All Comments on 'Confessions and Consequences'

by Cagivagurl

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

This author as predictable as son coming up in the East. Man bad woman good.

ribnitinribnitin6 months ago

The MC is very well written. His tone reflects his decision making

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I wonder what the reaction to this story would be if the genders were reversed and it was a man who confessed to the affair and his wife refused to forgive/put up with him sleeping around? Then the man was written as having a great happy life sleeping around before marrying someone who didnt mind him doing so? Oh, and he invited his ex-wife who is now depressed and having trouble moving on to the wedding. I guess we might give him points for at least being honest, but would also think he was a bit of a self entitled prick who didnt seem to love his wife all that much.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Simply put, NO you messed up. You had a dozen options and took the wrong road to you own unhappiness.

You still can fix some things but she is gone and changing that puts fiction on a new level. Sorry!

enderlocke77enderlocke776 months ago

She obviously wanted more sex than she was getting from him. She would have kept cheating even if they stayed together. Would have liked to read that version and see when she tried to get him to do a threesome. She had an affair bc she was too scared to talk about a rut in a marriage don't get married. At least she learned something for he second marriage which sounds like an open one. She could cheat on this guy all day long and he will keep her. The way it ended was funny not that ur hiding it or anything but yeah ur definitely female lol. And yeah he should have kept her at his age and just use her. Housekeepers with benefits is hard to come by

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

He did a great job proving her point. He really didn't care about her or their marriage. She was pretty plain with him and he made a decision based on he considered most important-her faithfulness rather than his desire to remain married. He should live with it and quit whining.

As for the story, too long, too much saying the same thing over and over. too much hand wringing.

enderlocke77enderlocke776 months ago

Russ43 it got low marks mainly because its still fresh and on a Monday the other reason is this is a porn site most ppl here are guys with caveman attitudes lol

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Divorcing a cheater and a liar is ALWAYS the right decision. Leaving someone who is capable of that level of betrayal is the right decision and it has nothing to do with the "fragile male ego". It's the same advice to a woman whose husband engages in aong term affair. Leave his lying ass.

See it wasn't "one mistake" was it? A two month long affair is at least a half dozen mistakes. And all the little lies. And all the effort keeping it a secret. It's at least 1,000 mistakes.

This story is laughable. Look. Do you know how many women there are that are single and desperate in their late 30s and 40s? Online? Daring apps? Pick up joints? Let's just say A LOT. And it's easy pickins.

The way this story is told by this author is laughable.

"Gee...let me write a story about how a man shouldn't ever divorce a cheating wife because he'll be worse off if he does. I'll make it like a fable. A warning to when they find out rheir wife is a cheating whore they just accept it and get over their male pride."

So this cunt of an author writes a one sided story about how there's this woman with a magic golden pussy that the MC can't ever live without. He just never gets over her. Lives his life bitter and alone. If he would have just sucked it up...literally...he could have been happy in life. But he lost her. The one with the magical pussy...and he never ever recovered.

Give us all a fucking break with this bullshit.

I'm average at best. Since my ex cheated on me 20 years ago? And I kicked her out and divorced? I've had 3 good long term relationships and about 25 other shorter term relationships. As well as some merely sexual. Lots of sex. Lots of kinky sex. No shortage of it. And always with honesty. No cheating. No lying. Expectations set and communicated. And that's all with about half effort. If I wanted...I could get laid at least every week or so by some new woman if I wanted.

So to this author. Just use some honesty in your stories. When a spouse cheats on another spouse? It's devastating. It IS a big deal. It is horrific. Monstrous. And the line of "it was just sex" is a line only a moron uses. Only someone intellectually challenged uses "it was only sex honey. It didn't mean anything. I love only you."

Here is the more likely truth in this scenario is this. She cheats. He is crushed. They divorce. She starts fucking many random guys. Becomes the town bicycle. Contracts an STD or two. Then decides she needs to slow down. Ends up married. Seems happy enough. Then 2 years later she divorces again. The new hubby caught her for the 3rd time cheating and kicked her out. She ends up alone and tries to drown her sorrows in wine and strange dick. She's depressed as hell. Disillusioned. Can't understand what's wrong with these men? Don't they understand its "just sex" and it doesn't mean she loves them less. She just needs the occasional thrill of a new man banging away. Why can't they understand? By her early 50s she's old an it shows. Used up. Alone. Had 3 different venereal diseases. No magic pussy any more. Lives the rest of her life bitter with cats as company.

Her Ex had a rough couple of years after the divorce. Worked a lot. Made lots of money.. And then joined a gym. Got into the best shape of his life. Observed his ex wife playing the town whore...and realized one day that by divorcing her he definitely dodged a bullet. Over the next 3 years he met and dated 2 different women. One lasted just under a year. The other about 14 months. Both with nice women. Both hot in bed. One who was a submissive and encouraged him to experiment with Dominance in the bedroom. They had a lot of fun. But in the end neither woman was going to be truly long term. And that was OK for him and the 2 women.

Then he joined an online dating app. And he spent the next year just having fun. He had 30 first dates. But only about half of those made it to 2nd dates.

