Cougars and Cubs


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"I love you both," Matthew whispered, the warm breath, accompanying his soft words, caressing Sarah's wet facial features. "I love you both so much. I've been dreaming about this, about doing this with you and Aunty Erika."

"We know, darling," Erika whispered, moving over him as he turned and lay on his back. "Your mom and I used to listen to you late at night, talking to us in your sleep, while you made love to us in your dreams."

"We love you too, Matt-honey," Sarah softly added.

"I really should get some sleep," Erika whispered, caressing Matthew's ears and gazing down into his lively eyes, "but I could still do with some more. What do you think, Sarah?"

"Uh huh, definitely," Sarah stated, kissing her son's forehead before continuing. "I'm up for more. What about you, Matt?"

"Yeah, yeah, definitely, absolutely, but can we not use the handcuffs, the code of silence and the blindfold this time?"

The two women burst into laughter.

"Awww, that's not very fair, Matt-baby," Sarah stated loudly, "your aunt and I enjoyed tying you up and blindfolding you, young man!"

There was more laughter from the three of them and then they settled. The sex continued.

The sound of Matthew, on top of his mom and his aunt, fucking their wet, hot bodies hard and coming inside them over and over again while the two women gasped, groaned, laughed and urged him on continued well into the afternoon, behind the closed door of his mother's overheated bedroom.



Jason changed gears. He pressed down on the accelerator. He cruised along the quiet suburban street in his four wheel drive. He rotated the steering wheel with his large hands. His vehicle obeyed his instructions. The four wheel drive made an abrupt right hand turn. Jason reduced the pressure on the accelerator after he made his turn. His family car slowed to a crawl as he drove along the street within which his childhood home lay.

Jason felt unreal. He marveled at his surroundings. The whole suburb looked strange, especially this narrow street he had grown up in. He tried to calculate an exact date, but couldn't remember precisely how long it had been since he was last here.

"Twenty years," Jason quietly speculated. "It must be about twenty years since I last came home."

What a transformation, Jason thought, casting his mind back twenty years into the distant past. He had climbed into his second hand car, with all his things stuffed into four suitcases and driven away to college. Now, he was returning home, twenty years later as a mature married man, the father of two children and a successful business owner. He had left with a fervent desire to make good and he was returning to his old childhood home having done just that.

So many memories flooded Jason's mind and haunted him as he brought his four wheel drive to a halt outside the house his mother, his aunt and his younger brother shared. He grabbed the handbrake and tore it back. He reached out and turned the key in the ignition. The rumbling vehicle lapsed into a deafening silence. Jason slumped back in his seat. He closed his eyes. He inhaled deeply and exhaled deeply. He occasionally spoke to his mother, his Aunty Erika and Matthew on the phone. The three of them attended Jason's wedding and a few other big social occasions in the past, but Jason hadn't been back here in twenty years. He hadn't seen inside his old childhood home in two decades. He hadn't seen his mom, his aunt and his younger brother in years either.

For a mad irrational moment, Jason felt like starting the four wheel drive, making a quick three-point turn and then just keep driving home. For a split second, Jason wondered why he had agreed to drive the four hundred miles from his home in the northwest to come here. The official reason: it was Matthew's 40th birthday today and there was going to be a small family celebration. The real reason: Jason suddenly, desperately craved his mother and his Aunty Erika. He needed to see them. He wanted to look them in the eyes. He wanted to hold them in his arms and kiss their lips. He wanted to see his mom's bedroom again. He wanted to fuck them senseless. His real reasons for driving the four hundred miles were surely insane, he reasoned, as he drove there nonetheless.

"Oh my God," Jason whispered, slowly opening his eyes and staring straight ahead, with a hard uncomfortable bulge in his jeans. "What the hell am I doing here? I shouldn't have come here without Jen. I wish I was smarter. I wish I could just drive this craziness from my mind once and for all."

Jenny, Jason's wife, had suggested she and their two children accompany Jason on the long drive. Jason had gently kissed his wife and tenderly refused her sensible offer. Jason could have sent his brother a card and a gift, through the mail, as he usually did when Matt's birthday rolled around, but for some reason which Jason couldn't understand at the time he wanted to drive the four hundred miles from one state to another and actually see his younger brother. It wasn't until he was on the road and on his way there that he realized with shocking clarity that he wanted to take Sarah and Erika to bed.

