rather than do the hard work of communicating dissatisfaction in the marriage. But 'honey', just accept it. and we can go forward if you indulge me. No contrition, no restitution. Forgiveness and reconciling requires a partner to sincerely make such moves. The character portrayed here did not really.

Was the husband a stick-in-the-mud? Yes. Was the marriage become dysfunctional? Yes. But the manner of her taking the cowardly option was too dismissive for that marriage to continue. He knew it emotionally too, but just refused to admit it to himself. It's not too much pride to take umbrage at being treated so dismissively. And the answer to "am I better with or without her" had more to do with his emotional difficulty of moving on than her intrinsic worth. Her idea of marriage continuation implicitly sounded like an open marriage. His mistake was holding on to a dysfunctional fantasy of marital life, and nursing the outrage of betrayal rather than simply letting go, recentering himself again, and finding another mature partner who valued the same thing. The first wife simply didn't. She just gave up on the marriage and pulled the plug first, which is why she got over it much easier.

EgantryEgantry25 days ago

Wife was never contrite … and obviously didn’t deeply love her husband. The husband unfortunately didn’t seek professional help before launching the divorce. A few sessions of counseling before divorce may helped him find closure and move on. She gutted him.

AnonymousAnonymous24 days ago

Those commenters who break it all down to "is she better off with or without her" miss the real point. You cannot know the future, so have to take a projected future of a relationship based on trust. This wife made no real attempted assurances, except "I ended it", casually blew off his reaction, and implied an open marriage going forward. How is that trust in holding up her end of the marriage? Not. Unless he accepted her implicit offer that he accept his role as one of several lovers going forward. Why marry or stay married in that case? And her next 'husband' apparently liked her open marriage attitude and was okay with it, which confirmed his worries. One selfish bitch frankly. I have never bought the argument that a spouse in a committed relationship like a marriage really loves one primary person, but also wants to share physical intimacy with others as well. How is one committed in such a case? You aren't.

Micawat2pMicawat2p9 days ago

I guess my favorite Cagivagurl cheating stories are the ones that end up forgiveness and work towards a happier ending. This hit very close to my own experience over thirty years ago. I wish I made different decisions, wish we had it out and worked on it and we would have had many happier years together. Sometimes good people make a mistake that they regret every day for the rest of their lives like both of us.

AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

Yes, right choice, but just not the right methodology. You cut the tie quickly and jump back into the dating and mating fray if still young enough, after a modest period of self-reflection on what you could do better next time. Moping around and 'regretting' doesn't cut it. You decide to forgive and chalk it up to lesson learned, and either try to resurrect the marriage or cut ties and move on. In this particular instance, he was put off by the cavalier attitude she had towards the affair, imputation of his driving her to it, and he should just abide and learn his lesson. No demonstrated remorse or sense of needed restitution doesn't cut it, so he walked away. His mistake was wallowing in that decision rather than getting out there and giving it time. Such loss is like a physical blow to your brain, and it takes time for that trauma to subside. I left a wife of 13 years at age 39 when she copped a similar attitude after an affair with a co-worker while I was building a practice that sustained us. Had she discussed that before she cheated, we would have adjusted our relationship to winding down that period of our lives to enjoy our later years. To be told 'you drove me to it', and 'step up, or else' doesn't cut it. I remarried at 43 to a divorced mother of two, and ended up integrating my 10 year-old son into it. My Ex (wife) never got it. Just like this one. It's not about ego, albeit that is collateral damage, but trust in a partnership. One built on emotional blackmail isn't worth having.

AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

If it's really over then why the confession? It doesn't make any sense to me.

Normally the confession is the outcome of guilt feeling. If she's really remorseful then she could've stopped after the first time, confessed to her husband and asked for his forgiveness.

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