It was interesting to interact with women online. And then meet in person. But he did end up in a few short term relationships with about 4 of them over the course of a year. Never at the same time. He wasn't the kind to juggle different women in his schedule. Each one lasted from 2 to 4 weeks. And he had sex with all 4 of them. One in particular was really fun and casual. She really enjoyed getting him to expand his sexual boundaries. Going so far as to invite her brunette room mate into their bed one night after he told her that he'd never had a threesome before. It was fun.

But none of these relationships lasted. And he was fine with that.

He was making excellent money. He traveled often. Taking his daughter with him from time to time. He went on a few singles cruises. Got laid when he wanted. But never hurt any woman. Never led anyone on. Was always honest and communicated his expectations. Remained good friends with most of the women he had relationships with. And never ever second guessed his decision to divorce the nasty cheater he had been married too. She turned into the town slut. And more than once he was embarrassed when someone questioned him about having been married to the skank. He avoided the conversation.

Eventually in his late 50s he met a younger woman in her early 40s. They meshed well together. And over time they developed a committed relationship. They moved in together. Never married, but were happy and faithful together for the rest of his life.

More than likely that was how the story played out. She ended up sad and alone as the used up whore and cheater.

As a well off and fit and attractive man he ended up being able to find women whenever he went looking for one. No regrets and a life well lived.

So let that be a lesson. Don't stay with a liar and cheater. Keep your pride and integrity. Despite what this author is selling here. Your pride and integrity ARE important. It's what defines you as a person. Accepting the loss of respect and actions of a cheating spouse like its no big deal? Allowing the one person in the world who you should trust more and enyone else to just destroy all trust? And just accepting it? That's the beginning of the end for you. Don't do it.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Interesting storyline. The wife cheated, asked for forgiveness. He couldn't bring himself to go that route. It appears correctly so, as she became an even bigger slut /whore. Even after remarrying she was continuing sexual conquests on the side because the guy she married didn't care. So, with that in mind, if he had forgiven her and he didn't measure up to her expectations if they had remained married, it would appear she would have went right back to having affairs, because well it just didn't matter about fidelity. He still wouldn't have been happy going forward. She was and is a slut/whore once she started having an affair and determined accountability was no longer important to her.

On the other hand, he did nothing with his life slate going forward. Rather he continue to internalize and made no effort to pursue relationships and quit dwelling on the past. Doesn't mean he had to have sexual relationships, but pursue investing other opportunties to make things better around him. Come along side individuals and help make life better for underprivileged individuals he encounters in his life. Sex is not everything. Maybe through activities he finds someone to marry. But dwelling negatively on what was accomplishes nothing but self pity.

She was blatently wrong and continues to be heading down a path that will not bode well longterm. Way too many opportunities for people to get hurt and not just the sexual partners. Yep - she is a whore/slut with a reputation as such. He needs to move on and quit dwelling on her and make a life for himself.

enderlocke77enderlocke776 months ago

Oh forgot one tid-bit she didn't seem at all concerned about his feelings if she thought that the marriage could be better now that she had an affair lol he should have an affair then confessed see if she starts wondering where he is and what he is doing when he leaves and works with the same person he had an affair with oh I forgot punctuations lol owell just remember to breath

ThomasEThomasE6 months ago

As is usual with your stories, it's fine when the wife cheats, but if it's the husband...God help him!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I know that this happens all too often in real life, but I have to say that this story doesn't do it for me. Once again, you've written a story where the cheating wife wins, and the faithful husband loses. Normally I dont care because your stories are so well written that I can get past the choices your characters make and invest in the emotions that tie your stories together. Unfortunately, this just isnt up to your usual standard. I dont know if its because it's so short, or because you're going through something IRL and you dont have the heart to put into you writing, but this just doesnt live up to the standard I've come to expect from a writer of caliber. 3* because while I dont like it, I know you have it in you to do better, and you deserve the benefit of the doubt given the quality of. your usual works.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Liked it! There’s a million stories where the cheated upon husband comes out smelling like a rose and the cheater descends into hell. Doesn’t always work out that way. As for the ending, it’s fine. Sometimes one just doesn’t know.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Did he male the right choice? Honestly, yes. Clearly they have two totally different moral codes when it comes to relationships. He wanted and believes in monogamy, while she doesn't. Their mistakes is that it shouldn't have taken 17 years for her to realise that. She should also have spoken to him before her affair to see if they could fix the marriage before she drove it into the proverbial iceberg by cheating and them expecting him to help her fix the ship as it was already sinking. His mistakes, allowing himself to get complacent in the marriage (although honestly they were both guilty of that), and being so amicable during and after the divorce. He shouldn't have been angry, but he shouldn't have kept her secret either. He should have told his family why they were getting divorced so they could lay the blame where it was deserved instead of allowing his family (especially his daughter) to lose respect for him for "not fighting". Also, had they known the real reason for the divorce, they would have tried to accomodate his healing, allowing him time with family with her and her new boyfriends to invade the space. He should also have gone to therapy to help get past the pain and heartbreak, and finally, most importantly, he should have stopped socializing with the source of his heartbreak until he was over her. Who in their right mind spends time with the Ex that ripped their heart out (and their new significant others) when they no doing so will. only cause them pain.