With another deep breath, Jason adjusted his hard prick so it was more comfortable and less obvious. He sat up. He blinked multiple times. He reached out, took the driver's side door handle in his grip, opened the four wheel drive and stepped out of his vehicle.

"Okay," Jason muttered, closing the driver's side door, opening the back door, reaching in and picking up the birthday card and brightly wrapped birthday present he had bought for his brother on the journey there.

Jason also picked up the ice box cooler which contained two bottles of white wine, some cold chicken and ham and some other bits and pieces. He pushed the back door closed with his shoulder and arm. He stepped back from the family car. He held out his key and clicked the button. The windows soundlessly slid up and the door locks snapped shut. The four wheel drive was now secured.

The brick veneer, two story home, looked entirely strange as Jason walked around his four wheel drive, crossed the strip of grass separating the silent street from the footpath. Jason stepped onto the driveway. He stopped for a brief moment and ran his eyes around the front lawn. The grass looked neat and cut. The garden beds looked cheerful, but overgrown. The shrubs weren't well kept, but the rows of flowers were in riotous bloom.

The house itself looked worse for wear. The eaves, the gutters and the downpipes all needed painting. The large windows looked dusty and grimy. The home was situated near the sea. It wasn't unusual to be woken late at night by the howl and the boom of a gale coming in off the ocean and hitting the house. It wasn't unusual for the windows to rattle and the roof to creak. Clearly the house was losing its fight against the elements.

"Okay," Jason repeated, starting to walk again.

Jason trod up the steps. He walked across the front porch. He carefully put his things down and knocked on the front door. He waited. His heart was pounding in his chest. His cock was rock hard. The cool sea breeze gently stirred his hair as it suddenly arrived. Jason waited. He closed his eyes. He inhaled. His hands shook. There was no sound coming from inside the house. He abruptly turned. He looked across the street and ran his eyes over the parkland opposite the house. For a moment, he remembered that scene from his past. He recalled running that misty morning before school. He pictured that fateful day when he entered Gina's property, knocked on her front door and made love to her for the first time all those years ago.

For a moment, Jason wanted to run, but he had come all this way. He turned back to the front door. He knocked again. He rapped harder this time. He waited and then he heard the soft shuffle of approaching footsteps behind the closed door before him. The front door was unlocked, from the inside, with a series of sharp clicks. The door swung back a few heart pounding moments later. Sarah was standing there, watching him with a soft smile.

"Hi Jase-honey," Sarah whispered, watching him pick up his things and grin at her, "welcome home."

"Hiya mom," Jason replied, feeling off centre and suddenly all at odds with himself.

Jason's mother was just as beautiful as he remembered. Her long, dark red hair was now short and silver. She seemed to be shorter than he remembered. Her body was slim. Her skin was tanned. Her eyes were large and blue. Her lips were glossy and inviting. Her face was more lined than he recalled, but the fine creases only seemed to add to her lovely features. Jason couldn't say anything further for a moment. He was entranced. Sarah slowly looked him over. She ran her gaze over him. Her light, beautiful eyes dropped to his crotch. She noticed the bulge there. She looked up at him. She smiled invitingly. She stepped to the side so her oldest son could enter.

"Come in, come in, my darling," Sarah whispered as Jason walked across the threshold and then turned to his mother as she suspiciously peered around the neighborhood, closed the front door and locked it.

Jason took a moment to consider his surroundings as he put his things down again. The interior of the house hadn't changed at all. Neither Matthew, nor Sarah, nor Erika had made any alterations at all to the décor. The same furniture sat in exactly the same spot. The curtains were the same. The carpet was the same. The space was merely neat and plain. It was all so mundane. It was all so, so dreary. It all made perfect sense to Jason though. Everything made sense. The cheerful, modest looking front yard took little effort to maintain. The living room Jason was standing in required little energy to keep clean and organized. The three occupants of this house had no interest in doing anything new with their home. The three of them had other concerns.

Jason knew the occupants of this droll and merely neat looking home had only one interest. Matthew occasionally worked. His mother and his aunt were happily retired. Jason assumed correctly that they rarely socialized. Very few people, very few strangers, were allowed inside the house. They had no outside hobbies or passions. All their passions and hobbies took place within these four walls. All their passions and hobbies took place in the master bedroom behind closed doors. Jason suddenly began feeling claustrophobic. He sucked in the hot stale air being pumped out by the dusty noisy air conditioner. His head spun in the stuffy overly warm environment. The plainness, the dull orderliness of it all made him feel sick.