Did he do the right thing by divorcing her? Yes. But he shares the blame for the divorce, and he most vertainly didnt go through the divorce in a healthy way.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

No, he did not. He did not because he did not try any of those things a separation counseling anything.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

It pains to think about Honest and good men are emotionally destroyed like this. How can her 17 years of memory and cating for a loving husband flew just like that and she keeps fucking around? In my openion that this is the beginning of the end. These women needs punishment, and old times will return. Life is a circle and the chakra will return with furious altitude. I sincerely pray that this Author needs to suffer memory loss and lose everything in life for projecting and destroying good men in the story and God know how many she would have destroyed.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Why the hell Men want to keep on talking to their EX? They should avoid them like plague and HIV. Men in this Author's stories are projected as very weak. Misandrist author.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Seems like a justification of previous story lines, her arrogance and attitude made reconciliation impossible.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I don't know if this's your way of making the man a schmuck, & a stupid one at that, or just trying to write a different type of story. I say that after reading some of your stories, tho some were quite interestingly good. Having said that, if you wanted to make this guy into a raging idiot, you succeeded, & I couldn't agree with you more.

OK, the wife's absolutely wrong. She held a grievance with her husband on several issues & didn't talk to him. After 17yrs of marriage, you don't know how to talk to your spouse? Bullshit. She liked the illicitness, etc. of the affair more than she admitted.

Still, when she told him, he's angry, which's to be expected. But after a time, talk & find a way to heal the wound. He's every bit as the cause of the marriage sliding as his wife was. Why couldn't he try counceling, either with or without a separation? At any point, he probably could've spoken to her to try to fix things; I'm sure she would've stopped, or at least slowed, going out with the other guys to work on her marriage.

However, I've to say that her new husband's a work. He doesn't care if she had an affair or will have one while married? It's only sex? One point not stated by the ex husband is that there shouldn't be "only sex" in a marriage; sex is the most intimate thing, a show of one's love for the other.

I wonder if her having "only sex" with another man in the future will cause her to fall in love with that other man, or take it where the permissive husband doesn't want it to go.

Did the 1st husband make the right choice? While she's wrong in having the affair, she also said it's stopped & wanted to work on the marriage, now that they talked. Should've happened long ago before the affair. But was the husband right in divorcing without trying to save the marriage? Fuck no!! (I'd feel differently if he wasn't so much at fault also.) 3 stars - for the writing. Bob

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

This is somehow Saddletramp backwarts. Not the prepared ambush by the cheaters that goes miraculously wrong for them and everything falls into place for the poor victim. This is the unrepentant cheater getting everything and coming out on top. No real remorse, not sorry, no prize to pay, she even knows what she did is terribly wrong, but she never really tries to make it right, and still she gets a better life and is all the better for her betrayal. We all know that's how life works sometimes but it sure is hard to like. Cagivagurl is an excellent writer and clearly knows what she's doing. She makes the woman the perpetrator with very few likable attributes and we all see that. And then she dangles her success through betrayal right in our faces.

HOW the story is written is as excellent as ever. WHAT is written.. not so much. But I guess the controversy is the intention. I just wish women wouldn't be portrayed as abusive and manipulative that much. We aren't all like that. We aren't all the perfect fantasy wives either. But this story is pushing it. I like sex well enough but to forget your family for it, even if your husband needs to step up and is somewhat reluctant to change? That wouldn't be me. Just try harder, Aria. Or at all.

Somehow I think Sel would have told others the reason. The man who says "war feels good" would have used the truth. When he said that there was some fight in him. Somehow that's gone at the end. Aria didn't even acknowledge the consequences of her actions, her betrayal. If you love someone for more than 17 years you wouldn't just go lalala and leave your husband to misery when it was your betrayal that caused it. You need to distance yourself from your husband to do it that easily. There can't be much love left. So yes, in the end, he did the right thing. She doesn't love him, and she simply doesn't care. It's fully her way or nothing. Would he be happier as one of four or five men in her life and her bed? I think not. So he may not be happy as of right now. But it is better than the alternative.

That being said I like stories with a happier ending better. Not always the Hollywood Ever After but a hopeful note for the one being right. This doesn't even make you think. It just forces everything to go right for the wrong person.


AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago
Very selfish woman

No surprise that she moved on. She was going to do that anyways. Her guilt was transatory, at best. It was easy to see she was going to be alright no matter what happened.

It's always the frail male ego, huh? Sure, he's damaged. SHE DAMAGED HIM! But he still has his integrity and sometimes the choice and the consequences to keep that integrity down right sucks! Aperson has to do what's right for them and live with it.

He also needs to put on his big boy pants and move on. If he wants to hurt the bitch? Get a better woman. She doesn't need to be tenyears younger and hotter. She just needs to be a loving loyal spouse who will put him first. A life lived well is the best revenge.

The current huband is a fool. Will he feel the same way when she cheats on him? It is inevitable ya know. How many men with an actual spine will say what he did? "You divorced her just because of sex?" I guess he's OK with other men being cheated on.

How would the wife behaved if her husband had a mid-life crisis and had the affair?