Jason softly jumped. His mother had silently stepped up behind him. She carefully ran her slim arms around him. She pressed her body up against his. Jason closed his eyes for a moment and softly sighed. He opened his eyes and turned to Sarah. She was silently looking Jason up and down. His cock was so hard. He ran an arm around his mom. He reached out and gently stroked her fine silver hair with his fingers. He leant in and softly kissed her scalp. He slowly inhaled her scent. He was so hungry for his 67 year old mother. He couldn't let her go.

"Is that our boy? Has he arrived," Jason heard his Aunty Erika call out from the kitchen. "Did I hear the front door? Did I hear his voice?"

"Yes, he's arrived, Erika," Sarah stated, her eyes locked on her son's eyes and her body glued to Jason's.

"It's about time," Erika softly said, walking out of the kitchen, stopping, noticing the way her nephew was pressed up against his mom, before smiling and then crossing the living room.

Jason turned his head. He softly gasped as he watched his 63 year old Aunty Erika approach. Her physical appearance had also been transformed, by the slow passing of years, in much the same way as her older sister's look had been. Erika had the same short, shining silver hair, the same slim shape and the same tanned well lined skin. Jason gazed down into his aunt's light eyes. His hard cock twitched. She parted her lips. Her eyes dropped to his crotch. She turned her head a moment later and looked at Sarah. The two sisters smiled knowingly at each other. Jason had finally come home to make love to them after years of being away.

"Is Matt here," Jason softly asked, blushing, grinning and scratching his head, while quickly running his eyes around the living room again.

"He's here," Erika whispered, sliding her arm around her nephew, stepping in closer, placing her hand on Jason's chest and looking up at him with a smile on her face. "He's upstairs getting dressed. We're running a bit late this morning. It's Matthew's 40th birthday today and none of us got much sleep last night."

"It was a big celebration, wasn't it, Erika," Sarah stated. "It was a great one night stand. Matthew was particularly impressive. He was hard all night."

Jason softly chuckled. He gazed down at his aunt and his mother's mouth.

"I bet it was a great one night stand," Jason whispered, his heart thumping. "I can't imagine any of you getting much shut eye, ever. I bet Matt went round after round with you two last night."

"He did," Sarah confirmed. "The two of us wore some sexy new lingerie to inspire him."

Jason gasped. The idea of his 67 year old mother and his 63 year old aunt dressed in sexy new lingerie took his breath away.

"Are you planning to stay the night, Jase-honey," Sarah whispered up at her son, leering at him. "It's an awful long drive back home."

"That's very true, Sarah," Erika softly stated, watching her nephew's mouth. "It's far too dangerous to drive back this afternoon. You don't want to fall asleep at the wheel, Jase - does he, Sarah?"

"No, definitely not," Sarah said. "I'm sure we can find you a nice warm place or two to enjoy tonight, son..."

"Uh huh, definitely, what do you say, darling," Erika whispered. "Do you think you could handle spending a night, under our roof, with the two of us, like you used to...?"

"I, ummm," Jason whispered, speaking quickly, completely at odds with himself, "I sort of promised Jen and the kids I would drive home after lunch and get back to them by dinner tonight."

"Must you, Jason," Sarah softly whined with complaint. "I'm sure Jennifer won't mind if you stay over."

"Yes, surely you can spend the night," Erika stated. "Surely your wife won't mind..."

"I agree, Erika," Sarah added, looking down at her son's hard cock. "Are you sure you want to leave straight after lunch, Jase. I think you're aching to sleep here tonight and drive out tomorrow morning."

"I, ummm," Jason repeated. "I really shouldn't stay over. I did tell Jen and the kids I would go after lunch."

The two women looked disappointed. Silence prevailed in the claustrophobic house for a moment. Jason softly sighed and closed his eyes as his beautiful mother and his beautiful aunt pressed their bodies up against his. Sarah softly smiled at Erika. Sarah turned back to Jason. She reached out and placed her slim hand on the large obvious bulge in her oldest son's crotch. Jason slowly opened his eyes. He sighed. His mom was leering up at him. His aunt was leering up at him.