Buster2UBuster2U6 months ago

When My #2 wife had me served it really broke my heart. But then when she stopped by my work maybe a year later, just to "say hit" so me and my Buddie took her to a motel for sex it was GREAT! Cheating on her New Husband, like she did on me with her current hubby while she was married to me. That was so SWEET! 10 big Blazing stars. Buster2U

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I didn't like this story and I usually like this author's stories. It would have been okay to try and save the long term marriage, there was obviously something to build on if he could get past the cheating. But if his belief was something he couldn't ever get past, he would have moved on, changed his life and sure as shit wouldn't have had anything to do with the slut. The guy who becomes a hermit, is the guy who doesn't have options to fix things and wallows in the sadness. If his beliefs were set and he felt it was the only decision, she would have been a memory, but his new life was just beginning.

sdoc9612sdoc96126 months ago

Well it depends on what you can live with. Trust is a biggie for a relationship. She seems arrogant when telling about the affair. But she screwed up in the communication department. If you are not honest with your partner then what good is the relationship. Once you have exhausted all avenues to get the relationship back on track then what do you do? Have an affair or divorce? What if they have a medical condition that hurts the sexual part of the relationship? Is it ok the screw around then? Oh so many questions. Men are not the same as women. Men don’t get hit on like women do. Women can get a guy anytime they want. Men are seen as a dirty old man or a pervert if they were to act like women do. Sad but true. So in the end what to do. Accept her running around and get seconds/leftovers or kick her out. Tough decision to make.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I’ll never read another story of yours again. All the same. No woman ever did anything wrong. I am not a woman hater or a BTB lover, but at least let’s have reality instead of the overused, invalid “fragile male ego” crap.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I always look forward to a Cagivagurl tale — most are provocative, unusual, thought-provoking. One of the great frustrations with stories in the LW category is how the cheating woman stagnates after her husband divorces her. Completely unrealistic and also uninteresting. Trauma changes people for sure, but they still grow as their lives progress. Cagivagurl’s best stories (like “Holiday Hammer Blow”, “Marriage, Divorce, Life” ,”He Used to Be My Idol”) show the growth from both partners using the affair as a starting point for the rest of their lives. This story has the affair catalyzing the cheating wife’s life but leaves the protagonist an unbelievable lump after the divorce. He might have fared badly in comparison, but he would have done something. No one goes home to an apartment every night of their life for twenty or thirty or forty years. This story didn’t land for me; it just wasn’t compelling or interesting.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

You are a very good writer but you use fragile male ego like a magic wand. Its not ego, its a belief system that is part of you. There is right and wrong, what people will accept and what they won't. She just kept trying out ducks until she found some that went along with what she thought was ok. When her ex husband cheats on her and says its ok we can work it out let's see what she says then.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

You have no clue about how a man thinks. Every one of your stories is the same story, just re-written. You are worse than bad; you are boring.

inka2222inka22226 months ago

Pro-cheating propaganda, not even good writing. 2 stars, and only that because at theast the daughter didn't take sides against him automatically. Otherwise would have been 1 star

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Author stayed true to their style where the woman gets wet she wants and comes out on top and the guy always loses.

As written he had to divorce based on his character and could not continue to be a FWB to a slut.

GardenshedGardenshed6 months ago

Well written, very thought provoking. To me it looked like communication stopped between Aria and Sal years before she cheated on him. Aria didn’t seem remorseful about the affair. Totally agree with Sal of her braking vows. He couldn’t and wouldn’t be a Cuckhold. They should have went to counseling, but Sal had already given up. Not to mention that Sal was too embarrassed to tell the family the real truth about their breakup. Maybe it would have helped Sal get on his feet again. Very sad ending, but if you don’t have your integrity life is not worth living.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Ibuguser said all that's needed

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

No. You made the wrong decision. Now you have no-one and are miserable. You were also part of the problem in the first place. Complacency is a bad thing!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I usually like your stories, indeed very much so. This one is a bit difficult for me. I would have liked the woman to be less shallow, less formulaic (e.g. "stupid male ego") in the way of typical LW characters.

Both characters are a bit flat, but the story is relatively short, so that's kind of understandable.

I understand grieve, and that it takes much longer for the man to overcome his depression over her betrayal AND her lack of true remorse. I see no real empathy or willingness to change on her part. He on the other hand still has not realized intellectually, how shallow his wife is/has become. From my POV he made the right decision, but he needs to understand himself better.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

5 stars.

But it made me depressed. I have no idea what the right choice was. If she had talked to him first maybe things could have been solved. It sounds like he had sunk into a depression even before her affair. Im not a BTB type guy but I do think an. emotional and/or physical affair is a one-and-done deal breaker.

Her use of the 'fragile male ego' nonsense didn't bode well for a future with her either. She didn't seem to understand the depth of her betrayal. But he ended up so miserable.

Can we get a part 2? I think he deserves a happy ending too. Maybe he and Aria find each other again. But Id love to see how the story continues in a part 2!

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

“It just happened “ Cagi female character!

“Male ego” Cagi female character!

These are constants in Cagi stories.

Question: Will her new husband be there when she is sick, ill or incapacitated by age asI believe her first husband would ; the guy with ego problems?

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Enjoyed the sad story...and yes, for him it was the right choice....

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Maybe if he kept her I'm a cage to restrict her access to duck, and got her to accept a one sided open marriage she can then talk about ego, prove, and being sorry. She felt nothing and learned nothing.

He's way better off without such a wretched creature, but he's to blame for his isolation. He could have easily bounced back. That's on him. Everyone trying to make him feel bad about cutting out her toxic ass is toxic themselves

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

After a couple disappointing stories by Cagivagurl, I began ignoring her new offerings. But I decided to take another shot with this one. Still disappointing. Two stars, pushing three


AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Cagivagurl is nothing if not consistent. Another story rehashing a whore cheats on faithful hubby and then divorce, Wife becomes a whore and it is glorious and hubby is depressed and never moves on. Then hubby regrets staying true to his wedding vows and his integrity. This author REALLY hates men!!! 1 star.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Ok, I think I found the right answer...imo lol

I do feel the story glorifies cheating, or at least doesnt view it as the unforgivable sin I personally think it is. I think the fact that she chose sharing her body with another man instead of talking to her--admittedly stunted, and apathetic--husband, and the relative ease with which she just started fucking other people then remarried shows she didn't view him as a soulmate. If she did regard him as the love of her life she would have slapped him in the face as hard as possible to wake him up, to make him understand what she was feeling--BEFORE ever cheating.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

CAG just loves to tweak the LDM’s noses and the usual suspects didn’t disappoint! You know the ones that hate what she writes but never miss one of her stories

60022Mallard60022Mallard6 months ago

As she owned up he could have reconciled, BUT, given her subsequent seemingly rampant libido could the MC have kept her happy?

mako64mmako64m6 months ago

Nice, story, of course i wish another outcome, but it is a good one. Some guys can forgive, some cannot. It is life. I think her second husband is happy with her and their bond stronger, good for them. If you cannot handle disappointment dont go in a relationship.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

If ever there was a story about two people growing apart, this is it. I think he got old, and she didn’t. He should see about some serious counseling and get back in the game, like she did. Well written, but I didn’t love it.

HighBrowHighBrow6 months ago

Justified? If adultery doesn’t justify it, what would? He knew where she was headed and had no wish to accompany her on her “journey”. It’s not easy, that’s why it takes a man to do the right thing. Of course, she’s happy. She’s a slut and she married a slut. This is what she wanted all along. He is the victim.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago


'Seems like a backhanded plea to excuse adultery.'

Of course it does. Practically every story that the author writes, if it's not an RAAC, it's rumination on how big a mistake the husband makes at not staying together with his wayward spouse. If you're looking for stories about betrayed spouses that have more self-respect, look elsewhere.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Not your best work. Needs sex and needs an ending.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Same usual line: unbelievable femdom fetish-cuck fantasy. Once in a while while not put a male brain in the head of these sheep brainless husbands ?

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

his choice painful but correct. her choice best for her and the new morality. she would have continued to fuck again and again anything with a dick. "its just sex"

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Aria cheated for a reason, and she was clear about it. She was sorry, guilty, and wanted to work on those reasons with Sal. This author did a great job of exploring what happens when a man is immature, rigid, moralistic, unwilling to forgive, and unwilling to admit he is wrong, Yes, Aria was absolutely wrong to do what she did, but Sal was absolutely wrong not to forgive. Yeah, “forsake all others”, but he selectively ignored “for better or worse”, which is truly the core of the marriage vow. Too bad he was so self-destructive - yes, you heard me, SELF-destructive - Aria was willing to do whatever it would take (for better or worse, with commitment to the marriage) but Sal could not bring himself to work on his marriage (i.e., for “better” only, thus HE broke his vow) and he paid the price. Integrity? Bullshit! He could not handle the “for worse”, and he forsook his wife when she needed him most, thus breaking his vow in a second way. So he paid the price. Good for cagivagurl for following through correctly and letting the outcome reveal snd reflect Sal’s immaturity. Her new husband was exactly right: Sal made a horrible and stupid mistake for the sake of childish pride, while Aria learned and grew and married a far more mature man who could love appreciate her despite her history of human frailty (for better or worse). Well done, cagivagurl!

luverlybubblyluverlybubbly6 months ago

who would want to stay married to this woman, she has no self respect, as forrest said life is like a box of chocolates, you never what you going to get, take your pick aids or the clap

LanmandragonLanmandragon6 months ago

The husband is remarkably self-righteous - quite obviously the marriage was in trouble and whilst her having an affair wasn’t particularly helpful, its seems to have been more a wakeup call than anything else. Admittedly I am European and see things a little more in grey shades than black and white.

Nonetheless, the ending of the story makes it very clear, the husband has very successfully crucified himself.

HankWTullamoreHankWTullamore6 months ago

Amazing how much blame the victim is going on here in the comments.

JimmyThePlungerJimmyThePlunger6 months ago

Wow, you've certainly got a lot of reaction for that one.

Firstly I enjoyed it and wasn't quite sure quite how it would end, I do get why some are saying it needed a more definitive ending, but for me it has ended perfectly well.