"Oh my God, mom - you shouldn't do that."

"You haven't even given me a kiss yet, Jase-honey," Sarah whispered up at him, before softly parting her glossy looking lips and slowly running her tongue over them. "You haven't kissed your Aunty Erika yet either."

"Mom, I shouldn't, I mustn't," Jason softly hissed. "I'm not allowed. I shouldn't. Jen would..."

"Come here, Jase-honey and kiss your aunt and me. We know you're dying to, despite what you say."

Jason's hot breath burst in his mother's face. He licked his lips with the tip of his tongue. He reached out and slowly ran his fingers through her beautiful silver hair. He leant in and softly kissed Sarah's forehead He withdrew. Sarah waited. He finally lined up her mouth with his, as she licked her lips again, then he leant in and he did it.

Sarah reached up and stroked the side of her son's face as their mouths slipped and smacked sweetly together. Jason's incestuous desire for his mother burnt fiercely. He held her tight. He pushed his tongue inside her mouth. He wanted to strip her. He wanted to fuck her. He broke the kiss after a few hot passionate moments. Sarah stared at him with a mix of desire and triumph on her face.

"Now kiss your, Aunty Erika," Sarah directed her oldest, "and then you're going to call Jennifer and tell her you're spending the night here. Tell her you'll drive back tomorrow sometime. Tell her you may need to spend a few days here."

Erika smiled. She slowly licked her lips. Jason turned to his aunt. With a soft, hungry growl he leant in and kissed Erika on the mouth. She softly gasped and then sighed with pleasure. She slipped her tongue inside. She ran her hand under her sister's fingers and palm and over Jason's cock. She found the end of his zipper. She pulled it down. She then pressed her slim fingers inside her nephew's underwear. Jason gasped. He broke the passionate kiss. Erika was leering up at him. He stepped backwards. Erika stepped forward. She was squeezing and stroking him. He stepped backwards again and again. He bumped into a lounge chair. He groaned as his aunt stalked him. She seemed determined to make him cum in her hand.

"I've got you now, Jason," Aunty Erika whispered. "You're not going to run away from your mother and I this time. You're coming home and you're staying home for good."

"You're going to make love to your aunt and me tonight. You're going to fill our bodies with your penis tonight, son."

"Oh my God, Aunty Erika, oh my God, mom!"

"Look at me, young man, look at me, Jason, don't look away," Erika hissed, trying to hypnotize her nephew while her hand squelched and pumped in his pants. "You're going to divorce that woman and come home."

Sarah stepped forward. She was all set to kiss her oldest son again. Matthew's sudden appearance brought the crude incestuous seduction to an end. The spell was suddenly broken. Jason gasped with relief and embarrassment. He looked up as Matthew came down and walked out into the living room. Erika carefully pulled her hand out of Jason's underwear. Jason quickly zipped himself up.

"Hey, you finally arrived, It's about...," Matthew stated, before he abruptly fell silent, aware of what was going on.

There was a tense moment between the two brothers. The smile Matthew was wearing vanished. The younger brother watched with a jealous expression on his facial features. Their mother and their aunt were glued to his older brother. Their mom and their aunt were gazing up adoringly at Jason. He was still backed up into the lounge chair.

Jason instantly tore his form away from his clinging female relatives. Matthew watched him. Matthew considered him. Jason brushed past his mom and aunt. They suddenly both fumed.

"It's good to see you, Matt," Jason glibly stated, extending his hand as he quickly crossed the space, which separated him from his younger brother. "Happy 40th birthday, bud; Jen and the kids send you their love and said they're sorry they couldn't make it."

Matthew and Jason watched each other for a moment. Matthew had put on a few pounds. Matthew's face was more lined. It was so strange. It was so surreal. Jason felt distinctly unsettled and uncomfortable as he shook his younger brother's hand and looked at his familiar older face. Matthew's look of jealousy and suspicion slowly vanished.

"It's good to see you again, Jase," Matt finally whispered.

Jason studied his brother's face. There was a strange light in Matt's eyes. There was a weird expression on his face. There was a soft, slack, sleazy impression on Matthew's mouth. Jason recognized the glow and the look on his brother's features. Matt was a sex-addicted pervert. Matt was sex-obsessed. Matt was sex-hungry.