For her: she did it, had teh affair, felt guilty and spilled the beans. When he rejected every effort to rebuild something she moved on, rebuilt her life after a short depression after divorce and built a life for herself, doing the things she wanted to do with him, getting some LIFE in her life and eventually meeting a guy to marry with a greater regard for her personality that strictly her morality.

For him: he was hurt by her admission, couldn't ever conceive of getting past it, couldn't get any joy in his life, became a sad sack essentially, and after meeting her second husband belately seems to question if he was an idiot.

I saw one comment from someone describing themselves as European and that They/We see things no just in black and white. A lot of truth in that, albeit a generalisation, still lots of stuffed shirts in most countries, however, though I'm 40 plus years into my first marriage, I think I have the wisdom of many decades behind me to see that you don't always do yourself a favour by rigidity and not having the ability to forgive, albeit forgetting is much harder. It should always depend on the individual circumstances - always.

In this case, poor old Selwyn would have done himself a favour by at least being open to a proper discussion rather than his instant declaration that divorce was the only answer.

Good story, well done, thank you.

HankWTullamoreHankWTullamore6 months ago

Yep, re-read caviagurl's latest misandry, the adultress exhibited no care for her husband, just the usual "get over it, or you lose my magic pussy."

Standard fare for CG

cyendreycyendrey6 months ago

Well written but the story itself was disappointing. The MC displays signs of depression from start of the story, which only worsens. There was a potential story of intervention by his wife or other family to get the help his behavior is crying for before he takes his own life. But reading elsewhere, it seems likely the government health system would recommend euthanasia for him instead. So maybe this story fits into that. IDK.

deadonedeadone6 months ago

God, I am so sick and tired of the old "weak male ego" of "stupid male pride" troupe! Let's see Aria extol how proud she is of Sal fucking the little secretary at work or "You know Trevor is fucking that little redhead with big tatas every time he goes on a 'business trip'." Strange how if a guy so much as LOOKS at another woman there is hell to pay. But women have such strong and resilient egos.

At least she is now married to a ready, willing, and happy cuckold.

Wonder if Trev would mind if Sal has a quick fuck slut Aria, while Trev waits.

technofrog2002technofrog20026 months ago

That was an awfully depressing story. I’m not sure which character was more despicable the husband or the wife.

Rocky62Rocky626 months ago

Maybe he over reacted, she did wrong and came clean and least explained why. He coulda seen his contributions to her actions but refused. And he clearly seems to pine for her

Hooked1957Hooked19576 months ago

Incredibly thought-provoking and well-written. A comment storm!


Chimo1961Chimo19616 months ago

She was an unrepentant whore. He did the right thing, except he didn’t move on.

eh9198eh91986 months ago

Very nicely written. Yes, he made the right decision. She was never remorseful, and even years later loved rubbing his nose in her multitudinous liaisons.

Few things push my button more than the “stupid male ego/pride” quip. It’s not just the sex (and it’s NEVER “just” sex); it’s the betrayal, the lies, and the thousands of little decisions one makes in order to engage in an affair.

Mind you, this is not an attack on you or your story, but a response to the greater questioned posed at the end of the story and the larger conversations these types of stories seem to engender.

I think some more time could have been paid to the immeasurable suffering, pain, and heartbreak that her cheating caused the husband. It destroys a man, utterly.

CaOldDogCaOldDog6 months ago

Well written but flawed in the human in the human relationship department. I guess you write to help women independence or something like that but, to me a cheater in a relationship is a problem. You try your best to justify her cheating but , you failed and for that I give you a 1 star which you will probably delete. Thats your projective after al this is a free story but, I feel sorry for your mental state.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc6 months ago

Sorry to see the lower scores, but in no way do he accurately portray the excellence of the story. There are several components that most of the married (and divorced) readers can relate to. We may not want to relive them, but this story was very “real”. 4.5*

dc6370dc63706 months ago

I'm not surprised by the low scores. You didn't follow the LW rules. Your story pretty much followed the reality of someone who lost the love of his life. Great story. Keep being you.5*

FreeAmericanPatriotFreeAmericanPatriot6 months ago

She is not going to slow down until she has 3 or 4 types of VD. Hope the daughter doesn't take after her.

njlaurennjlauren6 months ago

I usually like your stories but this one was a downer. He comes off as this stick in the mud who is so bound in his world of misery he can't see beyond it. She made a mistake he wallows in it.

She isn't perfect, she admits she screwed up , she tries, but then she derides his male ego. He never even tries to sort out his feelings, never allows himself to admit he still loves her.

So he gets divorces and what does he do? He wallows in it, admits he misses Aria , but doesn't entertain even the idea of reconciliation. He talks about integrity, yet he doesn't have integrity with himself, can't admit he may be hurting himself bc he clings to the idea he was wronged.

The old question, am I better off with her or without her says it is obvious he is miserable both ways, but with her there was a chance for happiness if he just tried. He literally does nothing to help himself be happy post divorce& doesnt do anything to try w Aria. He basically enjoys being miserable& it is his own doing.

StormXStormX6 months ago

I enjoy the typical Cagivagurl story and this was no exception. I like her writing.

This story did hit a couple if stereotypes that I, like other commenters, seem a bit anti-male. Specically (1) it's the the male ego, (2) so the wife cheats, hubby NEEDS to just get over it and the wife has no reason to repent nor is there an expectation that the wife commit to changing any beviours but the wife DEMANDS Hubby must change, and (3) the wife is perfect, ie makes it rain money, a great home maker, mother and gourmet chef, topped with an unlimited libido and the willingness to extend the boundaries of known sexuality and all deviancies along with fearlessness and physicality to make each new experience greater than the last. in other words her first anall gangbang was accomplished without, any nervousness, fear, anxieties, pain or mess.

Ok I understand it's the writers's world and in loving wives reality IS NOT a prerequisite or even needed, But the author usually handles these cliches better. The wife destroying her marriage because of a rediscovered love of sex ... Believable. And if she was attractive, she probably had male harem vastly exceeding 4 . Seriously, her primary need was sex so why not.. That said, the wife really wasn't the focus of story. No the story was about a dull, boring male A man who was trapped in his work, sleep rut. A man without the wisdom to see his wife's betrayal as a przed sexual gift offered to him by his wife . A wife who had worked hard and deligenty train her pussy with her lover's tutelage.

This where the story broke down for me. If heubby was strong enough to walk away from his wife because of her betrayal, why is too weak to move on with. His life. Or if he was miserable because he realized he made a stupid decision and her pussy indeed had the golden fleece, then why would refuse the offer to get back together. If the author suggested he was too ugly, fat or poor to get laid or find another woman I could buy it. If she had walked away, I could accept. But he made the decision and I seldom see someone who walked away sink into oblivian. They may give up on marriage, they may even give up on woman, but they don't give up on life.

But hey, that's my opinion and wirth what you paid me,

Thanks for the story and if you keep writing I'll keep reading.

onlythelonelyloveonlythelonelylove6 months ago

Yes. Sorry. No remorse. No effort to talk first. And it’s his fault. She destroyed him and she pouts that he can’t get his life back together. And her new husband… what a twat. Sorry, but no. He will find someone but he is more sensitive than his ex. And sensitive people take a while to overcome heartbreak and betrayals. She can rationalize it as a “mistake” and “about male ego” but she is unwilling to look at it from his perspective. The ego comment is proof of that. She may love him; it’s the way that we love our pets. They are not our equals, but we love them, even if we leave them for the day to play with other dogs. But a dog knows…

vazkor13vazkor136 months ago

@stormx : perfect analysis exactly my thoughts.

management91399management913996 months ago

The husband has some serious emotional issues happening, perhaps with the loss of his sex drive something physical as well, wife has an affair and does try a bit to reconcile with him but not too seriously. She never tried to get him to a psychiatrist or a medical doctor and then after he's jettisoned every time she sees him afterward its another kick in the crotch for him. If she had any compassion at all she could have at least given him the suicide hotline phone number.

PS the 2nd husband having an emasculating brag in his face at the end was the cherry on top. Makes me wonder if our MC did anything worthwhile for this family in the 17 years they were married, besides his young sex drive nothing else seemed worth mentioning.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Its clever writing but i dont know why you continued to drag your mc down, what you were saying is that a woman should have affairs without restraint. It sounds like your own opinion but thats fine if your honest up front. In this story its deceit and you glorified it. All in all i wont read your work again.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The story was written to make a point. In our society, no matter the reason, the man loses most of the time. Given the personality of the husband as you wrote him, it was the only possible outcome. She is going to live her life making the best of it and remarry because she is simply that kind of person. He is going to be a lonely, bitter man because he had turned into that before she had the affair. Now, do I think she handled it correctly, having an affair rather than talking to him about it. No! But, I suspect she knew deep down that he wasn't going to change and that talking was futile. Maybe she had the affair to shock him, maybe she knew it didn't matter?

I can sympathize with the husband because I got divorced after 18 years of marriage. Did everything go according to this story, No again! I eventually dated and get remarried and have been for a long time. Sometimes people just grow apart and nothing can save the marriage unless they decide just to live with each other till death do them part.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Thanks for the story. I had a bad day and really needed some cheering up.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Another boiling the frog story. Yes he was right.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

He made the right choice, who but a cuck would want a cheating whore of a wife. And her new husband is a cuck, no doubt about it. She's a great cook and house keeper, really, that's what a marriage is all about and adultery is just a side line one lives with?

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The cucks seems to be all about forgiveness. Got to love the comments, you can pick them out so easily.

deependerdeepender6 months ago

Yes, you did make the right choice. The one who made the wrong choice, as she does time after time, is the author. She insists upon attempting to prove that no wife can possibly be a cheater because marriage is wrong: anachronistic, too limiting, blocking the advance of human society. Because marriage is wrong, cheating is a positive thing: an act of modernization, a breach in the wall, a foray into the brave new world of the feminist ideal. All of her stories are based upon this one point of view. You can tell that it is a wrong view because it is short-sighted. One should not champion the destruction of a time-honored structure without suggesting an alternative, something to take its place. It is time honored because something needs to be there. The alternative for this author is a sexual free-for-all where anything goes. She is perfectly willing to sacrifice all children, all families, all males, all of society on the altar of feminist victory.

BigfundrewBigfundrew6 months ago

No one is likable here. She's unrepentant and dismissive and he gives up. However, she certainly doesnt fight for the relationship, either.

It's not too hard to predict the future of her new marriage.

Anita71Anita716 months ago

Yes, I thought so, what about the next time she is traveling? and is horny.

This story deserves 5 stars, another well written story

EightyThousandEightyFiveEightyThousandEightyFive6 months ago

I vastly prefer reconciliation to BTB, so this wasn’t the worst, but I feel like there was more story here. As in, her very minimum contriteness masked an unconscious desire for divorce on her part, but guilt prompted her to give a half-hearted offer of effort to fix the marriage. Eh, just my two cents.

Simon_MastersSimon_Masters6 months ago

I would not have accepted her infidelity, I'm not even sure I would have carried on, but suffering mental illness probably means I'd cave in.

TonyspencerTonyspencer6 months ago

He was right to let her go, she had already left him.

SyzyguySyzyguy6 months ago

Sad seeing him fail to move on enough to find a new relationship. However, it was good to see a story where the guy didn't have everything go wonderfully well. I think it's the loss of trust that destroyed their marriage - and I doubt that it would have lasted much longer even if she had kept quiet about the affair. Thank you for posting it.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I think, sadly, he was right. She destroyed his trust. You just can't have a solid relationship without it. I don't think he had much choice.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Well, absolutely loved the story. I loved the way Aria came out with the whole gamut of emotions of the affair. She wanted to feel good about herself and was willing to try to fix the marriage. All Sal had to do was ask for an STD test but he was not going to budge one millimeter. He could not see what happened to the marriage. He could not see that Aria was more than willing to make things right again. Sal deserves to come home to an empty house. There is a big difference when a wife has an affair and rubs it in everyone's nose. That person deserves the BTB brand. When the wife exhibits true remorse and is willing to do anything to get the marriage back on track, there is room to reconcile. I won't go into anymore verbage as there are a lot of others that have already expressed their thoughts about how badly Sal screwed up.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Yep, absolutely the right choice. Whores will be whores, don't sweat it... move on and find a good woman.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Well, the story line was only a slight variation from the usual Cagivagurl "she cheated" template, but I applaud actual variation. Still, the story line was the typical husband suffers while the cheating wife thrives, just with the "she found somebody better" bit that usually is found in the "he cheated" template thrown in rather than a RAAC.

That said, the writing was not up to the Cagivagulr standard, which makes this a double failure.

Rolando1225Rolando12256 months ago

Why does have the cheating wife to get remarried if they don’t care about being faithful to each other or raising a family together. Oh, yes, to be secretly a whore and fool the society with appearances. Hypocrites. Life doesn't stop, even though CG leaves the ex-husband bitter and alone. It's better to be alone than in bad company. She was hit by the Martian Slut Ray and it's a matter of time until she gets her due with Chlamydia, or Herpes, or Syphilis, or HIV, or a combination of all the above. Each has his/her own moral compass. I won’t stay or get married to a whore regardless how good she looks or how good she is at sex.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

@Anonymous' comment: "I think he got old, and she didn’t." Maybe as he grew up she became childish. A deal is a deal and when she didn't keep up her end of the bargain the deal became void. Divorce is just the public cancellation of the contract. Why so many commentators feel that a person, whose contract has been willfully broken by the other party, should feel any obligation to renegotiate is a mystery. The antique notion of Noblesse Oblige perhaps? That went out with Queen Victoria. 5 stars for an interesting and well written story! Better that the MC five finger it than to remain and validate her ticket to cheat.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Isn't it clear to any of you morons here based on her behavior right after the divorce and her attitude about having all of those fuck buddies?

There was no way she was going to ever be faithful to him ever again.

Let's translate what she said about discovering so much about herself and that she likes sex more now than she ever did before. And she's willing to try anything in their sex life going forward.

That's code for...hey honey. I found out I like strange dick. Let's be swingers and fuck other people. I like sex...and you don't always satisfy me.

He made the right decision. No question. If he would have stayed with this liar. And cheater? 6 months down the road she'd have been pushing him to be a cuck...or to go along with swinging.

Let's just admit...there was a slut in the making. She just didn't want to lose Sal as a fall back of sorts...and she didn't like keeping the secret. But she definitely was going to keep fucking strange dick just as soon as she got Sal on board.

There was definitely only a lot more acute pain in his future if he stayed with that whore.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

I've run 2 wives off for cheating , and another for just being a spoiled bitch . So yeah , I agree with what you did .

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

And to answer the question: yes he made the right choice. But he needs therapy. Now write a sequel where he gets help and finds happiness, gurl.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Why does this woman think integrity is a bad thing. Oh, I know…because she doesn’t have any.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

You made Sal's life so fucked up, I thought you you were going to have him commit suicide!

I least at the end of the story you could have at least have Sal getting Physiological help.

Or have Sal ask Aria since it was alright to cheat on him, would she have sex with Sal now and cheat on Trev!

An have Avia explain it.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

This is another the husband is at fault story.....

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